Steal the sky

Chapter 197 Jindan Thunder Robbery

The theft case of Lefu did not cause any wind and rain in Jidu. Le Yi's family can't afford this person first. Except for a few core figures of the Great Yan Dynasty, no one knows that the general's family on the hall has been stolen such a treasure as the golden pearl of the day after tomorrow. The spy organizations of the Yan Dynasty, such as the wind patrol department and swallows, are crazy about the mountains around Jidu, but where can they find any clues?

In the end, the black pot was firmly on Zhang Yi's head! The Great Yan people agreed that except for Zhang Yi, no one could enter the music house so unconsciously and take away the spiritual gold beads. Don't beg is very satisfied with this conclusion. I'm sorry for Mr. Zhang Yi. Let him continue to support himself. Anyway, he won't care about this small crime. What he has committed is getting bigger.

After stealing the spiritual beads, Don't beg and take a group of people out of the city. The excuse is to retreat to prepare for the duel in a month.

And he is the only one who knows what he is doing.

Seven days later, in a small hilly area in the southeast corner of the Royal Garden of the Royal Garden of the Dayan Dynasty, in a hidden cave, don't gasp. From the huge red tripod in front of you, a piece of black and sticky as glue was taken out. There was a layer of golden flame floating on the surface, emitting The soup. He poured the nearly 100 catties of soup into a small tile jar, and then moved his finger. A strange light shot out of the Yuling ring, and a tall dragon man strode out.

Long Boguo, who was nearly ten feet tall, bowed down and did not beg. Through a ferocious light in his eyes, he reluctantly hugged his fist and shouted in a low voice, "Long Yuan, I have seen the master. I don't know what's wrong with the master summoning Long Yuan?" With a small tile jar, don't beg to look up at Long Yuan and said indifferently, "Shrink your body, I know you can do it. As a slave, you must have the awareness of being a slave. A slave wants his master to look up to him all day long, and the end will be very miserable..."

Long Yuan snorted, and his eyes turned and his body suddenly became about ten feet shorter, but he was still nine feet tall. With a strange smile, he bowed down and said in a low voice, "Long Yuan, you can only shrink to this appearance. We Longbo people are the descendants of the gods. Our bodies can't become the same as you villains..."

Don't beg for a change of face. He sneered and said, "Don't be ashamed, a group of things who don't know whether they live or die!" He wiped his fingers on the ring of the spirit of the spirit. Don't beg for a large piece of strange light shot out of the ring, and a hundred All Long Bo people, including Long Yuan, looked at Don't beg with that ferocious and ferocious eyes, and some people pinched their finger joints maliciously, making a loud noise.

With a sneer, don't beg for a moment's mind. The control prohibition in the imprint of the Yuanshen of these Longbo Kingdom suddenly launched a hundred giants to howl and kneel heavily on the ground. Their muscles twitched all over, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably. Their souls were burning, and their skin, which was originally white as snow under the sweat of rain, suddenly turned into a terrible iron blue because of the severe pain.

These Longbo people are all slave traders recommended by Dayan. They took a lot of effort to capture them from the island where the dragon and dog people live in the East China Sea. In order to control them, the depths of the Yuans of all the Longbo people were controlled by the extremely vicious mind god. After they fell into the hands of Begging, Begging didn't look down on the yuan god of these slave traders, and used the mysterious control method recorded in the stolen scriptures to add a lot of material to these giants.

At this moment, the forbidden launch of a ball of nine yin tips on the soles of the feet burned along the body, making these giant bodies and souls wail together. This severe pain from the body to the soul made these rugged and savage Long Bo people unable to bear it, and they almost died of pain. But their souls are controlled by Don't begging. Don't beg not to let them faint. They are not even qualified to be in a coma.

After tossing these giants for a quarter of an hour, don't beg to let go of the ban and said ruthlessly, "Remind you again, you are my slaves now, and it seems that you will be my slaves all your life. Be obedient, I can guarantee that your future achievements are unlimited, eat well, drink well and use well. If you need beautiful women, I can also go to Longbo Kingdom to rob a group of beautiful women of your own nationality..."

The style of speech suddenly changed. Don't beg for a sneer and said, "But if you are disobedient, just like today, you have to suffer!" If one day you make me feel impatient, you won't even have a chance to suffer. You will be directly beaten to death by me..."

Shake your head and don't beg for ridicule: "Anyway, it doesn't cost much to buy you. I don't feel sad to kill you."

The wicked want the wicked to grind. Don't beg for bloody and fierce threats, which makes these undisciplined Long Bo people much more honest. Under the order of not begging, they stood up one after another, and their bodies shook for a while. With the secret method of their own blood, they shrunk their bodies to about ten feet, which was about the same height as the tallest strong men in the Dayan Dynasty, but their bodies were particularly strong.

handed the tile jar in his hand to the first summoned Long Yuan, and said coldly, "This is the ancestral quenching soup that I have spent countless time on you in the past seven days. If you take it, there is a great chance to activate the blood of the ancient gods in your body. If you succeed, your cultivation will rise rapidly and become the most powerful warrior in your Longbo Kingdom." Long Yuan took over the tile jar and took a deep look at Don't beg. His ferocious eyes showed a trace of suspicion and disbelief. He shook his head and said, "Return to the ancestor's quenching blood soup? We have heard of this kind of soup, which is a magic medicine that specializes in stimulating the blood of our ancient relics. But how can you know the recipe that the gods and witches in our clan don't know? You have been cheated, you have definitely been cheated. How much did you spend to get this prescription?" Don't beg and shrug your shoulders indifferently. He sneered, "Don't talk nonsense, drink it." With a cold snort, Long Yuan opened his mouth and poured about 100 catties of blood back into his mouth after a few days and nights. This soup is as thick as molten iron, but the temperature is several times higher than molten. The high temperature of nearly 10,000 degrees is in contact with Longyuan's mouth and throat, making it shudder.

