Steal the sky

Chapter 101 Yueqi

** slightly lifted away from the heel under the pad. Don't be half kneeling, carefully poked out more than half of his head, crossed a large dark head, and looked at Qin Qingshui, who kowtowed like garlic in the hall in the distance. Perhaps the fear was extreme, and the sound of Qin Qingshui's kowtow was so loud that the huge hall was buzzing and echoing. His forehead soon broke a large piece of flesh, and under the blood, his long donkey face became more and more ugly.

Jing Ke on the second high platform still took a big sip of white jade wine, as if he didn't notice that Qin Qingshui was playing with his forehead on the floor. A middle-aged scribe beside him drooped his eyelids and looked at a pair of white jade chopsticks in his hand without saying a word. Another tall and powerful old man, and a middle-aged general in black armor with a blood-red rope in his bun, were also silent. Only sitting on the far left, the tall man who looks like about thirty people is a little unnatural.

Qin Qingshui was still kowtowed and begging for mercy. When the floor of the hall was stained red by the blood on his forehead, the tall man sitting on the second high platform, who was side by side with Jing Ke and other four people, finally couldn't help it. He got up and knelt down and saluted Yan Dan on The wind patrol department has not been a stroke guard for a few years, and this experience is lacking, a little arsenic, please forgive your majesty.

Yandan, whose face was as heavy as water, rubbed his eyebrows and suddenly smiled: "Since you said so, let him go. Qin Qingshui, your ancestors opened their mouths to beg for mercy for you, and this time it's so cheap for you. Within three months, thoroughly investigate the cause and consequences of Yan's unruly death. Anyone related to this matter, I will see their heads in three months. If you can't do it, you can do it!"

After a pause, Yan Dan scolded coldly: "What an important job it is for the imperial court on the territory of the Great Yan Dynasty. Wind patrol, wind patrol, what is wind patrol? Go back and think about it yourself. The original intention of establishing the wind patrol department is to let you wait like the breeze to be pervasive and investigate in detail. There is no clue to the big case of the drowning of the Duke of the hall. Don't you just use your life to falsely accuse people at the gate of the city?

Don't beg, raise your eyebrows and look at Yan Dan in surprise. The so-called false accusation at the gate of the city with human life is obviously what Qin Qingshui and others did when he returned to the city during the day. Unexpectedly, Yan Dan, who had just been out of the network, had already known the distance and used it to beat Qingshui.

Sure enough, Yan Dan continued to fall: "Hao Ying is righteous, as a Si Kou, some of the children in the clan are really not good. Haoying Fenglong is your eldest grandson, right? This child is too stubborn. Can the patrol of Sichu Mansion be used by him to trap people? It is said that the Hanhai Kingdom in the far north has just found a rich snowfield. Let Haoying Fenglong go there to build a country and let him take 300,000 people there.

In the three-phase nine-qing list in the hall, a middle-aged man with a fat body and white skin temporarily like a twenty-eight virgin's body trembled. He hurried out and kowtowed to Yandan to thank him. He respectfully agreed to Yandan's understated sentence, and recorded the right of Haoying Fenglong to He must take 300,000 ordinary people and a group of guards to travel more than 100,000 miles, go deep into the ice and snow in the far north, and go to the newly discovered snowfield in the Hanhai Kingdom to build his own country.

This is Yan Dan's grace and Yan Dan's punishment for Hao Ying Fenglong.

If Haoying Fenglong is lucky, hundreds of years later, in that snowfield, there will be a new state of the Great Yan Dynasty. He will become the founder of the vassal state, create a great foundation, and write a lot in the history books of the Great Yan Dynasty. If he is not lucky enough, or his ability is not enough, the 300,000 people he brought will soon be swallowed up by the snowfield, and there will be no Haoying Fenglong in the world from now on.

For more than 2,000 years since the founding of the Great Yan Dynasty, every three or five years, there will be a large number of children of families, or children who have been demoted for crimes, take a different number of people and guards to various places to open up their own foundation in the mountains and wasteland. Some have succeeded, and there are more than hundreds of vassal states in the Dayan Dynasty and tens of thousands of large and small cities that have not yet declared the founding of the country. Some have failed, and no one will remember them from now on.

Don't beg to know that the Dayan Dynasty has this custom. Go to the newly discovered land to build a city, and then build a country. This is a road that the children of many noble families will eventually take. After all, the family's resources are limited, and it is impossible for more and more ethnic groups to enjoy the blessings of the family and This is also a way out. It is not only the children of the family who will do this, but also the hundreds of sects of Dayan. Many disciples have accumulated certain abilities, resources and connections in adulthood, and will also choose in this way.

It's just a pity for Haoying Fenglong. Don't beg for a faint sneer. Yan Dan sent him to the far north, which was also a kind of protection for him. If he was sent to somewhere in the West, it was just within the scope of Lu Chengfeng Zuo Guozheng's authority. Don't beg for a hundred ways to let Haoying Fenglong and the 300,000 people he took to die and evaporate clean.

While being fierce, to see what method to use to add some blockage to Haoying Fenglong, he heard Yan Dan say again: "Qin Qingshui, why is the matter of Tuoba Qingye? As a proton dedicated to the country, he squatted in the middle of the night, and even attacked and killed the members of the clan with crossbows. Does he want to rebel? I will give you three days to find out this matter and get back to you as soon as possible. There is also Tuoba Haofeng, who took him to Zuo Guozheng's mansion to get thirty sticks. As the prince of the vassal country, don't make trouble in Jidu, otherwise he will be severely punished.

