Steal the sky

Chapter 270 Gone away

With a loud noise, the beautiful swordsman of the peak strength of the golden elixir sent by Long Yangjun was killed in seconds by begging to use the acquired spiritual earth beads with 108 chapters of great power thunder charm. The real second kill did not leave a chance for the enchanting and beautiful sword to struggle at all. Don't even figure out whether the extremely beautiful swordsman is a man or a woman, and the man turned into a bird in a large area of strong light.

Yan Dan and others were not surprised by this result. In the battle of the palace campus, Begging has shown his strength enough to kill the peak immortals of Jindan. The acquired spiritual beads are used properly, and can even threaten the life of the Yuanying immortals. Chapter 108 The powerful thunder charm, but don't beg to completely erase the possibility of the beautiful sword cultivation to escape, so that he did not escape a wisp of remnant soul.

Lv Buwei was obviously very surprised. The power of the Webster Chamber of Commerce in Jidu was uprooted, which made him not get the latest information about not begging.

Long Yangjun's face has not changed at all, and he can't see how he feels about the death of his accompanying swordsman. He still discussed the alliance between the Three Kingdoms with Yan Dan and Qu Ping with a smile, but from time to time he smiled at Lv Buwei.

In the face of Long Yangjun's words and deeds, Lv Buwei just drooped his head, like a dead old man. He had no spirit at all, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

But these have nothing to do with not begging. Promoted to the Duke of Dayan Jade Seal Purple Seal, Don't beg to be the first-class Duke of Dayan in the title, and his status is extremely noble. In addition, the general manager of the Western camp is Lu Chengfeng, so it only took very little time to hand over all the official affairs in his hands.

In the front hall, the detailed terms of the alliance of the Three Kingdoms are being discussed in full swing, and the conditions of each and every detail have to be careless. Yan Dan and Qu Ping, with the most shrewd ministers of the two countries, were competing with Long Yangjun for all kinds of benefits almost inch by inch. In the office lobby on the side of the hall, Lu Chengfeng was holding a big seal and solemnly stamped a red seal on the official document signed by Don't beg. After the seal was covered by his hand, Don't beg officially separated from the Western camp of the Yan Dynasty. He was no longer a staff member of the Western camp, but a free and unrestrained Duke of the Great Yan.

Lu Chengfeng grabbed the document, blew two breaths at the red seal, then rolled the official document and handed it to Lu Quyuan beside him. He put his hands on his back, looked at Begging and sighed in a low voice, "Lv Buwei, Tianling Sect, and there is also a jade Qianqian. I wrote them down. When I have a chance, I will try my best to make trouble for them. Especially...".

Don't beg at Lu Chengfeng, who is very serious, and can't help laughing: "Especially Yu Qianqian, send someone to stare at them. Don't let go of any clues, but don't approach them rashly. I suspect that this time, the person who injured Wanying Dragon King with a rune, let Zhang Yi and others escape, and let Zhang Yi send someone to send a letter to the Qin army may be Yu Qianqian.

Looking back on the scene of killing Yu Wende with a crossbow on a snowy night, Yu Qianqian also used a powerful golden rune to block the crossbow arrow that was enough to kill Yu Qianqian and Yu Wende. The rune is not only amazing in defense, but also has a strong counterattack force. That rune seems to be a fairy charm made by hand at the same level of immortality. The rune that injured the father and son of Wanying Dragon King and many giant demons is also a fairy rune of the same grade.

lowered his voice and quickly said his doubts to Lu Chengfeng. Lu Chengfeng kept nodding and firmly remembered the words of not begging in his heart. According to the statement of Don't Begging, Yu Qianqian's father and daughter, and even the whole Yu family, are really schemy and don't know what they are going to do.

The person who released the fairy charm leaked the ambush map of Dayan and the Chu allied forces to the Qin army. It's just that in the end, Hu Hai used crazy means to force Yan Dan to release people. If Hu Hai did not come out, the Qin army followed the map to attack the weakness of Dayan and Dachu's ambush circle. Maybe the ordinary soldiers of the Qin army would be killed and injured, but Ying Zheng did not have a chance to escape.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a bug in the Dayan Dynasty." Lu Chengfeng sighed deeply.

Don't beg patted Lu Chengfeng on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "It's up to you to deal with it. Anyway, this world is the world of big swallows. You are like the big swallow clan. No matter what goes wrong with the big swallows, you can't run away.

He pinched Lu Chengfeng's shoulder hard, and said in a low voice, "Seeing the countries cross the army, the world will be in chaos. Our cultivation and strength can only struggle to survive in it. This time I went to the Oriental Ocean to open up a new city, not only to avoid Lv Buwei and others, but also to leave a way out for our brothers.

With a strange smile, don't beg and mutter in a low voice, "Even if the swallow is defeated, it will take several years from the biggest swallow to the most western to the most eastern, right? With this time buffer, where can't our brother escape? Such a big world is really not possible. We can escape to the Longbo Kingdom, to the Yuren Kingdom, and to other places. The world is so big, where can't you accommodate yourself?

Lu Chengfeng gave him a white look and said angrily, "Why do you want to escape before you lose?

