Steal the sky

Chapter 432 Guest

Hurry up and take a few steps forward. Don't beg Zhang Ya in front of the restaurant and the meat shop to open Zhou Tianmu. Look left and right, leaving no trace at all. The bookstore disappeared without a trace. Just like it didn't exist in the first place.

Don't beg to catch a passing monk beside you. The monk of Yuanying's cultivation stared and scolded. Don't beg to tighten his fingers. Even Yuanying was forbidden by a huge force. Master Yuanying, who had just blown his nose and stared, hurriedly lowered his waist and asked in a low voice, "Do you dare to ask the senior what you want to do?" The younger generation must help the senior do it properly!"

With a cold snort, Don't beg to point to the wall between the restaurant and the butcher's shop and ask, "Is there ever been a bookstore here?"

The Yuanying monk stayed for a long time. He looked around and said to him with a trace of horror: "I dare to ask the seniors to know that here, here, the younger generation has also stayed in He'ancheng for more than a hundred years. The drunken fairy house here tastes very good, and the old yellow meat shop is also an old shop All right. The bookstore, the whole He Ancheng, there is only one bookstore outside the city owner's house, which specializes in selling some odds and ends!"

After swallowing a mouthful of spit, don't beg to push the Yuanying monk far away, and then step by step, a momentary disappearance.

The Yuanying monk was suddenly thrown away by Begging. One staggered on the ground and fell in a mess. He also had the teacher's care behind him. He was about to say a few words to Begging. Suddenly, when he saw the appearance of Begging disappearing, he hurriedly covered his mouth, and then slapped

"Good boy, where is the Yuanshen monk? No, senior Tianxian, right? This teleportation is so light. Hey, the old girl was knocked down by the immortal today. It's an honor!" The monk stood up happily, looked up to the sky and smiled proudly, "It's a great fate to be thrown by the immortal!"

Don't beg for a gloomy face and teleported back to the city guard, and immediately exchanged his identity with the demon puppet disguised as him. He hurriedly found the old monk who was pretending to be a ghost in the back of the city guard's mansion, and lowered his voice and warned, "Be careful these days. There are great people in the city. I just bumped into him."

She put away the Buddha's glow on her body disapprovingly and asked carelessly, "What great character?"

Don't beg to tell your experience to your maid in a hurry. Only then did the face suddenly change.. He looked at Bu begging in a daze and said, "Is it so useless and disappearing out of thin air?" That's all. His bookstore is between the restaurant and the butcher shop, and no one else has found anything abnormal?

Don't beg nod. He said in a low voice, "That bookstore is definitely not aimed at me, it's just the bookstore that glances at the old man's pleasure and opened temporarily. But the people in his neighborhood are not surprised by this matter. This method is really amazing"

He shivered and sucked his nose. Zuo Gu looked at him cautiously: "That Liu Yi is just a small role, just to make waves. This and Ancheng, it won't stir up any stormy waves, right? Our current cultivation can't stand this kind of toss. Why don't we leave quickly?

stared fiercely. Don't sneer and say, "Let's go? Why do you want to leave? Wealth is in danger, and we should be careful. This and Ancheng, I have to take it in my hands! Even if you want to leave, you really can't stop it before you leave. Don't beg took out a tea bag given by the old man, probably the size of a baby's fist, and whispered, "Come on, try what's the mystery of this tea."

The monk who hid his heart closed the door, and he took out a small charcoal stove and teapot specially used to make tea.

He is a little casual. A clear spring condensed from the air into the teapot. He took out a few pieces of good silver ginlin charcoal and lit the fire. After a while, he boiled the water in the teapot.

Open the tea bag. This is a bag of coarse tea that looks extremely rough, with extremely large leaves and unfolded tea stalks. The smell of tea is strong and bitter, and you can tell that it is not a good kind of tea. Don't beg for so much, throw about one or two of Zuogu coarse tea into the teapot, and let go of the fire and boil it randomly.

Boil the tea on the fire, don't beg to throw the charcoal stove back to the black dragon ring, and take out four large bowls to divide the dark tea in the teapot into four equal parts. Not only the tea, but also the tea is divided and thrown into the tea bowl. He picked up a bowl of tea, looked at it and said with a smile, "If you have the courage, just drink this tea with me to see how effective it is. Hey, I made a deal with him and gave him a bag of good tea. He won't harm people with poison, will he?

The blood-crazy girl and the hidden-hearted monk looked at the co-in-law at the same time, but the co-in-law sat on the bed motionless. He tilted his mouth and said, "Drink first... If a gentleman doesn't stand under the dangerous wall, I'm a man. Well, how can he be regarded as a gentleman?

He glanced at the sneer, and the begging eyes were full of disdain. Yan's face did not change at all. He was still sitting on the bed solemnly, with his hands together and looking at him not begging. Seeing that he was so tired and lazy, he had no choice but to beg. He picked up a big bowl, took a deep breath, and then carefully sucked the tea into his mouth, and even swallowed the tea.

