Steal the sky

Chapter 141 Going to the meeting

The water spirit vein has formed a golden elixir, and the absorption of the practitioner's blood essence has suddenly increased to 30%. The 30% essence in the body of the two golden elixir immortals was sucked into his body and carefully hidden in the spiritual veins of his arms. These two golden elixir immortals are all practicing fire attribute skills. The fire attribute spiritual root originating from the heart has spread to the lungs and spleen organs, and half of their bodies have turned into fiery red.

Don't beg for nothing. Try your best to use the strongest power now to steal a trace of innate vitality from the two people's bodies and add it to your heart and innate fetus. His heart's vitality suddenly soared. Every heartbeat can make more blood pour into his whole body, and the energy of the blood flowing out of his heart becomes stronger and stronger. He could even notice that his five-foot-tall congenital fetus swelled slightly, which was about one percent higher.

The two golden elixir immortals noticed the strange changes in their bodies. They were so scared that they opened their mouths and shouted loudly. The greedy wolf sword flew in with the harsh wolf roar, pierced their Dantian in an instant, smashed their golden elixir, and swallowed up all the spirits of the two people.

Don't begled his head, stood up, and smiled at the six Xiong Qing brothers who stood behind him with a smiling smile, "Yes, tonight, you can go to the Beast Garden Bear's Nest to have a good time. Don't worry, I'll send someone to show you the way, and no one dares to stop you.

Brother Xiong Qing's six eyes narrowed into a line, and they hurriedly nodded and bowed to thank him. At this time, they still have a little dignity as a demon fairy. They are clearly a group of sperm sticks, and they can't wait to go to the bear's nest to spoil the female bears that have just been captured from the mountain forest.

The shouts around quickly stopped. Six thousand elite soldiers, dressed in bloody armor and skirts and as red as blood, killed the 3,000 private soldiers led by the girls in white, leaving the girls in white and the leaders of the private army alive. These 6,000 blood armored soldiers are all innate cultivation in the realm of absorption. Six thousand innate warriors are strictly trained with the skills of military training. The combat effectiveness of such an army is undoubtedly extremely terrible.

The armor worn by these blood armor soldiers and the weapons used are all medium and lower magic weapons. The cold air and the pore-exploding evil spirit wrapped around them, making these blood armored warriors look particularly murderous and horrible. They took care of the battlefield in an orderly manner, and the bodies of the private soldiers who would be killed were collected and arranged neatly. There were shrewd young people in blue clothes and shining their eyes were recognizing the appearance of these corpses.

At the sound of the pace, Ma Yi, dressed in a bloody public suit and with a big knife on his waist, strode over surrounded by hundreds of soldiers. On his purple-red face, Ma Yi's deep eyes narrowed into a line, and a trace of dangerous fierce light kept sweeping over the private soldiers who had been captured alive.

"People with stroke guard are all eating shit." Looking down at Don't beg, Ma Yi said in a low voice, "The private army composed of 3,000 peak warriors the day after tomorrow. With such a military situation, there is no sound at all. If they hadn't gathered to assassinate the Marquis of Tianyun this time, who would have imagined that there would be such a private military potential in Jidu and at the feet of His Majesty!"

Don't beg and arched his hand to Ma Yi. He looked curiously at Ma Yi, who was full of blood all over his body and was a hundred times more vigorous than that of a normal man. He was very puzzled by a castrated eunuch. Why did he practice clearly be the skill of pure yang to Question mark However, it is strange here. Ma Yi not only practiced pure yang skills, but also successfully formed a golden elixir, which is simply an incredible thing.

With a light cough, don't beg and smile at Ma Yi, "Ma Neicheng, what's going on here, please.

If it hadn't been for Manecheng's help, don't beg these days. I really don't have the courage to take a step out of the gate of Jidu.

You must not let go of these bold and arrogant thieves.

Ma Yi's fierce eyes glanced at the men in blue who were identifying the faces of the body. He sneered and said, "Don't worry, this time it's the Xue Yan army of the high school and Bencheng's personal commander to take action to bypass the Sikou Mansion and the Wind Patrol Department to take care of and dig out

With a few ferocious smiles, Ma Yi said angrily, "What's going on here, Tianyunhou just don't know. Let's go back to the city now." With a sneer, Ma Yi lowered his voice and warned, "Yan Legong and Xifengwei's patrol are all involved today. If it hadn't been for Tianyunhou, he would have been taken care of by His Majesty, the general and the high school prime minister, and secretly mobilized the swallow and the blood swallow army. Hey hey, today'

Don't beg took a deep breath, shook his head helplessly, and looked at Ma Yi with a pitiful look.

With a smile, Ma Yihe heavily patted Begging on the shoulder. He said indifferently, "Just leave it to me here. Tianyunhou can go back to the city at ease. In this matter, there is also the assassination of the unruly public. Your Majesty has made up his mind to investigate to the end. No matter who is behind the scenes, in short, none of them can escape.

Don't beg no longer talk. He and Ma Yi held each other's fists and saluted each other, and then whistled the one-horned elk and rode back to Jidu. The six Xiong Qing brothers said hello to Ma Yi lazily, and proudly shrugged their crotch bones and made a move that all male creatures knew. Only then did the hippie smiling face turn into a human form, and they left the scene with Don't beg with great interest.

