Steal the sky

Chapter 607 Angels Arrive

Black Duck Mountain, don't beg for a heavy kick to kick out the head of the fat duck Taoist, the owner of Black Duck Mountain. The originally beautiful Black Duck Mountain was full of dripping blood, and the monk's bodies lay all over the ground. At least 400 monks in Taoist robes were killed, and more than 200 monks were holding their heads in their hands and kneeling obediently on the [Guangzhou] field at the top of the top of the Black Duck, surrounded by heavy armor

Huang fake hilariously dragged the young and beautiful nun to this side. As he walked, he shouted, "Your Excellency, these little women are real youth, the biggest is only nineteen years old. Hey hey, they are all virgins, but they are good!"

Don't wave your hand, indicating that Huang can deal with these nuns at will. Huang and several hundred lieutenants in Ningbo City were suddenly ecstatic and rushed into the pavilion beside them with the nuns in their arms. After a while, there were screams and pleading, followed by dense physical impacts and vague moans.

The youngest and most beautiful nuns on Black Duck Mountain were occupied by Huang's leading generals, and there were hundreds of good-looking maids on the mountain. Don't beg gestured to several officers nearby. Those officers understood the meaning of Don't beg. They led a team of soldiers to rush to the captured maids alive, dragging them, who were crying and begging for mercy, into the pavilion beside them.

Dayu's military order, it is strictly forbidden to do ** things during the war ~ but immortals, their families and servants are not protected by military orders! Even if a charming fox spirit takes the initiative to seduce you, a general of Dayu dares to have some improper communication with the fox spirit when he leads the army, and the military order of Dayu will cut off his head. But even if there are many women related to immortals who rape and plunder during the war, the Yu military order will never protect these unlucky women.

All things in heaven and earth and all sentient beings are all creatures bred by the Pangu Continent, and they are all spirits of heaven's protection. Therefore, the military order of the Great Yu strictly protects these creatures. And the immortals are beyond the three worlds and not in the five elements." They are separated from the category of human beings and even violate the laws and regulations of heaven. Therefore, the Dayu Military Order only has the most cruel means of killing the immortals, without any warmth.

It has been a year since the leader of the army from Haizhou. In the battle of Black Duck Mountain, don't beg for three thousand jade and the private army besieged the Black Duck Mountain for half a month before breaking through the Black Duck Mountain, killing the fat duck Taoist and the immortals with profound cultivation, and only capturing more than 200 scattered cultivation The soldiers fought fiercely, and there has been almost no rest for a year. Don't beg to indulge them in their nonsense in order to improve their fighting strength and morale.

Even if he strictly rectified the army, these soldiers were not allowed to mess with these nuns and maids. According to the law of Dayu, these nuns and maids will also be sold into the brothel. Their fate will still not be changed. The killing of the Wanxian League has lasted for more than a year. Don't beg for The elite of the wind patrol department brought 3,000 private troops from the Yu family and cooperated with the main force of the Zhongzhou army to sweep the land of Zhongzhou.

The previous time, Bo Zhongfu sent 100,000 private troops of the Bo clan to reinforce Ningbo City. Originally, he wanted to be in Zhongzhouwei, but he was pushed down by three golden immortals to fight for his life. Ningbo City was destroyed, and 100,000 elite private soldiers turned into green smoke. Bo Zhongfu was so angry that he almost fainted. The Wanxian League did something wrong and destroyed more than 200 state cities in Jiupin Xiazhou one after another, which aroused the anger of the emperor of the Dayu people and ordered to destroy the Wanxian League. Bo Zhongfu immediately mobilized a large army to besiege scattered repair strongholds in Zhongzhou, and the 3,000 people led by Don't begging"

When begging to besiege Black Duck Mountain, Bo Yunting, the third son of Bo Zhongfu, was leading tens of thousands of troops to besiege Qingfengyan 30,000 miles away. Black Duck Mountain gathered all the scattered cultivation within a radius of thousands of miles. Under the leadership of the fat duck Taoist, they worked together to resist the army led by Buqi. On the other side of Qingfengyan, there are extremely famous scattered cultivations in Zhongzhou, Fengxian, and a large number of scattered cultivations gathered by Hua Qingfeng to fight against Bo Yunting. The war situation there is more tragic than that of Hei Yashan. Both sides suffered extremely heavy casualties.

Some soldiers enjoyed the soft body of those maids who were captured alive under the leadership of the generals, and some soldiers who did not value women were poorly searched up and down the Black Duck Mountain and scraped all the treasures of the fat duck Taoist. A large number of gold keys, silver chains, pearls, corals, gems, torto The field is piled up into a hill.

A flying boat flew rapidly in the sky." Dozens of priests from the Sitian Hall of Donghai County, Haizhou fluttered down. They saluted respectfully, and then took out imprisoned magic weapons such as immortal thorns and god charms one after another. They knelt on the ground in the middle of the field and captured more than The flying boat landed slowly. More than 200 monks were sent to the flying boat. Then the flying boat quickly returned to Donghai County.

