Steal the sky

Chapter 550 Ultimatum

Dayu Zhongzhou, Zhongning City, the state pastoral office.

In the east, a thousand people in heavy stone armor "A hundred feet high" Long Boguo people are approaching Zhongning City in a neat manner. These Longbo people are dark in skin, from the face to the neck, from the chest to the lower abdomen, from the thighs to the ankles, and their bodies are covered with complex symbols. The stone armor up to several feet thick emits a faint blue light, and countless rune seals are carved on the smooth and smooth armor. The blue waves visible to the naked eye surround these dragon people, emitting a huge breath that makes people's heart palpitating.

These people of Longbo Kingdom are the culprits of the trembling ground in Zhongning City. Not to mention their height and weight, just the stone armor on their bodies, I'm afraid they weigh hundreds of thousands of pounds? They are more than ten feet away in one step. "Each step has left deep footprints on the ground." Countless small traces have been cracked on the ground around it.

In the back of these dragons, there are 30,000 elite warriors in bronze armor. They ride unicorns shaped like Velociraptors, with reins in their left hand and six-foot-long strange-shaped guns in their right hand, and are running along with these dragons.

Don't beg for God's knowledge to sweep over these people. The strength of every Long Boguo is not under the immortals." All the elite warriors behind them have the strength to compete with the monks in the realm of the primordial god.

In the west, 300 dragons are dragging a hundred heavy bronze chariots and roaring towards this side. Each bronze chariot has six wheels, three feet wide, ten feet long and two floors high. The first layer of chariots is full of armored soldiers wearing heavy armor and holding strong crossbows, and the second layer of chariots is full of soldiers wearing light soft leather armor and holding sharp knives ready to seize the impact of the city.

Behind a hundred bronze chariots are a large number of slow-moving siege tools, tall ladders, huge moving arrow towers, and ancient tools such as punching cars and crashes. Among them, the most eye-catching are three demon puppets carved from tall black stones. The demon god, who is as high as 200 feet, is stupid, and the puppet exudes a dazzling light all over his body. He is slowly walking towards the city wall driven by the embedded rune array.

Don't beg to take a look at the wall of Zhongning City. "I'm afraid you can't stand the punches of these three obsidian demon god puppets, right? Under the gaze of his chaotic god, he found that the heat in the obsidian demon puppet was like magma, and the light emitted was like the energy core of a small sun. Judging from the terrible power emitted by the energy core, this is clearly the shooting down of the three stars in the sky and embedded in the body of these puppets as a source of power after strong compression. The power of these three energy cores directly chases the eighteen golden fairies, these three demon god puppets; the destructive power of the puppet can be imagined.

To the north, there are 60,000 dense people flying in the sky. Their wings and wings were connected and turned into a dark cloud to cover the sky. The feather people flew hundreds of miles above the ground. They held delicate long bows and carried huge quiver bags on their backs. Each feather warrior carried at least 300 long arrows behind them.

Shoot the arrows from a height of a hundred miles from the ground. The initial kinetic energy of the arrows is not rich, and only a hundred miles high can make these alloy forged arrows easily penetrate the stone wall several feet thick, and ordinary monks can't withstand the random piercing of an arrow.

Below these feather people, there are 20,000 people of all kinds, three-eyed people, two-sided people, one-armed people, one-legged people, a strange human race with a big hole in the chest, all kinds of tolerance, only 20,000 people, but nearly a thousand people mixed in it. What surprises Buqi most is that there are even a few carriages among them. There are several huge crystal carved sinks on it, in which there are several beautiful people with graceful descriptions!

God knows how these Jiao people soaked in the sink fight and fight." But those Jiao people came here. One of the slanckers was still choking and crying. A large number of tears fell from his face and fell into the sink and turned into a thumb-sized pearl. These bright sinks are almost occupied by most of the capacity of these tears. Shake your head and don't beg to look straight to the south.

The south is a little like a regular army." Three chariotled with real dragons were slowly marching towards Zhongning City with 50,000 soldiers in the policy. The law of 50,000 soldiers is strict, the formation is powerful, and the murderous atmosphere is hidden. At the time of the march, 50,000 soldiers were not in a mess at all. They steadily maintained the evil array, and no one took a wrong step.

Over the sky of 50,000 soldiers, the three dragon-shaped flying boats are gliding forward with the large array. Near the flying boat, nearly 10,000 priests in the Sitian Temple are suspended. "There are lightning flashing around them, fire is surging, there are water waves, and clouds and smoke are swallowing." Some priests are surrounded by thick black smoke from time to time." Three or two ghost claws are poking out of it. Nearly ten thousand priests acted together. The fluctuation of their mana alone caused the surrounding sky to change, and large dark clouds followed their progress and constantly pressed towards Zhongning City.

In front of this array, the chariots dragged by three real dragons suddenly shrunk the pupils of Begging.

