Stealing time

is back!

Since I can't go out, I feel idle and idle, relaxed but also boring. If you are bored, you have to find something to do. This is the so-called looking for trouble or making trouble.

The unchanging truth!

In the days of being banned, I have searched almost all the corners of Jiuye's house, except for Changluxuan, which is guarded almost all day long. I'm going to find the ninth brother's treasure place. I believe he must have a secret room or something to hide his treasure.

In order to find the treasure room, I got along with his concubines. Today, I went to Lang's house to learn embroidery, and tomorrow I went to Zhaojia's yard to play Tai Chi. I even went to Wanyan's place to discuss ** with her.

Generally speaking, I'm talking about it, and she looks indifferent, although the interest in her eyes betrays her.

Originally, she was the most favored concubine in the house. When I came, I was a little different from her, and there was even a tendency to surpass her. Naturally, she didn't like me. I can understand, so I don't care. I rubbed her house and yard with her eye knife.

As a result, I got nothing, but she thought I was going to get close to her. Originally, the name of my evil woman made her quite afraid of me, and she always respected me. But now, her attitude towards me has begun to be a little arrogant. It can be seen that for some people, you can't be too polite to him!

It's almost time to explore the house, and I can't go out. I'm almost depressed when I learn embroidery. It's better to practice professional skills in your spare time.

I came to the pond near the bamboo forest. The pond is now full of blooming hibiscus, and a delicate pink flower plant stands on a pool of green lotus leaves, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

I squatted by the pool and watched the colorful koi in the water playing between the lotus leaves and flower stems. Most of them were small fish, and the big fish I was looking for were hidden at the bottom of the water.

I broke the steamed bread in my hand, sprinkled some into the water, and soon attracted a group of fish to grab food. At first, they were all small fish, and slowly, they also attracted some big fish.

Big fish are constantly joining the ranks of grabbing food, and there are more and more big fish. Gradually, the big fish squeeze the small fish aside. But these are not what I want.

I sprinkled another handful of steamed buns, and the fish became restless. The fish that grabbed food stirred the surface of the water like boiling water, bubbling and purring. Seeing that the water is almost stirred by them, I spilled my trump card. It's a few vegetable worms.

The fish are even more crazy. But suddenly, as if they had received some order, the fish scattered around one after another, vacating the water with green insects floating in the middle.


I prepared the net in my hand and stared at the water. First, a large blister came out of the water, and then a huge red koi swaggered up from the water. Looking at its swimming posture, there was a wind of the king.

That's it, this golden carp.

This koi grew up in the pool in front of the Daxiong Treasure Hall of Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou. It is said that it grew up with the incense ash poured into the pond by the monks, and listened to the chants every day and bathed in the Buddha's light in the Daxiong Hall. It is extremely spiritual.

Only three koi grew up at the same time in the pool. In addition to it, there are also one all-black and one all-white. Three fish, three colors, each of which is a solid color, and there is no mottled all over the body, which is really amazing.

It is said that during the southern tour of Kangxi, they went to the Daxiong Treasure Hall of Lingyin Temple to enter the incense. These three fish once jumped out of the water at the same time, just like worship. Kangxi Longyan was very happy and called it a "spiritual object" that was hard to find.

For a while, these three spirit fish became famous, and people came to Lingyin Temple to ask for an invitation to take the spirit fish home to raise. Some people are even willing to pay a lot of money to buy a spirit fish back.

Because this fish is quite unusual, and he has seen the dragon face, and has been praised by the real dragon emperor himself, the abbot of Lingyin Temple dares not dispose of these fish casually. I'm afraid of blaspheming the Buddha's spiritual objects, and I'm afraid of making Kangxi Longyan unhappy, so I have never agreed to people's requests.

But people use all kinds of relationships and means to ask for a fish, which makes the abbot laugh and cry. Forced to be helpless, the abbot simply asked the monks in the temple to escort the fish to the capital and gave them to Kangxi as a gift for the Longevity Festival.

Kangxi saw that Concubine Yi liked it, so he gave it to her. The ninth brother asked his mother for this red one and raised it in this pond.

That's what I want. The more spiritual the better. It's just right for me to practice the flexibility of my fingers.

