Steal the sky

Chapter 142 Shock

Princess Kuan Le sat behind the case with a sad face and was overjoyed. Her wrinkled little face suddenly unfolded, and the two thin eyebrows were raised. She smiled and said, "Don't beg, come here. I have seen the most famous talented girl in the Yan Dynasty, Sister Yuqianqianyu,!"

Yu Qianqian smiled, tilted her head slightly, and looked at Don't beg with her hands behind her back. Don't beg with a not-so serious smile, walked through a large group of young men in white robes, and walked all the way to Yuqianqian: "Miss Yuqianqian, I've heard the name for a long time, I've heard the name for a long time!"

To be honest, don't beg to put away the true qi in his body. His footsteps are a little more unbearable than ordinary people when he walks. The feeling to outsiders is that his body is always moving up and down in a very strange way, and he doesn't have a serious appearance. The situation here is full of literary style and friends

There is never a shortage of young people, let alone those who are willing to show one or two in front of Yuqian, so as to deepen their impression in the hearts of the beauty. Immediately, there were more than a dozen young men in white robes, but expensive jade pendants hanging around their waists stood up, pointed to Don't beg and shouted, "Who is coming? Why don't you take a bath and change your clothes?" What kind of place is this? It's so rude to you.

Don't beg to stop in surprise. He looked at the young men around him with high white robes and dressed up seriously. Then he looked at himself because of running and fighting all the way, he was very messy and stuck with a lot of grass crumbs. He couldn't help sneering: "Bath and dressing? What is this place? Don't beg your uncle to come here. Do you still need to take a bath and change clothes?"

Uncle, as soon as the word came out, thousands of young men on the wooden platform burst into laughter. Everyone put on an expression that they didn't dare to be close to, and looked at Don't beg with disgust and pride. A young man who just stood up shook his head repeatedly and said, "It's humiliating, it's humiliating! This is the elegant place for me to compare poetry, calligraphy and painting at the party. How can I allow such a villager to humiliate here?

Princess Huanle's face sank. She stared at the young man and muttered in a low voice, "The legitimate grandson of the Marquis of Qingyang? Humph, I don't want to abolish your inheritance right, so I won't call Zixuan! Well, how can you abolish your right to inherit the throne of Qingyang? Why don't you just rectify it together with the Marquis of Qingyang? But what's the charge?

Princess Yule whispered here about how to deal with these young people who dared not beg for disrespect, but Yu Qianqian heard Princess Yule's soliction clearly. Yu Qianqian frowned, stretched out her hand and pressed it in a clear voice and shouted, "Everyone, be quiet!" As soon as Yu Qianqian opened her mouth, all the young men present immediately closed their mouths, and even sat solemnly on the table. One by one, they put on the most gentle, elegant and handsome appearance, and looked at Yu Qianqian affectionately.

Yu Qianqian smiled and looked at Princess Xiangle with satisfaction. Princess Le's face suddenly became ugly. In the minds of these young men, Princess Le's weight was obviously not as good as that of Yu Qianqian, which made Princess Le feel very uncomfortable. She stared at a huge drawing paper in front of her, and her little mouth was raised for half a day.

With a proud smile, Yu Qianqian looked at Begging for a few times, glanced at the blood stains stained on Begging's clothes, and her face suddenly changed slightly. She glanced at the many young people present with warning eyes, and then said gently to Don't beg, "Don't beg the marquis, the little girl Yu Qianqian is polite. This is where the little girl gathers her peers every year to taste poetry, calligraphy and painting. This bathing and dressing is just a custom, so as not to humiliate the beautiful words, calligraphy and painting between heaven and earth.

With a sigh, Yu Qianqian smiled at Don't begging and said, "This rule is only formulated and observed by everyone. It is not intended to make it difficult for the marquis."

After staring at Yu Qianqian for a long time, Don't beg and suddenly burst into laughter. His smile intentionally or unintentionally released the unique breath of martial artists in the innate realm. The huge laughter rolled out, shaking the chaotic red river with a ruler of waves, shaking the wooden platform under his feet constantly fluctuating. If it hadn't been for the iron anchor to tie the wooden platform, the wooden platform would have been overturned by the waves.

" Ridiculous, joke! Lingxiu's words, calligraphy and painting must be bathed and changed. It is simply the biggest joke since the beginning of the world!" Don't beg for a disdainful glance at Yu Qianqian and sneered, "You have to bathe and change your clothes to make good words?" Can you draw a good picture? It's like a stupid pig! You people all pretend to be bullshit and talk nonsense about poetry and painting, poetry and painting!"

He stamped his feet heavily. Don't beg for a long smile and said, "If you take a bath and change your clothes, you can write good poems and draw beautiful pictures. Those thousands of bitches in the brothel don't know how many times a day they have to take a bath. Aren't they the most famous talented women in the A hundred times?"

Yu Qianqian's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and her eyes almost jumped out of her eyes.

Has she ever seen such an unreasonable person as Don't beg? Compared with these handsome people around him, who are polite and have a belly of knowledge of poetry, Don't beg is a wild boar that broke into the vegetable field, trampled on all of them, and trampled all the good cabbages in the vegetable field into mud.

Those young men in white robes and white goose feathers with high crowns seemed to be wild cats whose buttocks were burned by fire, or simply jumped up like filial sons and sages and grandchildren who had been dug up. Thousands of people cursed in unbegging in unbegging, and cursing him one after another. He is the most damned villager in the world.

There is a more exciting rich family, and the powerful prince with a little martial arts cultivation pulled out his sword, and he was so angry that he should not beg for a life and death to win! Don't beg. It's too hurtful. It's too slap in the face. He is ** naked and humiliated. There are so many literati here!