The three chariots were towed by the real dragon clan, instead of the dragons used by the 100 chariots in the right west. The chariot in the middle of the trailer is six yellow dragons; the chariot on the left, the trailer is six green dragons: the chariot on the right, the trailer is six white dragons. The eighteen dragons pulling the cart compressed their bodies to about 30 feet, and the breath they emitted made Don't be beg for a burst of tension around them. These dragons have the cultivation close to high-grade immortals.

Ao Buchung lazily poked his head out of Begging's clothes. He looked at the giant dragons for a while, and suddenly shook his head and sighed, "His mother's generation is not as good as a generation. For a few stinky money." For the merits brought by some seals, is it cost- After a while," Ao Bu respect sighed, "Forget it, I won't say hello to your parents. Tut, Huanglong, Qinglong" Bailong, in those years, I had old friendships, and several of them were made big by me. If you don't do it, you are my seed. It's risky to scold you!" Don't beg to look down at Ao Buzun. He said, "For the sake of money, I What's the use of this?" "Ao Buzun lazily picked his teeth with his claws. Looking at Begging mockingly, Ao Buzun said happily, "The use of merit is a thing. If you think it's a fart, it's a fart. However, this fart smells very fragrant, so those Buddhas, immortals, mountain spirits and water monsters and so on all want to take up more fart smell! Ha!"

flicked Ao Bu Zun's head fiercely, and frowned and said, "What's the use?"

Ao Buzun pondered for a moment. He spread out his two front paws and said carelessly, "People with merits and virtues", especially those who have a relationship with the human race, can weaken the power of the heavenly disaster and even avoid the heavenly disaster. It's just the disaster of immortals. Those golden immortals, Taiyi golden immortals, hahaha, every one grade, suffer the heavenly disaster... Tut-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t

After a few words of emotion, Ao Buzun shook his head and said, "That's too powerful. A long time ago, when I was still a dragon, I followed Laozi to watch a second-grade Taiyi Jinxian to cross the disaster. "Once the second-grade Taiyi golden fairy survives, you can have the title of the emperor in the heavenly court. Unfortunately, it is a pity that the first thunderstorm of the second-grade Taiyi golden fairy" will smash him and the three Taiyi immortal weapons prepared by him."

Ao Budun sneered and said, "So, merit is very attractive to those golden fairies and Taiyi golden fairies! The higher the cultivation, the more you value this thing." The merits of the human race can help immortals weaken or even resist the power of heaven? Don't beg and nodded thoughtfully. This kind of thing is good, but it's useless to him. The innate chaotic spirit body has escaped the surveillance of Tiandao. As long as he does not do something that draws the attention of the law of Tiandao, it is very difficult for Tianjie to find him.

It's just that Ao Bu Zun's father can actually take him to watch the process of a second-grade Taiyi golden fairy crossing the disaster. Isn't his origin simple? Looking at Ao Buzun, who slowly turned around, "Don't beg to figure out, one day you have to torture this guy's details clearly.

While talking, three chariots have approached Zhongning City. Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses have poured out of the camp outside the South Gate of Zhongning City, and the line outside the South Gate has become a large array, putting on a posture of frontal resistance.

With a soft shout resounding through a hundred miles, the 50,000 soldiers behind the king's carriage stopped together." Only 18 dragons pulled the car and continued to move forward. After a while, the chariot approached the army outside the South Gate, which was less than a hundred feet away.

The bead curtain hanging on the chariot is separated from side to side, so that the pearl treasure that the eyes of the chaotic god can't see through are restrained, revealing the people in the car.

As soon as I saw the people in the car, I almost didn't laugh.

In the chariot on the left, he was careless in a rolling python robe, holding the wonderful heart fairy and sat on it. Miaoyue and Miaofeng sat on the left and right, constantly feeding the wine to his mouth. In the chariot on the right, the king of Zhangqiu with a gloomy face sat on the throne, and Long Yangjun, who was full of smiles, sat beside him with his hands. "The two of them sat on an equal footing posture.

In the middle of the car, an old man in a black robe "wearing a long black jade crown" hung a jade pendant and a jade jute hanging around his waist, and a black jade finger set on his left index finger, middle finger and ring finger, emitting a cold atmosphere" and a star crown, the jeweled fairy official of the heavenly court sat People are laughing and laughing happily.

The bead curtain was opened, and the old man and the fairy official humbled each other. Then the old man stood up slowly with a roll of black scrolls, took a few steps forward, and walked to the edge of the carriage." He shouted loudly: "Zhongzhou Muzhong Marquis Fengling, your majesty's will is here, quickly dis For the sake of your hard work for so many years, your majesty can still spare your people's life. If you don't repent and resist stubbornly, don't blame the soldiers for attacking the city and let you burn all the jade!"

Don't beg to nod secretly. This is the ultimatum. It seems that the debate over Feng Ling Ling in the Yu Dynasty has come to an end.

I heard the sudden roar of Fengling in the city: "Marquis, what's the crime?"