At this moment, it seems that my Dayan and Dachu allied forces have the upper hand, and the Qin army has suffered several big losses. After teaching him a lesson, Lu Chengfeng suddenly smiled awkwardly and whispered, "In case you really can't bear it, it's not too late to escape. Here, our brothers also have so many interests that we can't lose them. Xiao Mengcheng and Mengjiabao are all the foundation of our business!"

Buqi and Lu Chengfeng looked at each other, then stretched out their hands at the same time and held each other's palms heavily.

The two shook hands heavily, and then turned around and left the lobby. Lu Chengfeng looked at Begging's back. He opened his palm and had a storage ring in the palm of his hand. This was the storage ring left to him. There are a large number of spiritual stones, demon elixirs and other things that have been searched from Zhang Yi, as well as three barrels of hundreds of catties of Longyuan essence and blood, which is enough for Lu Chengfeng to cultivate all the way to the realm of Yuanying without worrying about not having enough auxiliary treasures.

Wearing the storage ring on his finger, Lu Chengfeng said in a low voice, "The eastern ocean is extremely dangerous. Don't beg, be careful all the way!"

Don't beg for it. He waved his hand and walked out of the lobby disapprovingly. Lu Chengfeng didn't send him out, and he didn't let Lu Chengfeng send him out. Don't beg. At this moment, my heart is full of pride, full of all kinds of **. Jumping out of the muddy water of Jidu, he is now qualified to seek greater strength and greater benefits.

But just as she walked out of the lobby, a fragrant wind came from the slanting thorn, and the aggressive Princess Le had already rushed over, choked the begging ear. Princess Pule cursed in a low voice, "Are you promising? Huh? If you quit the good job of the deputy general manager of the Western business, do not do it. Do you want to go to a ghost place like the coast of the Oriental Ocean to open up a new city? Hey, you also extorted Grandpa a lot of money? You are really promising!"

After gritting his teeth and twisting his begging ears for a long time, Princess Le roared in a low voice, "Why are you running so far? Huh? Why are you going so far to the Oriental Ocean? You won't be in Jidu in the future. Who will accompany me and who will talk to me? You kissed me in front of so many people. You, you, you, you are running so far away now. What do you mean?

He easily broke free of Princess Huanle's claws. Don't beg for a few steps forward. He looked back at Princess Huanle in surprise and shouted in a low voice, "Won't you go with me?" If I go to open up a new city, you are the deputy city owner of the new city, or the general manager, or the wife of the city owner. You can do whatever you want! Isn't it good for you and me to join hands to build a country by ourselves?

Princess Pang Le was stunned, and her face suddenly turned red.

She stamped her feet fiercely, and Princess Le, who had just been angry, smiled sweetly. She rolled her eyes and raised her chin and smiled, "Who, who will be your lady of the city? Unless you can establish the most powerful vassal state of Dayan, I will never marry you!"

Pulling her little finger, Princess Pang Le tilted her head and calculated one by one, "If you want to marry this palace, you must be the most powerful man in the Yan Dynasty except for the emperor's grandfather and father. He must be the most powerful man besides his grandfather and father. Well, if it's the cultivation of immortals, it's the best!

And with the most luxurious car in the world, in the cheers of countless people, drive the colorful auspicious clouds to marry me.

rolling her eyes, Princess Kangle continued to say, "For the wedding of this palace, the honor guard will be at least a million people, right? Why do you want 100,000 maids to be married? Well, everyone wants beautiful women, otherwise won't they lose all the face of this palace? What about all the utensils? Well, wouldn't it be too luxurious to say that all the utensils, including combs, shoes and socks, should be the best magic weapons?

Taking a deep breath, Princess Pangle narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Of course, the beast power of the married wedding car can't be too bad. If I can use nine real Tianlong Lamou, then I will be really satisfied.

Looking at Princess Kuan Le, who was already wandering around and didn't know what she was thinking, she couldn't help shaking her head. Let her continue to think about it. Maybe she will say later that the master of ceremonies at her wedding will also want Da Luo Jinxian? What a pity, nine real Tianlong Lamou? Don't talk about the real Tianlong, can you ask the old dragon king of Longyuanjiang to pull a car for you? He promised to set off a flood, attack Jidu directly, and never gossip with you.

Hug Princess Lele's little waist, don't beg for a long time and sigh, "Yes, everything will be. There will be bread, milk, and the wedding car pulled by Tianlong. As long as the two of us work together to develop our own city and our own country, everything will happen. In the sloppy words of Don't begging, Princess Le giggled, calculated all the various utensils she needed to get married all the way, and then stepped into the moving array to Jidu.

Lu Chengfeng stood in front of the lobby and looked at the back of Buqi and Princess Yule with a smile.

"Brother, have a good trip! I'm in Jidu, and I won't let them disturb you wantonly.

Lu Chengfeng smiled, and a cold light appeared in his pupils. Begging to really leave him, Lu Chengfeng seemed to have returned to his youth. He was alone and struggled to survive in the residence of the Lu family in the drifting. The unprecedented fighting spirit is burning in Lu Chengfeng's heart.

Don't beg to leave Mengshan, which is in full play, and leave this huge whirlpool of right and wrong.

He abducted Princess Pang Le away on the way, and the two rushed to the Oriental Ocean together to build their own city and country in their minds.