Stealing time

162 Business

The news from Rehe was like a thunderbolt in the capital. The prince was arrested because he was close to Kangxi City at night and eavesdropped into the cracks.

Soon, Kangxi stationed in Burhasutai Palace, recruiting the prince and the king's ministers to show the prince's crime:

Unlawful Zude, do not follow my instruction, abuse the public, be violent **, I have been tolerant for 20 years.

It is that his evil is getting worse and worse, humiliating the courtiers, specializing in authority, gathering the party, and peeping at my movements. Prince Ping, Ersu, Belle Haishan and Gong Pucci, were beaten by him, and the ministers and officials were also beaten by him.

The eighteenth son of the prince is sick. All the ministers are old and worry about me. Yin is his own brother, and he has no meaning of friendship. I gave in to it and was angry. I approached the city every night and eavesdropped at the cracks.

In the past, I wanted to plot a big deal, but I knew it and killed it. Now I want to take revenge. I am not sure that I will be killed today and tomorrow. I will be cautious day and night.

It seems that this is unfilial and unkind. It was created by Taizu, Taizong and Shizu. Under my rule, I can't pay this person!

Kangxi ordered and cried until he was in the servant's land. On the same day, he detained Yin and ordered the direct prince Yin Zhen to supervise him.

After returning to Beijing, Kangxi personally wrote a notice to Tiandi, Taimiao, Sheji and the world about the abolition of the crown prince. It is the famous incident of the abolition of the crown prince.

Hearing Yin Zhen talking about this matter with several of his brothers, his words were quite vague. I don't want to listen to this kind of thing involving friends and politics, and I always find excuses to avoid it. So I don't know whether the prince's abolition has anything to do with several brothers and what they have plotted.

As a traveler, I have heard of some of the official history and wild history of this history. When telling me about this history, the werewolf once said: "From the beginning of the abolition of the prince, the brilliance of Kangxi's government has been robbed by the battle for the throne between his ambitious sons. In history, only the 'Eight Kings Rebellion' at the end of Jin Dynasty can compete with this kind of civil strife.

There are many rumors about this history in later generations, one of which is the most popular. The Eighth Brother brothers secretly conspired and promoted the abolition of the prince.

I don't know what they did in this incident, but from the objective point of view of a latecomer, in these crimes of the prince instructed by Kangxi, the wrong Zude, did not obey my instructions, ravaged the public, and the tyranny ** was the main cause. The night guard of the tent hall was the cause of the Sadness means a fuse.

Among these crimes, if the prince himself has no problem at all, none of them can be fabricated and buckled for him casually. The prince's own behavior is probably the main reason for his abandonment, and what his ambitious brothers can do is to use various means to let Kangxi know his behaviors. This is the so-called fly's seamless egg.

The moon outside the window was round. I suddenly remembered the prince's face, which was as perfect as a sculpture in the moonlight. His affectionate and decadent eyes, and the corners of his mouth were half joking and half-seriously called out of " dragonflies". A man as beautiful as a god and as evil as a demon. I sighed softly. For him!

"Okay, what's the point of sighing?" I don't know when Yin Zhen came back. He hugged me from behind and put his cheek close to me. The smell of masculinity blew on me, and I narrowed my eyes slightly and enjoyed the smell of him.

I like his smell more and more recently. If I don't smell it for a day, it's like missing something. But he often comes back late recently, and he can hardly see anyone during the day. I often come back at night after I fall asleep. However, as long as I come back, I can feel at ease all day when I smell him at night.

I had expected that when such a big event happened, he would be very busy, so he was not surprised. He didn't ask much about his whereabouts, so he had to be busy. Anyway, this will be over sooner or later, and he will be free to accompany me and my child sooner or later.

I spend all my time on early education for two children. Swimming, touching, and baby exercises. I grabbed their little arms and shouted while fiddling back and forth. They were all interested and curious to know what their mother was doing. Therefore, they were very cooperative at the beginning, but as soon as the new energy passed, Xiaomi began to make trouble with me.

I shouted the first, second, third and fourth passwords, and she also screamed, but there was a sense of rhythm of the password, but her calves also moved randomly, which was a complete mess.

I pressed my leg and said, "Don't move!"

