Steal the sky

Chapter 272 Sacrifice to the Demon God

Eighteen demon god puppets, the strongest demon god puppets that can be equivalent to the master's cultivation, need the body to divide the soul to control the demon god puppet.

Don't beg to play with the puppet of the demon god, and a trace of divine knowledge penetrates it. The heavy demon puppet was easily penetrated by the divine consciousness. The inside of the puppet seen by the divine consciousness was empty, and only a large area of black and red magic air was coiled. It is said to be magic spirit, but in the induction of divine consciousness, there is no bloody and killing atmosphere like Xiang Yu's magic spirit. It is just a simple, pure energy full of fighting atmosphere.

Like the aura of heaven and earth, it does not contain any negative consciousness, a simple, a kind of power derived from combat.

In that empty space, there are countless ancient gods of all sizes circling in it. Don't beg to connect the divine texts in the bodies of the eighteen puppets, which is exactly a way to sacrifice these puppets. According to Qu Ping, a fragmentation of the soul is attached to the puppet. "Sacrifice with your own blood can indeed drive these puppets freely, but this is only the most superficial means of sacrifice.

Only by cooperating with this magic formula can we really control these demon god puppets freely. The spiritual formula also gives how to upgrade these puppets in the future, let them improve their own strength, magic flame blood refining, and devour everything.

Don't beg to read this spiritual formula at a glance, and found with surprise and joy that this spiritual formula, together with the eighteen demon god puppets, as long as you are willing to spend hard and spend a huge amount of materials, it is enough to elevate them to an unimaginable level. In the future, even if you don't beg to reach the level of Daluo Jinxian, these demon puppets also have appropriate methods to gradually rise to the level of Daluo Jinxian." Not only as Qu Ping said, these puppets can only reach the strength of thirty-six immortals.

The reason why Qu Ping gave up these puppets may be that their future prospects are too bright, but the time, energy and materials consumed are too huge. Every demon god puppet wants to upgrade a level, and the spirit and materials consumed are more than ten times what is needed to improve a realm. If the eighteen demon god puppets want to advance at the same time, they need to spend 180 times the spirit and materials of the body to upgrade a large realm.

Any monk with normal brains will not choose these demon god puppets. Even if they can kill Daluo Jinxian in the future, they will never choose these chicken ribs. One hundred and eighty times the resources are enough to elevate one's own cultivation to an unimaginable realm. "Where do we need to use external forces? For monks, any cultivation resource is extremely valuable.

The reason why Qu Ping didn't mention this piece of magic heaven's soldiers' secret to the sentence beg must also because Qu Ping didn't think that Don't beg was enough to get so many precious materials and vitality, these demon puppets. Even Qu Ping himself has no confidence to sacrifice these puppets. What's more, don't beg for those who can't enter Qu Ping's eyes at all?

"It's really ignorant! I don't know who can be bored to make this kind of perverted goods. For other monks, this is simply a burden, but for me who has inherited the stolen scriptures, this is the best magic weapon to protect myself and save my life..." Begging eyes are shining. Other monks don't have enough cultivation materials and materials, but all this is not a problem for the stolen heirs.

On the contrary, the particularity of stealing is that you are destined not to be alone for most of the time. In many cases, his power alone is not enough to deal with everything. With these 18 demon god puppets with you, as long as their cultivation can gradually improve with their own strength, it is equivalent to having 19 don't begging to act together at any time. These puppets are the best as killer copper.

With a long smile, don't beg for the horn formula" gave up the shallow blood sacrifice method that Qu Ping told him, but thoughtfully running the full version of the magic spell of the devil's heavenly way. He recited the secret mantra over and over again, and gradually bet a wisp of consciousness on these demon puppets. With the power of the beggars gradually injected into these demon puppets, these puppets flashed with dazzling inspiration one after another, and gradually their size became bigger and larger. "From a foot long, it gradually became as high as begging.

The black and red battle atmosphere spread from the bodies of these demon puppets, and there was a "buzz, sound, a feeling of blending with flesh and blood. Suddenly, Don't beg for howling, who was reciting the secret mantra, rolled violently on the top of the mountain with his head in his hands. He was as powerful as several monks in the early primordial gods, and was split into nineteen pieces by an invisible force. One point of them retains about 10 percent of his original soul. The other 90% of the souls are divided into 18 parts on average.

Eighteen divided souls were put into the demon god puppet, and immediately condensed into a fist-sized soul bead, suspended in the body of these demon soldiers. Countless runes lit up on the smooth surface of the magic soldiers, and their bodies suddenly darkened. "The void within a radius of ten miles suddenly became dull" and collapsed like a black hole. The aura of heaven and earth in all directions began to fluctuate violently. "The aura within thousands of miles, whining, loud" kept convering towards these puppets.

