Stealing time

172 jue xiang

I was in a good mood. I went back to the Yanyu Tower and saw the guitar in the corner of the house, so I quietly took the guitar horse to the nearby hill.

This is what people put in for me when they pack their luggage. Although I haven't played it in front of them, they often hear the music in my room and can more or less guess it. Knowing that this was my beloved thing, I packed it up for me on my own initiative. When I got here, I found that I had to put it in an inconspicuous place in the corner.

Yin Zhen strictly banned me from playing guitar here, so I haven't touched it since I came here. But I was really in a good mood today. I really wanted to play a song and have fun, so I put it in a cloth bag and quietly took it out.

Naturally, I can't play in front of people. I remembered that I had been to a place called Qingfeng Green Island with Yinzhen a few days ago, which was very quiet, so I walked in that direction.

It is a small mountain. The peak is flat and open, and the area is larger than a football field. There are two huts built. Usually, there are few people, and it is very quiet. Below one side of the mountain is a steep cliff, which is not blocked by mountains and has a wide view. Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking at it, the vast undulating mountains are all under your feet, stretching thousands of miles to the edge of the sky.

I went up the mountain and took off the guitar hanging on my horse. Sitting on a flat mountain stone on the edge of the cliff, the mountain wind is gentle, and the vegetation makes a soft rustling sound, which makes people feel very comfortable. On a small grass on the edge of the cliff, a butterfly is breaking out of the cocoon in pain.

Everything is so natural and elegant.

I felt at ease, and I began to tremble my fingers to pluck the strings. A clear and distant melody immediately flowed from the strings. The melody is soothing and quiet, and the charm is natural. Sometimes it is as high as a white cloud floating, and sometimes it is as low as entering the deep valley. I looked at the vast mountain scenery in front of me and listened to the ripering sound of my fingertips. I only felt that my mood was open and quiet, and all the impetuousness disappeared.

This song "Su he fu yun" is a song that I used to love very much. The best one is the harmony between Xiao and the piano. The sound of the piano, like a silver bead falling on a jade plate, is accompanied by the sound of its "king of musical instruments" with the sound of being sometimes high-pitched, sometimes quiet and noble, sometimes deep and hoarse, like floating clouds floating in the mountains, and like the secluded valley. It contrasts with the beautiful scenery in front of you, and it fits just right.

If only I could hear another beautiful sound...


my hallucination? It seems that I really heard Xiao Sheng.

The Xiao sound was behind him. It quietly joined the guitar music. The two kinds of music were like two beautiful butterflies, playing and chasing in the mountains. At one moment, they chased and climbed higher and higher, all of them, and then turned straight down, and suddenly dived like a swimming fish. The finger playing of the jita is very similar to the music made by the piano keys, which is as good as the piano.

The Xiao is quite charming, the artistic conception is high, and it blows straight to the depths of the human soul, showing that the ** people are open-minded and elegant.

In addition to the sound of Xiao, the song was suddenly injected with a new soul, and the soothing tune was like a thick history book turned over page by page. The old past is vivid in my mind, reminding me of the scenes I experienced in my short 30 years of life in two lives. Intoxicated with it, I can't extricate myself...

The wonderful music floats in the mountains, the green clouds linger in the sky, and the wonderful water and flowers reflect each other. How can the wonderful words of the world be traced?

In the song, □ gradually receded, Xiao Sheng turned low and gradually stopped, and the guitar sound was like a drop of water on the eaves, gradually changing from a trickle to a drop of water, and finally returned to silence.

The song is quiet, the empty valley is silent in the forest, only the mountain wind is still singing, and the sound of Qin Xiao still seems to be wrapped around the mountain wind.

Who is making peace with the empty sound fairy Xiao's voice in the inaccessible mountains? Is it a mountain fairy monster? He turned around nervously. He turned around.

In front of the room with red columns and green tiles, the top man's plain-robed jade flute stood in the wind, with outstanding demeanor and noble.

It's not someone else, it's the thirteenth brother Yinxiang of Yushu Linfeng. He smiled gently at the person, and his eyes showed understanding and awakening, as if to say: Sure enough, it's you, I guess right!

I was shocked. He bumped into me when I played the guitar. Is my identity going to be revealed? My super thief Lin Qian'er is not dead. Is the news that I am dormant beside Yin Zhen in a different way? Is it going to be revealed?

He read the panic in my eyes, shook his head slightly, and his lips moved: I won't go out.

I didn't hear the sound, but I read the lip shape.

