Steal the sky

Chapter 549 The Great Army Overwhelms

"Ha ha, tickle me?"

The purple gas rises all over the body, don't beg to use your body to bear the attack launched by the sub-book of Pangu Shanchuan Sheji. The power of the electric light is insignificant, which is probably only equivalent to the palm thunder of the ordinary Jindan monk with all his strength, and even the begging hair did not break a single one. This subbook is just an auxiliary treasure. It is not a magic weapon for fighting at all. How can there be too much attack power?

"Good boy, don't run away, don't run away, you are not a living creature, why are you afraid of death?"

Don't beg and mutter, the huge divine consciousness bombarded into the core of the sub-book of Pangu Mountain and Sichuan Shejitu, and swallowed the flexible wisdom in one bite. Countless information poured into the sea of knowledge of Don't Beg in an instant. This is information about all the spiritual veins, spiritual caves, and all the mountains and rivers of Zhongzhou. This information is so detailed that even a few ten-thousand-year-old ginseng have grown on that mountain, and a few ten-thousand-year-old ginsardum on which mountain, all the information is clearly fed back in the sea.

In just a quarter of an hour, there were thousands of peaks, and more than 30,000 elixirs and vein aura were lost. It can be concluded that there are monks on these thousands of peaks, and on one of the peaks, more than 7,000 elixirs are picked at the same time - there must be mountain gates opened up by the small fairy gates, and they are collecting herbs on a large scale.

On the huge jade screen, a little red light flashed lightly. Don't beg compared with the location of the peak of Pingfeng Mountain, which was exactly the place he had just sensed that more than 7,000 elixirs were picked up at the same time.

If Zhongzhou is not as chaotic as it is now, as usual, I'm afraid that Zhongzhou's soldiers and horses have rushed to that peak to explore the situation. But now Zhongzhou is in chaos. There is no one on duty in this hall, and no one pays attention to the feedback from Pingfeng Mountain.

"Wonderful! So that's it! This sub-book of the ancient mountain and river community map is actually connected with the vein of the whole Zhongzhou. Where the vein can be covered, it can't be hidden here!" Don't beg and sigh, "Fortunately, I got this information from the Luo family. Otherwise, once the sky-changing gate develops and grows, it needs to collect a large number of elixirs and mobilize a large number of earth veins, won't it provoke Zhongzhou officials to come to your door?"

A wisp of innate chaotic soul replaces the wisdom of the sub-book of Pangu Mountain and River Sheji, and controls the core of this jade screen. Every move of this sub-book is controlled by Begging, and all the information is under his control. From now on, as long as it is in the Zhongzhou realm, any action of stealing the sky and changing the Japanese gate will not be detected by the Zhongzhou government through this volume.

happily looked at this huge jade screen, and don't beg to keep some of the information in mind. Where there is a good spiritual vein, where there is an excellent cave, where there is enough elixirs in the climate, where there are excellent spiritual stone veins and various other metal veins, etc. As long as all the data is useful for stealing the day, it has been selected by him in different categories.

Just next to Anle County, under the county government known as Anyi County, there is a large fairy vein in an unknown mountain, which is naturally condensed into a fairy mansion, and the nearby products are extremely rich enough to make a large fairy family live and work in peace and at ease.

Don't beg and immediately chose this mountain as the future mountain gate station. As for Anle County, that's the base where he plans to control one side as a human race. Eggs can't be put in a basket. It's better not to steal the sky for the sun gate. It's better to put it in Anle County.

After carefully exploring the surroundings, he did not leave any traces. Don't beg willing to escape from the hall and to several important warehouses in the state herdsman's mansion.

The Dayu Dynasty stipulated that each Yipin Dazhou pays tribute to the capital every ten years. In this decade, the most valuable part of the tributes collected by the state herdsmen are collected in the warehouse of the state pastoral government.

With a happy smile, Don't beg to enter the fairy stone warehouse on the west side of the state pastoral capital. The fairy stones and spiritual stones consumed by Dayu every year are also astronomical figures. Whether it is the bone charms and magic arrays of the Sitian Hall, or the moving arrays in various places or even flying boats, they need to consume a large number of fairy stones and spiritual stones. Therefore, fairy stones and spiritual stones account for a large part of the tributes to the capital in the state of Dayu every year.

The fairy stone warehouse of Zhongzhou Pastoral Mansion is deep underground, with a length and width of more than ten miles. When you get here, don't beg to know what it means to pile up like a mountain. A large number of fairy stones and spiritual stones are really piled up here like hills.

In the future, the sky will be developed. The fairy stones and spiritual stones consumed by the large and small array maps in the mountain gate are also expensive. For a killing array covering a mountainous area, tens of thousands of fairy stones will be consumed, and the auxiliary spirit stones will be used in millions. If such a huge amount of fairy stones and spiritual stones are allowed to be mine by yourself, I don't know how much labor and time it will take.

But here, fairy stones and spiritual stones like hills are waiting. Don't beg.