I waited until the koi completely surfaced, and while it was eating, I copied it with the net that had been prepared for a long time, and put it in the net. It struggled and jumped in the net, trying to get out of the net. How could I do what it wanted! I took this big red koi weighing three catties and went to Chang Lvxuan.

There is a large lotus jar in Changluxuan's yard, which is just right for use. As soon as I put the koi into the jar, it dived into the water and swam.

Seeing that it was familiar with the environment, I took out a hard pot and put it into the water. It swam up and slowly approached the pot, but it accelerated in an instant, and it was about to swallow the pot in its mouth. I stretched out my right hand like lightning, clamped the pot with two fingers in the food, and snatched it out of the mouth it was about to close.

It is excellent to practice the reaction speed and the flexibility and accuracy of your fingers in this way. Some people in our industry also practice using the method of taking coins in a hot oil pan, but that method is easy to hurt hands.

The werewolf taught me this way. He said that girls should be careful not to get hurt, and it doesn't look good if they have scars on their hands.

I put the pot into the water again and again, and snatched it out of the fish's mouth again and again. The fish looked at some, but not to eat, and was a little anxious. It grabs food faster and faster, and my fingers are getting faster and faster.

Fish, fish, I'm sorry, now let you practice with me for a while. When you have practice enough, this pot will be yours!

After practicing happily, he heard a charming voice and said, "Yo, what are you doing? Master Jiu's baby spirit fish makes people so bad!"

I was distracted. I didn't grab the pot and let the fish swallow it in my mouth. The fish dived into the water with satisfaction and didn't come out.

Who is going to hurt me?

I looked up and saw Wan Yan dressed up and walking into the hospital with two servants.

What is she doing here? The ninth brother is not there again!

I frowned at her.

"My sister hasn't gone out for a while. Is she really so idle that she has a fish for fun!" She swayed over, with her eyes on the top of her head.

It's not surprising that he is tall and spoiled. However, it's a little inappropriate for me to look like this. She forgot the name of my evil woman!

I looked at her blankly and said lightly, "I'm an idle person. If I don't go out, of course I have to find something to do in the house. It's either a recreational fish, or a recreational person!"

She smiled disdainfully and didn't hear the warning in my words. She said, "My sister has been in the house for so long, it's time to learn the rules of the rich family." The arrogance in the voice is undisguised.

A rich family? She is showing me her origin! At this point, the contrast between the two of us is really big!

I squinted at her, smiled ambiguously, and said, "I'm learning. Sister every (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine version!)

c When I saw my sister's graceful appearance, I was so envious. I always want to..." I took her hand affectionately and rubbed the handle ambiguously. Approaching her, I whispered, "My sister is really beautiful. No wonder she is so spoiled by me."

She looked at me strangely, as if she didn't know why. She wanted to pull back her hand, but I pulled it tightly and couldn't pull it back.

I put my lips to her ear and whispered, "Sister, I'm not in the house. The long night is lonely and unbearable. My sister knows my sister's suffering. If my sister can trust my sister, she can teach you how to solve the pain of lovesickness!" There was a drop of ambiguity in my voice, and I deliberately rubbed my lips on her cheek.

Her eyes widen, but her pupils shrank, revealing her interest and fear.

She pulled back her hand with force. Her movements were so fierce that the ring in her hand was almost pulled down. She looked at me in horror, her lips shivering and speechless.

I'm afraid I understand a little! I feel very happy.

I stepped forward and pretended to be innocent and said, "What's wrong with my sister? Are you not feeling well? Why don't you ask your sister to help you go back to your room to rest!" With that, I was going to help her.

Wanyan was so scared that she took a step back and said like a frightened bird, "No, no!" After saying that, without waiting for my response, he turned around and floated out of the yard like a gust of wind.

As for? I just said that if I didn't entertain the fish, I would entertain people, and she came up to let me have fun. I thought she was so bold! She couldn't stand it as soon as she sacrificed an GL. If she handed over the people and beasts in modern porn to her, would she be scared crazy?

I looked at her fast back without thinking, and she seemed to have been hit by the threshold at the gate of the courtyard! I laughed a little wildly.

I turned around and was about to continue practicing, but there was a joke behind me:

"What is this doing again? How did you entertain the most expensive fish in my grandfather's house and my most favored concubine?

This sound, this sound...

I shook my body and suddenly turned back.

