Steal the sky

Chapter 269 Lion's Opening

The hall is silent, and no one can predict that Long Yangjun, as an envoy of the Great Wei Dynasty, would actually put forward such an additional clause when discussing the alliance of the Three Kingdoms with Yan Dan and Qu Ping. Does he have a personal grudge against Don't beg? Everyone knows that this is an anse. Those who have a private feud with Don't beg can't be Long Yangjun. They can only be someone in the hall who has a friendship with Longyangjun.

Everyone looked at Lv Buwei together. Lv Buwei, who was calm, held a tea cup and shook his head slowly to taste the tea. There was no unnatural discomfort at all. Yan Dan's expression suddenly became extremely ugly. He looked at Lv Buwei, and then looked at Don't begging. He didn't say anything for a long time.

Don't beg for a long sigh in your heart. Lv Buwei, Tianlingzong, plus the half-true and half-false Le Yi and Qin Wuyang, he can't stay in this Jidu. He can't even stay with Lu Chengfeng, otherwise Lu Chengfeng will be implicated by him. Even if Lu Chengfeng now has some roots in the Great Yan Dynasty Hall, compared with Lv Buwei, Tianlingzong, Le Yi and Qin Wuyang, even if Le Yi and Qin Wuyang are only half-true and half-false plays, they will bring a disaster to Lu Chengfeng.

Stand up and glanced at the enchanting Long Yangjun. Don't beg for a sudden burst of boredom. You are all two or three thousand years old people. What do you care about with such a little person as yourself? A vicious fire surged up in his heart. Don't beg and said coldly, "It's a thousand-year-old monster, and it's still dressed like the red-name girl in the brothel. Is it really addicted to selling buttocks?"

With a click, Lv Buwei's tea cup was crushed, and all the tea was evaporated into steam. He looked at Don't beg in horror, and then at Long Yangjun, who had a 'bleak flower face', didn't seem to understand. Did this really come from Don't beg's mouth? These words, so vicious, completely destroyed Lv Buwei's understanding of politics and etiquette, and completely subverted Lv Buwei's world outlook and outlook on life.

In the place where the high-level officials of the Three Kingdoms gather, how can there be such a bad and so-called people? How can there be such vicious, boring and even insidious words? Even if Long Yangjun is indeed what Don't beg for what he said, he can't say that! It's such an elegant thing to be able to have a spring breeze with Longyang Jun. How can it change its taste when you don't beg?

Don't beg for a gloomy face, no longer look at the bleak Long Yangjun, straight forward and salute Yan Dan.

"Your Majesty, please don't beg for something." Don't beg coldly: "After killing the people of Longyang later, don't beg to go to the coast of the eastern ocean to build a city and establish a country. Use the fief under the current name of Don't begging to exchange the support of the Great Yan court for the founding of the country."

With Lv Buwei and others in Jidu, don't beg for the future situation will be more and more embarrassing. In addition, there is also a jade Qianqian in Jidu who is thinking about not begging for 'male sex'. No matter how you look at it, Jidu has become a place of right and wrong. Instead of being constantly attacked there, it is better to take the initiative to leave, jump away from the water pool of Dayan, and go somewhere else to build a foundation that belongs to you.

In the west, there is Yuanyang Kingdom, Mengjiabao, and Xiaomengcheng. In the future, it will be in Zhengdong. If you can establish a new vassal state, plus Ye Ziqi's Ziye City, and the power of the Rift Tianjian Sect behind Ye Ziqi. With the strength of several parties, don't beg enough to protect yourself. In Jidu, if you want to raise some private soldiers, you have to use the name of the world's first martial arts museum, but in your own land, it is natural to raise as many soldiers. As long as you don't beg for that money, you have that money to support soldiers.

As for the financial resources, although the coast of the Eastern Ocean is dangerous, there are the Dragon Bo Kingdom, the Feather Kingdom, and the soldiers of the Dragon Bo Kingdom can be tamed and join the lark battle array. The slaves of the Yuren Kingdom were still very popular when they were sold to the Yan Dynasty.

In the Oriental Ocean, there are also all kinds of precious pearls and strange precious materials. Don't beg is ready to let Haiyuntian set up a private chamber of commerce belonging to him in Sihaiji, specializing in selling all kinds of treasures of oriental and ocean specialties.

Don't beg, there is a complete set of calculations in his heart. He is almost confident to completely monopolize all kinds of production in the East Ocean. Monopoly brings high profits. High profits bring endless money. With money, you can raise soldiers. With enough soldiers, you can discover enough qualified practitioners and slowly accumulate your own strength.

It is urgent to leave Jidu City. If you stay in Jidu, you can only be beaten passively. Leaving Jidu, although it seems to be more risky, there are endless cards on Don't begging. As long as more than two monks in the realm of Yuanshen join hands to attack, Don't beg will not be afraid of anyone.

Therefore, don't beg to bow to Yandan: "Don't be beg, voluntarily request, take the fief and lockdown under my name to exchange the support of the imperial court, let Don't beg to lead a group of people to the coast of the eastern ocean, choose a place to build a city and open up the country,

The corner of Yan Dan's eyes swept over Lv Buwei, who was sitting there motionless, and he already had a final decision in his heart. He said in a low voice, "That's right! As long as you can defeat Long Yangjun's doorman, pack up immediately and go to the Oriental Ocean. Your fiefdom in Dayan is still yours. Dan Congyou will subsidize you to help you build the city smoothly. Well, because of your credit this time, Dan once promised to make you the Duke of Dayan Jade Seal Purple, which is the highest-level Duke of Dayan.

