Stealing time

173 Resistance

"The thirteenth brother and the ninth brother have not been walking around much, so how do you know how this woman's nature is? Can you know just by playing a song? Haven't the thirteenth brother heard the words of knowing people, knowing faces, and not knowing the heart? I never thought that the third brother would be so eloquent. He continued, "I heard that this woman was sent back to Jiudi's house from the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice in a coma, and the time coincided with the day when Lin Qianer was arrested." It seems that his resentment against Yin Zhen made him pay a lot of attention to the affairs of our house.

In addition to shouting "Drapflies", the prince, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said, "Third brother, the woman is disobedient. Your ninth brother led her to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, scared her with a small punishment. Although it is a little too childish, it is understandable. Why do He knelt down to Kangxi and said, "Hang Ama, I also thought that the ninth sister-in-law and Lin Qianer would never be the same person, nor will they be possessed by the soul."

When he knelt down, except for the third brother, all the brothers knelt down and pleaded with Kangxi for me. Kangxi patrolled his kneeling buddy, and his eyes were getting colder and colder.

In my heart, an ordinary woman actually attracted the two hostile factions, the eighth brother and the prince, to give up their former suspicions and plead for me together. This won't affect the political nerves of Kangxi's ** again, will it? Thinking of the time when Kangxi wanted to detain the eighth brother, Yin Zhen and Shishi's death exhortation made Kangxi furious and cut off Shishi on the spot. The reason is that Kangxi felt that the influence of the eighth brother had threatened his imperial power, so although he did not restrain the eighth brother that time, Kangxi had been trying his best to suppress him and no longer gave him a chance to get ahead.

The eighth brother is his biological son and a son he used to like very much. And I have no blood relationship with him, and I don't have any deep feelings. What will he do to me? It won't be regarded as a hidden danger to the imperial power, and it will be destroyed quickly, right?

The man lowered his head under his slightly gloomy eyes, and an ominous foreboding surged in his heart.

Kangxi was silent for a while and turned to the fourth brother who was kneeling on the ground and said, "Fourth brother, what do you think about this?"

The fourth brother pondered for a moment and replied, "Emperor Ama, since Lin Qianer was ambushed in public, there has indeed been no major theft in the capital. The minister also thought that the real Lin Qianer was indeed ambushed, and the ninth sister could not be the same person."

He even spoke for me!

In the past, every time we met, he was cold-faced. I always thought that his feelings for me were suspicious and disgusted. But this time he fell into the well and spoke for me, which surprised me.

It's just that speaking for me now may not help me.

"Good, good!" Kangxi praised twice, but his tone was not appreciated. This is really a difficult case to break. Since you all say that Lin Qianer has indeed fallen for the law, there is only one doubt left, which is soul possession! Although this is quite inconceivable, we are the royal after all, and we should be more careful.

He gave a look at Li Dequan, and soon Li Dequan brought a bowl of black soup.

Kangxi said, "The medicine is given by the true shaman. All those who are possessed by the soul will be poisoned and die if they drink this medicine."


Kangxi looked at me and Yin Zhen's white face, turned his eyes to the prince, the fourth brother and the eighth brother, and continued, "But this medicine is fine for ordinary people. Since you all said that she was not possessed by the soul, let her drink this medicine to prove her innocence!"

My heart stopped for a moment, and then I jumped wildly. Others don't know the details, but they don't know yet. Isn't the so-called time travel the possession of the soul? I must not drink this medicine!

"No..." Yin Yu shouted, which shocked everyone else.

I once half-jokingly told him that I was possessed by the soul. At that time, I asked him if he believed it or not. Are you afraid? I remember that his answer at that time was a letter, but he was not afraid! I always thought he said that because he loved me. How could anyone believe such a strange thing? But looking at his current reaction, I'm afraid he really believes it.

He really believes that it is possessed by the soul, but he still loves as usual...

Kangxi listened to Yin's cry and said, "What's wrong? Do you want to resist the decree? Or do you know that she is possessed by the soul, so you dare not let her drink? In that case, it will be even more tolerable for her! How can the prosperous times of the Qing Dynasty and the Langlang universe be worshipped?

"No, Emperor Ama, please, don't let Taoer drink this medicine." Yin Zhen's head kowtowed heavily to the mountain stone, and his forehead bleeds. I looked at him with pain, tears in my eyes. Yin Zhen said, "Huang Ama, let me take Tao'er away. I will take her far away from the world. From now on, I won't go back to the capital. It will never hinder the Qing Dynasty or the safety of the royal family."

"Is this still true?" Kangxi was furious. Bodyguard, take her down!"