Laughing three times, Don't beg for a forbidden law. As soon as the sleeves were thrown, a streamer spewed out, and countless fairy stones and spiritual stones roared into his sleeve and were hidden in the mustard space he temporarily opened. Mustard space, which is a unique means of immortals. However, the mustard space is opened up in the sleeves, and such a large number of fairy stones and spiritual stones are stored, which need to continue to consume the mana of not begging.

I had no choice but to touch the inferior storage ring of only three rooms in the space of the finger soil. Don't beg and start to miss the black dragon ring with enough storage space. With a sigh, he took a look at the empty fairy stone warehouse. Don't beg to escape into the ore warehouse next door, and also scraped up the huge amount of metal ore reserved by Zhongzhou.

Then came the elixirs' treasury, the elixirs's elixirs' treasury, and some messy treasury.

Among them, there is a warehouse dedicated to storing the bones of the spirit beast used to make bone charms. The white and miserable skeletons are piled together, and at least more than 100,000 spirit beast skeletons are piled together. The bones of these spirit beasts and the Purgatory Book also have the method of using animal bones to make magic weapons. If you don't beg, you can't let it go. They are all packed and rolled away.

In addition to these strange warehouses, there is actually a blood bank under the Zhongzhou Pastoral Mansion, which stores the blood extracted from the bodies of countless monsters and spirit beasts and saved by secret methods. These essence blood are also the best materials used by the human high priest to quench magic weapons and refine runes. A jar of animal blood is piled up together, and the whole blood bank is filled with the smell of blood that makes people's heart palpitations.

After thinking about it for a while, the blood of these spirit beasts and monsters can also be used to refine the magic runes. Don't beg, you're welcome, and the blood bank has also been removed.

After a looting, Don't beg to move dozens of warehouses on the ground floor of Zhongzhou Mufu. The mustard space temporarily opened in his sleeve is already a hundred miles in size, and the mana consumed has made him feel a little difficult.

He snorted and walked around the state herdsmanship again and found that there was really nothing cheap to earn. Don't beg, so he sneaked out of the ground and slipped into the street outside the state herdsman's mansion.

Shake the sleeves that have become heavy, don't rush out of the city. This mustard space is completely dependent on his mana. Now the power in his body is constantly decreasing. If there is no treasure to stabilize the void in the mustard space of a hundred miles, even the magic power that continues to be consumed will cry.

Don't beg to run to Anyi County in a hurry, open up a cave in the mountain he saw just now, and store the treasures he got today. Gritting your teeth and running quickly on the street. Don't beg fiercely, you must find a way to get a fairy-level storage magic weapon first. It's too inconvenient. It's really inconvenient!

However, fairy-level storage magic weapons need to use several materials with rare spatial attributes. Don't beg for a while and you can't find so many treasures on hand, so you can only do nothing.

Holding a heavy sleeve, Buqi just walked to the gate of Zhongning City, and suddenly heard the sound of the horn in the whole city. The sad horn rose to the sky, and the gate in front of him was closed, which just blocked the city. Don't beg looked around in surprise, and saw a large area of white light spewing out from the tower in the four corners of Zhongning City, turning into a thick light block covering the whole city.

The loud voice resounded throughout the city: "The army, prepare for war! Those who retreat, destroy the whole clan!"

Don't beg for a tremor. He's not so lucky, is he? Is it possible that someone is going to take action against Feng Ling Ling? Damn it. Why did you come at this time? Looking at the closed gate in front of him, Don't beg. He really wants to cry without tears. He took a step earlier and is now out of the city. Now that the city defense system has been fully opened, is it possible to fight out with violence?

The mustard space in the sleeve is still consuming the mana of Don't begging. Once the fight starts, Don't beg can't guarantee that you have the power to protect the mustard space in the sleeve. Once the mana supply is not enough, the mustard space will burst, and all the items in it will be wiped out. This is a treasure stored in the whole Zhongzhou for several years! It is enough for the current 600-person scale to steal the sky and change the door to develop for thousands of years!

While hesitating, a team of heavy armored soldiers had already run over quickly. A general with a big sword in both hands hit Begging aside with a fierce shoulder. The general shouted in a loud voice, "If you don't want to die, let it go and get out!"

Don't beg for a finger. I was about to lead the killer. Suddenly, in the four directions of the southeast and northwest of Zhongning City, about a hundred miles away from Zhongning City, at the same time, a dazzling strong light spewed out.

The flame is dozens of miles high, so standing in Zhongning City, you can clearly see those flashing flames.

The earth trembled slightly, and the dull sound came from the southeast and northwest like thunder.

The neat and uniform sound, as if a giant carried a mountain and was hitting the ground hard.

Don't be shocked. He jumped up in a hurry and stood on a stone pillar more than ten feet high beside him. His eyes crossed the city wall and looked into the distance.

Outside Zhongning City, a large area of smoke and dust rose to the sky, and four armies were constantly coming out of the strong light, which has surrounded the whole Zhongning City.

Looking at the army of the four armies in the distance, Don't beg couldn't help but gasp.