Steal the sky

Chapter 429 Zhixian Zhima

"My Buddha is merciful!" Don't beg to salute the big monk sitting at the east gate of Ancheng, and then throw the two pig heads, three pig livers and four pig's feet in his hand into the big water tank next to the big monk.

The monk opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched and nodded to Don't beg: "Don't... My Buddha is merciful! That's good! Good thing!"

The monk was entangled here with those pig heads and other things that should not be thrown into the water tank. Don't beg suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed an old prostitute who was well-dressed beside him and at least in her fifties and threw it into the water tank. The big monk's body shivered, and he suddenly opened his mouth and stared at Don't beg for a long time.

Don't beg the great monk again to salute the ten lines of the big monk: "This girl is a boy who redeems his life with a lot of money and is ready to take her home to be a concubine. But today, when I saw the master, I suddenly realized the wonderful reason led by all evil **, and I was determined to wash my heart and no longer do that third-rate thing. This woman is predestined to be with Buddhism. Please accept it!"

Shi Shiran nodded to the stunned monk. Don't beg for a handful of Liu Yi, who was holding his face muscles to cramp next to him. The two slowly walked out of the golden Buddha light and walked along the road to a mountain forest hundreds of miles east of Ancheng.

The monk suddenly shouted, "Lord, Lord, please stay!"

The old prostitute, who was fed with golden leaves and silver hammers, crawled out of the water tank, hugged the big monk, and shouted in tears: "Master, you can't leave the slave's house.

The slave family is predestined to the master. In the previous life, in the previous life, thousands of reincarnations broke tens of thousands of wooden fish in front of the Buddha in exchange for a closeness in this life. The master must not leave the slave family!"

Thousands of monks in the city who watched the excitement here laughed loudly. Some shallow monks laughed so much that they fell to the ground with their bellies in their arms and cramps. They hid on the city gate building to watch and not beg for every move. They scolded in a stinky face and whispered, "This boy's means is Well, I have suffered some losses in his hands, and I have lost face several times. What is the level of this boy's cultivation?

The blood maniac said in a dry voice, "Master, don't beg him for his cultivation. He is not afraid of people. When he punishes people, he does not do anything and is shameless. This is the most frightening. If he goes out of the city to do business, he will go out of the city. Even the monks have to play like this. Well, fortunately, we are the same as him now!"

Yan Yan's face twitched several times, exhaled heavily, and nodded deeply.

Liu Yi and Don't beg to walk quickly. After leaving He'an City for more than ten miles, don't beg to pick up Liu Yi and set up a gust of wind to fly to the mountains in the east. Liu Yi looked at Don't begging, and suddenly shook his head and said, "Greedy wolf Taoist friend, you really don't need to use this means to deal with the monk of the Golden Pavilion Temple."

Don't beg to raise Liu Yi with cold eyes, and suddenly laughed: "Of course, I have my reason to do this!"

Don't beggar, shake your head and say, "What a hero Sanle real person is. He is really expected to take charge of Ancheng. It is a blessing in this life that the greedy wolf is lucky enough to follow the real person. Those bald donkeys dared to embarrass the real people. The greedy wolves didn't teach them a lesson, and let them underestimate us! Small tricks are nothing, nothing!"

Hey hey, with a smile, don't look at Liu Yi and provocatively, "The poor road has been angry for the real person. Now I'm waiting to see Liu Yi brothers, your big plan!"

Liu Yi's face suddenly changed. He looked coldly at Don't beg and sneered, "It turns out that the greedy wolf Taoist friend felt that Liu Yi threatened your status with Ancheng?" He opened the folding fan and shook Liu Yi's head and said, "Unless the greedy wolf Taoist friend dares to kill Liu Yi now, Liu Yi will definitely become an adult above ten thousand people in Ancheng!"

Don't beg, there was a trace of fierce light in his eyes. He stared at Liu Yi fiercely and shouted in that harsh tone: "Do you think I dare not? As long as I find something wrong with you, the big monk just now is your lesson.

Liu Yi smiled and turned her head to look elsewhere. Don't beg to see a disapproving look in his eyes, and he was immediately relieved. He laughed dryly a few times and suddenly asked, "If the Liu Yi brothers dare to talk to Sanle Zhenren like that, they are not afraid that Sanle Zhenren will miss the Great Lotte Palace and give you to the Da Lotte Palace for reward?"

Liu Yi just looked back at Don't beg, sneered, and waved the fan very gracefully to answer the question of Don't beg at all. In Liu Yi's eyes, there was ridicule and disdain, and there was a kind of arrogance that completely covered the don't beg in IQ, so that he regarded the begging as an idiot.

Don't beg and laugh. He has got the [answer] case he wants.

The demon god puppet swallows up all the memories of Sanle Zhenren, so that don't begging to know that Sanle Zhenren is not favored in the Lotte Palace. Instead, he is the kind of unlucky person who is always bullied. His appointment with Ancheng is also a task where the risk is greater than the harvest, and the owner of He'ancheng is very risky and may be assassinated at any time. His task is only to help the Letian Palace collect the taxes receivable by He'ancheng, and none of these taxes belong to Sanle Zhenren.

