Steal the sky

Chapter 196 Night Stealing Pearl

At the darkest moment before dawn, the over-enthusiastic Princess Bule and others finally left Yanle Mansion and rushed around to make all kinds of preparations for not begging to forcibly condensing the golden elixir with secret methods. Don't beg, he turned back to his sperm house, and then went underground for the first time, turned into a yellow gas and went to Le Yi's general's mansion.

Because too many major events have happened in a row, the city defense of Jidu City has been tightened several times at this moment. The underground is full of restrictions on the prohibition of escape spells, and there are detection and warning arrays everywhere. But in the face of the innate earth spirit escape method, the prohibition is equivalent to a false setting: those arrays for detection and early warnings were even broken by him, and his traces could not be found at all.

There are even hundreds of Yan monks in the underground who also use the art of earth escape to swim around, but the speed of these monks moving in the underground wells is like a fish that is about to die due to lack of oxygen, and don't beg is the fastest pristed fish in the sea. These monks, who are slow to move, can't find the action of not begging at all. He lightly crossed these patrolling monks and came to the underground of the general's mansion of Le Yi.

After carefully observing the forbidden formation that covered the whole ground of Leyi Mansion, Don't begled his head and sneered. The prohibition of the upper and lower nine-fold array method is stricter than the prohibition on the ground floor of Yan Xianchen, the king of Ren that day, but it is still easy to break. The formation mage of the Dayan Dynasty was really lackluster knowledge in formation, which could not pose any threat to him.

It easily isolated the veins of several major arrays of aura, and opened a small gap. Don't hide into the general's mansion like a fish, and poked out his head in the spacious back garden of the mansion. The place where he came out happened to be a low bush of flowers and trees. There was no one around him. Only in the pavilion covered with vines and flowers in the distance, you could faintly see the lights flashing, and there was a faint sound of the low piano. General Le Yi was leading the army on an expedition to fight against the vassal states that coll , it is Le Yi's young son Lexiang. Now you can still play music in the back garden, and it can only be music. Le Yi governs the family rigorously. Now, together with other descendants, they are leading the army out. Now only Lexiang has this right in the mansion. This courage is fooling around in the back garden in the middle of the night.

Looking at the direction of the light, don't squint your eyes. The huge and almost substantial spiritual knowledge was secretly released, sweeping an inch through the dark and invisible back garden. He carefully avoided the pavilion where the light was located. His spiritual consciousness was like the river rising quietly in the spring night, silently soaking the surrounding garden, and soon found the aura fluctuation under a hill in the back garden.

There are 81 huge spiritual veins in the underground of Jidu, and these 81 main spiritual veins are finally summarized under the palace, so the Dayan Palace is the most powerful feng shui treasure of Jidu. As one of the best giants in the army of the Dayan Dynasty, Leyi's mansion has three main spiritual veins circulating under Leyi's mansion, and eighteen small spiritual veins converge here, forming several spiritual caves with abundant aura.

These spiritual acupuncture points are enough for Le Yi's family to practice in Ranzhong, and the progress will not be slower than the thirteen sects of the immortal road outside the city to the mountain gate. Under the hill found by the spiritual knowledge, it is the largest spiritual cave in Leyi Mansion. And the spirit cave is full of energy, and there is a faint spirit of sword killing to the sky. Looking at the hill from Zhou Tianshen's eyes, you can see a white gas rushing up more than ten feet high, but it is firmly suppressed by a forbidden array near the mountain.

Le Yi's acquired spiritual gold beads auctioned with 30 lockdowns must be in that spiritual cave. The skill of Le Yi's cultivation is a kind of metal, which pays most attention to the spirit of killing in the battlefield. The secret of killing the white tiger. He practices this kind of skill for all the whole family. In the future, as the core of the spiritual hole, the heavenly spirit golden beads will gather the earth qi to transform the five elements of aura, which can transform the spiritual hole into a pure Gengjin spiritual hole, so that the cultivation speed of the white tiger's killing secret will increase several times out of thin air.

Don't beg to smile proudly. Le Yi did not refine this spiritual bead as a magic weapon, but took it as the core of the spiritual acupuncture point to promote the cultivation speed of future generations. He nodded, shrank back into the earth again, and carefully retreated under the hill.

In the depths of less than 20 feet below the mountain, several spiritual veins converge here. The strong aura of heaven and earth forms a visible fog that permeates a stone chamber of more than 30 feet. A silver-white jewel the size of a human head suspended in the middle of the stone chamber. Dozens of runes rotated around the jewels. The aura of heaven and earth around it was constantly sucked into the body by the jewels. It was transformed into a sticky and shiny silver aura like melted silver water, slowly spreading from the jewels, and the Teenagers sitting under the jewels are gradually absorbed.

These teenagers sat with their eyes closed one by one, and the illusion of weapons such as knives, guns, swords and halberd appeared all over their bodies. There is a small faint white fog behind them, in which you can faintly see the shadow of the white tigers floating. The cultivation of these teenagers is different. Some of them have condensed a head, and some have only condensed a claw or half a tail. The broken tiger's body looks hazy and crisp, and there is no threat.

With a sneer, Don't beg took out a small section of drunken dragon incense configured in Mengshan, quietly lit the incense, and blew a wisp of faint fragrance into the stone room. Those Le's teenagers who were trying to run the white tiger's killing skills shook their bodies, and the speed of real air circulation in their bodies slowly slowed down, and finally stagnated completely. Their muscles were completely relaxed, with a silly smile on their faces, and then fell to the ground and fell asleep.

quietly got out of the ground, Don't beg to walk to the golden pearl of the acquired spirit, gently crushed dozens of runes nearby. A large area of wandering spiritual light burst, and the spiritual golden pearl was caught in the hand. Looking happily at this acquired spiritual bead, don't beg for spiritual knowledge to explore the treasure bead. Le Yi did not sacrifice this bead, but purely regarded it as the core of the spiritual acupoint, which is specially used to transform the aura of heaven and earth.