Ma Yi was made to laugh and cry by the actions of the Xiong Qing brothers. He angrily stared at the back of Xiong Qing's few bear demons and touched his chin thoughtfully: "There are not enough people in the palace recently. Do you want to clean up these colored bears that day and get them into the palace to be a servant Well, a few pieces of goods cut off are just taken to make wine and let your majesty mend his body.

As demon fairies, the Xiong Qing brothers were very smart. When they heard Ma Yi's so talk to themselves, they were so scared that they hurriedly covered their lower bodies and ran away. In the blink of an eye, they ran hundreds of feet away and never saw them again.

Don't beg to ride the one-horned elk all the way to the gate of Jidu City. I'm thinking about who is behind this assassination, and who can mobilize the private army composed of two Jindan immortals, 32 innate warriors, and 3,000 acquired peak warriors in Jidu to assassinate himself, and who can use Reasonable excuses are not allowed to rescue yourself in Jidu City. If he hadn't taken precautions long ago, he would have ambushed the trap half a month in advance to prepare the calculation man. This time he was really in trouble.

I'm thinking about all kinds of strange ideas. In the cave of the city gate, which was originally in the rest room of the city defense army, Bai Zhuer rushed out with a group of palace guards and grabbed the sleeve of Don't begging with great interest. Zhu Yuanyu Runshi is the lovely Bai Zhuer. Don He shouted, "Lord Tianyun, our princess went to Miss Yuqian's poetry and painting party. Lord, we will take you to the Hongjiang River to find her. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on

Pulling the reins of not begging, Bai Zhuer dragged the one-horned elk and rushed to the direction of the chaotic Hongjiang River.

Don't beg for a long time without fling what happened. He hurriedly asked who Bai Zhuer and Yuqianqian was, what was wrong with Princess Pang Le and what was wrong with her poetry and painting.

Bai Zhuer hurriedly said what she knew one by one.

The jade family where Yu Qianqian is located is a famous noble family in the Yan Dynasty. For nearly 1,500 years, the Yu family has been famous for 'Wenyu calligraphy and painting'. The owners of the Yu family have also served as the editor of the Great Yan Dynasty, responsible for the collection and compilation of various historical books and classics of the Great Yan Dynasty. The Yu family is not prosperous. Over the years, the Yu family has inherited dozens of generations, and the largest population is only a hundred.

But whether it is a man or a woman, this family is born with style and is born with poetry and painting. It is also a mysterious skill handed down by his ancestors of the Yu family. The practitioner specializes in soul cultivation. Both men and women have excellent IQs and tricks. In the Great Yan Dynasty, whether it was a rich man, a rich businessman or an ordinary place, it was the greatest luck to pursue a woman from a jade family to marry into their own family.

Over the years, unless it is the kind of unlucky person whose family dies overnight in a natural and man-made disaster, as long as they marry the daughter of the Yu family, they will rise to the throne within decades, or be in a high position in the court, or become a rich merchant in business. Therefore, the daughter of the Yu family is an extremely popular rare resource in the Dayan Dynasty than the princess of the Dayan Dynasty.

In the current Yu family, the only woman of the right age who has not yet married is Yu Qianqian, so she gathers the eyes of many dignitaries in the Yan Dynasty, hoping to surpass this literary talent than the men in the world, and the skill of conspiracy is also amazing to marry a woman home.

Such an excellent and eye-catching girl is simply the natural opponent of Princess Guo Le. There is no need for any reason at all. Princess Pang Le has been very incongrudent with Yuqian since she was sensible. Due to the Yu family's Zhugui's status in the Dayan Dynasty, which hinders the Yu family's lofty position in the hearts of those scholars in the Dayan Dynasty, Princess Huanle and Yuqianqian are always intimate and sisterly in front of people, and Princess Huanle doesn't know how many paper puppets with the name of Yuqianqian

If Princess Le really knew the curse of witchcraft, she would have cursed Yu Qianqian that her face was full of marijuana and could not get married for the rest of her life.

"Is this the feud between the princess and Yu Qianqian?" Don't beg and look at Bai Zhuer, who poked out of the car window, and didn't react for a long time.

Bai Zhuer straightened her chest and gritted her teeth and said, "Isn't it? It's enough for her to steal the princess's limelight. Every time she has poetry and painting, she still tries her best to make a fool of such a vicious woman. It's not good to deal with her. Is that okay? Don't be a marquis, you have great skills. You must help our princess vent your anger this time!"

"I'll try my best!" Don't beg and laugh helplessly. This kind of woman with writing spirit, how can you deal with others if you ask him not to beg? Beat her up? This is outrageous! Speaking of which, some of the unspoken rules of the Yan Dynasty are really troublesome. Isn't it easy for you to clean up the daughter of a minister? Why do you have to play with such a small trick?

Shaking his head and sighing all the way, Don't beg for a group of people to come to the Chaohong River.

A ferry has been waiting here for a long time, and soon sent it to the gorgeous and luxurious wooden platform in Jiangxin.

As soon as he stepped on the wooden platform, Don't beg saw Princess Kangle sitting in the middle of a case. Her face was blue and red, red and blue, which was obviously extremely embarrassed. A girl in a white robe and a high crown with white goose feathers stood beside Princess Pang Le with her hands behind her back and said something in a low voice, which made Princess Pang Le's face more and more unpredictable and ugly.

coughed gently and shouted loudly, "Princess, don't beg."

In the crowd, Shangguan Yuhen suddenly turned his head and looked at Begging. His eyes were like a sword, like a real sword almost penetrating the body of Begging.