Steal the sky

Chapter 271 Preparation for Building a City

In the northeast territory of the Great Yan Dynasty, there is a corner in the northeast, and even a remote coastal plain that does not even have a place name. Ziye City is located here. Millions of people in Ziye City, under the leadership of Ye Zibao, are like the most tenacious moss, silently take root and germinate here, accumulate strength bit by bit, and gradually accumulate the capital of the founding of Ziye City.

In those years, as the son of the Ye family in the Kingdom of Heaven, Ye Zifan did not know how many elders and young Junyan of the clans had offended, and was sent by the family to this ghost place to build the area of Ziye City. It was personally circled by some elders of the Ye family, and Ye Ziyuan was ordered to In the coastal plain, for hundreds of years, it has swallowed up dozens of ambitious sons of the heavenly kingdom.

Here, spring is dry with sand and dust, summer is extremely hot with typhoons, autumn is a continuous thunderstorm, and the tail of autumn has just been thrown over with a thunder net, and the blizzard in winter is roaring from the northern snowfield. The cold is enough to freeze large pieces of rocks into the smallest gravel on the beach. . Coupled with the disturbing aquatic monsters that go ashore at three or five o'clock, and the sea demons that occasionally pass by to fight the autumn wind, the natural environment of this ghost place is beautiful enough to compare with hell.

However, Ziyuan has laid the foundation here and set up a city here. After decades of development, Ziye City has become the most dazzling pearl in the east of the Dayan Dynasty. Whether it is mountain merchants from south to north, treasure merchants in and out of the eastern ocean, or heavily armed slave traders like an army, they regard Ziye City as a post for their own tip to rest.

The so-called financial resources are rolling in, and the day is full of gold. Ziye City is now such a place. Because its location is too dangerous and the surrounding environment is too bad. From Ziye City to the west, it is thousands of miles away, so it has become the only big Yan city within a radius, so it can make more money than Xiaomeng City. The specialties of the Oriental Ocean are many times richer and more precious than Mount Meng. Therefore, those who come here are also the top chambers of commerce and the strongest caravans of the Yan Dynasty.

From the coastal plain where Ziye City is located, 1,200 miles east, a blade-shaped peninsula suddenly extends from the mainland and extends straight to the southeast for eight thousand miles. The place where the peninsula and the mainland meet is the widest part of the peninsula, which is only about 380 miles wide. The more it extends into the sea, the narrower the peninsula becomes, and at the tip of the southeast of the peninsula, it suddenly becomes only Bailibin.

From a high altitude, this unnamed peninsula is a sharp knife stabbed from the main continent to the eastern ocean.

The peninsula is full of mountains, and there are rare small mountain plains for people to cultivate.

The mountain is full of black pine forests that have been inaccessible for tens of thousands of years. The highest iron-bone dragon-skinned black pine trees in the mountain forest are ten feet thick and more than 280 feet high. I don't know how many precious herbs have been bred in the mountain forest, how many powerful beasts and ferocious birds have been raised, and how many mountain spirit ghosts have been hidden.

Now, at the tip of the southeast of the peninsula, less than ten miles away from the ocean, 100 Longbo people with a tall body and the highest height of 150 feet are carrying small mountains on a spacious flat ground. As they burped, they looked east and west. As soon as they saw where there was a bumpy place, they ran over, grabbed the hill on their shoulders and smashed the ground. They just smashed the land deep into the ground, making the ground as flat as a mirror, and then left with satisfaction.

After the ravages of these Longbo people. This flat land, which is about 50 miles long and wide, has been smashed into the ground several feet deep. The ground has become several times stronger than steel, and the whole has been rambed into an iron plate-like foundation.

There are tens of thousands of tall and strong men carrying huge baskets, which contain countless sea sand, wood chips, metal powder, jade fragments and other debris belonging to the five elements or belonging to the five elements.

They threw these debris on the ground and piled up small earthen bags, and then the Longbo people ran over and happily smashed the hills into these earthen bags, and smashed them into the ground.

Among these debris, there are more dirty and non-dirty strange things such as sulfur, black dog blood, human dung, pig dung, etc., and the quantity is frighteningly large. With those materials that belong to the five elements or do not belong to the five elements, this foundation will have a strong natural defense against the five elements of escape. Even those gods and ghosts can't escape freely through the ground.

This is recorded in the stolen scriptures, which is specially designed to break the evil method of five elements of escape or ghost escape. Unless it is the innate five-e action escape method or a few great gods, other acquired five-e action escape method in the face of this mixed material, even if you try your best to recite the spell to change the escape method, you can't pass here freely. The most recorded in theft is all kinds of strange escape methods, all kinds of ways to break the ban and sneak into other people's homes. Naturally, how to make others unable to easily enter their own mansions is also the key point of theft.