"Shh!" There was an threed response from behind Kangxi. Four or five wolf-like bodyguards were about to come to take me, but they were pushed away by Yin Yu. He blocked me and prevented the bodyguard from approaching.

Yin Zhen, this is the purpose of resistance! Everyone's faces changed greatly.

With Kangxi's urging, several more bodyguards were added, and they rushed over desperately. Yin Zhen shook off his fists and beat them upside down. The scene suddenly became chaotic, and the buddies flashed around one after another.

I have never seen Yin Zhen use force, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful.

However, I also know that those bodyguards are strong and practice martial arts as their main business. If they really fight, it is impossible for Yin Zhen to have an advantage. However, with the respect of Yin Zhen's prince, those bodyguards were afraid of hurting him, so they did not dare to work hard at all, so that Yin Zhen had the upper hand from the surface.

Seeing that seven or eight bodyguards still couldn't take Yin Zhen, Kangxi was anxious. He pulled out his sword from his waist and shouted, "Yin Zhen, do you dare to resist the decree?! Do you have to let me fight in person to take you down?

Ah, the face that offended Kangxi was really terrible. His loud and angry shouts echoed in the valley like a dragon and a tiger roar. The surroundings suddenly calmed down. The guards stopped moving, and Yin Zhen also stopped resisting.

I took the opportunity to grab Yin Yu's sleeve and whispered, "Yin Yu, don't resist the order for Tao'er. Tao's life should be like this!"

Finally, it can't be accepted by this era. I knew that once my origin was revealed, I would not be allowed to be in the world.

Although Yin Zhen is not afraid of me and still loves me as always, others are not so easy to accept. Look at the scattered brothers, and you will know that they are more or less afraid.

Yin Zhen shouted, "No, you are my love for Xinjueluo. Yin Zhen's wife is the mother of my two children. Yin Zhen will never let anyone hurt you at all. If you want to die, we will die together!"

Ah, my breathing was stagnant, and my eyes stared at Yin Yu. For a moment, I felt that my vision was getting more and more blurred, and I couldn't see clearly. This is the second time he wants to live and die with me.

Last time, he loved, hated and intertwined. Under the excitement, he wanted to go to Huangquan with me, but this time, it was just love, and there were no other emotions. There are thousands of expressions of love, and his one is the strongest and the most tragic.

I was moved by Yin Zhen's deep affection, but I knew that it didn't work at all. Kangxi will never allow anyone to resist the order. Even if that person is his own son, he will definitely kill without mercy.

So far, I have no life, and the third brother has shown a proud look over there. There is a dead road in front of me, but how can I let Yinzhen step on the Huangquan Road with me? I'm thinking about rice and millet. How can children without parents survive in the center of this turbulence of political vortex? But Yin didn't listen to my dissuasion, which made me don't know what to do.

In a hurry, I cast a look at the eighth brother for help. He was willing to give a look to Lao Shi and Shi. The two only hesitated for a moment, and then got up and grabbed Yin Zhen's arm. The eighth brother said to Yin Zhen, "Ninth brother, I'm offended!"

Yin Zhen never thought that the brothers who usually mixed up would sneak up on him at a critical moment, so he didn't take precautions. When he was grabbed by one arm of Lao Shi and Shi Shi, he was about to break free, but he missed the opportunity. The bodyguards rushed up and restrained him together.

"No..." Yin Zhen shouted in despair, but he couldn't move at all.

Two other bodyguards were coming to take me. I dodged deftly and dodged their capture.

I said to Kangxi, "Don't catch me, I won't run." Although I am indeed possessed by the soul, I don't have ghostly special spells. What I can do is no different from others. If you poke me with a knife, you will bleed, and if you drink poison, you will die, just like you.

I turned my eyes to Yin Zhen and continued, "My soul came from three hundred years later. I don't know how I got here. I was just injured and unconscious. When I woke up, I became Liu Chuntao."

I approached Yin Zhen and whispered in his ear, "Remember our first time? That's when I came. That time, it hurt so much..."

He opened his eyes wide in shock, and slowly, a suddenly enlightened look appeared in his eyes.

I smiled at him gently and gently. I said, "I didn't want to come here. It's my soul who got lost and had no choice. But I don't regret it now. If I choose again, I will still come..." I looked at him with burning eyes. His dark eyes flashed brightly, like bright stars in the night.

I came here, and I have experienced so much with Yinzhen. Now it's all over! Although his love is not perfect, he is devoted and unreserved. There should be no regrets, but why am I still unwilling? Alas, people are greedy. When there is no time, people say, don't ask for a long time, but to have it! But when they have it, people want to "the heavens and the earth are old, and the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten." But this is just people's extravagant hope. How can it be possible?

