Stealing time

Extra Fifteen (Shang Yu) 161

Such a strange woman, she is such a strange woman!

I actually knew her!

How strange the fate of life is, and how different my fate with her is.

She sat at the dining table of the Manhan Building, bowing her head and enjoying the delicious food, ignoring my discussion with the tenth brother.

She is an extremely beautiful woman, with fair skin and dark eyes like dazzling black glass. The mystery and enchantery in it were hidden under her drooping eyelashes. Her beauty does not come from her bright facial features, but from her indifferent and introverted manners, inadvertently revealing calmness, elegance and exquisiteness. What's puzzling is that she is covering herself up like this.

She is from the Nine Brother's Mansion, but she doesn't talk about ostentation and like to show off like other people like the same kind of women. On the contrary, she is quiet, very low-key, and doesn't like to be noticed. There are all kinds of beautiful women in the royal palace, and the ninth brother is a fastidious person. It is not surprising that there are one or two strange flowers in his house.

I almost ignored her like this.

When she asked the second in the store for old Pu'er, I paid more attention to her. Pu'er drinks aged tea. The longer it is stored, the better the quality and the stronger the aroma. The best-quality teas have been stored for more than 20 years.

I just told the tenth brother that this year's tea is underpriced. The price of tea on the market is high, but the quality is not as good as in previous years. She can't immediately call Pu'er, which is affected by this year's tea's underage. Is it a coincidence or intentional? I couldn't help looking at her a few more times. After a closer look, I found that her face seemed to have been seen somewhere.

While observing her, I recalled the special people and things I had seen in the past two months. She was still as quiet as before, silently burying the dishes in her bowl. She said that she was "teaching" dishes because each of her movements was so delicate and dexterous. She ate a small mouthful, not in a hurry, as if she could enjoy her whole life like this.

She likes fish and shrimp the most. She only eats chicken necks, chicken wings and chicken feet, which are very delicious. Ordinary people like chicken legs and breasts, but she doesn't touch them. It seems that he is also good at eating. I don't know which rich family she came from?

When she eats fish, she first divides the fish into small pieces, and then picks it up with chopsticks. The thin white thumb and forefinger of her left hand gently pick out the thin fish bones. The shape is cut beautifully. When the thin and transparent nails pinch the fish bone, it is so dexterous and elegant, just like plucking the strings and playing a piece of music, not just picking up the fish bone.

I can't help but be fascinated.

She lowered her eyebrows, and the indifferent, introverted and uninterested look on her face suddenly moved my heart. How is this possible?

She reminds me of the thief I met at the gate of the Qiushui Building about half a month ago. He passed me and was not conspicuous in his clothes. If he hadn't "accidentally" rubbed me, he wouldn't have noticed him at all.

At that moment, I saw his face. He is as white as jade, and his eyelashes are long. He lowers his eyebrows, but it is difficult to hide the essence of his eyes. Such an outstanding young man, I don't know which noble family's child in the capital. Unfortunately, he sang here in such a ruined place at a young age!

There is a set of fadescents in the capital. Whether it's pastime, having fun, talking about serious things, or doing business, we all pay attention to this kind of place of feasting and drunken money, so that I have to go in and out of this kind of place as the local customs. No wonder there are more and more dandy in the capital these years! The one who just wiped his body is one of them, right?

At that time, I was deeply moved by this matter. When I returned to my house and found that I had lost my wallet, it became a joke. It turned out that they didn't come to visit the kiln, they came to do serious things.

I have a lot of money with me when I go to that kind of place, but it's a pity that it's cheap to steal!

The thieves I have seen before are all rat eyes and their images are shrinking, but this one is beautiful and beautiful, and the wind is like jade. This matter left a deep impression on me, and the thief's face was also deeply imprinted in my mind.

Her face coincided with the thief in my mind, although one was wearing men's clothing and the other was wearing women's clothing.

They, they are the same person?!

Look at her indifferent look and elegant manners, but no matter how you look at it, it's not right! I am determined to tease her.

When checking out, I deliberately took out the purse, which was exactly the same as the stolen purse. When she saw it, she frowned and her eyes flashed, as if she was thinking about it. I calmly and inadvertently put away my wallet, but I also received her slightly panicked look.

It's really her!

Strangely, the identity of this thief turned out to be the concubine in the ninth brother's mansion! If it hadn't been for this identity, I would have caught her and teased her fiercely and asked her to return all the money she stole from me. Unfortunately, you should be more careful when it comes to these princes (mobile phone reading 1 6 xs. c m). Especially this ninth brother, he is the best way to protect his shortcomings. Everyone and everything in his house is not allowed to move a finger, not his woman.