He seems to be different from the thirteenth brother I saw before. I remember that when I first saw him in the Prince Ping's Mansion, he was cheerful, cheerful, keen and sharp. Now, he seems to have less sharpness, more subtle and introverted.

I smiled at him. I believe in the character of this chivalrous king. The thirteenth brother blew so well, which made people feel like swimming in the sky, the elong fairy mountain, and his mind was immediately open, and he felt quite refreshed.

"Little ninth sister-in-law also plays the piano well!"

Thirteen came to me, and I noticed that his pace was small, his body was a little shaky, and he looked very difficult. I once heard Yin Zhen's brother talk about the recent serious leg disease, inconvenient walking, and even unable to ride a horse. I think it's the crane knee wind recorded in history! Today, Kangxi took his buddy to the siege, but he was in a quiet place in the mountains (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in. There are more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c, that's the reason!

I can't help but feel pity for him. He has always been the chivalrous king I admire, and he is so depressed that he is in this situation! Thinking of the eighth brother's haggard face recently, he was also suppressed by Kangxi!

Alas, Kangxi, why are you so cruel to your own son? Is imperial power really more important than family affection?

I have the intention to enlighten him, but I don't want to show too many traces. Suffering from silence, he suddenly saw that the butterfly chrysalis on the small grass on the edge of the cliff was about to come out. Pointing to the butterfly pupa, he pretended to be surprised and said, "Ah, this butterfly is going to come out!"

Thirteen followed my hope, smiled warmly and did not answer. I'm laughing at my rare and strange!

I pretended to be contemplative: "When I first arrived here, I was already drilling out. It took so long to succeed. It's really not easy!" Looking at his face, I said, "After it turns into a butterfly, people only see its beautiful figure. Who can think of the hardships it experienced when it transforms? However, it is said that this kind of ordeal is the necessary process for it to spread its wings and fly. If someone cuts the chrysalis skin with scissors so that it can easily escape without having to go through all kinds of struggle, then when it comes out, its wings will be so weak that they can no longer fly to the sky!"

I seemed to say this unintentionally, and I didn't know if he could understand it, but when I saw his face suddenly stagnated, I immediately bowed down and saluted. I followed his eyes back and was shocked to see a large group of people standing behind us.

is led by Kangxi, who stands behind a large group of royal clans and Mongolian nobles, and the Yinzhen brothers are also among them. This group of people are all dressed in velvet clothes, and it appears that they have just come back from hunting.

Why did you get here as soon as you came back? I followed the thirteen salutes, and I was shocked, but I heard a more surprising cry:

"Lin Qianer..."


Two exclamations woke me up, and I remembered that I was still holding the troublemaker guitar in my hand. I don't know if they heard the sound of the piano just now.

Have I been recognized? Because of this guitar? The exclamations of the third brother and the prince seem to have confirmed this. But it's too late to throw it away now, and I'm still holding it in my hand.

Yin Zhen's face has changed. He frowned, but forced himself to calmly say, "Taoer, why don't you stay in Yanyulou and run to this mountain by yourself? What kind of style is this? Why don't you go back quickly!"

I bent down to answer "yes" and was about to kneel down with Kangxi, but I heard Kangxi ask, "Is the song just now an ensemble of you two? The melody is far away and wide, high and low, simple and leisurely, which is in line with this scene!"

It turned out that the music attracted them. Xiao Sheng was far away, and when he played on the open cliff, it spread farther. It is said that there is no one here, but this is ignored!

The voice inquiry is nothing more than a Thunderbolt, Li is with thirteen people, and the two of them are just holding the piano in their hands. It's impossible to deny it, right?

After a long silence, the atmosphere was a little awkward. Naturally, Kangxi's question could not be answered. Thirteen finally said, "It's my son!" Does he still want to cover it up for me? I'm afraid it's in vain, right?

"Thirteenth brother, Qin Xiao ensemble, I'm afraid you can't play it alone!" The third brother said loudly.

He was the one who called "Lin Qianer" just now. Was he afraid that Kangxi would not ask? How can he hate Yin Zhen so much? If Kangxi knew the cause and effect of this matter, Kangxi would definitely order me to be executed. Yin Zhen must be in pain. Moreover, Kangxi knew that Yin Zhen's hidden plan at that time, would he be sentenced to the crime of deceiving the king? This will bring a double blow to Yin Zhen, right? It seems that the hatred in the eyes of the third brother I saw before is not my dazzle.

