Steal the sky

Chapter 66 Ghost

Thirty feet away, standing on a courtyard wall is a handsome young man in a silver robe covered with a big white coat. There were more than a dozen tall and short people in black standing beside him, and he was looking at this side with ghostly eyes.

They never dreamed that the huge stone wall would fall, and they could not be crushed to death. Don't beg so fast. When he pushed the boulder out from below, all these people were stunned. It was this stunned kung fu, and nine crossbow arrows had been roaring.

The young man in silver robe shouted strangely. His body was crooked, and he fell over from the wall and fell to the ground awkwardly.

Even if he escaped quickly, a crossbow arrow still shot through his shoulder and shot a transparent hole in him. The young man in silver robe howled bitterly. When he landed, he stood unsteadily, and his right foot fell to the ground tiltedly. The sound of crisp bone cracks came, and his ankle was also broken.

More than a dozen other people in black were injured by crossbows. The nine-fold crossbow is extremely powerful. At a distance of only 30 feet, it is passed by the body, leaving a transparent hole with a child's fist. The blood spewed out. Although the person who was hit by the arrow was not in the critical place, he was also weak with pain.

The screams of the young man in silver robe still echoed in the night sky. Don't beg for two ups and downs in front of him, and the right hand stabbed him in the throat without hesitation. Don't beg, your eyes are as cold as ice, with a desperate murderous intention. He shouted in a low voice, "If I don't die, you will die!"

The young man in silver robe raised his head in horror. He was about to shout, but he happened to see the eyes that were not as cold and ruthless as human beings. His breath stagnated, and the screams in his throat stopped abruptly, but his instinctive hands supported the ground and fled back with rolling and crawling. But behind him was the wall. After two steps, he hit his head on the wall.

The dark thorn has a faint fishy smell, which is about to pierce the body of the young man in silver robe as fast as lightning.

At the corner of the street on the side of

, a delicate woman's voice suddenly came from: "Sit!"

Don't beg didn't pay attention to the woman's cry at all. He stared at the young man in silver robe, and the thorn pierced straight out and deep into his throat. The young man in silver robe looked at Don't beg in disbegging in disbelief. His body twitched in waves, and in the blink of an eye, dark blood spewed out of his seven orifices and pores. His body quickly shrank into a small black meat.

The man in black on the wall screamed heartbreakingly in despair: "Son!"

Several men in black jumped down from the wall, and their weapons in their hands brought up a foot of energy, and fiercely split the head of the begging.

He snorted disdainfully. Don't beg for your toes gently, and quickly rushed to the street from the woman's voice just now.

The fierce Roque enemy, who was as fierce as a crazy tiger, rushed over. He waved his long sword, and the light red sword, which was six feet long, flashed away. Several people in black were still in mid-air when they were cut over by Jian Gang. Blood spewed out, and more than a dozen bloody bodies fell to the ground heavily. These men in black were not dead for a while, and the upper half of their bodies twitched randomly on the ground, constantly making a sad cry.

Rock waved his sword and vented all his grievances of being captured and forced to join Lu Chengfeng. He raised his bloody long sword and said with a smile, "The native chicken and tile dog is vulnerable! You group of bitches dare to move... Do you want our son's idea?"

The night wind roared in his ear. Don't beg to stare at the street dozens of feet away. A gorgeous car covered by gold for the dragonfly, sterling silver for the wheel and green gauze is parked at the corner of the street. More than a dozen tough men in cyan cloaks are escorting Don't beg.

The woman's call just now came from the car.

No matter who the woman in the car is, she must have an connection with the young man in silver robe. Such a late-night ambush, and the young man in silver robe, who was clearly the messenger behind the scenes, and watched at the corner of the street nearby. This woman will never be a friend who should not be begging.

As soon as he arrived at Jidu, he was lured to go out to fight. Unexpectedly, he even used Jidu's urban defense machine and heavy bed crossbows. Don't beg for the fire in your heart. No matter who the enemy is, just kill it. As long as Lu Chengfeng inherits Yan's unruly title and official position, who else can't be provoked in the Yan Dynasty?

The blue light in his eyes condensed, low but continuous, as if the roar of the river tide in the middle of the night came from the mouth of the begging. He lowered his body, hid two thorns behind him, and quickly rushed to the carriage.

Four blue cloaks were thrown high into the air, and four men in blue pulled out their swords and strode to welcome them. One of them shouted violently, "Be bold, go back, or you will be killed!"

Before the words fell, Don't beg for a sudden force. The stones on the street were smashed by him. He rushed forward with his strength and almost flashed to the four men. His hands stabbed out quickly, and the thorn brought the sound of 'sneer' to the four young people.

The sword is like snow, and the sword wind is strong and sound. The four swords turned into four light belts, and the accurate point was on the thorn.

