Steal the sky

Chapter 431 The old man

People in the world calculate the world's affairs, and everyone thinks that they are holding their wisdom beads, but in fact, they are all people who are in other people's calculations.

Don't beg for a change of appearance. Shi Shiran returned to He'ancheng from outside the city. He didn't go back to the city, but just wandered along the street in He'ancheng. There are those demon god puppets sitting in the city guard house, which is no different from his presence in person. Eighteen magic fairies join hands, and there is really nothing to put in the heart of Ancheng.

Outside the gate, the four big monks have run without a trace, afraid of being stunned, afraid of being desperate, afraid of being shameless. When the blood maniac ransacked the oldest and ugliest prostitutes in Ancheng one after another and threw them into the tile jars of the four big monks one by one, several big monks had cultivated to a dry well without wave of mind, and they could not bear to laugh with tens of thousands of monks in Ancheng, and threw down the tiles in The jar turned around and fled.

When begging to go back to the city, more than a hundred old women were still standing at the gate of the four cities, scolding and scolding the monks. What's more, an old lady who only has one breath left, trembling and may die at any time waved a big red handkerchief and was jumping and roaring there: "These bald donkeys, aunts like their baldness, which is the result of their last life when they broke a hundred wooden fish chanting scriptures! Auntie just hugged him and kissed him. What are you running for? I can't stand such a happy life. I deserve to be a bachelor for the rest of my life!"

Whether it is the territory under the jurisdiction of the human race or the sphere of influence of the Cultivation Sect, how could there ever be such unreliable things?

More than a hundred old women were scared to run away from the mountain protection monks of the four Golden Pavilion Temple. They are all high-ranking monks in the realm of Yuanshen! Tens of thousands of monks in Ancheng laughed so much that their stomachs ached. After begging to enter the city, you can still hear these monks and mortals coming together everywhere, and enthusiastically discussing whether the brothel women can be used to deal with the problems of those big monks in the future.

With a click of your mouth, don't beg to listen to the comments of the people around you, and walk along the road all the way.

After walking for less than a quarter of an hour, Don't beg suddenly saw a bookstore by the roadside. There is also a cover hanging in front of the store. It has a big tone to sell the map of rare things on Sunday. Don't beg for a move and hurried into the store.

There is a record of Zhou Tian's rare things in the stolen scriptures, but the Pangu Continent is expanding at any time. Every day, there may be novel things breeding from the chaotic airflow. The stolen scriptures are also things from a long time ago, and it is impossible to accommodate all the rare items on the Pangu Continent today. Don't beg, I think it is necessary for him to update the stolen information. There are always endless new things.

The huge store is empty, and the walls are full of bookshelves, and there are jade slips shining with a faint glow on them. The reserves of these jade slips are not large, and the labels below are marked with words such as "Dayu Jingzhou Specialty Catalogue,, Dayu Huangzhou Specialty Catalogue,, Ximing Purple Sea Monster Collection, and so on.

In the innermost part of the store, behind a small counter, the old man inconspicuous in this life, wearing a green robe and a small linen hat, with a temperament like a farmer, is sitting on a wooden chair, shaking his head and silently reciting a paper book. Next to this counter is a nine-storey bookshelf with 63 volumes of jade books on it. The capacity of these jade books is at least more than a hundred times that of those jade slips. The labels below are also marked with "Dayu Jidong Thirty Kyushu Specialty Illustrated Catalogue,,, 108 Jedi Elixir Guide around Dayu, such instructions.

Don't beg for a walk around the bookstore, and finally come to the counter." He gently tapped the table of the counter with his finger.

The old man sitting behind the counter put down the book, slowly raised his head, and squeezed a simple smile on his wrinkled old face: "Well, there are guests. I don't know what the guests need? I dare not say that there are all kinds of collections in the small shop, but there are always some of all kinds of classics and atlases.

Er, don't look at the old man's smiling face" without saying a word for a long time.

The old man couldn't see anything wrong when he lowered his head and shook his head to read, but when he raised his head, two pale and dull eyes were exposed. This is obviously a blind old man. Thinking of his extremely intoxicated reading with his head shaking his head, he felt very strange in his heart.

After a long time," Don't beg, he asked with a dry smile, "Dare to ask, is there an atlas here?"

The old man put down the book in his hand and said with a smile, "The atlas? Yes, there are atlases of Anle County and maps of the surrounding states. However, you get what you pay for. Anle County's atlas, a thousand chains of gold or a hundred pieces of lower-grade spiritual stones, and the atlases of several surrounding states? The map of a state is 100,000 chains of gold or 10,000 pieces of lower-grade spiritual stones. "An additional state is added to one state, and the price will be increased by

Blink your eyes. Don't beg to look carefully at the old man's white and miserable eyes and ask curiously, "What is the scope of this state?"

The old man laughed and said, "Guests don't even know how big a state is, so come to buy an atlas? Are you interested in going out to travel? After meditating for a moment, the old man said with his head, "There is a Tianma Hall in the Dayu court, which are all kinds of Tianma with mythical beast blood. Among them, the fastest Tianma can run 100 million miles a day and a night!"

Compared with nine fingers and turned back and forth, the old man said happily, "A heavenly horse runs for ninety-eight days, and the scope of which is the standard state of the Dayu Dynasty!" So you can buy a map of a state with a hundred yuan of spiritual stones, which is very cheap!"

Hearing the old man's words, Don't beg for help but click. Is this state such a huge piece?