Don't beg and sighed. Looking at Yan Dan's way, between himself and Lv Buwei, he completely inclined to Lv Buwei.

However, don't beg to think that if he is Yan Dan, he will also make such a choice. The resources in Lv Buwei's hands are much more than him, and his help to Dayan is even greater. At least one, relying on the strength of the Wei's Chamber of Commerce, Dayan now has many spies and spies in various countries, and the penetration of other countries into Dayan can be said to be a blank piece of paper. The strategic force represented by Lv Buwei is too strong, and he doesn't beg. What can he do?

"Fortunately, I have never been loyal to you and Yandan!"

Don't beg to laugh in your heart. Fortunately, he has never had a good impression on Yan Dan or Da Yan. He has always been curious about Jing Ke and has a good impression on Jing Ke alone.

He saluted Yan Dan again and said in a low voice, "In this case, I dare to ask your majesty to support 200,000 soldiers and 50 million people to help you build a city on the shore of the eastern ocean. 200,000 soldiers, I have to choose by myself. All their family members must be taken there, and everyone must swear to be loyal to me. The 50 million people are allowed to be selected by the vassal states of the world. Other grain and fodder, materials, all kinds of ordnance, magic weapons, runes, etc., please give preferential subsidies... It's best to support the century-old development of the city. That's the best.

Many courtiers in the State of Chu did not say a word. This is Da Yan's business.

Many literary ministers and generals of Dayan exclaimed in unison, while Lv Buwei suddenly laughed. He laughed and said, "Tianyun Gong's words are ridiculous. I have studied the government of Dayan over the years. All the ministers who led the people to open up a new city in the distance, there were up to a million people under his command, and there were no soldiers accompanying them. At most, there were thousands of escorts sent by the family. How can Tianyun Gongde dare to make such a request?

With a heavy knock on the case in front of him, Lv Buwei shouted in a low voice: "Fifty million good people abandoned their homes because of the words of Tianyun Gong, and went to the shore of the eastern ocean and other wild and dangerous places to struggle to survive. Tianyun Gong knows that there is a virtue of good life in heaven. Isn't it against the principles of heaven and people to do such arbitrary deeds? Let 50 million people risk their lives to follow Tianyun Gong to open up a new city. Tianyun Gong, you are so cruel!"

Don't beg looked at Lv Buwei's words coldly. He said in a low voice, "These 50 million people are just the first batch of people. In the future, I will also ask your majesty to give more help. Maybe, Don't beg to transfer hundreds of millions of people from other vassal states and return them to the newly built city.

Don't beg for a word. The whole house is full of horror. Build new cities and open up land. This is not rare in Dayan. Many exiled noble children take many people's guards to open up their own foundation. But as Lv Buwei said, even the concubines of those big families and rich families, they can take out to open up a new city at most, which is only a million people. And the children of those unlucky small families even left the family with only 1,800 people and went out to open up their own future territory.

But here, don't beg for the first batch of people to ask for 50 million, and ask Dayan to send out 200,000 soldiers to obey his orders.

This is simply a lion's big mouth, killing Yan Dan as a wrongdoer. Fifty million people and 200,000 soldiers, this is only the first batch of manpower. How much reinforcements will he need in the future? There are also various supporting materials, all kinds of food and fodder, money and other things, which are needed for a hundred years of development, which is a huge astronomical figure. The Great Yan Dynasty can afford this human and material resources, but why don't you beg?

In the eyes of the public, Don't beg out a manuscript of the classics shining with dazzling forbidden runes from Zhang Yi's Chute ring.

A total of more than four hundred different classics were neatly piled up in front of Don't begging. Don't beg said in a low voice, "Fortunately, the Dragon King of Wanying seriously damaged Zhang Yi, the important minister of the Qin Dynasty. I snatched this storage ring from Zhang Yi, which contains the merit

Yan Dan and Qu Ping jumped up almost at the same time, and Long Yangjun beside him had a burst of 'color change of color', and the incomparable 'grievance' gave Lv Buwei a glance. Sure enough, he said, "These classics must be able to make your majesty agree to your request. With them, even if you can't completely restrain the magic secret methods of many fierce generals in the Qin Dynasty, at least you know something in advance, maybe..."

Yan Dan waved his hand and put all the classics in his sleeve. He shouted in a low voice, "That's right. Don't beg for the opening of the eastern ocean. Who dares to obstruct it? Dan will never be spared. In response to affairs, no matter what the family needs, just go to Guozong Yu Xuan.

Don't beg for laughter, find Guozong Yan Yuxuan to deal with this matter? This is equivalent to opening a big opening on the treasury of Dayan!

smiled happily, don't beg to stand up, and looked at Long Yangjun with a cold face: "This envoy girl, where is the swordsman under your door?"

Everyone in the field changed their faces again.


If you are in a hurry, the rabbit will also kick the eagle, and if you don't beg, it will hurt Longyang!