Steal the sky

Chapter 594 Invite the moon to escape

The green dome star shark made a sad cry, suffered a heavy blow, and was out of the sea for more than an hour. The green dome star shark has reached the end of the mountain. Half of its body was suspended in the air, and its eye-catching starlight eyes locked the invited moon real person who was blown high in the sky, and it had made desperate preparations.

However, the yin qi between heaven and earth is abundant, and the yin qi covers the light of the stars and moon. The power of the stars in the void is rapidly reduced. The green sky star sharks open their mouths and swallow crazily, but even a trace of the power of the stars cannot be absorbed. Being hit hard by the golden weapon, the green dome star-striped shark with little power left in the [body] was at a loss. It couldn't figure out what was going on. Why did the power of the stars around it, which was usually like running water, completely disappear?

A huge hole was opened in his chest, and the bloody Yue Zhenren slowly landed from the sky. He stared at the green sky star shark and said with a low smile, "A beast is a beast. Even if your cultivation is much higher than that of this immortal, don't you fall into the hands of this immortal? Hey hey, your baby is worth a lot! Especially your inner elixir core, hey hey!"

The green dome star shark took a deep breath, but the airflow it inhaled quickly spewed out of the fracture of its body. Its body doesn't even have the strength to move at the last point. It is lucky to be able to save its life from the rapid blow of the golden fairy weapon. The last remaining power in its [body] is slowly passing, and with the little blood left in it [body], it flows out of the body.

Resentful staring at the real person of the invitation moon, a crisp cracking sound suddenly came from the green dome star shark [body].

The real person invited Yue's face changed miserably. He roared harshly, "Evil beast, how dare you! Spit out the inner elixir crystal nucleus and save your life. "You dare to break the inner elixir crystal nucleus, and you will definitely take down your soul and demote you to the Jiuyou hell to suffer the boundless torture!"

The body of the green dome star-striped shark slowly shrank, and gradually a strong starry green gas spewed out of its [body]. After losing the opportunity of the last desperate blow, the fierce green dome star shark brazenly burned all the blood in the [body] and was ready to blow up its body and invite the moon to die together. And Yingyue Zhenren told it that his goal was its inner Dan crystal nucleus. This guy actually encouraged the last bit of strength and was gradually smashing his inner Dan crystal nucleus, which is the strongest and the source of all power.

Don't beg to hide in the gloomy wind and black smoke, and look at this big guy who would rather be broken than complete. Burn, let all the blood burn! Smash the inner elixir crystal nucleus and burn it with all the blood! When all the residual energy in the [body] is burned, the soul of the green dome star-striped shark will reach an unprecedented peak state. At that time, it will smash the body and imprison the soul of the green-sky star shark. The beast soul obtained is the most perfect green dome star-striped shark soul.

And under the impact of a huge energy, the intelligence in the beast's soul will also be shattered by its own energy. Such an instinct that retains the instinct to die before death, but loses its intelligence, leaving only the instinctive and ferocious beast soul to sacrifice the artifact into a fairy weapon, which is really the most appropriate.

Don't beg for a moment of distortion in his face, and gradually turned into the appearance of an old man of vicissitudes." He gently rubbed his hands, and there was a faint flash of chaos between them. The body of the green dome star shark is shrinking, shrinking rapidly, and gradually shrinking to a thousand feet in length. The light sprayed inside it is getting stronger and stronger, and gradually it seems that there is a very small but not a foot long green dome star shark shadow looming above its head.

Invite Yue Zhenren to be so anxious that he was about to vomit blood. He shouted sharply, "All fairy friends, please out." The reward promised by me doubled. All the fairy friends quickly killed the body of this evil animal and took out its inner elixir crystal nucleus. Don't let it explode! Otherwise, we will all have a big trouble!" Ordinary Yuanshen monks can destroy everything within a hundred miles by self-exploding. The cultivation of the green dome star shark is similar to that of the top immortals. If it blows itself up its body at all costs, it is powerful enough to smash the stars in the sky. The real person who invited the moon can also rely on his powerful cultivation to escape instantly, and none of the thirty-six immortals present were spared today.

With the howling of the moon, thirty-six panicked immortals showed their shape from the black smoke. At the same time, they raised one. Thirty-six fairy swords scratched out with a harsh roar in the air and split into the green dome star-striped shark that was rapidly shrinking. At the same time, they chanted spells one after another. All kinds of fairy thunder roared out with firelight, water vapor, golden light and cold light. The fairy thunder with various attributes and powers of different sizes hit the green dome star pattern shark like raindrops.

The green dome star-striped shark makes a continuous cry. It ignores these immortal attacks at all. It just burns the blood, crushes the inner elixir crystal nucleus in the [body], and is ready to invite the moon to work hard. If these ancient aliens had not been cultivated into human form, their IQ would not be very good. Now this big guy is working hard, and he doesn't care that his body is blown up to splash flesh and blood.

With the sad roar, the volume of the green dome star shark became smaller and smaller, and those immortals screamed in fear. The smaller the body of the green dome star shark, the more it may burst at any time. Seeing its volume shrink to less than a hundred feet, God knows when it will burst and take the lives of everyone present?