After a moment of meditation, Don't beg and asked in a low voice, "Well, do you have the map of the whole Pangu Continent?"

When begging and moaning, the old man was shiveringly taking out a thick clay tea bowl from under the counter and taking a sip of tea slowly. Suddenly hear the question of not begging, old man. The tea spewed out far away and coughed violently. It seemed that a piece of tea had blocked his throat. The old man coughed so much that his face turned red, and he couldn't get out of it in his throat.

Don't beg hurriedly turned into the counter, massaged hard on the old man's chest with one hand, and gently shook the old man's back neck bone with the other hand, shaking out the thick and long tea in the old man's throat. The old man coughed, and his breathing became smooth. He gasped several times in a row, and then his breathing calmed down.

With two white eyes and stared at Don't beg. The old man muttered, "Guests, don't laugh." He almost killed the old man. The atlas of Pangu Continent? Hey, except for the forbidden palace of the Yu Dynasty, the "pangu mountain and river social map" and the heavenly court, Zhou Tianshanchuan river Yuejing, these two treasures can show all the faces of the Pangu mainland. Who knows what the Pangu mainland looks like now?

picked up the tea bowl and took another sip of tea. The old man shook his head and said, "If you are a high-ranking fairy official in the heavenly court and can get a part of the map of the Pangu continent from the heavenly court, it is at least searched back and forth hundreds of times, and there are For the atlases of the newly born places in Pangu Continent, the heavenly court is still busy sending reliable immortals to scrape the land. "How can the atlas be provided to others?"

In a daze, Don't beg and asked hurriedly, "What about Dayu here?"

The old man tilted his mouth. He smiled and said, "Dayu's side? Well, the county guards of a county, there are atlases of several nearby counties, the state herdsmen of a state, and the atlases of several nearby states. In addition, there are the generals guarding everywhere, and there are corresponding marching atlases. Speaking of the atlas of the whole Pangu Continent, "Maybe no one can think about it except to be the emperor!"

Don't beg silent. He frowned helplessly and sighed: "Well, old man, do you know that there is a place like Xiongyuan?"

The old man's pale eyes turned around. He looked at Don't beg and smiled in surprise and said, "Don't the guests know that Xiongyuan is the capital of Dayu?"

Don't beg clapped his palm hard. He smiled and said, "It turns out that there is Xiongyuan in Dayu Capital? So, is it difficult to go to Dayu City?

The old man shook his head bluntly: "It doesn't matter if the people of the human race are in the past. The people who cultivate immortals take a step in and break it!"

A simple and direct answer makes Don't beg for a while. Does it matter if the people of the human race go in and have Xiongyuan? If the immortals take a step in, will they be smashed? Don't beg and ask a little resentful, "Is it possible that those immortals of the heavenly court will also be smashed when they go in?"

The old man nodded repeatedly and said, "Don't say that those immortals went in. Once upon a time, there was a Taiyi Jinxian who strayed into the bear's field. It's broken!"

Don't beg for a breath of cold breath and clicked his mouth with difficulty.

He smiled and said, "Where is Taiyi Jinxian? That's "how does it exist?"

The old man tilted his mouth and smiled and said, "Taiyi Jinxian is powerful, but the people who cultivate immortals dare to enter the 10 billion miles around Dayu City." That's the end. Unless it is an angel sent by the Emperor of Heaven, the Jiyushu Ziwei Spirit in the heavenly court, other immortals go in and "dead, then die!"

Don't beg for silence. He sighed and took out a small pile of top-grade spiritual stones: "Old man, give the boy a copy of the atlases of the nearby states and the 108 fierce places around Dayu! Well, and the catalogue of those rare things, also give the boy a copy! Tut, people who cultivate immortals are not allowed to enter Dayu City? This is really boring!"

The old man laughed and attentively took out a few rolls of jade books and a few pieces of jade slips and handed them to Don't Begging. He put the Lingshi placed on the counter into his waist bag. He smiled and said, "Guests want to travel to Pangu Continent. This is a good idea. Young people, it's always good to walk more and see more! However, it is better not to get close to the capital of the Yu Dynasty, the state city, the county city and the military garrison, otherwise there will be a disaster of killing.

He clicked his mouth, didn't beg to shake his head, and casually took out a bag of spiritual tea he had collected in Wan Xianxing and handed it to the old man.

"It's all right, let's think from the heavenly court! Tut, isn't it just a map? Don't beg and complain a few words, and then said to the old man with a smile, "Thank you. This tea is good. You, try this!"

The old man was stunned, and then took the tea bag with a smile. He took out a bag of tea from the counter and handed it to Don't beg: "The guests are warm-hearted. After so many years, it is the first time that a guest has sent tea to the old man. Well, this tea smells good. However, guests also try the old man's camellia, which tastes unusual.

Don't beg to take over the tea bag disapprovingly, chatted with the old man, then shook his head, turned his head and walked out of the bookstore.

After walking on the street, Don't beg suddenly felt something wrong. He suddenly looked back. Where is the bookstore?

Originally, the left and right neighbors of the bookstore were a restaurant and a butcher shop. Now the bookstore has disappeared without a trace. The butcher shop of the restaurant is just next door, and the business is booming.

A cool air rushed straight from the bottom of my heart. Don't beg for a small bag of tea on your hand and muttered in a low voice, "What the hell?"

In the blue sky and day, don't beg for your own cultivation. How dare you appear in front of him?