Sanle Zhenren has a great resentment against the Great Lotte Palace. In addition to his resentment, he has some unknown ambiguous thoughts about the master of the Great Lotte Palace. It can be imagined that when Liu Yi put a seemingly seamless plan in front of Sanle Zhenren, Sanle Zhenren must be happy to accept him. The good policy "Let the Great Lotte Palace and the Golden Pavilion Temple be involved in the war, and then let the fisherman profit.

This is the conclusion obtained by the begging demon god puppet devouring all the memories of Sanle Zhenren, and Liu Yi actually dared to find Sanle Zhenren directly and put forward such a plan. It can be seen that Liu Yi's understanding of Sanle Zhenren is almost not weaker than Sanle Zhenren himself. As a Liu Yi hermit and an orphan, how could he know so many things as soon as he arrived in Ancheng?

So there is someone behind Liu Yi! They conducted a long-term investigation of Sanle real people and made a careful arrangement!

Don't beg, you are very interested in the people behind you!

Don't beg and beg, blood lunatics, and even the hidden old monks who are rejuvenated are all strange monks who suddenly appear beside the real people of Sanle. Don't beg, they have inadvertently become a variable in the hearts of Liu Yi and Liu Yi!

Variables are always dangerous. Don't beg but don't want to fall into danger for no reason. Therefore, he took the opportunity to show Liu Yi that he was a mean person, who likes to fight for power and profit, and care about Sanle Sanxiu. He has just climbed to Sanle Zhenren, who is ready to rely on Sanle Zhenren to make a fortune or do something else. His strength is only Sanxiu in the early Jindan.

Obviously, Don't beg just now, which is a good interpretation of this role. Liu Yi no longer has any vigilance against Don't beg. As for what the people behind Liu Yi will think, don't beg for the means to deal with them slowly. In a word, Don't beg thinks this game is very interesting, so he wants to have a good time and see what the people behind Liu Yi are going to do.

Maybe this is an opportunity for him to officially integrate into the Pangu Continent?

With a very familiar obscene smile, don't beg for "Gag, laughing, a strong wind swept Liu Yi all the way to the mountains hundreds of miles away in the east. Following Liu Yi's guidance, don't beg to walk through the gentle mountains and forests. After flying over 300 miles, don't beg to take Liu Yi into the real mountains. There are towering peaks and bottomless abyss everywhere, and the aura here is much stronger than the outside world.

It is worthy of the Pangu Continent, which is the root of the origin of all things. The aura here is nearly a hundred times thicker than that of the Immortals. Wherever the naked eye can see, there are strange herbs everywhere, and there are also all kinds of rare things that can be used to make elixirs.

It is only a confession from Yuhe sniper that the heavenly court and the Yu Dynasty are extremely closely guarded by the monks in and out of the Pangu mainland. In addition to the unscrupulously searching for all kinds of rare things from the Pangu mainland, the Yu Dynasty can sell all kinds of elixirs at high prices through official channels. If foreign monks dare to collect elixirs and dig minerals in the Pangu mainland, they will be severely punished by the joint hands of Tianting and the Yu Dynasty.

Within the mountain gate of the cultivation sect of the native and growing immortal sect in the Pangu mainland, the elixirs and other things have been picked, and the situation is just like the outer world. Within the control of the Yu Dynasty, there are many spirits of all kinds, but this kind of spirit is controlled in the right hand of the officials of the Yu Dynasty. Who dares to attack these spirits easily?

Even the area around He'ancheng has been eroded by the immortal sect, and most of the official forces of the Yu Dynasty have withdrawn from this area, but the bans of the Yu Dynasty still have a frightening deterrent force here. There are still not many people who dare to pick these spiritual objects all over the mountains and fields at will, lest a large army of the Yu Dynasty will inadvertently come to fight and bring disaster to themselves or their own divisions.

Continuing to go deep into the clouds in the mountains for more than a mile, Liu Yi suddenly shouted: "Stop, stop, it's near here!"

Don't press the strong wind and grab Liu Yi to a slanting peak. This slanting peak is a slanted sorghum from a mountain ten thousand feet high, shaped like a pen frame. It is about ten feet thick and nearly a thousand feet long, like a handle hanging diagonally in the air.

The mountain sorghum is green, and the upward side is full of black rock ears, and the downward side is full of yin vines. At the intersection of the mountain sorghum and the main peak, there is a rock block more than ten feet shaped like Ganoderma lucidum. Liu Yi danced and pointed to the rock block and said, "It's right there, right there! Hurry up! As long as there is such a thing, don't be afraid that the Great Lotte Palace and the Golden Pavilion Temple will not fight to the death!"

Don't beg to throw Liu Yi on the top of the slanting peak. He slid under his feet and slid towards the rock block.

He took out a robbing flying sword and cut off the vines and so on near the rock block, and the rock block gradually revealed a clue. This is a Ganoderma lucidum with a radius of more than ten feet, deep purple, and has almost crystallized. This kind of Ganoderma lucidum has lost its activity and no longer has any medicinal power. But in this huge crystalline Ganoderma lucidum core, through its transparent body, you can see a spherical space with a diameter of about three feet.

Purple juice fills this spherical space, the size of a palm, small and cute white horse, suspended in the juice and sleeping quietly.

"This is!" Don't beg to take a deep breath!

Liu Yi glanced at Don't begging quickly and said carelessly, "It's just the Zhima who failed to cross the disaster. After mortals eat, they can immediately enter the fairy road!"