Steal the sky

Chapter 65 Counterattack

The real water is focused on your eyes. Don't beg to see what was shot in the night.

It is dozens of thick fingers, more than a foot long, and the whole body is dark with anti-reflective treatment and streamlined triangular wind cone. This strange-shaped wind-breaking cone is well designed, and the craftsmanship is extremely smart. The speed of the wind-breaking cone shot with a strong machine is extremely fast, and there is no sound when flying.

If you hadn't entered the innate realm, you would have initially had spiritual knowledge, and you wouldn't have noticed the approach of this thing at all.

'Hey' exhaled, the real water penetrated the body, and a layer of flexible and dense air covered the whole body. Don't beg to slap two palms at a few wind-breaking cones that were less than ten feet away from you. The big winding hand started, and the invisible air vortex swept out, and a strange wind roar immediately sounded in the air.

The sound of cracking silk sounded, and the two whirlpools shot by Don't beg were easily pierced by the broken wind cone. He released about a foot of protective air outside his body, and was easily broken by the broken wind cone. Not only that, the wind cone was against the gas of no begging, and the speed suddenly increased by 30%, shooting down like lightning.

This thing can be broken!

With a swirling of blue light in your eyes, don't beg to suddenly see the small rune carved on the wind-breaking cone. This was originally used for magic weapons such as flying swords. It is specially used to break the natural wind in the sky, increase the flying speed of the flying sword, and the rune used to protect the

He saw the faint black light at the tip of these wind-breaking cones. The sharpest tip in front of the wind-breaking cone is actually made of rare 'Underworld Iron'. This kind of thousand-year-old basalt iron absorbs the strange metal that can only be produced by a hundred years of underground yinqi, and also specializes in breaking the qi of martial artists.

With a strange cry, don't beg, how dare you resist? He held his head, and his body suddenly shrank and turned into a meat ball less than two feet old. With a gust of wind, he rolled out cling to the ground and rolled out. The dense 'sneer' kept ringing, and dozens of wind-breaking cones clung to the begging body and shot on the ground, shooting dozens of bottomless holes on the ground.

With a mess, Don't beg rushed to the carriage where Lu Chengfeng and his three were, and flew up and kicked the carriage out of the entrance of the alley.

The huge real gas broke out, and the heavy carriage retreated sharply more than ten feet. Nearly a hundred wind-breaking cones were shot down in a mess, and a large dense hole was shot out of the ground. With a loud noise, the carriage exploded, and Lu Chengfeng, Rock Enemy and Ma Liang rushed out of the shattered carriage.

As soon as the experienced Roque enemy and Ma Liang rushed out of the carriage, they immediately clung to the root of the wall on both sides, but Lu Chengfeng flew up to the sky majestically and shouted in a trembling voice, "Who hurts people with a secret arrow? Aren't you afraid of the royal law of the Yan Dynasty?

Seeing such a majestic Lu Chengfeng, don't beg to be scared out in a cold sweat. He roared strangely, and his body shrank like a meatball suddenly bounced up. He bounced twice as fast as Lu's rising momentum in the wind. He grabbed Lu Chengfeng's ankle and threw him down to the ground fiercely.

Lu Chengfeng screamed and was thrown to the ground by Begging, but Begging had no choice but to fly more than ten feet high along the anti-shock force.

On the dark wall around, there was a sudden shout: "Fight!"

A muffled sound, like a small steel cannon fired at Bu begging's ear. The three children's arms were thin, and the ten feet and three-foot-long heavy crossbows shot at Don't beg begging. This heavy crossbow body is forged with tungsten steel, which is heavy and abnormal. I don't know what kind of abnormal crossbow machine can eject them, and the speed of the crossbow arrow flying is twice as fast as the wind-breaking cone just now.

"Ddodge!" Lu Chengfeng roared wildly. As soon as he got up from the ground, he saw three heavy crossbow arrows shooting at Bu Begging, and he couldn't help but be scared out of the sky.

Don't beg for your body to borrow power in mid-air. At this time, there is no room to dodge. A cold blue light flashed in his eyes, and his hands quickly circled in front of him. The naive water rushed out and turned into dozens of invisible whirlpools of rapid rotation in front of him. The air was spinning rapidly, making a harsh wind roar, and the air rubbed against the air, faintly bringing a white gas explosion ring.

Three crossbow arrows suddenly reached less than three feet in front of Don't beg.

With a burst, three heavy crossbow arrows made of tungsten steel suddenly twisted into twists and twists strangely. They were rolled by the invisible air vortex, and the twisted heavy crossbow arrows passed close to the body of the beggars, and flew out half a mile away. Don't beg, I only felt a huge force bumped into my face, and my hands seemed to have been hit hard by a heavy hammer. At first, the water trembled violently, causing a burst of real qi in the body.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, don't beg to take advantage of the momentum of heavy crossbows to fly back more than 20 feet.

With an angry roar, don't beg for the courage in his bones, and he suddenly laughed. While laughing hysterically, he took out two good-stringed nine-fold crossbows from the storage bag around his waist.

In the sound of 'clap', eighteen pure steel crossbow arrows shot away in the direction of the heavy crossbow arrow just now. The arrows sank into the darkness, and a sad howl suddenly came from a hundred feet away. The sound of the crossbow arrow shooting through people** and through human bones was so harsh, and then there was a dull crash. Someone should have fallen to the ground from the wall.