I stood up and faced Kangxi. The Kangxi Emperor in front of him is majestic and high, in charge of the life and death power of the world. With his trembling and anger, the world will shake with him. But does he know how his descendants will ruin the Qing Dynasty? Do you know that his unworthy descendants will also tremble in the anger of the Western powers?

There are some things that may need to be said. This is the last chance. I, a modern man who is familiar with the history of future generations, may not come here just to repair the past and present life.

I looked directly at Kangxi and said, "Your Majesty, I come from later generations and know all the history of the Qing Dynasty, but I won't reveal a trace of secrets." With the exit of these words, the faces of Kangxi and all the brothers changed.

What does this mean? These very political ** people present reacted in an instant.

I ignored the people's astonishment and ready to move, and continued: "As a future citizen of this country, I hope that every step of the Qing Dynasty will go in the right direction. So I want to tell you that in three hundred years, the world will change dramatically: people can fly in the blue sky, travel in the deep sea, and even explore the moon palace; people at both ends of the world can talk at any time, far away, but close at hand..."

I talked about some miracles of modern science and technology, in the hope that the Kangxi Emperor, who banned missionaries from entering the country because of the conflict with the Vatican, and also blocked the way of communication with Western civilization, can have a long-term vision in the future.

"It all depends on something called technology. The West is now forming the original model of science and technology. Their arithmetic, geometry, literature, geography, biology, chemistry and physics are all the foundations of science and technology. My Majesty, send our scholars to the West to study. Go to France, England, and Italy, which is the birthplace of technology. Especially English, by the way, be sure to bring back what they call steam engines. That can greatly improve the development of the textile industry, shipbuilding industry and land transportation. It will bring earth-shaking changes. Remember, remember!"

I work hard, but I don't know if it works in my heart.

"...Yes, open the door of the country and stop banning the sea. There are all kinds of harms but no benefits, which will prevent the introduction of Western science and technology. The future world is the world of science and technology. Advanced science and technology can enrich the country and strengthen the army. If science and technology are backward, you will be passively beaten..."

Kangxi looked at me with deep eyes, with both understanding and doubt in his eyes.

"You are the sage monarch. You must plan for future generations. Don't lose the big because of the small and hinder the development of the Qing Dynasty. Otherwise, our post (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c The descendants of the world will be trapped in the war of the invasion of foreign powers, and suffer from the humiliation of being constantly occupied by foreign powers for a hundred years..."

I talked so much, and I don't know if Kangxi understood it. In fact, in the end, I didn't even know what I was talking about. It's just that as a Chinese, I'm not willing to accept that humiliating history. I always want to do my best, but in the end I have to listen to fate.

I stopped in a stingle.

On the high mountaintop platform, many people gathered, but they were silent. Only the mountain wind occasionally brings the restless buzz of wild bees.


Looking around, everyone looked at it. Except for the third brother, other people's faces were more or less unbearable. The prince's face was full of anxiety and painful struggles. He recognized the dragonfly that made him search all over the Qing Dynasty but could not find it, right? What is he struggling with? Do you want to plead for him again, or simply resist the order?

shook his head slightly at him to stop his impulse. The life behind the prince is miserable enough that he doesn't want him to fall into a worse situation.

He looked at the third brother coldly, and his pupils shrank under his eyes. You are also guilty, aren't you?

said, "Third brother, can you tell me what's going on with the portrait hidden in the study? Ah, no," he suddenly remembered something and changed his words, "The man in the painting is dressed in a flag, gentle and noble. It doesn't seem to be strange. Who is that?" Curiously watching the third brother turn into a pig's liver-like face, with an innocent face.

Ban Di was standing in the crowd at this time. He suddenly changed his color and understood it in his heart, right?

The person in the class is very gloomy, third brother, slowly wait for the trick!

Don't blame people for setting up problems on the verge of death. How can you easily let go of the harmful people?

He turned his eyes to Yin Zhen and looked at him gently, but said to Kangxi, "If you want it, give me the medicine and drink it yourself."

Yin's eyes were tightly locked, and his gloomy eyes were full of heartbreaking pain, but his body no longer struggled. It seems to have calmed down and settled down.

He also accepted his fate, didn't he?

The eunuch took the medicine bowl, picked it up, and there was a sound of gaspation around. Steadily put the medicine bowl to your lips and sip it. The medicine is so bitter. In the past, when I took medicine in the house, Yin Zhen always asked people to prepare pear cream candy.

He looked at Yin Zhen softly, and the tenderness in his chest rippled like ripples.

