Steal the sky

Chapter 606 Advance by leaps and bounds

The body of Don't beg has been promoted to the peak of the first-class immortal in Zhongning City. The blood light falls on him. It can no longer strengthen his body, but is quickly digested by the chaotic aura and transformed into his mana.

The Holy Spirit is far from begging regardless of body and mana. They absorb the boundless blood light, and their physical strength and mana are rising rapidly. Don't beg to clearly feel that the magic power of the Holy Spirit is breaking through rapidly. In an instant, he broke through from the thirty-six grades of the immortals to about twenty-seven grades. His body [body] also made a fine cracking sound, and his body also gained great benefits.

Golden horns, silver horns, as well as cattle, Ao Buzun, mint and Angelica, have all benefited greatly from the blood light. The golden horn, the silver horn, the catfish, and Ao Bu Zun were promoted to the same strength equivalent to the emperor of the Holy Spirit. Mint and Angelica were directly promoted from the early stage to the level of thirty-three immortals. The two little girls were scared and screamed. The huge fairy power suddenly appeared in their [body] made them unable to control It will be leaked.

Su Qin gritted his teeth. The stars flashed all over his body, and his immortal power was rapidly promoted from the realm of the thirty-six immortals to about the eighteen immortals. Su Qin practiced for more than 2,000 years, and his understanding of the way of heaven far exceeded that of others. What he lacked was only the accumulation of immortal power, so he got the most benefits.

Yan Bui waited for a thousand elites of the wind patrol department to run the true body secrets of heaven and earth. Under the deployment of Princess Bule, Yan Bujiu got a large part of the blood light. His cultivation quickly improved to the 27-grade immortal realm comparable to the emperor of the Holy Spirit, while the other 1,000 elites of the wind patrol department The realm of 16 immortals" 1,000 low-level immortals is amazing enough.

As the princess of Bule, she enjoys 30% of all the blood light alone. The huge power is constantly injected into her [body], and the power in her [body] and the power of these ghosts and gods almost come from the same vein. Therefore, she did not suffer at all when she got these forces. The colorful divine light rolled rapidly around her body, and Princess Bile's long hair drifted away. The terrible mana breath spread from her side, and her strength rose rapidly, and there was a faint tendency to approach not begging.

The boundless evil spirit quickly poured into the blood light. Under the transformation of the blood light, these evil spirits have become the energy that can be absorbed by others. The cultivation of Princess Bule and others is still rising step by step. Their breath is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually there are purple clouds of disaster coming from the sky. Don't beg others to practice the true secret of heaven and earth. Their breakthrough in the realm will not lead to the robbery of the clouds, but the Holy Spirit and other immortals have broken through the realm, and the robbery of the clouds naturally comes.

And in such a narrow range, there are so many people breaking through the realm at the same time. And they have broken through more than just the realm of one product. The disaster they have recruited is extremely terrible, and it has reached the level of Jinxian's series of heavy disasters! The terrible smell of thunder rolled down from the air, showing that the faces of the Holy Spirit King and others turned pale. At this moment, it was impossible for them to withstand the bombardment of such a golden fairy disaster.

Don't beg until your face suddenly changes. He gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone is quickly separated" at least thousands of miles away to cross the disaster!"

Before the begging words fell, the hazy black figure in the void had shouted in surprise: "The sacrifice of the human race, how can there be so many immortals in it? It's confusing and messy. "The things in the Pangu mainland are getting more and more fun?" With the low roar, the huge black figure was slapped out casually, and the thunderstorm in the sky was smashed by his palm. The thunderstorm, which had been brewing in the cloud, was grabbed and stuffed into his mouth by him. "It was like chewing like chewing beans" and swallowed it.

This golden fairy thunder robbery seems to have great benefits for this virtual shadow. After swallowing the thunder robbery into the abdomen, the figure of the virtual shadow is much clearer. He nodded with satisfaction and shouted in a low voice, "People," if you can offer another 360 blood sacrifices of the same quality or better than today, "I" is willing to be the ancestor god of your family, so that you can borrow my power!" He smiled a few times, and the shadow laughed, "The woman who is the main sacrifice, remember my My real name, I'm Lei Nan (**: Thunder).

When you collect the sacrifices equivalent to today and hold the blood sacrifice, you can directly call my real name, so that no one will come to compete with me. Hey, or you can hold 360 sacrifices at the same time, and I can directly become the ancestor of your family!"

With a low roar, Lei Xiang slowly lost, and the cloud vortex in the void burst into pieces. Obviously, when this guy left, he destroyed the empty passage opened by Princess Beile with a spell. He didn't want the ghosts and gods as powerful as him to know the wind of begging and others sacrificing with immortals. The blood and soul of ordinary human beings can bring great benefits to these ghosts and gods, not to mention thousands of immortals and scattered cultivations?