When the tenth brother met an acquaintance to talk to someone, I was going to kidnap her. At that time, I just wanted to tease her. If I knew that the two of us would become partners of birth and death, she would live in my heart for the rest of my life. I wonder if I would have teased her at that time?

She really came. Her shrewdity surprised me, and her familiarity with the ancient treasures was also admirable. She said the name of the guqin I played - around the beam. It is a famous zither that has been destroyed for thousands of years according to ancient books. I'm sure she's not an ordinary thief.

Suddenly, the blessing comes to my heart. I think of the imperial business roster that has bothered me a lot in the past few days. Finding this powerful thief may be able to solve this problem.

Naturally, she refused to help in vain, but my coercion worked very well. It seemed that she was afraid of being stared at by the ninth brother and could not act. She reluctantly agreed to help me steal the imperial business roster.

She suddenly said a proposal, a shocking proposal --- stealing all over the palace of the capital, let those high-eyed and high-level guys lose face fiercely!

It's something I've wanted to do for a long time to make those guys lose face. I've been in the capital these years, and I've been angry with them! But this proposal is still shocking.

For a moment, I was a little timid. None of the royal clans in the capital is easy to mess with. Any one who wants to destroy us little people is as simple as crushing an ant. But it is said that the proposal is a woman. If I dare not take it, I will not even be as good as a woman.

I readily agreed to her proposal, but the whole set of plans she proposed later stunned me. She is afraid to be the first person in the world to do theft as well as the rules and meticulous as the government office. What's the name of her word? Process!

Her processes are really ingenious and accurate. The risk of failure due to negligence has been reduced to almost zero.

I looked at her with new eyes again and confirmed that I had really found a great partner. Put away the original fun about this matter and take her plans seriously.

I didn't expect that she was really a very clever thief, and she won the first time. The sister of the eight alleys she dressed up as is really amazing. Show that kind of woman's behavior vividly, and no one will see through her dress. If I hadn't known in advance, I wouldn't have been able to tell it at that time.

Until the little scholar fled in a panic, he thought that she was really the sister of the Eight Great Hutongs, but he did not find that the things in his arms had been lost.

Fate is really a wonderful thing. I actually know her like this!

Love is even more wonderful. It is often inadvertently lived in the heart.

I have her in my heart. I don't know when it started.

I don't know whether it started from her sister, who was full of jewelry and dressed in the vulgar eight alleys, or from the time when she stole the golden bowl given by the imperial gift calmly in full view of the public; I don't know from the fragility of climbing up the carriage exhaustedly after seeing her soaking in the pond in the From the insightful comments on "Hibiscus Brocade Chicken Picture" and "Lonely Bird Picture"; I don't know whether it was from the time when she came up with such a clever way to defraud "Snow Scene Cold Forest Picture", or from the time she saw the madness of stealing the jade cup.

I live in her shadow in my heart, and I will think of it all the time. When I go out, I think that she doesn't know what she is doing in the ninth master's house; when I talk about business, I think of what tricks this cunning little woman will do if she meets a kind of incompetitive opponent in front of her; when eating, she will think of elegantly picking fish bones; when drinking tea, she will think P>

Her shadow took root and sprouted in my heart, growing like a wild vine. I couldn't control her invasion of my heart and soul. The more I wanted to suppress it, the more difficult it was to control my miss for her.

The unbearable lovesickness made me dress up as a woman twice to meet her. For me, who has been reading sage books since I was a child and has a very strict tutor, it is simply more out of line than the sister who dresses up in eight alleys. If you are known by the world, you will be scolded as insulted. In this way, regardless of anything else, I just want to see her and listen to her.

This was unimaginable to me in the past. I think I'm crazy for her!

But she is a married woman, a person I don't have the right to love. I was moved by it, but she had no me in her heart. I knew it from the beginning.

From the shining eyes when she occasionally mentioned the ninth master, the gentle tone from her to him, and the tears in the corners of her eyes were just the sand that fascinated her eyes when she sneaked out from the night...

From then on, I knew that the person in her heart was her man - the ninth brother Yin Zhen.

These princes are all born in happiness without knowing happiness. There is such a wise and lovely woman who loves her, but he is still clingy and doesn't know how to cherish it, which makes her cry in pain.

He also drank too much, knowing that it was impossible, but he still wanted to go back to his hometown and marry him as a wife.

"What's wrong with that? My cousin is romantic, and he is a talented person. How beautiful he is with his cousin. It's just that my cousin is too talented. There are too many women who like my cousin. I'm afraid I can't see it, so I let the cat steal it! So, let's forget it..."