Don't beg for a miserable howting with tears and snot at the same time. "It's so easy to struggle to get up." He took out the greedy wolf sword and cut a sword on his wrist fiercely." Suddenly, a large amount of blood spewed out and injected into these demon puppets. With the continuous injection of the begging blood, the metallic surface of these puppets suddenly became bright and gradually became as good as the flesh and blood of real people. The color of their bodies changed, and the dark and metallic bodies quickly became like human skin, with human hair and skin, and even the lines on the surface were generally the same.

They are deep and have no feelings at all. Only in their eyes with black and red light, they also have eyes that are the same as human beings. On the claws like knives, there are also nails like human beings. As the blood of Don't begging continues to flow into these demon puppets, they gradually become exactly the same as Don't beg, even the eyebrows and fluff at the corners of their mouths.

Don't beg. He only felt that the eighteen bottomless holes were taking the blood in his body. The blood in his body kept pouring into these bottomless holes. Gradually, he felt that he had more bodies, but the feeling of these bodies was hazy, and his body soul could not control them well. The speed of sperm and blood extraction is getting faster and faster, and it is even controlled by not begging yourself, and his blood is drawn by fishing in the near-sage.

"Sure enough, it's a magic treasure. If I hadn't been prepared, I'm afraid I've been taken out by you..." Don't grit your teeth and take out a jar of Longyuan's blood, just like a long whale absorbing water, inhaling a jar of nearly 10,000 catties The empty and dry body quickly digested Longyuan's essence blood. Every cell was like a dry desert, quickly swallowing Longyuan's essence blood, and then quickly gushed out into its own essence.

The emergence of a large number of new spirits met the requirements of these demon puppets for their master's blood. They actually opened their mouths and laughed contentedly. They looked at the eighteen people who were born exactly the same as themselves. While swallowing their own blood, they laughed so proudly. Don't beg for greetings. Eighteen generations of ancestors who made these eighteen demon god puppets.

A large number of mysterious breaths gushed out of the bodies of these demon god puppets, and more information was printed into the sea of knowledge. In addition to the soldier's secret to quench the demon god puppet, there is more information about these puppets; the information about the puppet is constantly coming. Only those who sacrifice them in person can get this information. No matter how powerful other people's divine consciousness is, they can only get the secrets of war soldiers, and they can't get these obscure information.

After Qu Ping got these puppets, he only studied their production methods and whether the magic formulas of the soldiers could be used to control the immortal soldiers, etc., but he never sacrificed these puppets in person. Therefore, this information can only be obtained by one person.

From this information, don't beg to know that "in the border of today's Chu, in the deep cave where Qu Ping got these demon god puppets, in ancient times, there was a sect inherited by ancient immortals" specializing in practicing all kinds of magic magic power. These puppets were personally refined by the eighteen strongest ancestors of the sect and passed them on to the disciples of later generations for the use of suppressing the sect.

Among these puppets, there is not only a secret of soldiers to sacrificing them, but also a magic power skill, which is called the secret of Mighty God and Demon Fighting Heaven. It is an ancient skill that specializes in the physical body and strives to sanctify the body, which is also prepared for these puppets.

Use the magic heavenly warriors to sacrifice these puppets. After providing them with enough blood, they can be transformed into half-puff and half flesh and blood bodies. Their bodies can also condense the same meridians and meridians that are the same as human beings. They can practice the secret of fighting demons and gradually improve their strength. In addition, they devoured all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth to enhance the strength of the puppet body. The future development of these puppets is far from the limit of the secret of the soldiers.

In theory, as long as you practice the secret of the god of great strength, plus the cultivation of endless treasures of heaven and earth, each of these puppets has the possibility of becoming the strongest in the world of Zhoutian.

meditate for a moment, don't beg for a shake of your left hand." The 18-point mung bean-sized innate soil essence spewed out of the garrius dragon scale shield and integrated into the body of these demon puppets. These puppets laughed with joy one after another, hurriedly sitting on the ground, slowly driving the power god demon fighting secret, and circulating this innate garritaining essence over and over the whole body over again to wash the new meridians in the body.

The aura of the surrounding heaven and earth quickly poured into the bodies of these demon god puppets. Under the control of the begging soul beads, these puppets gradually formed a black and red golden elixir with a layer of golden light in Dantian, as if they had reached the initial level of the cultivation of the golden elixir. A few days later, these puppets finally put away their skills and stood up. Don't beg and think about it. These puppets are like phantoms, and their bodies suddenly become translucent. One by one, they walked into the shadow of don't begging and integrated into the shadow of don't beg.

Don't beg to feel that there are an extra eighteen of them and themselves. As long as he wants, these eighteen splits can immediately leave his body and turn into demon puppets to fight with people. These puppets are in his body, breathing with him, and sharing his flesh and blood together.

Taking a deep breath, Don't beg to end the sacrifice of the demon god puppet and stood up with joy.

On the sea in the distance, a blue light rose to the sky, and the fat-headed and big-eared dragonfly swayed its huge body and flew out of the blue light.