Don't beg to take a look at Princess Bule." She frowned and said, "There is an ancestor god, okay?" Princess Bule turned into a ball of colorful light and flew to Don't beg." She nodded repeatedly and said, "Of course! If there is an ancestor god, you can directly borrow his power. With the richness of the sacrifices we offer, you can borrow up to 60% of his divine power." A powerful top-level golden fairy-level ancestor god 60% divine power? Although it costs countless sacrifices to borrow their power every time, it's worth it, isn't it? Didn't the real person invite the moon to borrow the golden fairy weapon from the inside of the Wanxian League to catch the green dome star pattern shark? The same is true. If you want to borrow strength and utensils that don't belong to you, you have to pay the price.

nodded vigorously, don't beg and said in a low voice, "Well, I have to enthusiastically participate in the official attack on the Wanxian League. Hunting those immortals of the Immortals League can not only obtain military achievements, but also get more immortals to sacrifice to Raymond. "How can I feel like a trafficker?"

The pregnant owner of the department just smiled happily.

The evil spirit gradually dissipated, and the golden sun fell in the sky. There is not even a trace of blood sacrifice on the land where a blood sacrifice has just been held. Princess Yule gently slapped the altar and disappeared without a trace. Where the sun shines, in the newly opened fields on the fertile soil, the newly emerging buds are emitting a faint light in the sun. The sea breeze blew over from the ocean, so that the clothes of others were flying.

Looking at the towering red-gold city wall of the East China Sea in the distance, don't beg for a sudden laugh.

With the laughter of Don't beg, Su Qin, who soared in cultivation, was the first to laugh. He had a strong star disc around him, making a low sound like the stars rotating in the void from time to time, and the rumble when it rubbed with the magnetic force of the outer field. Yan Buli also laughed. His figure was vertical, and he suddenly jumped dozens of miles high. Then he punched out, and the invisible fists emptied the clouds within a hundred miles.

The Holy Spirit "Haha, long roar" He waved casually, and a long halberd appeared in his hand. A dark cloud flew up under his feet, holding him to rush to the majestic Yan Bugui in the sky. The long halberd moved, and it was dense like a rainstorm. Yan Buli roared. He waved his fist stronger than the diamond and faced the halberd of the Holy Spirit King in front of him. For a moment, it jingled in the void. The dull loud noise was like a thunderous roar, which scared all the people in the East China Sea to close their doors and dared no one come out.

Ao Buchun's eyes were hot. He dragged his body, which had become more than three feet long, and flew up. He hooked his front paws to the dragonfly very provocatively: "Ugly fish head, compete with your uncle? Hey hey, how many years have I not been with anyone? The war of virgins after my rebirth "It's just a bargain for you!"

Her eyes turned green with anger, and she roared, "Auntie is ugly? What the mother!"

The huge hammer waved up, rolled up its sleeves, howled and rushed to Ao Buzun. The huge roar sounded again." The two also killed each other in the void. The hammer of the clam was strong, and Ao Buzun's body was full of steel bones. The two fought hard in the air, and they really fought together like enemies. The golden horns and silver horns looked at each other, and the brothers shrank their heads very slippery. They clicked their lips and swam quickly in the direction of Donghai City. Just now, all the sacrifices were enjoyed by Raymond. The two brothers were drooling. Now they naturally have to find some fat flesh and blood to eat." Otherwise, they feel very sorry for themselves.

Mint and Angelica ran to Princess Bule and Don't Beg in panic. The two little girls were suddenly promoted from the little monks of the Jindan period to thirty-three immortals because of the blood sacrifice. Their Taoism and divine consciousness could not control such a huge power at all, and the two sisters were so scared that they cried.

Don't beg and Princess Bule dare not neglect." He hurriedly used the confinement and imprisoned the huge fairy power in the two sisters' [body], so that the fairy power gradually improved with their Taoist perception. Don't beg to finally understand that the power of this kind of blood sacrifice is too strong and too fast. For those who cultivate immortals, when Taoism and divine consciousness can't control the soaring immortal power, it may explode and die. On the contrary, the warriors and priests of the human race can use the art of blood sacrifice unscrupulously. There will be no such trouble as immortals. In any case, he made a blood sacrifice with the whole family and hundreds of thousands of animals, which inadvertently attracted such a great god as Raymond, and Donghai County gained great benefits.

For the combat strength of the top immortals, there are two people, Don't Beg and Princess Bule; the eighteen-level immortals, including Su Qin; twenty-seven-level immortals, there are five people, including the Holy Spirit King, Kunjiao, Ao Buzun, Golden Horn, Silver Horn, and Yan Bugui: This strength, in Dayu, is already the power that only Sanpin Dazhou can have.

In addition, there are millions of people in Donghai County, newly recruited people, and a large amount of money and materials from the Wangyue Mountain. Coupled with Su Qin, a national teacher who is good at government affairs, and Princess Bule, who is decisive and doesn't know what soft-heartedness is, the development of Donghai County immediately entered the fast lane.

A year later, Donghai County has become very different from the original.

Don't beg. In this year, he also threw himself into the official battle of Dayu against the Wanxian League and made countless contributions.