The violent roar of the bear came, and the six huge bear demons suddenly recovered their bodies and flew into the air with the demon wind. Six powerful soul pressures fell from the sky, and thousands of young men fell to the ground screaming. I heard Xiong Qing's roar and said, "I don't know poetry and painting, and I don't understand your sour things. But your majesty has an order to tell your ancestors to protect you and not to beg. Whoever dares to touch his hair will destroy his whole family. With his teeth, he bumped, Xiong Qing laughed and said, "I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time. I miss it very much recently!"

The best way to deal with these literati who think they are romantic is to put their swords on their necks. Thousands of hot-blooded literary students closed their mouths tremblingly one by one. Even Shangguan Yuhen, who just gave a malicious look to Don't beg, closed his mouth knowingly. Here is the bear demon achieved by the six-headed demon elixir. He has only one person, and he is definitely not the opponent of the six-headed bear demon.

Don't beg for a smile. He greeted him and let the six of the Xiong Qing brothers fall from a high altitude and returned to the ferry with heavy steps to wait.

With his hands behind his back, Don't beg looked at the jade with a blue face and smiled, "It seems that everyone doesn't agree with the saying don't beg?" Hey - it's really a group of sanctimonious people who pretend to be full of learning! Sister Yu, what is the topic of your poem and painting today? Let's talk about it!"

Yu Qianqian's lips shivered and she couldn't say anything for a long time.

Princess Huanle smiled so much that her eyes narrowed into a line. She looked at Don't beg with a smile and laughed in an extremely gentle voice, "Sister Yu just commented on Shangguan Yuhen today, which is the collection of poems of "Immortals" by the youngest Elder Shangguan Yuhen of the Rift Sword Sect. Then Sister Yu said that I and other mortals can't speculate about the topic of today's realm of immortals, so they go against it. They don't write immortals, but write poems about ordinary villagers.

Looking at Yu Qianqian with twinkling eyes, Princess Yule said in a cold voice, "Sister Yu also said that a picture of a beast in this palace is very good - I want me to draw a running horse picture with a fine brush here. However, I have never seen such an uninvable mount. How can I draw a picture of running "horse"?

With a sneer, don't beg to walk to the side of the case in front of Princess Pule, and grabbed a thick pile of paper from the case. This should be a poem about the life of villagers and villagers made by these young people before they came. However, there are so many young princes present, either from a rich and powerful background, or a full-bodied scholar from a scholar. Which one has really seen how the villagers live?

The words they wrote are only some four-character and five-character short sentences with an unchanged style in the Book of Songs. Although the words are elegant and beautiful, they are tossing and turning are some words such as 'cuting wood, spinning and chirping. What's the new idea?

Don't beg to look at Yu Qianqian with an ugly face and suddenly laughed.

"Poetry of villagers and villagers? Look at what you are writing here? That's it, that's all, let you guys who have never seen the world see what poetry is, what is beauty and free from vulgarity, and what is the wildness of the villagers!"

After mediting for a moment, don't walk a few steps on the wooden platform. He looked up to the sky and said, "The clothes and the jujube flowers fall, the car in the north of the village in the south of the village, and the ancient willows sell vegetables and melons. The road is sleepy, but I want to sleep. People are thirsty for tea and knock on the door to ask the savages. Because I have never seen cucumbers in this world, I don't know if there is such a crop here, so don't beg to change the cucumber into a vegetable melon.

After a word, they are full of movement. Some really talented and knowledgeable literary students have changed their faces, just like seeing a ghost and don't beg.

Since you plagiarized, plagiarize to the end. Don't beg that your face is neither red nor red. After pretending to take seven steps, he said in a loud voice: "The eaves are low, and the grass on the stream is green. The drunken old voice is charming to each other, and the white-haired one is the only one. The eldest son is hoeing the east of Douxi, and the middle son is weaving a chicken cage. I like children's scoundrel the most, lying on the head of the stream to peel the lotus.

This song is as beautiful as the palm of the water. It is fresh, tender and lively, and the words of the Dayan Dynasty are very different from the style of the Dayan Dynasty. The scene is even silent. Even the six Xiong Qing brothers were dumbfounded. The twelve ears flashed desperately, and the eyes were almost out of It jumped out.

Yu Qianqian's face was bleak, and her face was blue and white. She looked at Don't begging. Her body swayed in waves, so that she fell to the ground.

Don't beg, but took three steps in place, and continued to recite the word: "The bright moon is different from the branches, and the breeze sings cicadas in the middle of the night. In the fragrance of rice flowers, it is said that it is a good year, and listen to the sound of frogs. Seven or eight stars away, two or three o'clock in front of the rain mountain. In the old days, on the edge of the Maodian community forest, the road turned to the stream bridge.

The whole seat is full of shock. No matter how hairy people are, they can say a word and say a word.

Most of the thousands of people on the seat secretly crushed the paper in front of them and slowly hid it in their sleeves. The people who were scolded by the state for not begging were all bowing their heads in shame.

Princess Le held her chin in both hands and looked at Don't beggar with a silly smile. Her eyes were full of stars.

Don't beg, but he still refuses to give up. He smiled and said, "Don't beg today, don't bathe, don't change your clothes, and you have just killed dozens of people to come here. Hahaha, the poem has been done. Let's see what this painting is like. Come on, wait for my pen and ink!"

Princess Le jumped up and sat behind the case attentively.

Don't beg to hold an ink pen and paint a little on the drawing paper. It's only half an hour, and a pair of running pictures has been waved.