However, she argued loudly and said it loudly. I covered her little mouth angrily and said, "Be quiet. Keep quiet in class."

She can't say it, so she can only make a no-no sound.

I laughed and said, "How can you talk back now?"

Plop! Yin Zhen, who had just entered the door, saw this scene and laughed softly. He came to me and kissed me and said, "You bitch, how did you bully your daughter?"

I leaned on his arms and said, "Your daughter is disobedient, doesn't do her best to fuck, and talks back to her mother. You don't care about her well!"

Xiaomi, who was let go of by me, shouted loudly, shouting, and waving his hands and feet, looking excited, as if he was proflimenting the big commitment he had just received.

Yin Zhen picked her up, kissed her little face, and said, "Our Xiaomi Gege is under control (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in. There are more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c sue Er Niang? Well, well, it's wrong for Er Niang to cover our mouths and prevent us from talking, but you shouldn't make trouble with Er Niang!"

I picked up the rice and said, "Look at how obedient the rice is, and I never make trouble for my mother!"

The rice slanted at the millet, and his face showed disdainful, as if to say, "Well, it's not quiet all day long. I won't be entertained, right?"

"Hah..." Xiaomi's voice was much lower, but he was obviously not convinced.

I keep making new toys for children. In addition to those toys that are suitable for babies to grasp and shake, most of them are cartoon plush toys with ever-changing shapes. There is an endless stream of cartoon images from modern times. Xiaohe and Xiaolu are attracted by the images I drew. They keep marveling and asking me how I can come up with so many cute animal images.

I asked them to take it and make it according to the picture, and they are all willing to do it. In addition to sewing cartoon toys for rice and millet, they sewed a lot in private. There are many such tranges in their rooms. The maids of Changluxuan and Lingxue Pavilion often show off these things to others because of the convenience of being close to the water, envious of the little girls in other courtyards. Even Fujin helped her daughter ask for two through a familiar maid.

It turns out that the steady ancients also like these cute cartoon images. I have an idea. Can I use this to do some business?

I don't want to make a lot of money by doing this. Yin Zhen's family property is enough for me to squander for a few lifetimes. It's just because I've been too bored recently, so I want to find something to do.

I'm an idle person. In the past, stealing treasures could bring me a lot of excitement, but now I can't steal it casually. I walk around two children in the house every day. After a long time, I feel that there is nothing new in life.

It's okay when the children are awake. You can tease them to pass the time. When the children fall asleep, I have nothing to do. So, sometimes, I even want to wake up sleeping children, even if they wake up and cry. It's good to listen to their crying when they are bored!

It's really boring.

Liu Xiayu accompanied Liu's mother and his younger brother Liu Qiufeng to see me. They looked at my twins, and Liu's mother marveled that Xiaomi was the same as Tao'er when she was a child.

I know that the peach she said refers to the original daughter, not me, a fake. She is the only person in the world who knows that I am not the real Liu Chuntao. Liu Qiufeng has grown a lot taller and stronger. It seems that he is living a good life as a primary school apprentice in Manhanlou.

Liu Xiayu is the most important one in the Liu family. He is still working in the original silk shop and is becoming more and more valued by the shopkeeper. Usually, the shopkeeper leaves a lot of things to him. If the shopkeeper is not there, he will decide the matter in the store, known as the second shopkeeper.

After being released from the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the Liu family returned to their original life. There is no outsider talking more than the whole thing, as if it is covered by an invisible giant hand. Liu Da was promoted to a higher level of official position even after I gave birth to these twins. I know it's based on Yinzhen's power.

Liu Qiufeng is very interested in the toys of his two little nephews, especially those cartoon toys. Thinking of the idea that day, I proposed to Liu Xiayu to take some samples of velvet toys to their store to sell. I want to throw a stone and ask the way to see if there is a market for this kind of thing here.

Their store is a famous silk and satin village in the capital. Officials or ladies of large families often come to their store to choose cloth. This kind of thing is hung in the store, and you can know its market value only by looking at the customer's reaction. In addition, if these toys are popular, they can also improve the business of their cloth stores. It is a win-win situation of killing two birds with one stone.

Liu Xiayu readily promised to persuade the shopkeeper to have a try. Before leaving, I also took a few samples.

