Steal the sky

Chapter 593 Heavy shark

The green dome star shark is indeed an ancient alien with a strong female power. The cultivation of the green dome star shark in front of him is even stronger than that of the moon real person. Therefore, the moon real person invited three consecutive fairy weapons were destroyed in its hands, and even his own magic refining treasure was destroyed by the poisonous green sky.

But the green dome star shark also has a great weakness. It must rely on the sea to survive. Once it is separated from the sea for a long time, the green dome star shark will decline in a straight line in both physical and mana. A green dome star shark with more than three hours away from the water, its combat strength will be no different from ordinary immortals. No matter how strong it was in the past, more than three hours away from the water, this ancient alien species is also the object of slaughter.

The gloomy wind is winding around, and the dark clouds cover all directions. In this dark space, gravity is reversed by the mana of the large array, and there is a strong attraction in all directions. People in the large array can't figure out where the sky is and where the sea is! For the green dome star shark, who is eager to rush out of the array and return to the sea, he is likely to go in the wrong direction in the array.

But inviting the moon real person will not give it a chance to return to the sea. Even if the cultivation of the green dome star pattern shark is much better than that of the invitation moon real person, which is almost enough to compete with the top immortals, but how can the invitation moon real person dare to kill the green dome star pattern shark?

Listen, a sharp sound rose to the sky, and a knife wheel appeared above the head of the inviting Yue Zhenren. This is a knife wheel with a diameter of more than a hundred feet, with a shaft several feet thick, and thousands of blades as thin as cicada wings. As soon as the purple-gold knife wheel came out, a trembling pressure fell, and the green dome star-striped shark trembled and looked at the huge knife wheel overhead.

The hazy glow is wrapped around the knife wheel, and there are three or five cylinder-sized runes around each blade. The atmosphere of grand killing kept spreading from the knife wheel, and even inviting Yue Zhenren to be stimulated by this breath was a little unbearable.

Don't beggar, who quietly sneaked into the array to watch the battle, gasped. He stared at the huge knife wheel with his eyes shining, and his saliva almost spewed out. This is a golden artifact. There is no doubt that it is the golden artifact used by Jinxian! Although the grade is not high, it is about the level of 18 gold fairy weapons, but compared with the heavenly fairy weapons, the power and ingenuity of the golden fairy weapons are undoubtedly far from the sky.

The breath emitted by this golden fairy weapon is separated by hundreds of miles, so that Don't beg for cold hair all over your body. Don't beg to look at this huge knife wheel, and there is a blazing heat in your eyes. It's a pity that Don't beg also knows that the golden fairy weapon is not something he can think of now. His physical strength has indeed reached the strength of a first-class immortal, but his magic power is far from reaching this level.

He shook his head helplessly and looked at the regiment.

The green dome star shark sensed that something was wrong, and it howled and randomly chose a direction and rushed over. Don't beg smiled bitterly for this unlucky shark. This array disturbed gravity, and it was impossible to identify where the sky was and the earth. The poor guy chose the direction of flying to the sky, just in the farthest direction from the sea.

The eighteen arms and feet of the big jellyfish attached to it are entangled with it." The speed of the gathering of the green dome star shark became extremely slow. A gust of cloudy wind kept blowing in front of the array, which also slowed down its flight speed. In the gloomy wind and black smoke, countless white-boned devils grinned up, hitting the green dome star shark like a stone rain. Each impact slowed down the speed of the green dome star shark's flight a little.

There are countless demons in the array. They make a sharp howl and keep pounce on the green sky star shark.

The thick poisonous green dome outside the body of the green dome star pattern shark corrodes the bodies of these demons, and the white bones of the demons are constantly eroded by the highly poisonous body and turned into a little dust. But there are too many demons coming from all over the world, and all the demons in the large array with a diameter of thousands of miles are these demons with strange shapes and white bones.

A thousand demons have been corroded" Ten thousand heads rushed over: ten thousand demons have been corroded, 100,000 heads; one hundred thousand demons have been corroded, one million heads. The array didn't know where the extraterritorial space was communicated. The endless devil roared and rushed to the green dome star shark regardless of sacrifice. A quarter of an hour later, the green dome star shark has formed a large ball of white bones with a diameter of a hundred miles. Countless demons formed this big bone ball. They moved and roared crazily, scratching the body of the green dome star shark desperately.

harsh, quack, the sound is endless, the weight of the big bone ball is too big, and some white bone demons have been squeezed into pieces by their companions. White bone fragments piled up on those devils" gradually melted into the bodies of these devils like running water, and gradually some of the demons that absorbed the white bone fragments became bigger and bigger. In half a quarter of an hour, the number of white bone demons in the big bone ball has been reduced by a hundred times, but the volume of the remaining demons has also increased by a hundred times.

The jellyfish that ejects powerful electric light is crazy to pester the green dome star shark. This jellyfish has no physical body, but is completely composed of current energy and cold air. It completely ignores the terrible damage of the poisonous green dome. It binds, wraps and strangles the green dome star shark, frantically tore the body of the green dome star shark, and drags it to the white bone demons.

The white-bone demon, which has become extremely large, stretched out its sharp claws, frantically tore the body of the green dome shark, and brought a large area of Mars and starlight on its tough skin.