Don't beg's eyes suddenly lit up. It seems that the country of dedication is also under the rule of Zuo Guozheng's mansion. Tuoba Haofeng committed a crime in Jidu. According to the law, he should indeed be punished by Zuo Guozheng's mansion. Since Yan Dan opened his mouth to beat him with thirty sticks, don't beg for a good job to entertain Tuoba Haofeng. How can he be worthy of colluding with Qin Qingshui and Hao Yingfeng to accuse him of his deep friendship? It's just a blink of an eye. Don't beg for at least dozens of vicious and fierce ideas in your mind. Thirty sticks, if you have the intention to calculate, it's enough to kill Tuoba Haofeng alive.

Is it to kill Tuoba Haofeng or abolish him? Yan Dan has finished Qin Qingshui and drove him back to the train to sit down. Then, Yan Dan asked faintly, "Where is Yanle Gongyan taking advantage of the wind?" Come out and let me have a look."

Lu Chengfeng suddenly stood up from the train. He walked to the hall with a little restraint and knelt down to Yandan on the high platform. It should be nervous. Lu Chengfeng's etiquette was not arsenic at all, but his movements were stiff like puppets, which looked very unnatural.

On the high platform, Yan Dan looked down on Lu Chengfeng. After a long time, he nodded with satisfaction. His voice became much milder, at least not as full of murderous spirit as he had just scolded Qin Qingshui. With a smile, Yan Dan said in harmony, "Take advantage of the wind and raise your head."

Lu Chengfeng hurriedly straightened up and looked up at Yan Dan. After all, he was born in a family. Lu Chengfeng's temperament image is not picky, and because of the birth of an illegitimate child, Lu Chengfeng also seems to be much older and more stable than his age. Although it was the first time to see Yan Dan, he was a little nervous and reserved, but there was nothing to be picky about

nodded happily, and Yan Dan said in harmony, "It looks like a talent. Yan Legong's title is just fine. Zuo Guozheng's position is high and powerful. Since you have attacked this position, you have to work diligently.

Give you a year to practice carefully in the position of Zuo Guozheng. If you do a good job, you will be the first choice of Zuo Guozheng in the Yan Dynasty in the future. If you can't do it well, you can get the title of Duke Yan Le.

Cultivating, don't beg to take a deep breath. In the Great Yan Dynasty, reclension was not a good thing, that is, it was synonymous with losing all power and waiting to die all day long. If you have the talent for cultivation, it's okay. The Dayan Dynasty can also provide you with resources for cultivation, so that you can wholeheartedly seek immortals, but you can no longer interfere in the government. If you don't have the talent to practice, it's really like raising pigs. Eat and drink every day. The only function is to marry more wives and concubines and add more children and grandchildren to the clan and major families of the Yan Dynasty.

As long as a person with a normal heart, he will not be forced to reclination. That's really not a pleasant pleasure.

It seems that Lu Chengfeng must make some achievements in Zuo Guozheng's duties, but how to do it? There is only one year!

In the hall, Lu Chengfeng did not dare to show any expression. He respectfully saluted Yan Dan and obeyed Yan Dan's order.

Yan Dan looked at Lu Chengfeng in a daze, and suddenly waved his hand with a little interest, signaling him to return to the train. Looking at the many courtiers and nobles in the hall, Yan Dan slowly said, "Today's great joy, the achievement of Princess Dule Jindan is a good thing. At the young age of Princess Dule, she became a Jindan immortal, which proves that our great Yan Dynasty was prosperous and prosperous.

Thousands of people in the hall raised the wine cup together and laughed in unison, "For the celebration of Yan."

Yan Dan smiled a slightly careless smile. He said with his head, "That's all, since it's a celebration banquet, you shouldn't do too many chores. You have just dealt with a few small things, so don't worry about it. Today, we should drink happily and have fun. Everyone should go home to the fullest.

clapped his hands hard, and Yan Dan smiled and said, "Play music, have a banquet, have fun together in the country today, don't be restrained at all!"

Everyone in the hall echoed in unison. Prince Yan Qijun, sitting next to Yan Dan, raised his hands with a smile. The laughter of many people in the hall stopped abruptly, and everyone looked at him. Yan Qijun laughed loudly and said, "Today's music is made into a golden elixir. Congratulations. Coincidentally, Qinzong Yue, who is famous all over the world, is playing in Jidu. Today, I took a lot of effort to invite everyone to perform.

Everyone in the hall exclaimed in unison, and some young and energetic people shouted 'Yueqi, in the name, they just forgot Yan Dan and sat in the hall.

But don't beg Yan Dan's face has also become very excited. It seems that he is also surprised that Yueqi can perform here. He can't help but be surprised. Who is this Yueqi? The superstar of the world? How come everyone in the hall lost their temper when she said her name?

Lu Chengfeng is also confused. Look at it again. I don't know who Yueqi is. After all, he is also a local leopard who has just come to Jidu from the remote place of the State of Lv. How can he hear the name of this secretly sung among famous families?

Just as you don't be surprised, when Lu Chengfeng was at a loss, a wisp of piano sound came from nowhere, like a clear spring, spreading all over the palace in an instant.

Suddenly, the heaven and the earth were silent, and there was only this piano sound.

Comrades are so awesome that the pig head doesn't say anything.

Qianqi roll Hiraoka, roll, roll, brush, brush, update, update! A