Don't beg for strangeness to laugh. First of all, the water spirit was infused with awn thorn. As soon as the long sword touched the awn thorn, it was hit by the whirlpool airflow. The thorn thorned out lightly and gently pierced into the bodies of the four young people. The mango pierced only three inches into the body, but the four young people twitched violently. Their bodies quickly twitched into a ball, and in the blink of an eye, they shrank into a dark meat ball, and the blood flowed all over the ground.

"How presumptuous!" The fierce young man near the carriage was shocked and angry. Six blue cloaks were thrown out. The six young men pulled out the single-fronted Yanling machete and rushed to the beggar. The bright moon hung high in the sky, and six machetes brought up the stream of light, like a meteor flying down from the sky, splitting at the body of Don't begging.

Don't beg, who rushed forward, suddenly stopped. He laughed and clamped the thorn under his armpit, and suddenly there were two more nine-fold crossbows in his hand.

In the sound of 'clap', eighteen pure steel crossbow arrows shot out. The man in blue who rushed to beg with a knife was less than three feet away. They couldn't dodge and were shot straight by a crossbow. At such a close distance, the huge kinetic energy attached to the crossbow shot their bodies away and flew three or four feet away. More than a dozen blood arrows spewed out, dragging more than a dozen feet of blood on the ground.

By the carriage, except for the people in black driving, there are only the last six people in blue.

Don't beg and continue to rush towards the carriage with a sneer. He stared at the window of the carriage. Behind the green veil, someone was looking at Don't beg through the thin bamboo curtain, and his eyes were full of surprise and anger. Don't beg instinctively hate this man's eyes. Most of his spiritual knowledge is concentrated on this person. The two thorns shake faintly with his arm. Once he rushes to the carriage, the tip of the thorn will be at the man's heart.

"Bold!" The woman's soft voice sounded again.

The man in blue, whose face at the side of the carriage has not changed at all, was about to rush out when the woman had sneered: "Stop, you are not his opponents."

A dark shadow rushed out of the carriage silently, about a foot away from the ground, floating like a ghost. As soon as the shadow appeared, there was a small whirlwind in the surrounding streets. More than a dozen bowls were several feet thick and several feet high, and the whirlwinds rolled this way with the shadow. A layer of hazy black fog gushed out of the flat ground and gradually converged towards the shadow.

As soon as his finger bounced, two awn thorns shot out with a harsh roar and hit the shadow.

The thorn passed through the shadow's body and flew out far away. The shadow didn't have any reaction. It was still floating a little from the ground, and it didn't come up slowly.

Don't beg for horror. He stared at the dark shadow and only saw a handsome woman with a slightly blue face in the black fog, grinning at him, with a terrible smile. There was a faint blood in the woman's eyes. When she came into contact with Begging, Begging only felt chills all over her body.

The cold wind kept spreading from the woman's body, rolling up a twirlwind and black fog.

With the low laughter that seemed to sound directly in her mind, the weird woman rushed to the front of Beggar and grabbed his neck with both hands.

Don't beg. I only felt a cold air coming out of my heart. In the middle of the night, the moonlight was bleak, and a woman with a transparent body reached out and grabbed her neck! He couldn't help shouting, "Daed, what the hell are you?"

One point for both hands, the first day is condensed in the palm of your hand. Don't beg to try your best to meet the woman's claws.

The woman's soft laughter came from the carriage: "What the hell? Didn't you go to hell today?"

The slaps touched the woman's claws silently. Don't beg, I only felt a cold air rushing up along the palm of my hand, and I couldn't help shivering all over. The fingertips of the five fingers turned black in an instant, and the fingers were paralyzed and there was no sense of it.

The woman's smile suddenly stiffened, and the natural water was extremely mysterious. It was cultivated with the help of a wisp of natural water in the innate water spirit stone. The qi rushed into the woman's body, which immediately made the breath in her body a burst of chaos, and the same cold air surged all over the woman's body.

A yin wind scattered everywhere, and the woman's body suddenly dimmed a lot, from translucent to almost completely transparent.

A sad scream came from the woman's mouth, and she turned around and turned into a gloomy wind rushing towards the carriage. A woman's delicate scolding came from the carriage: "How dare you to hurt even my ghost guard. Are you looking for death?"

A red light came from the rear and quickly hit the cloudy wind. There was a loud noise, and a red fire exploded, breaking the gloomy wind to pieces. It was faintly possible to see a hazy woman's head slipping into the carriage and missing.

Don't beg to turn around in a hurry. He just shot a flaming charm behind him and smashed the yin wind turned into by the demon. It was the Rock enemy.

He looked at the carriage reluctantly, his arms were stiff, and he gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice.

"Withdraw, get out of here quickly!"


Comrades, it's the weekend. Congratulations on making it snow again.

In addition to the wind and snow, remember to vote for the pig's head!

Ticket, ticket! Even if you go shopping with your girlfriend and boyfriend, vote before you go out!


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