Soon there was a reply. Their shopkeeper did not agree at the beginning. It was a silk shop and did not sell other goods. But later, he saw that his eldest daughter and youngest daughter liked the samples brought by Liu Xiayu very much, so he agreed to sell them in the store.

Rice and millet are five months. Surprisingly, they learned to turn over, more than half a month earlier than ordinary children, which should be the result of my insistence on teaching them to swim and do baby exercises.

After learning to turn over, they always turn over and play by themselves. The rice lay prone on the collapse, his big head turned around, and a pair of big black eyes also blinked while looking around, as if he was interested in everything in the room. He looked at the busy figures of the adults turning around and whispered from time to time.

Xiaomi is even more happy. As long as she is awake, she lies on the couch, looking around and screaming. When he was tired, he lay his head on his little arm and continued to bark with his saliva. When she couldn't hear the cry, she must have fallen asleep drooling.

The samples sent to the silk and satin store were sold out in less than a day. I didn't set the price low. Even the smallest Hell Kiy needs two taels of silver, and the big Mickey Mouse costs twenty taels of silver. These twenty taels of silver are nothing to a rich family, but for ordinary people, it is the cost of living rich for a year.

Therefore, the price I set can be said to be a rich family in the capital.

The next day, Liu Xiayu rushed to ask me if I still had any goods. Their shopkeeper wanted to cooperate with me for a long time and sign a sales agreement.

"How much is it sold in total?" I raised my eyebrows and asked. Their money shopkeeper was not interested in it, but now he is so enthusiastic about it?

"Nearly one hundred taels." Liu Xiayu said excitedly.

Huh? I only brought him five samples, two large and three small, and sold at most fifty taels at the price I set. How can there be so much?

I frowned and looked at Liu Xiayu.

"Yes, it was the money shopkeeper who saw that the first one sold well. The six grids of Prince Qing's mansion bought one for ten taels of silver without priced, and doubled the price."

I narrowed my eyes. This money shopkeeper is really open-minded about money, and he dares to change the price of things he sells on his behalf!

"All samples are sold within an hour of opening the door." Liu Xiayu added as soon as he saw that I was not happy.

Judging from the sales situation, these novel dolls really have great market potential. I decided to start this business. I asked Liu Xiayu to take 20 new samples. These were made by Xiao He and the little greens who launched Changluxuan and the maids in the Lingxue Pavilion yesterday.

I told Liu Xiayu not to sign the agreement in advance. Let's wait until we sell some samples. But the next day, Liu Xiayu came again, and his twenty samples were sold out in half a day, selling 400 taels of silver. Catch up with the serious silk business in the store. The money shopkeeper asked him to talk about the cooperation agreement again.

I asked him to go back first, and I will give him more samples to sell in a couple of days.

Liu Xiayu said puzzledly, "Girl, now the money shopkeeper is very enthusiastic about this matter. If you talk to him about the agreement, you can talk about any conditions. Why don't you sign an agreement with him while the iron is hot?

I smiled and said confidently, "The second brother has been helping others, and no matter how valued he is, he will do it for others. The dividends are all for others. Really?"

Liu Xiayu nodded because he didn't know.

"The second brother didn't think about opening his own shop and doing business?" I looked at Liu Xiayu in an instant. I don't know if he is my ideal candidate.

Liu Xiayu didn't let me down. His eyes lit up and his eagerness was revealed. Such a performance should be an ambitious and unwilling person.

"Do you mean that we will do our own business in the future? So you'm not in a hurry to sign a contract with him now?" Liu Xiayu will see through with a little bit.

I nodded, "If the second brother has this idea, we will operate in this direction. It's okay to sign a short-term contract with him, but you can't sign a long-term contract.

"I see, girl, I'll talk to the shopkeeper." Liu Xiayu left excitedly.

When the price of the third batch of 60 samples was doubled by me and sold out in two days, I roughly figured out the acceptable psychological price and sales speed.

Although the sales speed of the last 60 samples has slowed down compared with the first two batches of samples, the slowdown is not obvious. It shows that most of the customers in my customer base can still accept this price.

When the money shopkeeper came to sign the agreement through Liu Xiayu for the third time, I agreed.