Stealing time

Chapter 101

The night of the Zhijun Palace is very different from that of the day.

The night made the whole palace take off her gorgeous coat and cover it with a black robe. Black will absorb all the light, hide all the beautiful, luxurious and noisy colors, and suppress them in its autocratic and unified world.

The gorgeous pavilions and pavilions turned into dark shadows, and the brocade flowers turned into shadows of trees.

I am in the Zhijun Palace in the dark, and this is the most real feeling.

Shang Yu's plan to transfer the tiger out of the mountain played a role. Yin Zhen must have got the news that Cui Yuzhan appeared in Tongzhou not far from the suburbs of Beijing, so he didn't even rush back to the house.

I only had a chance to sneak into the palace at night.

This step is a very important link in the plan with Shang Yu. Otherwise, I will be trapped in the ninth brother's house and can't do anything.

The Zhijun Palace has obviously strengthened its vigilance. According to people familiar with the matter, since the twelve brothers' Cui Yuzhan was strangely stolen, the only brother's Cui Yuzhan that was not stolen has become the focus of everyone's attention.

The brothers guessed that the thief was bold and greedy, and he was likely to try his best to steal this one.

My buddy lost the jade cup, and everyone was not angry. Which one of them has suffered all kinds of losses since childhood?

My buddy has a strong sense of revenge. Since it was expected that the thief would visit the eldest brother's house to steal the last jade cup, why not set a trap in his house to capture the thief?

After discussing, the brothers sent guards to the big brother's house one after another to help the big brother's house strengthen the guard. If the thief doesn't come, he will fall into the trap and become a prisoner of his brother. Dude, I'm really curious. Who dares to steal from the royal family? They all want to meet the thieves.

Brothers' active cooperation in this matter is also related to Kangxi's attitude.

It is said that Kangxi was furious when he heard this. He thought that the thief who stole what he gave to his sons was stealing his Ama, just moving the place outside the palace.

He ordered the Ministry of Criminal Justice to catch the thief who dared to fight the tiger's beard as soon as possible and punish him severely to show an example! He also transferred the strongest criminal investigation force in the country to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, including all patrols under the Wucheng Inspection Institute, and transferred the country's first criminal investigation master from Jiangnan to solve the case.

The purpose of Kangxi's big fight is to use the words of the tenth brother and the fourteenth brother, that is: catch him, and punish him severely!

I already felt the layout of defense here when I stepped on it that day, and there was a faint smell of dangerous traps.

From the guard situation of the three floors outside the treasure pavilion, we know that the big brother's mansion is now in a state of first-class alert.

The night is like facing a big enemy, with open and dark posts, fixed and patrolling, and there are many people.

I stepped on the path in the flowers and trees, and occasionally the dead branches on the ground that were not bypassed would make a soft sound of breaking, other than that, there was no sound. Walk carefully, neither to alarm anyone nor to frighten any drifting soul.

The closer to the treasure pavilion, the tighter the guard is, three steps and one post, five steps and one sentry. The eldest brother strengthened the guard of the royal palace to the extreme.

Along the way, I noticed that even the martial arts hall was very well defended, and it was impossible not to disturb anyone to approach.

Just now, when I tried to get close, it attracted the bodyguards to ask alertly. I had to evacuate quickly, but the guards chased after me until I ran into a small courtyard.

There is no one living in the small yard, only a lot of clothes and cloth. One of the rooms was also full of cloth. It looks like a warehouse. I sat down in the piles of cloth and thought about how to steal successfully. With such a strict defense, don't go in a big living man, even a fly can't fly in.

This situation can never be broken through.

How can I get in? Unless there is a crack in the impenetrable line of defense.

What if there are no cracks? Just tear one!

My fingers flipped around the white veil around me at will, thinking about how to tear the crack, but I couldn't think of a clue. I was about to give up today's action. When I went back to discuss it with Shang Yu, an inspiration suddenly flashed through my mind.

Since the Cui Yuzhan case, the Zhijun Palace has been on guard for nearly ten days. Every day, these bodyguards should have begun to feel tired. If the enemy is tired, can't we fight?

Mr. Mao's guerrilla strategy: the enemy enters and retreats, the enemy stops and disturbs me, the enemy is tired and fights, and the enemy retreats and chases.

It seems to be very smart! At that time, the Kuomintang's strength was several times that of the Red Army. If it is used here, will it also work?

With so many of them, I'm the only one. The enemy is strong and the enemy is weak. Isn't it suitable for guerrilla warfare? The West Point Military Academy in the United States has learned from Mr. Mao's guerrilla strategy. Can't we also learn from it?

They have just begun to feel tired, and disturb them again to make them more tired! The so-called "enemy station disturbs us", wait for them to be exhausted, there are loopholes in the defense, and then find an opportunity to do it!

I stood up, tore off a few pieces of white silk on the ground, and wrapped it casually. The dress of the night clothes on my body was immediately changed into white. The long white yarn was layered on my body, and I found a few short pieces to put on my head.