She answered my proposal like this. I'm serious. She is also very serious and lonely. After all, she was hurt by him!

She is not a woman who is easy-going. After the Spring Festival, she proposed to reopen her business, but (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)


c, go away.

If Master Jiu knew that his half-heartedness had caused her intention to leave, he didn't know if he would regret it in his heart.

Naturally, I helped her, although it took a lot of risks. How dangerous it is not to steal the treasures of the powerful in the capital frequently, that is, the success of stealing, and then leaving. The woman in the royal palace fled with others, and she will definitely be pursued to the end.

The face of the royal family cannot be damaged.

But I promised to help her without hesitation. When she left the man, I had some hope. But I didn't promise her just for this. Even if there is still no hope, I will help her. Just for, this is what she wants!

As long as she is happy.

The ultimate thief is really bold and crazy. Under the protection of those brothers and in the eyes of their public, she actually stole the treasure and fled.

I asked her to change her escape route to Tianjin Weilai, trying to let her take a boat out to sea with me. Although the wind and waves on the sea are also dangerous, it is still much safer than the pursuers who follow along the way. But she didn't want to go with me. She said that two people had a big goal together, and if they were caught, they would be caught together, and there was not even a rescuer.

I should have insisted on taking her with me, but to her, I just can't say the same to ordinary women, which is irrefutable.

I was unwilling to disobey her, which caused her to be finally arrested. I have regretted it countless times, and I have dreamed about that day countless times at night. In the dream, every time I firmly took her away, that is, dragging, dragging, and not soft. We stood in the bow together and watched the coast fade away, while the ninth brother chasing on the shore could only look at the ocean and sigh.

Every time I wake up from my dream with a smile, and when I wake up, I fall asleep in tears. Week after week, I can't calm my eyes at night.

The eyeliner report made me more and more shocked. This ninth master actually treated her like that!

He locked her up, beat her, locked her, occupied her, and was intimate with other women in front of her!

These princes are indeed the masters who refuse to suffer losses, and their revenge will never be reduced.

She is getting thinner and thinner, and her expression is getting more and more depressed. Thinking that she suffers every day in the ninth brother's mansion, and life is better than death, I can't stand it anymore.

Give up the original rescue plan. The plan takes too long to wait. I'm afraid she won't get through that time. I brought the treasures in the ninth brother's mansion stolen by her, and the Cui Yuzhan who gave the ninth brother the most headache to turn themselves in. The only condition was to ask him to show mercy and stop torturing her.

I told the ninth brother that he was the only one in her heart. Please don't hurt her people again and do something irreparable in the future. But he obviously didn't take my words to heart. He begged for my cousin for me and killed her!

This bastard!

It has been two days since I heard about this. At that time, she was unconscious, and the ninth brother was like a grumpy trapped beast. He came to my yard and waved a whip to me and said, "I'm afraid she can't survive." If so, he will torture me enough and go to the underworld to accompany her. He will make me live a long life and live in the pain of missing and inability every day.

He is really crazy! His whip fell on me like raindrops, but I didn't feel any pain. He had long known that the woman who dared to help him escape was a dead end if she fell into his hands. He was ready to suffer before he turned himself in. However, I can't feel the pain not because of how well I am mentally prepared, but because all my thoughts are occupied by her unconscious news.

Cousin, if you don't wake up anymore, your cousin will also go to the underworld to accompany you. Cousin will never let you suffer the maloffs of this man in the underworld!

Fortunately, she still woke up later, otherwise it would be the end of the three people who died together.

She is pregnant. When I heard the news, I couldn't tell whether it was surprise or loss. He made her pregnant, which means that she has one more entanglement with him, and she is farther away from me.

He reached an agreement with her, and she agreed to give birth to a child for him, and he promised her something, but he didn't tell me at that time.

He took a walk with her.

He held her in his arms and sang to the child in his belly. She said it was called prenatal education.

She likes to eat mangoes, and after eating them, she magically stopped vomiting.

She likes to stagger in the garden for two hours.

She gave birth to a pair of twins for him, and the two children are very cute...


These are all what he told me. He told me that her news was by no means a kind way to relieve my worries, but to annoy me.

I was really angry with him. Everything she did with him made me sad. I imagined their love together, and the jealousy and pain in my heart was increasing day by day.

I kept mocking him.

Hmm, pregnant? Didn't you use Qiang before she conceived it? She is unwilling. She doesn't want to have a baby for you at all!

Have you reached an agreement? Would you like to be born for you? That's just a compromise that she wants to leave you!