Bitter, very bitter, astringent, extremely astringent, and the tea seems to be full of earth pimples, which is too rough to swallow. But when you don't beg to swallow hard, it's easy to swallow all the tea and tea into your stomach, and a gentle heat comes out of your stomach and gradually flows all over your body. Don't beg for the slow dissipation of the dead gas accumulated in the body, and turn it into pure anger that is very opposed to the dead gas and integrate into the whole body.

Don't beg to sweat all over, and a pure yang spread from his body, which made the temperature in the room rise a lot. Don't squint your eyes. You just feel like a small seedling. Suddenly, you get the moisture of sunshine and enough fertilizer, and suddenly grow bigger and become a strong tree. His five viscera move together, and the innate spiritual roots in the five viscera develop at the same time. His lively and angry anger makes him not begable.

Under the belly of a bowl of tea, the whole body of Don't begging has been strengthened in all aspects. Even his skill of the thirty-six changes of the dragon has a tendency to break through the thirty-six changes at any time and enter the realm of thirty-five changes. He smiled happily and grabbed the other three tea bowls in front of him with one hand.

But don't beg for speed, the speed of the blood-crazy girl, and the hidden monk is a little faster. As soon as the pure yang smell came out of the body, they immediately reached out and grabbed a tea bowl. When don't beg to laugh, they have stuffed all the tea and tea into their mouths and swallowed them one by one.

Suddenly, the monk with a hidden heart sighed softly. A relic appeared above his head, and below was three white lotus platforms.

The blood mad girl laughed happily. A pink light rushed out of his head, and a small Yuanying flew in the pink light.

She snorted gently, Zhou Ya's bones kept making a crisp sound, and a large amount of blood oozed from under his skin. A trace of evil smile swung out of the corners of his mouth. Zhou Ya's body kept spewing out with pink streamer, and gradually there was a faint golden color in the pink streamer. Finally, the light from his body turned into a pure yellow color.

The happy treasure wheel sprayed out from the back of the head. One, two, three, three fist-sized, pink relics floated on the treasure wheel. Under these three sacrifices, there are three full-color lotus flower fields. A total of nine golden lotus are suspended behind the head, and an intoxicating fragrance continues to come from the It spread around, and in this fragrance, there is a strange power that makes people shake.

The old monk with a hidden heart looked at the vision above his head and couldn't help but nodding his head and admiring, "It's worthy of the true body of the Bodhisattva. This magic method can't be compared with us vulgar monks!"

Don't instinctively close your breath, close Zhou Ya's pores, and even restrain her with a few hands around you, isolating the fragrance floating from her body. He bombarded his spirit and asked, "What kind of tricks are you playing?"

The voice of the divine consciousness was quickly transmitted back: "Sure enough, it is a good tea, the supreme wonderful product. I have recovered, and I have lightly condensed the relic lotus platform and the fairy soul. Now I have proved the heavenly fairy fruit and the arhat fruit at the same time, hey! Just hold the king to let go of his breath. It can lead to disaster!"

Don't beg. When he was about to mock the concubine, a clear idea suddenly came from the demon god puppet who was with Liu Yixu in front of the city lord's house.

"Put away all the strange signs, quickly!" Don't beg and shouted in a low voice, "The people of the Great Lotte Palace are here. The leader is Qiao Niangniang, and there are only two of her faces. Tut, her two faces are actually thirty-three immortals?"

Don't beg. As soon as the voice fell here, there was a soft brocade and a charming call in front of you: "I'm coming, why don't you greet me as soon as possible?"

As soon as the blood madman heard the sound, his trousers suddenly cracked.

The realm of 'Wow' has just been captured, but the old monk with hidden hearts at the peak of the golden elixir could not resist this sound at all. The Dharma gate of the Great Lotte Palace and the Zen skills of Buddhism coincided with each other. The old monk with hidden hearts was invaded by the magic sound, and immediately the seven orific

Don't beg for a slight swing, and his face immediately calmed down. He looked at the pale old monk with a pale heart and casually hit him with a spiritual charm, helping him stabilize his mind.

Of all the people, only the maid was completely unaffected by this call. Instead, he became extremely excited and hurriedly took out brand-new clothes and was busy dressing and powdering.

"Listen to this sound, this woman is more energetic than Su Meier's coquettish fox. I will take good use of it today!"

In a short time, Don't begging, who has restrained all the breath, followed the new clothes, as if he were behind the shining rock, and came to the gate of the courtyard to welcome the Qiao Niang, the head of the Datian Palace.

As soon as he appeared, the faint fragrance on his body drifted away, and the faint fragrance from his body was in the whole yard.

The coquettish and charming voice just now suddenly sounded, and the voice was full of unconcealed joy: "Can't you think of such a wonderful man here? I don't know if Qiaoer can invite the prince to the scene for a while?