Steal the sky

Chapter 102 Three Questions

The sound of the piano is ethereal, and you can't say what's good about the sound of the piano. He just felt very relaxed and happy, as if he had returned to his mother's body, unrestrained, without the slightest horror and melancholy. He seemed to see everything grow, see the grass and warblers flying, see the rain and dew, and see all kinds of frosts struggling to survive between heaven and earth. Don't beg suddenly smiled. He closed his eyes. It seemed that an eagle flew by in front of him, a flash of lightning, and a hazy green mixed with wet rain and dew.

Some things that he had forgotten for a long time suddenly gushed out of his mind.

He saw himself, who had just toddling, crawling around the ground with a loofah more than one meter long in the farm opened up by his parents on the magical and wild black land. He saw himself in three or five years old, chasing an African specialty toad the size of a washbasin in the fields of the farm. He saw himself, six or seven years old, accompanied by his father, teasing his neighbor, a pet cheetah raised by a black man Qin, with a piece of beef. He saw himself, eight or nine years old, and a little black girl with flexible eyes, kissed gently in the shade of the tree...

Memories are full of beautiful things. This piano sound can actually evoke the softest and warmest memories in people's hearts. Don't beg for a lot of details that you have forgotten, but today you are hooked by the sound of the piano, all of which appear in front of you.

He even recalled the smell of natural grass from the little black girl who lost her first kiss with him.

Two lines of tears slipped down from the closed eyes.

Subs, Tiantian Shuilingg automatically operated, and quickly operated three small Zhoutian in the water spirit veins, turning into a cold and piercing clean air. Don't beg for knowledge. Since the cultivation of the water source, the thousands of square meters of water waves condensed in the sea of Begging suddenly boiled, and the water waves came out of the cold air. Countless iceberg snowflakes formed on the water wave. The sea of Zifu, which was not begging, turned into a piece of ice and snow. The cold air quickly made Be Come here.

A mysterious formula in the stolen scriptures slowly emerges in the sea of not begging knowledge. The name of the secret is "The Seven Holy Gods and Demons of the Little Heavens", which is a magical formula that exercises the soul, stabilizes the mind, and does not let the mind be invaded by external demons. Originally, this formula was not to appear until it reached the innate fetal breath, but today it was stimulated and threatened by Naqin, and this mental method was selected by the subconscious in the soul of Don't begging in advance.

If you can steal the scriptures, you can steal everything in the world. In the world of all parties, all kinds of spells that confuse the heart are endless. Among them, there are also some practitioners and powerful people who like to use all kinds of mysterious magic to protect their caves and treasures. If there is no means to resist these magic illusions, why do you talk about stealing everything in the world? This "The Forging Magic of the Seven Holy Gods of the Little Heavens" is a kind of mysterious magic, and it is also an extremely profound and mysterious kind of magic, which can not only offset all kinds of spiritual attacks, but also all kinds of magical attacks.

Don't beg for a sinking heart, instinctively follow the method of this forging magic, and condense the power of spiritual knowledge into the seven emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil and desire. Seven extremely small light spots flashed faintly in his eyes, and there was a mysterious atmosphere all over his body, and the expression on his face was also faintly more evil. The prototype of the seven love gods and demons is faintly formed in the sea of knowledge, because of the strength of his spiritual knowledge, today's seven love gods and demons are just a shadow like blue smoke, but it is enough to defend against the charming power of the piano sound.

Although the sound of the piano at this moment is still quiet and pleasant, it can no longer touch the heart of begging. He slowly dried the tears on his face, with a little anger, narrowed his eyes and looked left and right, trying to see what this Yuehui who teased people with the sound of the piano looked like.

The memory of measuring years, that is a warm memory that does not beg much, has been locked in the bottom of his heart by him. This month, Yuehui actually used the sound of the piano to evoke these memories that he didn't want to look back. How could he not be angry? He is like the most selfish child, who was broken into his private world and touched his favorite toy. Now Don't beg is full of anger, and he can't wait to draw his sword to kill people.

Many people in the hall had different faces, but they were all stunned. Obviously, they did not escape the attack of Qin Yin.

Sitting on the left side of Don't beg, Zhang Hu's face with a silly smile, was opening his mouth and laughing happily and silently, and the saliva hung out of the corners of his mouth for a long time. No need to ask, this guy must have thought of his old friends in the brothel over the years. Looking at the small tent on his lower body, he must be in the fantasy with his old friends.

Hu Wei, on the right hand side, lowered his head, with a shallow smile on his face, exuding a murderous atmosphere all over his body. He seems to be in the barracks, with his robe, laughing and playing. Behind his smile, there was a trace of indescribable sadness. Don't beg looked at Hu Wei in surprise. This guy's mind is much stronger than Zhang Hu's. I'm afraid he has understood that the many robes in front of him are illusions, right? It's just that he doesn't want to wake up from those good memories.

How many years has Hu Wei served in Little Mengcheng? In these years, how many robe brothers have he killed in the endless tide?

Don't beg for a pity to look at Hu Wei, and let this man get together with his brother in that illusion, even if it's a short time. This is a real iron-blooded soldier. Such a tender time is also precious to him, isn't it?

But for Zhang Hu, don't beg to grab the wine pot and slowly pour the wine into the small tent under him.