Mango? The way she thought of herself is useful. None of the imperial doctors you invited are very useful!

Is the child cute? It must be with her. If it is with you, it must be abominable.

I'm bored here, and bickering with him has become my favorite pastime. My mouth is getting sharper and sharper, or something just makes me say it right, and he can hardly beat me.

He said that the two of us quarreled like a quarrel between a bitch in the market. It's too disgraceful. It's better to win or lose in the chess game, so we have another pastime to play chess.

The two of us are against each other, and each of us has our own wins and losses. When you meet your opponent when playing chess, it is like playing the piano and meeting a bosom friend, which is the most exciting thing. We both enjoy it.

He talks to me almost every day. When we have more relationships, we also talk about other things, such as the business that we are both good at. I found that his business experience is very good, and he is very willing to talk to him. Talking to him will make a lot of money. There were some things that I didn't understand before. I suddenly became cheerful when I talked to him. In fact, it may not be him who gave me advice, but when the two talked, they had a clear mind, so it was easy to figure out what they could not get through.

The two of us have become friends who cherish each other, although neither of us wants to admit it verbally. As soon as they met, they still quarreled and fought fiercely, but they all admired each other in their hearts.

From the way he took the initiative to bring me a good piano, we can see that his feelings for me are the same as my feelings for him.

He actually wanted to let her go, which surprised me a lot. He really loves her to the bone. With his nature, how can he let go?

I asked sideways for a long time before I knew that in order to stabilize her and let her give birth to a child for him, he set a three-month period, and his cousin could be free after the term. According to his original wishful thinking, he will gradually pervert her in the past year, let her feel his love and care, and make her willing to stay with him. Now that March has arrived, but my cousin is still hesitant about it.

He said, "Can't a man who loves deeply and two inseparable children add up to let her stay?" He looked lonely, pouring wine into his mouth and telling me what he had done for her. His story was full of his deep affection for her, which moved me, my rival.

He really loves her.

A man has tears. If a man shed tears for a woman, he must love her to the top of his heart. He, the dignified ninth prince, the nobles of the Qing Dynasty, actually cried for her this night!

Finally, he said he would let me go, and the only condition was for me to accompany her, no matter where she wanted to go. If he is willing to let his woman go with his rival, he must have loved her.

He loves, just like love, indulgent, unwilling to disobey, and does not want to have a sense of contreason in his heart.

Of course I agreed, and I agreed very readily. When Taoer follows me, it means that we get along with each other day and night, which means that she is closer to my brother and sister and partner, and may even turn into another kind of emotion that I like more.

This means my hope.

I know I am selfish, and my hope is based on the pain of my friends. But I still hope.

Taoer is as beautiful and lovely as in the past. No, she is more beautiful. In the past, she was smart, flexible and radiant, but now she has less sharpness and more maternal tenderness.

Her eyes are warm and contain warmth and love. She is even more beautiful like this! Although the beautiful eyes lack the usual brilliance at this time, they are full of the pain of parting and the bitterness of losing the beloved son.

She burst into tears. The farther she went, the more she cried, and the more uncontrollable she went out of the gate.

She is reluctant to give up. She is reluctant to give up her two children, and I'm afraid she can't give up on him.

Oh, this woman! He is extremely smart in other things, but he is confused about one of the things he has, and he can't even see through his own heart.

I, the other person, understand, but she is still torturing herself for this. I couldn't help but ask her to go back. Even if she is taken away by me, she will come back sooner or later. Instead of staying away from here and coming back from pain, it's better not to leave now.

It doesn't belong to me, and I can't twist it after all. Even if he brazenly forcibly took her away, it only caused the common pain of the three of them in their lives.

Her people were taken away by me, but her heart remained on him, and she worried about him painfully all her life. I don't want to see her like that, I don't want to see her flying in front of me, her eyes are empty; I don't want to see her dream back at midnight, tears wet pillow towels; I don't want to see her when she looks back on this life, she regrets and sighs secretly.

No, I don't want her to live in pain all her life. I want to see her happy and carefree. I want her to be happy and satisfied when she is old.

Why do you only think about yourself? Think about it, maybe I owed him in my last life, who knows?

In this life, he met her first, occupied her body and her heart. As a latecomer, I have long lost the opportunity, and my love for her is simply delusional.

I wish I could meet her first in the next life, occupy her body first, and also occupy her heart, let him become a latecomer, and also taste the incomparable pain of lovesickness!

There is no hope in this life, the next life is only the next life!

I pretended to laugh freely and left. The laughter did not stop, but I burst into tears...