You don't need to look to know that my image has changed from a black thief to a pure and elegant fairy, but in the concept of the ancients, it should be another race that appears as a patrol image at night.

I touch my body and bring all the tools I need.

Baotai, the bodyguard of the Zhijun Palace, is an experienced old bodyguard. He used to work in the palace and was directly responsible for guarding the safety of the eldest brother. The eldest brother also followed him when he opened the government office and took charge of the defense in the eldest brother's mansion.

Recently, the eldest brother ordered that the treasure pavilion where the Cui Yuzhan was placed should be closely defended, and the thieves who coveted the Cui Yuzhan must no longer be allowed to win. Other bodyguards sent by the brother's mansion were all under Baotai's hands and were organized into a group to defend with the bodyguards in the house. The formation has a vague meaning of setting a trap to wait for the thief to be caught.

As the main battlefield for solving the case, Baotai was under great pressure, and he had not closed his eyes for two consecutive nights. In fact, he hasn't had a good sleep since he stepped up his guard. People from other mansions came to help, followed by the guard night, but there was no reason for the people in their own house to sleep, right?

Every night, Baotai has to get up several times to patrol. Not only him, but also almost all the bodyguards of the Prince's mansion. Fortunately, the wind was calm for the first ten days, and the thief didn't seem to have the idea of hitting the eldest brother's hand. In a few days, when the eldest brother is sure that the thief will not come again, he will relax his guard. The bodyguards of other mansions will also return to their respective residences, and then they can return to their normal work and rest.

It's really time to have a good rest. I haven't gone home to have a look, and I don't know what's going on with my wife and children.

But it doesn't follow people's wishes. When Bao Tai yawned and looked forward to the end of the days of white and black guards, someone came to report the traces of the thief near the martial arts hall just now.

Yanwu Hall is the place most valued by the eldest brother, and it is also the place of the house. Baotai immediately rushed to Yanwu Hall with a few people.

The martial arts hall is silent.

Reported by his subordinates who found the traces of the thief, the thief's whereabouts were erratic and very strange. They only saw a shadow, and they didn't know the appearance of the thief. Chasing and chasing, even the shadow disappeared.

This is strange. I haven't seen anything except a shadow for a long time! Bao Tai had no doubt, but he suspected that these men had been working hard for many days, hallucinations or dazzle.

He took the man back. The treasure pavilion is the focus of this guard. Cui Yuzhan is in it. It's better to focus on the treasure pavilion!

I hope it's still calm here, but before he approached, I heard a bodyguard shouting, "Xian Gu, spare my life, Xian Gu, spare your life!" The cry was miserable, and there was a strong fear inside.

Fairy aunt? Where did the fairy girl come from?

What happened to Baotai's heart? He ran all the way into the yard of the Treasure Pavilion with his men, but saw the bodyguards on guard in the yard kneeling and kowtowed in the air, but there was nothing in the air.

They are shouting!

Baotai is not angry. What kind of evil disease have been committed by several bodyguards? What's the ghost calling if they have nothing to do?

He stepped forward and kicked the bodyguard in the middle and said, "Okay, what are you talking about on your knees?" This bodyguard is in his own house, and the bodyguards on both sides are from the fourth brother's house, and the other is from the eighth brother's house. It is not easy to scold, beat and scold.

The bodyguard shouted in horror and jumped up to run. After staring at him, he stopped and gasped and trembled, "Commander, you can come. Just now, we saw ghosts, ghosts..."

When he said this, his voice was thin, with a trill, and his eyes looked around in horror, as if the ghost would appear at any time.

Baotai's eyebrows were raised. Ghost? In my early years, I was a erman in the palace. There were many ghosts in the palace, and it was often rumored that there were some ghosts and gods. But it was later proved that someone pretended to be a ghost, and Baotai didn't believe in the ghost.

Now that I heard that my men had seen a ghost, I thought that maybe they were also overworked like the bodyguards of the martial arts hall and hallucinated. Where are so many gods and ghosts in the world?

He was about to scold the demons and confuse his men, but he heard the ethereal singing in the air behind him. The lyrics can't be heard clearly, but the tune is sad and lingering.

It was a woman's voice, no accompaniment, only the voice, and the song was intermittent, like crying. It is even more sad and sad in the quiet night.

The song is sometimes so close that you can even hear a gasp, like talking to a low voice in your ear, but sometimes it is ethereal, like flying.

Although the song is beautiful, it is desolate and sad. In the dark night, just listening to strange songs can make people think and frightened, and there is no need to look at the frightening scenery at all.

Baotai felt his hair upside down, his back spine was cold, and he was about to escape. But he is the leader of the bodyguards and is responsible for the security of the whole palace. His men looked at him eagerly, waiting for him to make up his mind. How could he escape by himself first?

He had the courage to straighten up and shouted, "Who is pretending to be a ghost in it? Come out!"