Stealing time

Chapter 102

With his cry, the song suddenly stopped. But only for a moment, the song sounded on the other side. This time, the song is even more sad. In such a short moment, the song turned from the east to the west, and such a movement speed could never be done by manpower.

The bodyguard who was kicked by Baotai said in the battle: "Unity, leader, this is not a human being, this must be a female ghost..."

At this time, Baotai didn't care to scold the bodyguard for confusing the crowd. He only followed the direction of the song with his eyes and wanted to find out the singer, or something...

Obviously, I heard the song coming from the big banyan tree outside the treasure pavilion, but I couldn't see anything.

Baotai dared to shout again, "Who? Come out if you have the courage, don't be sneaky!" Although his voice was loud, there was a trace of hesitation in his voice, which made people feel excellent and bitterness.

The song stopped again, and Baotai's courage really became strong: Look, this ghost is still afraid of people! When a person shouts, he dares not do anything.

Just as he was proud, he listened to the wind behind him. He suddenly turned around, and a white figure was drifting past them.

When the figure fluttered, the wind drove the white gauze on its body, making them float long. Baotai doesn't read many books, but he also knows that the so-called "floating fairy" should look like it. But what such a beautiful appearance shows in such a meaningful night is another feeling.

That's a feeling of oozing from the bottom of the heart and cooling from the soles of the feet. Baotai couldn't help trembling all over and wanted to hide anywhere, just don't be here.

The figure floated behind them again, the face covered by the long white veil and drooping hair, and no one could see it clearly. It floated slowly, so that they could see it clearly. There was no movement. It was indeed floating, very slowly.

Her posture is neither beautiful nor ugly. She inserted her hand in the sleeve flatly and floated by slowly. The posture shows that there is no fear.

The psychological endurance of the guards has reached the limit and can no longer be stimulated. Suddenly, someone shouted and took the lead in running to the room, and others shouted and followed. Even Bao Tai, who wanted to pretend to set an example for his subordinates, hesitated for a moment and finally couldn't resist his inner fear and ran into the house.

Yes, that female ghost is me!

After coming out of the warehouse, I set up the steel wire between the surrounding big trees with nail guns and steel wire around the treasure pavilion. The steel wire frame has a fixed slope, so the wire on the waist hangs on them, and it will automatically slide along the slope, and my body will slide up. From a distance, it looks like floating in the air. It's like Weia hanging on the actors when shooting ancient costume kung fu films in modern times.

I also sang that song. Enya's song, the unique ethereal and gentle tune sung is like the fairy music in the hall, but it sounds easy to make people have another kind of reverie at night. Later, he also sang the theme song "Painting Heart" in the movie "Painting Skin". Although it is not as good as Zhang Liangying's voice, it is still okay to imitate seven or eight points.

This song was originally sung about the emotion of the fox ghost. It was originally a little strange and sad. Coupled with the deliberate processing, it was sung intermittently, sad and sad, and it was even more ghostly.

I've never tried to pretend to be scary before. Now I've tried it, and the effect is not bad!

The second thing is that there is a haunted thing in the Treasure Pavilion of the Zhijun Palace.

It is said that the female ghost is beautiful and cold, and her singing is ethereal and sad, which makes people lose their soul and listen to her. Some of the bodyguards have been sucked out by ghosts and died. It was very evil, so now the bodyguards of the Prince's Mansion are talking about ghosts, and they are so scared that they don't dare to be on duty.

There was a lot of noise outside, and when they asked about the people in the house, they were all taboo. It showed that they had received the instructions of the master and were not allowed to talk about it.

The ghost made trouble for three nights in a row, and the bodyguards of the direct county palace had the courage to catch the female ghost. However, the female ghost's whereabouts were erratic and did not only appear in the treasure pavilion. Seeing that there were many people in the Treasure Pavilion, he went to the study or the eldest brother's dormitory to make trouble, or ran farther, contrary to the upright prince's mansion!

I'm most afraid of her running to the backyard. There is a group of women and children living there. They are timid and let her sing again. The adults shouted that night, and the children cried, so they didn't want to sleep.

According to the gossip, the prince told his brothers in private that the female ghost's singing was sad and touching, very special. The style of the song is soft and ethereal, as straight as the sound of heaven. It is rumored in private that the eldest brother actually does not hate female ghosts to disturb him, and even wants to see female ghosts. However, the female ghost only sings far away and never approaches anyone.

Unlike the attitude of the eldest brother, the bodyguards do not welcome female ghosts. Even a few nights of grass and trees are full of soldiers, the wind and the sound of cranes, and it is a little unyable. The nerves are not bad, but the nerves are more fragile, and they are already too afraid of female ghosts. In their words, no one can stand the white shadow that doesn't know what it is drifting behind them without warning, and people can even feel it (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c received her breath, but it was always such a step at night that I didn't want to see her clearly, let alone catch her.

The bodyguards boldly set up bloody organs to catch the female ghost, but the female ghost suddenly disappeared.