A master thief naturally knows how to better prevent thieves.

In addition to these busy hard labors, dozens of female court officials in long black skirts and high crowns are holding various utensils, measuring the terrain and drawing a magnificent city design on huge drawings. These female officials are young and beautiful, with beautiful faces and slim figures. Each of them is one of the most beautiful women in the first place. They are also shrewd and capable, mapping the terrain, drawing drawings of size and proportion, and planning and designing the functional parts of the city. Each of them is not weaker than the level of a craftsman who builds the city for a lifetime.

In addition to these female officials, there are many young female officials dressed in the same clothes running around with swords. They held long whips and urged those husbands to work hard. Occasionally, some people were lazy and slippery, and they immediately whipped off. The long whip made of python skin is a trace as deep as a foot on the ground, which is enough to scare those servants not to slack off at all.

In the mountains in the distance, there are also some female officials with a large number of eunuchs, supervising a large group of husbands to cut mountains and trees and collect all kinds of building materials. In the valleys further away, there are also female officials supervising their husbands to dig mines, mining underground metal ores, casting furnaces in the valleys, and forging various metal ingots for later use.

neatly tidy three thousand Yan Dynasty inner courted ** female officials, each of whom was released. They are all administrators who have the ability to govern a city. These 3,000 female officials come together to have the administrative ability to govern a vassal state. Now their identity is just the personal belongings of Princess Le. In the future, once Princess Le is married, these three thousand young and beautiful women are also above the innate realm, all of whom are princesses dowry.

From this, it is necessary to select 108 concubines for the future princess's son-in-law.

Looking at these hard-working female officials, on the top of a high mountain dozens of miles away, who can just worship the top of this flat land, don't beg and sigh with a sad face. Three thousand young and beautiful young girls, and all of them are all one belly of knowledge, one belly of professional knowledge, now their fate is all tied to Don't beg.

When they were designated as the private property of Princess Le, and they followed Don't begging to this peninsula to prepare for the construction of the city, they were branded as begging, and they could not get rid of it all their lives.

"Damn Yan Yuxuan! I just gave you 30 bribes for the lockdown, and asked you to choose some good people for me. You actually got all the female officials of Dayan Neitingteche for me.

Don't beg and curse someone who is far away in Jidu, and your eyes are about to bleed.

Dedication, so fucking dedication! Yan Yuxuan, an old man, you bribed him. As long as he accepts it, he will definitely help you do things beautifully. Not only did he double the astronomical supplies that he did not ask for, but he doubled to the people who did not ask for, but also did his best to select the most capable and reliable group of people in Jidu City.

These female officials have been included in the inner court since birth. What they have received since childhood is elite education and brainwashing education. Once they reach adulthood, as long as they recognize the Lord, their souls and lives will be given to their masters. Originally, these female officials were all married in the clan of the Yan Dynasty. For example, when the prince married a concubine or the princess took the son-in-law, they would reward a group of female officials to hold the house chores for them. As a result, Yan Yuxuan, a dedicated old man, stubbornly gave all the three female officials trained to Don' Lord.

Three executive masters, good, really good.

But three thousand young and beautiful and as an administrative master of dowry in the future, don't beg always feel wrong.

It's been a while since I came to this world, and I can't accept something from this damn place. For example, Lu Chengfeng takes human medicine every day. For example, this practice of cultivating people as objects and then rewarding them as objects.

But with these 3,000 female officials, as well as the 100,000 imprisoned troops brought out by Princess Pangle from Pangle Garden, plus 300,000 to the hard labor sent here by moving the array, you don't have to worry about the construction of the city at all. For more than two months, he has watched these hard laborers under the command of these female officials, slowly sorted out and opened up this foundation. In the future, he is going to build the first city that belongs to beggaring and truly belongs to the first city.

"Well, no matter what, three thousand women, all of them will be given away in the future, which is also a big gift."

Don't beg for a headache and don't want to pay attention to these messy things. He took a look at Princess Le, who was flying all over the sky with dozens of guards and maids, and had to point fingers in each workplace. He shook his head and took out a yin god from the ring of the breeding spirit, which was equivalent to the

A forbidden divine inflammation spewed out, and the gloomy god howled misered, and a true spirit was reincarnated between heaven and earth, and his huge and pure soul energy was melted into a pure soul source, swallowed by a spiritual light spewed out of the heart of the begging eyebrows.

This is the last of the hundreds of yin gods he plundered in Mengshan.

With the help of these yin gods, don't beg for today's soul, which is equivalent to the sum of the soul thoughts of several early monks.

Eighteen demon statues arranged in a row are suspended in front of Don't beg. It took more than two months to prepare, and it should be sacrificed.

Comrades, the pig's head is straight on the neck, comrades, count the tickets!