The eunuch came to get the bowl and handed it over, but let go first. The Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain bowl, which was specially made for the palace, was smashed. The little eunuch's face turned pale, and he knelt on the ground and couldn't help kowtowing.

The scene seems to be familiar. Yin Zhen is opposite to his four eyes, and his eyes are full of tenderness, as if they are about to ripple out. His lips moved, but there was no sound.

Laugh, because only one of the people present heard his words:

"The little girl is quite short-tempered, not timid, interesting!"

"I don't like hedgehog. When you enter my house, put away all the thorns, otherwise, I will pull out all the thorns!"

was the first time for the two of us, he gave a gift, and he pinched his buttocks. At that time, I screamed in pain and gritted my teeth in anger, but now that I think about it, there is only sweetness.

The medicine has been drunk, and Yin Zhen has been let go.

He came to the front and held the handle in his arms. He: "Don't be afraid, baby, no matter what happens, I will accompany you!"

Accompany? Do you want to accompany me to Huangquan? No!

Push him away, but at the moment of exerting force, the abdominal pain is like a wring.

Bend down and squat on the ground, with sticky and wet things coming out of the corners of his lips.

Yin Zhen also squatted down with him. He took it in his arms and said, "Baby, does it hurt? Call out the pain, don't put up with it."

He picked him up and sat on a rock close to the edge of the cliff. They turned their backs to the crowd and faced the endless undulating green mountains. He said, "It hurts. It's almost time to catch up with the raw rice and millet."

"That's the pain of level 12. I help drive away the mosquitoes to ensure that I won't feel the pain of level 13."

At that time, he was still in the mood to make him laugh, so that he couldn't laugh or cry.

"! Haha, ah!"

Yin Zhen also smiled. His eyes stared gently like water, and he also remembered the scene when he gave birth to a child. He grabbed his hand and looked at the shallow and almost unrecognizable tooth marks on the edge of his palm. It was bitten when raw rice and millet. It must have hurt a lot at that time!

put his hand to his lips, looked at his face, and compared his teeth on the tooth mark, but he was not willing to bite it.

Yin Yan smiled, smiling gently and dotingly, and a little peaceful. Yes, it's peaceful. It seems that they are not parting, but playing leisurely in their own house. As if there was no one around him, he looked back at the dripping of the two people. All the past has become sweet memories, even if it was angry, painful, and even hateful.

The pain spreads from the abdomen to the chest, and it is difficult to breathe. I don't know much time. The blood from the corners of his lips flowed out again, and Yin Zhen stretched out his hand again to wipe it off, but was stopped.

Reach out and stroked his fascinating handsome face, endured the knife-like pain in his chest and abdomen, and said in a trembling voice: "Yinzhen, after leaving, you want to live a good life. Take good care of rice and millet, replace, look at them for them, grow up**, don't, don't..."

Don't be trapped in sadness and can't extricate yourself, and don't think about it from time to time. But it doesn't come out anymore.

He was short of breath and cold all over. Although he hugged him tighter and tighter, he couldn't help trembling. I was sleepy, and my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. I wanted to see more Yin's eyes, but I finally didn't want to sink. The hand finally slipped from his face and hung weakly beside him.

"No!!!" Yin Yan shouted. He shouted.

"No, Taoer, don't go..."

"Don't leave it, Taoer will come back..."

Yin Zhen shouted heartbreakingly, and his voice was like the desperate and lonely howl of the only wolf left in the ground. The howling resounded through the ground. In an instant, dark clouds covered the sun, the strong wind blew sharply, and the sand flew away the stones. Is the earth sad for his mourning, so it changed its color?

The vision is rampant, and most of the people on the cliff are frightened, that is, Kangxi, who is calm and sure of everything, can't help but change color at this time. The ancients' superstition was the most important. In their opinion, they were dissatisfied. Are they issuing a warning?

It's strange that although the eyelids can't be opened at all and the body can't move, the senses are convenient. Is it possible that all perceptions now are strange functions of the soul?

The body touched the ground gently. It was Yin Zhen who temporarily put it on the mountain rock beside him and knelt down seriously to Kangxi. He said, "Emperor Ama, please forgive me for my unfilial piety. Since I was a child, I have been used heavily, indulge in pleasure, do not study hard, and have no intention to go to politics, which makes Huang Ama greatly disappointed. Every time I think about it, I feel very guilty. It's just that I'm used to being stubborn in this life, but it's not easy to change. I can only look forward to the next life. When I become a father and son with Huang Ama again, I will do my best to be a son who satisfies Huang Ama!" After that, Yin Zhen solemnly kowtowed to Kangxi.