Zhang Hu shivered and suddenly woke up from the sound of the piano. He looked left and right angrily, and was stunned to find that he was actually in the hall, not in the brothel in the illusion. Zhang Hu was also a knowledgeable person. He lowered his voice in horror, grabbed his wet crotch and asked in a low voice, "Daster, what is this ghost song? Just now, I was in a big ** happy with at least a hundred women!"

Don't beg at Zhang Hu and shouted in a low voice, "As long as you become a child just now, I can kill you with a knife!"

A large cold sweat suddenly appeared on Zhang Hu's forehead. He looked around angrily and scolded in a low voice, "Where is the dead player playing the piano?"

Don't beg for a word. He looked around and found that in addition to Yan Dan, Yan Qijun, Jing Ke and others on the stage, there were no more than 30 people in the hall. Ma Yi, the chief servant who brought in two jars of wine to Jing Ke, also did not fall into the virtual world of Qinyin structure. He was like an old hound with vigilance, standing firmly beside Yan Dan, and his bright eyes swept around with vigilance.

Princess Le sat on the high platform, holding her chin in her hands, squinting at the many important ministers and nobles in the hall. When she saw that Begging soon woke up from the confusion of the piano, a bright smile suddenly appeared on her beautiful little face, and she nodded happily to Begging. Her small red lips moved silently. Don't beg just learned the lip language, and she saw that Princess Po Le was scolding: "This ugly woman pretending to be a ghost. My father treats her as a distinguished guest, and Po Le hates her"

Don't beg and smile, pour yourself a glass of wine, raise the glass, and pour the wine on the ground. He told kong Le that no matter what the origin of Yuemian is, just throw her out like water. Can a musician compare with her princess kongle?

Princess Danle, who was a little unhappy just now, smiled, suddenly straightened up, and proudly picked up her chin. She grabbed the wine pot boldly, cooed, swallowed the wine in the pot clean in two mouthfuls, and then proudly spit out a breath of wine on the side.

Yan Dan and Yan Qijun noticed Princess Le's small move at the same time, and the two turned their heads together. Princess Pule squeezed her eyebrows and smiled at the two of them, putting on a lady's posture, and the five-colored light behind her was desperately bulging, just like the peacock's tail, with indescribable pride and happiness.

Yan Dan and Yan Qijun looked over again. But Don't beg has already straightened his face and put on the appearance of being immersed in the sound of the piano. Yan Dan and the two looked this way for a long time. Except for Zhang Hu, who had a sad face and was silently steaming the wine on the crotch, how could they see that something was wrong?

Shaking his head, Yan Dan whispered to Yan Qijun and said, "Wan Le, I've grown up."

Yan Qijun smiled indifferently and shook his head disapprovingly. He turned his head and looked at Don't begging again. He raised his eyebrows, and the brocade was as sharp as a knife.

Suddenly, the sound of the piano suddenly stopped, and the distracted people in the hall took a breath together and exclaimed. Those young nobles sighed with admiration and used all the praise words they could think of to praise Yue Chan's piano sound, which had reached a state of magic. Among these noble praises, Yuehui is already a person among the immortals and should not have appeared in this world at all.

Ring jingle, a woman in white held a Yaoqin and slowly walked into the Chongtian Hall. Many nobles in the hall who had just not been praised were dumb for a moment. They all sified their faces and got up to salute the woman in white. Especially those young nobles, just like ** roosters see the little hens, trying to show their appearance one after another, and they can't wait to jump on the woman in white **'s own heart.

Don't beg and look at the woman carefully. The means of being able to use the sound of the piano to stimulate illusions and seduce people's subconscious memories is already a powerful psychede in fairy magic. He wants to see what such a powerful woman looks like.

At a glance, you can't help but be disappointed. This woman is slender and slender, but she has a good figure, but her whole body is wrapped in a thick white cloak. Except for her almost translucent hands, she can't see any flesh.

She wore a hat made of purple bamboo silk, and a three-foot white veil hung on the edge, covering her face. She could only barely see that she had a melon seed face, but it was impossible to see what she looked like.

However, such a hidden behavior made Yuehui have a little more ** power. Even Don't beg is a little ready to move. He can't wait to take off her veil, pull off her clothes, and carefully see how good her body she has and what kind of beauty she has.

Just thinking of this, Don't beg's heart twitched again. The seven holy gods thumped, and the invisible magic covered the sea of begging. The coldness shocked him and woke up again. The charm of the moon binding body is so strong that Don't beg almost fell into her ** again.

Take a deep breath, don't beg to bow your head, and stop looking at this woman. After breaking free from the charming power of the moon bullet twice in a row, the spiritual power of Don't begging has consumed about 30%. He doesn't want to spend too much energy here.

Yuehui walked to the high platform at the end of the hall like flowing clouds and flowing water, and Ran Ran saluted Yan Dan.

"People's daughter Yuehui, I have seen your majesty. Long live Your Majesty, long live, long live.

Millions of heroes cross the river, and thousands of riders roll the flat net!

Comrades are so awesome today that the pig's head can't be rewarded, so just sip it. The chapter of the ticket has been updated in advance!

Because of the pig's cold in the past two days, I howling for more than an hour in YY yesterday. Today, I suddenly have a terrible headache and can't stick to the update. I can only release it in advance to make everyone feel better first! A