Steal the sky

Chapter 430 Zhang Kailuo Network

Zhixian, the old Lingzhi in the climate is the immortal of Lingzhi cultivation. Compared with the immortals cultivated by human beings, as well as those immortals, ghost immortals, magic immortals and so on, this is the most popular kind of immortals and enjoys a reputation in the world.

First, Zhixian is not good at fighting. Except for the naturally proficient earth and wood escape, they basically don't have any lethal spells.

Second, Zhixian is very useful. Basically, Zhixian is an omnipotent elixir. Whether it is physical injury, soul injury, or internal injury, trauma, poisoning, illness, etc., as long as such a little flesh and blood are removed from Zhixian, it can recover as before.

And the most popular thing for Zhixian to all immortals or other creatures in the world is the mild medicinal properties of Yizhixian. As long as you can catch a Zhixian, you don't need to mix oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, and directly swallow the live record, you can get the essence and cultivation of this Zhixian for countless years of hard And there are no side effects.

Even if a mortal swallows a golden fairy-level Zhixian, he can become a golden fairy in just a few months.

Therefore, in the Pangu mainland and even the heavenly court, except for some Zhixian, who have an extremely tough backstage, can live safely in the decorated palaces and pavilions, and donate blood once every three to five hundred years to let their backstage rely on the mountain to refine all kinds of elixirs. The wild Zhixian is basically exposed by people The creature swallows it alive. Who will let go of the good things that reach the sky in one step?

Don't beg for the crystallized Ganoderma lucidum in front of you. The body is more than ten feet square, and I don't know how many years it has grown. Unfortunately, I don't know when he crossed the thunder disaster. He was accidentally bombarded by the thunder disaster and killed his intelligence. His whole body was restrained, and such a Zhima was born in this [body]. The ontology of Ganoderma lucidum gradually absorbs the aura of heaven and earth, forming such an unprecedented crystalline Ganoderma lucidum.

"Hey ha!" Don't beg for the power that is probably equivalent to that of the monks in the Jindan period, and punched the Ganoderma lucidum.

With a crisp sound, the begging palm bounced more than two feet high. His palm was faintly painful, but the Ganoderma lucidum was not damaged at all. Don't beg looked at this crystallized Ganoderma lucidum in surprise, took out a flying sword and chopped more than a dozen swords at Ganoderma lucidum. It's just that the sword is shining, the fire is splashing everywhere, and there is no trace left on the Ganoderma lucidum.

Liu Yi climbed up the oblique peak shiveringly. He stood up, shook the folding fan, and said with an arrogant smile, "Don't waste your effort. This Zhixian is definitely not an ordinary immortal cultivation. You can't open his body. If I could open the Lingzhi body so easily and take out the Zhima inside, I would have taken the Zhidi liquid next to Zhima by myself. Although I can't die for a long time, it can at least prolong my life, which is also a pleasure!"

He looked at Liu Yi in surprise, and said with a sneer, "I can't see that your requirements are really not high? Only Zhiye can satisfy you?"

Liu Yi's disdainful glance, don't beg for a beggar. He patted Ganoderma lucidum and said lightly, "Don't you even know this? I am a member of the human race. Life, old age, illness and death are the way of heaven. It's okay to prolong my life, but do you take Zhima to become an immortal? This is against the precepts of my human race!"

With a flash of eyes, don't beg to compare the confession obtained by Yuhe sniper. You can't help nodding secretly. People of the human race are not allowed to practice as immortals, and this precept really exists. Moreover, the people of the human race can really resist the immortality after becoming an immortal. Few people will step into the road of immortality for immortality. The contradiction between the heavenly court and the human race is probably here, right?

With a smile, don't beg to throw away these problems that are still far away from him. He slowly climbed over the left and right cliffs and pointed to a large area of vines, covering the crystallized ganoderma lucidum firmly. Then he picked up Liu Yi and drove a strong wind to Ancheng Fly in the direction.

"What you said is really true. Hey, with this Zhima, you can definitely get the Great Lotte Palace and the Golden Pavilion Temple involved in the war!" Don't beg at Liu Yi and sneered, "It's just that you haven't given a constitution on how to eradicate other immortal forces."

Liu Yi waved the folding fan easily. He sneered, "What do you know? My master has the universe in his heart, and his belly is beautiful enough to cross the world. As long as the Da Letian Palace and the Golden Pavilion Temple fight for this Zhima, are you afraid that other immortals will not get the news involved? On the contrary, as long as the master is taught here, the four gates and four elephants are immortal array. "How many people have been killed and how many monks have been killed within a million miles, the major event is sure to be done!"

Liu Yi's eyes flashed with [excitement], fanatical light. Don't beg. Just sneered a few times and ignored his words.

On the cliff, a few strong men in blue suddenly slowly appeared. One of the young people who was obviously the leader held his hands on his chest and laughed in a low voice, "Liu Yi's little white face is not bad. Did he really convince the real person of Sanle? Well, it's fun now!"

Several other young people laughed at the same time. They muttered in a low voice, to the high idea that the Zhima aura left after the failure of such a rare Zhixian wasted disaster. If they only planned a big Lotte Palace and a Golden Pavilion Temple, wouldn't they lose money? This time, it's better to mess up the ground with Ancheng today, involve all the forces behind the Great Lotte Palace and the Golden Pavilion Temple, and beat all the two sides!