Invite Yue Zhenren bit his teeth so much that his teeth rattled, and blood stains flowed out of his teeth. He shouted harshly! *Beast, it's really a bad beast!" With a finger, the pearl with a diameter of about ten feet suspended above his head burst into a bright light. He invited the moon to say angrily, "Today, you evil beast, don't obediently hand over the inner elixir crystal nucleus... Immortal... I... If you are poor, you won't live!"

The three corpses were so angry that the three corpses jumped violently and even spoke. The real person invited the moon to hold the jewel with his hands, and a large amount of golden blood kept spewing out in his palm, injecting it into the jewel like smoke. After being nourished by the essence and blood of the invitation moon, the jewel gradually shrinks like a green dome star pattern shark. However, with a few flicks of effort, the invitation moonzhen ren has become pale like a zombie. His body trembled, and the jewel on his head was compressed to the size of the mouth of the bowl, releasing a trace of cold light that

The green dome star shark stared at the real person, and the real person also stared at it. One person, one shark, is like a lover who has lost ten thousand reincarnations, staring at the other party so deeply, as if to deeply imprint the other party's appearance in his soul.

The thirty-six today, the immortal remembers, wow, screaming, the fairy sword chopped on the body of the green dome star-sprint shark." Each sword brought a large amount of blood light; countless immortal thunderstorms hit, causing the green dome star shark to fly all over the body, but the green dome star shark did not say Invite Yue Zhenren to look at it to death.

Don't beg and nodded. He took out the tortoise shell in his arms, and a fog shot out from his fingertips, slowly blending into the tortoise shell. He informed the armored officers and priests at the foot of Wangyue Mountain that they could do it. All the spirits of the real person who invited Yue were attracted by the green sky star shark, and they could really do it!

The green dome star-striped shark took a deep breath. "Its body has been compressed to only more than a foot long. A dense silver and green mixed smoke wrapped around its body, and this mixed flame is constantly being sucked into its body.

The jewel above the real person's head was only the size of a thumb. At this moment, the jewel lost all the light. Only a hazy fog hovered near the jewel, making the pearl look hazy and extremely blurred.

A fist-sized green spiritual bead slowly floated up on the top of the head of the green dome star-sprinted shark. There are countless cracks on the bead. This is its inner elixir crystal nucleus. After its hard crushing, after all, it is seriously injured and can no longer completely smash the crystal nucleus. So it throws the crystal nucleus out of the body and prepares to sacrifice the enemy like a practice treasure. "It's no matter how to fight with the real person of the moon.

Inviting the real person to stare at the crystal nucleus, he gritted his teeth and said, "Evil beast, you actually hurt my Immortal's baby like that! You deserve to die!"

Before the words fell, the golden cicada the size of a finger in the real person's belt suddenly flew up, and the thin wings of the golden cicada danced rapidly and rubbed, making a sharp and unpleasant strange roar. Yuanyue Zhenren, who was preparing to fight with the Green Dome Star Shark, was shocked, and a mouthful of reverse blood almost spewed out of his nostrils. He looked at the sharp chirping of the golden cicada, which was given to his son Li and asked them to send letters in times of crisis. The only the meaning of inviting Yue Zhenren to know the disaster of the strong enemy attacking the mountain and destroying the family!

Invite the real person to howst in his hoarse voice: "Who? Who is so bold? How dare you attack me, Wangyue Mountain?"

Don't beg, he rushed out at the moment of inviting Yue Zhenren to guard him. He didn't bother to take a look at those low-level immortals at all. His hands were made into a strange seal like sheep's horns, and fiercely imprinted the heart of inviting Yue Zhenren. The phosphorus fire rushed out at the fingertips, and instantly lost the heart of inviting Yue Zhenren. Invite Yue Zhenren howled miserably, and the posterior vertebrae clicked, and almost was almost interrupted by Begging. The huge aura rushed into his body and interrupted the fairy power in his [body].

"Green dome star nose shark, this treasure old man laughs!" Don't beg to squeeze out a hoarse voice and laugh strangely.

Invited Yue Zhenren to roar angrily. He waved a sword light with his backhand and instantly pierced the eyebrows of the thirty-six immortals present. A sharp spell burst out of his mouth, and the bodies of the thirty-six immortals exploded, as if they had picked up all the fairy power and fairy souls, and exploded as

In the sound of the explosion, he invited the moon to turn into a long rainbow and rise to the sky. He shouted sharply, "Old man, today's revenge will be repared ten thousand times in the future!"

The figure flashed, inviting the real person of the moon to suddenly move away. Don't beg the huge spiritual power that just bombarded into his [body] was very obedient. With the teleportation spell of inviting Yue Zhenren to escape, he helped him easily get out of the boss for a while.

Don't beg for the invited Yue Zhenren, who was seriously injured to escape, and muttered to himself, "Escape, the farther away as possible!" Well, don't let those guys swallow your family money!"

With a strange smile, don't beg for a wave of your hands, shattered the air wave caused by the self-explosion of thirty-six immortals, and punched the stunned green dome star shark. A punch hit the head of the green dome star shark and smashed its dilapidated body to pieces.

Grab the soul of the green dome star-striped shark, don't beg to look up to the sky and laugh a few times, and a suffocating pressure in the sky roared this way. Don't beg's face changed, and he exclaimed, "Dast, Jin Xian?"