Shouty stuff two empty crossbows into the storage bag. Don't beg to get up, and two crossbows appear out of thin air.

Eighteen pure steel crossbows were fired, followed by eighteen and eighteen.

Don't beg to fly back more than ten feet with the strength of the crossbow. He actually stimulated twelve waves and twenty-four nine-fold crossbows in a row. More than 200 crossbow arrows were shot out, and from time to time there were screams and angry curses in the dark.

Lu Chengfeng laughed loudly and shouted, "Well done! Hahaha!"

These nine-fold crossbows were all captured from the wild beast riders in the First Battle of Little Mengcheng. Don't beg for the great power of this crossbow. In accordance with the principle of being prepared, a hundred good crossbows have been stored in the storage bag, which is just in handy tonight.

The person who shot the three arrows with a bed crossbow in the dark didn't expect that there was a storage bag on the body, and he didn't expect that someone would be bored enough to put so many good nine-fold crossbows in the storage bag. They were caught off guard by Begging, and most of the group was killed and injured on the spot.

A gloomy sneer came from a distance: "Hey, I have some ability, but I still have to die!"

Don't beg for a sigh of relief, and he staggered and fell to the ground. Lu Chengfeng and the other two hurriedly came over to make peace with Don't beg. Don't beg reached out and grabbed them quickly. They grabbed a few nine-fold crossbows from the storage bag and handed them to them. If the black light is blind, it is convenient to use a crossbow. Once there is any movement, just shoot with a crossbow.

Protect Lu Chengfeng in the middle, don't beg. Rock's enemy and Ma Liang's left and right are behind, and the four of them ran to the exit of the alley at the fastest speed. The four of them are all cultivated innate realms. They are naive and angry, and their bodies fall together for about ten feet, and they are about to rush out of this alley.

But with that sneer, the four of them felt a sudden shaking of the ground under their feet.

Not only are the walls of Jicheng tall and strong, but the walls on both sides of the streets in the city are also mysterious. In terms of the alley where they are, the towering walls on both sides are made of boulders. The foundation of the wall is organically enclosed. Once launched, the wall immediately tilts and collapses into the street. If the enemy attacks the city, no matter how many enemy troops come, as long as they walk on the street, once the machine is launched, the boulder will collapse, and even the iron man will be smashed by the boulder.

Those behind-the-scenes black hands who attacked the Beggar's party, don't know what the background is, but they boldly launched this killer weapon, which was originally the last city defense of the Dayan Dynasty.

The four of them only felt that their feet were soft, and their toes could not borrow power, and the speed of their bodies flying forward suddenly slowed down.

The towering walls on both sides of the three-mile-long alley suddenly slanted inward, and the boulders several feet wide collapsed roaringly. The boulder and the boulder collided with each other, splashing a large area of Mars. The huge noise broke the tranquility of Jidu. This sound was exactly what Yu Xuan and Tie Yuewu heard on the Guozong Mansion.

The alley is only more than ten feet wide, and the walls on both sides are seven or eight feet high. The wall tilted inward, and the top of the head was immediately sealed firmly. As soon as the wall disintegrated, the boulders with a radius of several feet were smashed down in a mess, and they became dead in all directions, and there was no place to dodge at all.

Rock's enemy and Ma Liang looked at the huge boulder above their heads, threw the crossbow on their hands, and slapped their fists to the sky with all their strength.

Don't beg is also a long roar, and the two of them joined hands to slap into the air with all their strength.

Dozens of boulders pressed down from the top of the head suddenly shook, and the speed of decline slowed down out of thin air.

It was this slow kungfu. Lu Chengfeng had taken out three piles of the back earth spiritual armor array. Regardless of the spell, he directly bit the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the pile, using the fastest and most damaging method to stimulate the array. The situation was critical. When Lu Chengfeng bit his tongue, he didn't have any weight. Two rows of big teeth closed. When he sprayed blood, even a piece of soybean-sized tongue was sprayed out.

With a scream, Lu Chengfeng's tongue was full of blood, and he was so painful that tears spewed out.

Three piles shook, the ground shook around, and a large number of khaki airflows rushed in, quickly forming an khaki air cover around the four people. Lu Chengfeng quickly threw out the pile, which sank deeply into the ground, and the finished glyph surrounded the four people.

The boulder fell, and the khaki air shield shook. The boulder that touched the air mask suddenly broke apart and gradually broke into a thumb-sized stone.

Lu Chengfeng's blood gushed out of his mouth and dripped on his chest clothes along his chin. He pointed to the sky and cursed loudly, "Senemy, what hatred do I, Lu Chengfeng, have with you? Use this method to hurt people secretly?"

Dozens of feet away, the sneering voice just now suddenly sounded: "What? You're not dead yet?"

The voice was full of consterilation and doubt, and Begging quickly determined his position through his voice.

Try your best to push away the two boulders on the top of your head, and don't jump up with a nine-fold crossbow with your left hand.

Nine crossbow arrows shot out in the direction of the man. Don't beg to put away the crossbow and shouted harshly, "Rock enemy, kill with me!"

Two poisonous thorns from Mengshan clenched in his hand. Don't beg for more than ten feet and rushed in the direction of the man.

The enemy Rock, who was angry by the ambush, pulled out his sword and rushed out to kill the comrades with a loud curse. It's updated. Keep voting! Pig head wants tickets, book reviews, and remember to log in to the collection X