The leading young man tilted his neck, gently stroked the crystallized Zhixian body, and muttered in a low voice, "Anle County.

Well, I can take back Anle County in the hands of my general, and then give a powerful lesson to those immortals who dare to erode my land. This time, my general's credit is enough to be a marquis, right? Hey, it's still Professor Yushi. How could I have so many ideas before?

Hearing the young man's words, the jade master, the other young people suddenly became extremely serious. Their eyes flashed with the same enthusiasm and fanatical light as Liu Yi, and they all answered.

After discussing the details of the action in a low voice, several young people sent out a whistle at the same time. Suddenly, a few huge black eagles with no wings of more than 30 feet flew down in the air. They jumped on the eagle's back and drove the black eagle to the west with the sound of [excited] whistles.

When these young people went far, a piece of earth suddenly spewed out near the Ganoderma lucidum body, and the yellow earthy squirmed slightly for a while. Don't beg to come out of the earth. He patted his hands happily, don't beg for a sneer and said, "Fortunately, the demon god puppets have eighteen heads, all of which are my splits, otherwise I would have really let go of such a baby! Good thing, good thing, Zhixian failed to cross the disaster, was destroyed by the thunder, and the spirit was produced by the introverted Zhima!"

Tut-t-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut- The Zhima in the Ganoderma [body] suddenly released a faint blue haze, echoing the innate Qingmu gas that did not beg for it. The body of Zhima gradually became bright, and a faint fragrance gradually penetrated from the depths of the Ganoderma body.

"It's not an ordinary immortal, at least it's the essence left by the failure of the middle-grade immortal. Well, maybe it's the ten immortals? Good boy, if I can get the innate two yang qi, and after cultivating the innate Heavenly God, with the help of the power of Zhima and Zhiye, it can definitely let me turn the seven Xuan Thief's Heavenly Vein into a chaotic Thief Heavenly Vein, and transform my body into an innate spiritual body. At that time

I almost didn't drool from the corners of my mouth. Don't beg to lick my lips hard. My eyes swirlled, and suddenly sneered and said, "Okay" Let's frame each other!"

The whole body is full of blue light. Don't beg to inject almost all the innate Aoki qi into this group of Zhixian. The hazy Zhima at the core of the body suddenly moved, and together with all the Zhi liquid around him, it turned into a blue aura and rolled out, quickly to the body of no begging.

At this time, don't beg, but don't dare to let this world be a waste." He hurriedly took out several of the highest-quality elixir bottles he got from He'ao Xianfu, and crashed the fist like a white jade-like Zhima and about a hundred catties of sesame liquid into the elixir bottle, and

With the nourishment of the water from the day after tomorrow to the yin in the Xuanyin Naling bottle, Zhima and Zhiye, which are of wood by nature, will not be damaged in any damage. Instead, they will get the help of the acquired power contained in the spiritual water, which will only make the power of Zhima and Zhiye stronger and stronger

With a sneer, don't beg to look left. Look right, blamly grab a big radish more than two feet long! This big radish was planted by the Long Boguo people in the breeding ring. One of the grains, don't beg to shake it casually, and the radish is crushed, leaving a piece of radish meat with the most juice in the core, which is transformed into a white and tender horse-shaped statue exactly the same as Zhima.

He took out dozens of catties of drunken dragon incense, and got dozens of catties of "shaped yin water" from the Xuanyin Naling bottle, which has the effect of corroding the body of immortals. Don't beg to mix these two vicious things together. With the skill of dark thunder in the Xuanyin water, he put three dark The gourd was escorted by the innate Aoki spirit, and was easily sent into the body of Zhixian.

Through the crystallized Zhixian body, the core is still a pow of purple**, and a white pony is quietly suspended in it.

"Four doors and four elephants array of immortals?" Don't beg for a smile." He shook his head disdainfully: "This array is not lethal enough, absolutely not enough! Well, the terrain here is good. It's surrounded by mountains. Let me add something to you!"

After cleaning up the traces around, Don't beg vigorously plunged into the ground and worked hard in the underground.

Dig a rock path in the depths of the ground, and lead part of the aura of dozens of large and small spiritual veins nearby to this oblique peak. Don't beg for a vicious array of aura to enter. Don't allow the aura to leak out. All the auras are blocked in a ball, just like a high The nearby mountains are flying with vicious arrays.

For fear that the lethality of this large array is not enough, Don't beg has also arranged countless vicious prohibitions underground. All the prohibitions come from the way of gods and ghosts taught by Princess Bule. Once these prohibitions are exposed, this heavy black pot, don't beg to be put on Yu Xun's head!

"Old man, I'm waiting to see you play!"

Taking advantage of Liu Yi's small plan, he eradicated the power of the big and small immortals within a million miles near He'an City in one fell swoop, and then replaced it with the city owner of He'an City, healed with the power of He'an City, collected all kinds of information about Pangu mainland, and put a shit

I really wanted to doze off, and someone sent me a pillow!

Thinking of pride, Don't beg can't help laughing.