It's just that Long Bo's body was naturally strong. Although Long Yuan was burned all red by the high-temperature soup, his eyes almost jumped out of his eyes, he still held his breath and did not make a cry of pain. He held his breath, clenched his fists tightly in his hands, and kept coming out of the cracks in his teeth, "It's hard, exhaling, almost instinctively began to operate the ancestral luck method of the Long Bo people.

The power of the soup is like a small nuclear bomb breaking out in Longyuan's body. It instantly destroyed some of the body tissues and genetic structures in Longyuan's body and blood in the most violent and barbaric way, making his body and genes change dramatically at the same time.

A trace of extremely thin golden thread kept coming out of Long Yuan's body, outlining a complex and exquisite circular rune on his face.

The people of Long Bo around were stunned. They stared at the round rune array that appeared on Long Yuan's face. Suddenly, they all knelt down and devoutly kowtowed to the east. The change in Long Yuan's body is not over. From the child's palm-sized circular rune on his face, a large number of vine-like golden patterns slowly flowed out, spreading from his cheeks to his neck, and the last two slender patterns extended from his neck to his arms.

In the perception of spiritual knowledge, he clearly sensed that the power of Long Yuan's arms had soared by about five times that of just now, and the strength of Long Yuan's spiritual knowledge also suddenly increased by more than three times. The aura around him is constantly pouring into his body with the light and dark changes of the golden rune array on his face, stimulating the true qi in Longyuan's body to keep rolling.

Almost at a flick of the finger, a huge golden elixir in the field of Longyuan Dan was formed out of thin air, just like a child eating soybeans. There is a rune array that is 90% similar to the golden rune on his face. It keeps flashing on his golden elixir. The two rune arrays echo each other, and the Zhenyuan, which is as grand as the flood, rushes freely in Longyuan's body.

There is no bottleneck" Without the slightest obstacle, his golden elixir took shape. The strong talent of the people of Longbo is exposed.

But Long Yuan howled in horror and despair: "My God, I've become a golden elixir! Heaven's disaster, thunder disaster, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" Long Bo's people have great talent potential, so they suffer from the jealousy of heaven and earth. "Their Jindan disaster, Yuanying disaster and Yuanshen disaster are extremely powerful, a hundred times stronger than the thunder disaster of human monks. The people of Longbo can survive these three thunderstorms and become immortals. There may not be one out of 100,000 people.

The cool wind blew around, the water vapor rose to the sky, and large dark clouds in the void kept pouring in from all directions. The faint thunder shocked people's eardrums, and the speed of dark clouds gathering was frighteningly fast, at least a hundred times faster than the gathering speed of human monks. Almost a dark cloud had just appeared. After a flick of a finger, the 108 thick purple thunder of the water tank hit Long Yuan in the head with a deafening roar.

The violent thunder not only settled the dragon yuan, but also intentionally or unintentionally brought other Longbo people nearby into it. Don't beg to look at the huge thunder with teeth and claws all over the sky, and can't help scolding angrily: "Who did your ancestors of the Dragon Bo Kingdom offend? I have never seen such a Jindan disaster! How many unrightenuous and immoral things have your ancestors done?" Did you have such a hundred and eight golden thunderstorm?" While scolding Long Yuan and others, don't beg, raise your hands high, and the five-color strange light in the palm of your hand rotates faintly.

One hundred and eight thunder roared on the palm of Don't begging. A little free electric light fell on Longyuan, helping him refine his body and pure Zhenyuan, and all other thunder forces were absorbed by Don't begging.

The five elements of theft thunder formula are launched with all its strength. Don't beg to inhale the thunder that has abandoned the creation and destruction of the two opposite breaths between heaven and earth into your body. While destroying some impurities in your body that can't be washed by the true element and spiritual knowledge, while purifying the The composition of the soul.

Powerful thunder enters the body, and the body and bones of Don't begging suddenly become clear. Under the prompting of the secret method of stealing thunder, Begging's body quickly made earth-shaking changes. He absorbed the thunder while running the dragon's transformation, making his body more tenacious and powerful. His soul also inhaled a trace of thunder, and integrated one of them into the life of the soul, which promoted the wonderful transformation of his soul.

One hundred and eight thunderbolts were sucked clean by the beggars in an instant. Long Yuan and other Longbo people had already knelt on the ground and respectfully kowtowed to beg: "Please forgive me and other offenses. I'll wait to see the master of the god witch..."

These big fools mistook themselves for the great witch of their Dragon Kingdom? Don't be happy! That's right. I will configure the ancestor quenching blood tracing soup, and I can help them survive the disaster. This is the ability of their great gods and witches!

Stand up again, don't beg to start pretending.

The wind broke around, and the guards of Buleyuan rushed to this side. The noise just now was so scary.

Today is the weekend, comrades, we need everyone's support on Monday!

Monday, Monday, we need everyone's support and vote!