Will I be executed? I began to regret my wayward behavior and regret that I didn't listen to Yin's words and didn't touch the guitar. This is full of joy and sorrow!

Kangxi's face turned gloomy and said, "Three brothers, did you just call a person's name?"

The third brother immediately listed and said, "Yes, my son called 'Lin Qianer'!"

"Lin Qianer? Isn't it the female thief who disturbed the capital the year before last?

"Emperor Ama is wise, that's right!"

"Oh? Then why are you called Lin Qianer, the ninth sister-in-law? Kangxi's face was calm, his voice was gentle, and he didn't argue about joy and anger. The faces of the brothers behind him changed, and even the fourth brother, who was very deep in the city, looked gloomy, not to let alone the eighth brother, the tenth and fourteenth. They looked worried.

The third brother looked at Yin Zhen's gloomy and anxious face, and a touch of pleasure flashed in his eyes. He said, "Hang Ama looked at this piano. It was paid by Western missionaries. For a long time, no one in the Qing Dynasty could play it. But when the thirteenth brother lost 'Taia' in the house, the ministers saw Lin Qianer playing the piano with their own eyes. When I heard the sound of the ninth sister-in-law's piano just now, I thought it was Lin Qianer's comeback.

Yin Zhen came out and said to Kangxi, "Emperor Ama, Lin Qianer has long been in the law. Taoer has been staying in our house in peace, and has nothing to do with Lin Qianer. It's really ridiculous for the third brother to recognize people with the sound of the piano!"

"Oh, is Lin Qianer really in the ambush? On the day of Lin Qian'er's escape, all four gates gates had Lin Qian'er's report of leaving the city. It showed that the thieves used extremely skillful transfgation. The one who was so sure that the ninth brother was so sure of Fufa must be the real Lin Qianer?

This..., I took a deep breath, but I saw Yinzhen kneeling down to Kangxi and said in a loud voice, "Emperor Ama, Yinzhen dares to use his life to guarantee that Taoer is just an ordinary woman, and has nothing to do with the female thief."

He guaranteed his life at the critical moment! My heart is warm. In any case, the trip to the Qing Dynasty is not in vain. Even if it is given to death at the next moment, it is worth it! He also knelt beside Yin Zhen.

"Life Guarantee?" There was a trace of gloom in Kangxi's low voice. Is the life of one of your princes used to guarantee such a thing?

Kangxi was polite, but I heard that what he actually wanted to say was: Is the life of a prince used to guarantee a woman? In their belief, the life of a royal man is extremely noble, and a woman, especially such a Chinese woman with no status, is not worth any sacrifice by the royal man.

My heart was cold, and I suddenly felt that the mountain wind was blowing cold.

The third brother's words are even more sharp, "Nine brother, I know you can't bear to part with the ninth sister, but even if you don't care that she can play the Western piano that no one understands like Lin Qianer, you just need to think about why she knows the thief's unique skill - treasure appreciation, and you will Therefore, according to my inference, she is either Lin Qianer herself, or possessed by her soul!"

Ah, all the people have changed color, including Kangxi. The bodyguards beside him pulled out their waist knives in unison and protected them around Kangxi. It turned out that several people close to me also quietly stayed away, and only thirteen people did not move.

The eighth brother flirted with his robe and knelt down and said, "Huang Ama, although the ninth sister is knowledgeable and quite different from ordinary women, the minister thinks that she will never be a ghost, but just an ordinary woman."

Lao Shi and Shi also knelt down together to guarantee for me. Fourteen said, "She was chained by Brother Jiu, and she couldn't get out. If she was really a ghost, she would not be locked."

Who knew that this was also used by the third brother. It seems that he would not give up if he didn't let me and Yin Yu die today. He said, "Why was she locked? Is it because she and Lin Qianer fled at the same time? Well, the two of them not only have something to do with each other, but also have a lot to do with each other!"

"You!" Fourteen was so angry that he pointed to the third brother and wanted to curse, but because Kangxi was in front of him, he was not presumptuous.

Thirteen also knelt down slightly at this time. He frowned and endured the pain of his knees and said to Kangxi, "Huang Ama, it seems that Xiaojiu's sister-in-law and Lin Qianer are by no means the same person, and they will not be possessed by the soul. Because the little sister-in-law is gentle, she is absolutely different from the generous and flamboyant Lin Qianer. The appearance is changeable, it can be easy to look, or possess the soul, but as the saying goes, the country is easy to change, and the nature is difficult to change. Whether it is easy to look and possess the soul, the nature will not change.