The green dome star shark made a sharp howl. It felt the coming of the crisis. It couldn't wait to rush out of the encirclement, but this big array was so strange that it worked hard on the weakness of the green dome star shark. Where could it rush out for a while? At this moment, even ordinary mortal old ladies walk faster than it, with a diameter of thousands of miles. How much time will it take to rush out?

Inviting the real person to float in the air, he took a few elixirs to temporarily stop the invasion of the green dome star shark's poison gas on his body, and all his energy was focused on the huge knife wheel above his head. The purple-gold knife wheel slowly rotated, inviting the real moon to chant the spell, and constantly injecting the immortal power into the knife wheel. This is a golden fairy weapon. Invite Yue Zhenren can't promote the golden fairy weapon at all. He can only rely on spells and fingerprints to drain his fairy power and blood to inject the golden fairy weapon to drive it.

Don't squint your eyes and look at the huge knife wheel. The purple-gold knife wheel is shining and full of spirituality. This is a golden fairy weapon with a master. In other words, the owner of this golden fairy weapon is somewhere in Pangu Continent. Invite Yue Zhenren is just to borrow this golden fairy weapon for the time being. Looking at the continuous spells, he should get the spells and seals to control the knife wheel from the original owner of the knife wheel. But even if he gets the way to control the knife wheel, the golden fairy weapon will not be able to drive it for a while.

Look at this posture, there is no small half of the time, inviting the moon real person can't let this golden fairy weapon attack the enemy for him at all!

Shake your head, don't beg and mutter in a low voice, "Green sky star shark, this thing is not so easy to deal with! It's true that you are full of treasures, but if you want to get those treasures on it, hey hey, how can you not pay some price? Well, whatever he is, all I want is the true soul of the green dome star shark. You just need to kill it. What else does it matter to me?

The knife wheel gradually trembled, and the terrible breath gradually strengthened. Don't beg felt a suffocation in his heart and couldn't help retreating for a distance.

The first green dome star-striped shark felt the terrible murderous intention to kill him on the knife wheel. The unlucky guy roared loudly. "The poisonous green dome on his body suddenly retracted back into the [body], and the white-bone demons suddenly rushed inward, all of which fell on the green sky star-striped Entering the body of the green dome star-striped shark, a large amount of miserable green blood kept spewing out of the wound.

A shrill cry sounded, and the body of the green dome star-striped shark expanded rapidly, from more than a hundred feet long to a hundred miles long.

After a series of battles, this sleeping green dome star shark finally woke up from the deep sleep. It also stimulated all its strength and restored its original shape. Its huge horny bulge made a sharp roar, and a large amount of green gas was shot out. It was like countless arrows smashing those huge white bone demons. The white bones flew all over the sky and soon turned into rotten dust in the green gas.

The jellyfish tied to the green dome star shark let out a sad hisss. Its wrist and feet were cracked by the shark's suddenly soaring body, and then a dazzling starlight ejected from the shark's mouthhong the body of the jellyfish into countless free electric light and cold debris.

Open your mouth" showed a humanized ferocious smile. The green dome star-striped shark looked up at the inviting moon to the real person. The green starlight kept flashing all over his body, and gradually condensed into a huge light ball of diameter in his mouth. This is the strongest attack of the Green Dome Star Shark. Each blow consumes half of their [body] mana, and ordinary fairy weapons are invincible. It can't defend against this powerful blow at all.

The cold sweat on the forehead of the invited moon continued to ooze out. He never dreamed that this big guy was so brave and fierce. Seeing that the green dome star shark was about to spit out the thunder light from his mouth, he invited Yue Zhenren to quickly bite the tip of his tongue and risked his life to spit out his own blood. Come out.

Three dazzling blood lights were injected into the knife wheel. The purple-gold knife wheel suddenly moved, and the tenon golden fairy finally absorbed enough fairy power and energy, and began to rotate rapidly. As soon as the golden fairy weapon moved, only the sound of the blade tearing in the void was heard between heaven and earth. But as the so-called loud sound, don't beg to hear the huge sound, but he can't describe what's going on with the sound.

He just watched the Chinese knife wheel rotate rapidly, and the void around him was stirred into a mess of porridge by thousands of huge blades on the knife wheel.

The thunder light at the mouth of the green dome star-striped shark roared out, and the knife wheel also fell down with a dazzling golden light.

The thunder was swept into the knife wheel. With a loud noise, the knife wheel was bounced dozens of miles high, and the thunder exploded. The real person invited Yue was hit by a free electric light, and a transparent hole the size of a fist was punched in his chest, and he was roared out dozens of miles away.

Then the knife wheel fell quickly, just passing the body of the green dome star shark in a flash.

The howl sound sounded, and the knife wheel turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky without a trace. The green dome star shark suspended in the air. Half of its body was cut into pieces, and its body was full of sad deep wounds. Large areas of green blood kept spewing out, and the green dome star shark was almost shattered.

At this time, the heaven and earth suddenly moved around, and the yin of heaven and earth rushed straight into the sky. The moonlight and starlight were completely isolated, and dark clouds covered the whole earth.

From today to the time of yin, the qi of heaven and earth covers everything.