That's because the man is back, and there is no way to play with them anymore. However, you can't stop here. You will give up all your previous achievements. Then he discussed with Shang Yu and asked Liu Niang to take his place.

Shang Yu began to worry that letting Liu Niang participate in too many people's affairs would bring trouble, but Fortunately, Liu Niang only met Lin Fengchi and Lin Qianer, and did not see the real bodies of the two of them. Thinking about it, Shang Yu still agreed.

I taught Liu Niang a few Enya songs. Of course, I can't teach the English lyrics, only the song **. Liu Niang is proficient in rhythm. Singing is her specialty. She can tune, and she can naturally fill in other lyrics.

Enya's style is unique, and no matter what lyrics are used to sing, it is like coming from heaven. Even the very smoky lyrics in "Flower and Full Moon" change the flavor after filling in. Liu Niang deliberately sang sadly and charmingly, and the sentence "light pond, mandarin duck playing in the water" was like an invitation from a ghost.

Liu Niang's voice is much better than mine, and the treble that can't be sung can be sung easily. The song "Painting Heart" made her sing and chased Zhang Liangying. Coupled with the sad singing, I really feel that the female ghost is floating around people at night. The thrilling effect is no less than that of horror movies.

As soon as it stopped for two nights, the midnight song of the Zhijun Palace appeared again. It's still those songs, but this time the female ghost seems to have changed her sad style and turned into sad and cruel.

People speculated that the ghost came to ask for his life. It turned out to be the concubine of the eldest brother who died in the house this year ago because of favor. He died unjustly, so the ghost does not disperse.

The eldest brother's direct blessing Jin was afraid, and the concubine died in his hand. So he invited the monks, Taoist monks, and even shamans in the temple. However, even if they read the scriptures, draw charms to catch ghosts, and dance the shaman dance, the ghost still wants to come, sing as much as they want, and sing loudly.

The bodyguards were tossed so hard that they sent more people to set traps, and the ghost would not come. When they relaxed, the ghosts appeared again.

is the guerrilla tactics used by Mr. Mao.

Harassment tactics exhausted the bodyguards, and many people fell asleep while standing at night. The bodyguard leader had no choice but to let the bodyguards take turns to rest.

He reduced the number of bodyguards in the martial arts hall, front hall, flower hall and other areas that female ghosts did not patronize, but concentrated the bodyguards in the treasure pavilion, study and the backyard where Fujin lived.

Let Shang Yu transfer Yin Zhen from the capital with Cui Yuzhan again, and visit the Zhijun Palace in person at night. First, they sang a few songs in the treasure pavilion and the backyard. The guards were busy running around the two places. When they had no time to take care of them, they came to the target place - the martial arts hall.

It didn't take much effort to solve the only bodyguard in the problem and entered the hall of the martial arts hall. There are all kinds of weapons on display here, including Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan...

I searched through various weapon boxes, but I didn't find a goal - the sword "Pure Jun" that was once cherished by King Goujian of Yue.

Chunjun is an extremely noble sword. It is said that some people want to exchange thousands of horses for a sword in three rich townships and two big cities, but the king of Yue Goujian did not change it. Because it is said that in order to cast this sword, the thousand-year-old Red Panicum Mountain broke out of tin, and the water of the Ruoye River dried up and came out of copper. When casting the sword, the gods helped each other, and the sword casting master Ou Yezi Chengtian's life and painstaking efforts to cast the sword with the gods for ten years. After the sword was completed, the gods returned, and the Mount Chizun was closed as before. If the waves of the Ye River rose again, Ou Yezi also died with all his strength. Therefore, the sword has become a unique song in the world.

Chunjun inherits this magical background and has a relationship with celebrities who have been lying on firewood and tasting courage in history. Naturally, he is extremely noble. As a priceless treasure, in the ancient times when people attached importance to weapons, it was even more popular. No wonder Shang Yu took it as part of the last big business.

Yes, this is the real purpose of me to step on the Zhijun Palace, use Mr. Mao's guerrilla tactics and attack east and west.

The buddy preconceivedly thought that what they were secretly coveted must be the Cuiyuzhan that had not been stolen, and Liu Niang and I pretended to be ghostly around the treasure pavilion of Cuiyuzhan, which made people think that Cuiyuzhan was our goal. My buddy never dreamed that it was just a suspicious battle. When they concentrated all their efforts to defend Cui Yuzhan and set a trap, they were close to the real goal - Chunjun.

It's just, where should it be stored?

I looked through all the weapons in the martial arts hall, but I got nothing. It has been delayed for too long. There is a time limit for the ocstasy in the downed bodyguard. If he doesn't leave, he will wake up. Even if he doesn't wake up, the possibility of being discovered will increase over time.

Do you want to leave?

No, I'm not reconciled!

It took so much effort to fly around with a wire in the middle of the night, and hide in the tree to sing the creepy song that you listen to. Is it easy? How can you come back so empty-handed?

Denying the idea of retreating, his eyes were patrolling in the martial arts hall.

Do you look everywhere? Where else didn't you notice?