"It saved me a lot of effort!" Smiling, don't beg for a mouthful of real fire, surrounding the spiritual gold beads for a while. He opened his mouth and swallowed the spiritual gold beads that had shrunk into a ball of light spots into his body. A Zhenyuan wrapped the Lingjin bead, slowly took it into Dantian, and formed a perfect five-eeign formation with the four acquired spiritual beads in Dantian.

The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are gathered together. Don't be begged for a world-shaking change in the field immediately. His Zhenyuan became more condensed. When the Zhenyuan flowed, the breath of the five elements were intertwined with each other, forming a flawless balance. His five internal organs also suddenly improved, and the five internal organs were full of vitality. He constantly transformed the five elements of vitality into the meridians and collaterals, echoing the five acquired spiritual beads.

In the middle of the array composed of five spiritual beads, a huge amount of true elements began to wrap and converge, and gradually condensed into a very small point invisible to the naked eye. Don't beg to know that this small dot is the prototype of the golden elixir. As long as he practices according to the method of condensation elixir of the sword spirit, he can quickly condense into a golden elixir.

Of course, he can't make a pill in Le Yi's mansion. He needs to use that domineering and evil secret method to make elixir with the protection of Princess Bule and Nie Baihong under the protection of Jing Ke and others. Otherwise, he, a scattered cultivation in the innate realm, inexplicably cultivated himself into a golden elixir. This will arouse all kinds of different eyes and strong attention, which is not good for begging.

Take away the Lingjinzhu, don't beg to glance at the teenagers of more than a dozen Leyi's family lying on the ground. It's worthy of being the general's son. These teenagers are wearing storage rings that ordinary monks rarely see. Don't beg, you're welcome. I took off all the storage rings. The storage rings were put on the neck with a piece of silk. The ring added with thousands of lower spiritual stones and dozens of bottles of various elixirs, as well as more than a dozen Chinese magic weapons, such as hundreds of thousands of taels of gold and silver, all of which were stuffed into the black dragon spirit ring.

With a few chuckus, don't beg to escape into the ground, and smoky towards the pavilion with the lights in the back garden.

The pavilion is carved into the whole body of jasper. The thin partitions are all carved into hollowed-out patterns, which are exquisite and gorgeous to the extreme. The pavilion was surrounded by vines, wasolating the peeping eyes of outsiders.

Nearly a hundred guards in black carefully guarded a place a hundred feet away from the pavilion, guarding this place, but they couldn't stop them from begging to escape from the ground and got into a clump of dense blue vines outside the pavilion.

Carefully narrowed his eyes and covered a little light in the pupil. Don't beg sideways and looked out of the gap exposed by Teng Luo. He could just look into this exquisite pavilion that was only about two feet long and wide from the open window on the side.

There are two tables in the pavilion, with dishes, melons, fruits and wine. The floor was covered with a thick silver fox skin mattress, and a girl with only a veil wrapped around her waist was kneeling in the corner, concentively stroking a Yaoqin, making a ding-dong and pleasant sound. Two girls with the same waist wrapped in light gauze knelt down on the side of the desk, serving Lexiang and the other person.

Don't glance at the man carefully, and immediately hit his heart.

It's almost dawn, and Lexiang is still entertaining guests. It's Yan Xianchen, the king of benevolence.

Yan Xianchen, dressed in casual clothes, leaned lazily on the cushion behind the case, pressed the girl's thigh with his right hand, and stroked her up and down." He smiled and talked to Lexiang. Lexiang knelt uprightly behind the case and put on a posture of listening. I don't know how respectful and obedient he can be.

When Don't beg came, I happened to hear Yan Xianchen say to Lexiang with a smile, "In a word, a month later, we must kill Tianyun Gong. I am more and more suspicious that this boy is not a shodant at all, but a disturbing figure pushed out by Jing Ke and Gao Jianli to disturb Jidu. If they want to mix up the water, then kill Don't Beg and see if they have any backhand arrangement.

With a sigh, Yan Xianchen grabbed the long hair of the girl around him and pulled her to his side. While kneading the girl's delicate body, he shook his head and said, "Thunder can't cover your ears. Thunder is terrible. Tut, there has been nothing to do with each other. As soon as you enter Jidu, your majesty suddenly made a cruel hand to clean up Jidu. It's not those old and undead people behind this, hey hey! In a word, if you don't beg, you must die!"

Le Xiang answered respectfully, and Yan Xianchen said, "Such a good loan. Put it in front of you. If you take the opportunity to kill, don't beg. I promise you two things in your heart. Bile will definitely marry Lefu. As long as you practice the "Juyang Dafa", you will definitely be able to break the yang and rebirth of the kidney veins damaged on the battlefield. These are all experienced. Several father-in-law in the palace have practiced the Juyang Dafa handed down by the king, and now they have all grown out that thing?

Lexiang answered respectfully again, with an unconcealed hungry and thirsty smile on his face. He stared at the girl beside him fiercely, and a strange blush suddenly appeared on his face.

Don't beg is stunned to hear it in Teng Luofeng. After a long time, he quietly turned into a yellow gas and quickly ided out.

Juyang Divine Religion, unified in all directions: Duanyang rebirth, famous!

Comrades, do you still have tickets?