In the sunset, a tall figure stood at the gate of the courtyard. He turned his back to the sunset, and his handsome and evil face could not be seen clearly in some dark light, but his wise and cunning eyes flashed with a dazzling brilliance comparable to the sunset. His lips hooked slightly, like a joke, like a teasing. His face was darker than when he left, and he added more health and maturity. His figure was a little darkened by the sunset, but it was even more magnificent in the red glow in the sky.

This is the return of the real mountain king in our house?! Why don't you send a message in advance? If I had known, I wouldn't have come! I thought about it without any interest.

He looked at me in a daze and took two steps forward. As he walked, he said, "What on earth did Taoer say to my favorite concubine? Scared her like that? When I saw the master, I kept walking, as if there were floods and beasts behind me!"

The most favored concubine?

I reacted, saluted him and said, "Tao'er, please say no to me! What can Taoer say to my 'the most favorite concubine'? It's just that she is not in good health and wants to help her go back to her room to rest! I must be tired when I just came back. Let's rest early. It's time for Tao'er to go back. With that, I was going to walk away from him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I took a step, I was pulled back by his wrist. He gave me a deep look, and the shrewdness in his eyes flashed by. He smiled badly and said, "What a smell of vinegar! What, I was angry with you as soon as I came back?"

Do you vomit? Where is it! I hurriedly said, "Tao'er dares not! Taoer wants me to have a hard time on the journey. I should have rest early!" Although he said so, he couldn't help staring at him fiercely.

"Do you still say no? My eyes are about to come out!" He smiled and said, "It's still the same. It hasn't changed at all!" As soon as he pulled my wrist, I was taken to his arms.

He hugged me, sniffed his nose on my cheek and said, "My peach smells of vinegar. It's rare! Let me think about it, what's going on! Ah, I remember it!" He patted himself on the forehead and pretended to be annoyed and said, "Stupid, confused! Isn't it my favorite thing to kiss Xiao Taoer now? How could it be someone else? Is it? What's the matter? How did you say that tears fell down? He was a little shocked and at a loss.

Yes, I burst into tears. I don't know why I can't control it. Tears rolled down one by one, but I still wanted to hold it, and my eyes were wide open, as if I refused to admit defeat.

He looked at me deeply for a while, sighed, wiped my tears with his fingers, and said, "The stubborn little thing!" I kissed my tearful and slightly salty lips.

I struggled for a while, but I couldn't resist his strength. I was held tightly by him.

His kiss is still so intoxicating, and his smell is still so good, but it seems to be mixed with some differences. There is more smell of grass from the wilderness, which is refreshing, flexible and intoxicating to the male.

I softened my body, leaned on him, raised my head slightly, and accepted the kiss he gave me.

Close his eyes and feel the heat of his lips and tongue, and the trace of touching □ pierced into the deepest part of his soul.

As I responded, I unconsciously indulged in his breath, in the encirclement of his body, and in his strong kiss. I forgot the anger and struggle in my heart, and all the people and things around me. I just want to taste the unspeakable throbbing from the deepest part of my soul...

I don't know how long it took, he let go of my lips and watched me lean against his arms breathlessly, and I couldn't stand softly. A trace of pleasure flashed in his eyes, and he bent the corners of his mouth and said with a bad smile, "The little female wolf is still so bad. She faints with a kiss. If she is not afraid of being seen, I will correct you now!"

Being seen? Who?

The question in my eyes made him look like a prank, and he curled his head slightly behind him. I poked my head out from him and looked at it. It was very obedient. Outside the courtyard door behind him, there stood a large group of servants, including the housekeeper Qin!

They all looked expressionless and squinted, but I knew it was pretending. They saw everything just now!

I was blocked by his body just now and didn't see these people, but he knew that there was a large group of people behind him, and he still kissed me here, so that these people could see me. Shame on you!

I turned around and gritted my teeth and whispered, "Aixinjueluo·Yinzhen! Where did you read your sage book? In front of so many people, you..." I blushed again.

He smiled in a low voice, and his chest vibrated. He answered, "It's also food and sex! This is what Saint Kong said. I remember all the sages!" After saying that, he picked me up and walked to the bedroom, saying loudly, "Let's go, let's practice the words of Saint Kong!"


In a swirling glance, I saw a clear but strange expression on the faces of the solemn people.

He did it on purpose!

Yin Zhen, you bad guy!