Maybe he felt something, the eighth brother was shocked and said, "Ninth brother, people can't come back to life after death. I'm sorry. The ninth sister-in-law also hopes to live a good life and take good care of Shuang'er!"

Yin Zhen turned around and smiled sadly at the eighth brother. He said, "It's the blessing of Yin Zhen's life to be a brother with the eighth brother in this life. Let's continue the brother's fate in the next life!"

He leaned over and picked it up, ignored his brother's advice, and whispered in his ear, "Tao'er, do you really want to go? All right! Don't get rid of it. You can follow wherever you go. No matter if you want to go back to the hell after 300 years, you can do it!" After all, he hugged him tightly, jumped down the cliff, and then threw the screams of Kangxi and his brothers behind him.

"Nine brothers!"

"Ninth Brother!"


"Yin Zhen!"

In all kinds of calls, mixed with hoarse and desperate " dragonflies..."

The body was light and fell from the air, but there was a whirling wind in my ear. The wind became more and more rapid and blew on the cheeks. Fortunately, I don't feel it now, otherwise it will hurt a lot, right?

Alas, Yin Zhen still didn't listen, so he jumped down!

Although he can't open his eyes, he can "see" his handsome face above his head. He lowered his head and stared at his face, his eyes were as soft as spring water, and the corners of his lips bent shallowly, with a doting smile.

I want to laugh back, but my face is stiff and I can't move.

Alas, he finally died. When a person dies, he can't even make an expression. I can only "look" at Yin Zhen greedily, thinking of the curtain since I met him and his smile.

The first meeting, he wants to give the coldness of pulling the thorn.

After spanking, he asked if he had any opinions.

When he came back from the Rehe River, he was full of red clouds, the joke and charm when he kissed in public.

He pulled the power of "Master has never occupied people, never let anyone occupy".

The gentleness and lingering in Xiaotang Mountain.

Childishness in that sleepless night.

The theft was tossed with physical and mental exhaustion.

In the morning of his escape, he turned around and looked at the heavy eyes when he asked, "Is it good to follow the fate?"

When he was whipped, the unbearable pain on his body and his angry but heartbreaking face.

His anger and helplessness.

He is cruel and crazy when he destroys the killer in pain.

Returning from Huangquan, he told him to be careful when he was pregnant.

The warmth of the two of them snuggling up to each other while walking in the golden yellow forest.

He sang a song for the rice millet in his belly when he was a child.

When the ghost screamed in the pain of production, he was as funny as a stone.

When he looked at the guitar, his satisfied and doting eyes.

After all, he was reluctant to leave. When he confessed to him, his tone trembled and relieved.

He wants to jump, and he also wants to be narrow and lustful when he poses...



It turns out that inadvertently, we have so many memories and past. Some sweet, or painful, or happy, or sad, or warm, or tormenting memories are our two private treasures, which are more expensive than gold, and they are as brilliant as diamonds. The treasure only belongs to the two of us, and others can only pee on it quietly. Even if they cove on it, it is impossible to touch the tycoon.

is the biggest treasure stolen by life, and it is also a treasure that others can never steal. It is the secret of He Yinzhen.

I'm afraid that the memories of the two of us in this life will last forever. Even if they experience the refinement of time and space, they can't erase it!

Do you have to be entangled in your life? Well, Yin Zhen, let's get entangled to the old wasteland and to the ends of the sea, until our memories disappear in the long river of time and space.

The body is light, and there is no heavy feeling of rapid falling. Is it because of being in Yin's arms? Yin Zhen's eyes are so focused and reluctant to give up. Work hard, work hard, and then work hard. It's so difficult to squeeze out the last smile on Yin Zhen's face. It's so difficult! Finally, the muscles at the corners of the lips seemed to affect, but disappeared in an instant. It's as fast as the stars blinking in the summer night.

Did he see it? Look at the corners of his lips, his eyes full of warm smiles, like the spring breeze brushing his face, like the moon, like the clear waves. The extremely gentle smile is extremely charming and gorgeous, the essence of spring flowers and autumn moon, summer rain and winter sun ** are all contained in a very faint smile.

Because of his smile, he told: If you meet in this life, it is fate. If you meet again in the next life, how lucky it is!

The next life, look forward to the next life!

The Sanskrit sound of the West seems to come from the air:

The cause of the past life, the result of the present life.

The soul is possessed, this is life, the soul is separated, and this is death.

This life and death, this death and that life, cycle back and forth, life and life.

This life and death, this life and death...

Bathed in his warm smile, there is a Spanish Sanskrit singing around him, reassuring, calming, comfortable to sleep, want to sleep, want to sleep...

Consciousness finally pulled away, and the senses were completely closed.

is the beginning of another life...