Don't beg to look up and play with the high blank cloud, and secretly point to calculate it.

Now, more than 6,000 people who have been captured alive have been imprisoned in the prison of Donghai City. But the quality of these scattered repairs is far from the same as the cultivation of inviting Yue Zhenren to be full of children. Um, it's really far away to complete Raymond's requirements, complete 360 sacrifices, and collect enough sacrifices.

It's just that now Dayu has fought against the Wanxian League, and many scattered cultivation have suffered from the disaster of the fish pond. It is not difficult to capture some scattered cultivation alive. As long as this chaotic war lasts for more than ten years, don't be confident to collect so many scattered repairs as blood sacrifices.

Sima, who has just marched to the pastoral palace in the distance as a supervisor, is counting the number of killed monks, and calculating how many immortals with more cultivation than immortals have been killed. Every body of the immortal killed and the body of the scattered cultivation is a military merit. 50% of the property that has been searched will be handed over to the Zhonggu, and this part of the seizure will also be counted as military merit. And of the remaining 50% of the property, don't beg to be alone as a general of the army, 40% of the other 80% belong to Huang's very much-waiting officers, and the remaining 40% will be evenly allocated to the next 3,000 soldiers.

The marching Sima was busy. Don't beg to sit on a rockery stone, overlooking the bloody Black Duck Mountain. He slowly took out a jar of wine and drank a few sips heavily. He didn't know what the Wanxian League wanted to do, but the sudden action of the Wanxian League caused a lot of losses to Dayu, but it almost caused a disaster to the Sanxiu on the Pangu mainland.

When the anger of the human emperor came from the bear plain and rushed out of the general army directly under the jurisdiction of the human emperor, the future of Sanxiu on the Pangu continent was destined to be bloody. The core backbone of the two halls of the Wanxian League Shengxiantang and the Yinxiantang is still carrying people and the army of Dayu, but the idle allies on the outskirts of the Wanxian League have opted out of the Wanxian League and fled to the outer realm and fled from the Pangu mainland.

"This is really a death!" Don't shake your head and drink a few mouthfuls of wine. He smashed the wine jar hard, and don't beg to take out a silver token from his sleeve. This token casts the image of a ferocious moon unicorn. There are six floating clouds around the unicorn. This is the rank token in the army of Dayu now.

Dayu's military system is extremely complex. It can even be said to be extremely complicated. Especially the upper military systems use the title of mythical beasts and divine birds to divide the status of generals. Don't beg for that system. It's still unclear. But the military system of the middle and lower levels of Dayu is still refreshing.

Bronze, silver, gold third-class military rank "Bronze is the captain, silver is the school, and gold is the general.

The captain's nine grades, the school official's six grades, the general's three grades, using the downhill tiger, the moon unicorn, and swallowing the sun and flying dragon as the marks respectively. Generals can serve in the military hall of Shangsanpin Dazhou, school officers can serve in Zhongsanpin Dazhou, and lieutenants can only serve in Xiasanpin Dazhou.

Don't beg to lead the army to fight for a year" broke through 27 scattered gathering places. Under the siege of the army, the army killed six hundred and seven thousand immortals, captured more than 6,000 scattered practitioners under the cultivation of the immortals, and captured countless. All the military achievements were combined, so that Don't beg be If he has enough military achievements, he can become one of the generals of the regular army of Dayu.

Among the more than 3,000 private guards who accompanied Don't beg for the expedition, there are more than a hundred direct and collateral children of the Yu family. They have also obtained a lot of military achievements, from white to the rank of lieutenant and even school officer. With military merit and a formal military rank, they can leave the family's territory and go to other major states to hold important positions, or simply apply for transfer to Xiongyuan and join the Royal Forbidden Army of Dayu to fight for a future.

In this expedition, Don't beg for great benefits, and the children of the Yu family who fought with the army also got their due benefits. Don't beg, the connection with the Yu family is much deeper." He led the army to fight in the battle, which made him the most eye-catching role in the Yu family recently.

Look up at the sky and calculate the time. "Don't beg to take out the Zhongzhou topographic map obtained from Bo Zhongfu when you were about to leave. "Finger set out from Black Duck Mountain" crossed a distance of about 3.5 million miles and came to another scattered place, Heilin Cliff.

According to the news sent back by the patrol whistle, nearly a hundred immortals and nearly 10,000 scattered cultivations gathered there, gathering almost all the scattered cultivation forces in several nearby counties. The army of Dayu rose up. Although the Sanxiu were scared to death, there were also wise people who gathered the channel to protect themselves. These immortals gathered together, and their combat effectiveness was also extremely amazing. It was not an easy job to clean up a gathering place.

After calculating for a long time, don't beg to hear the moans in the pavilion and the gasp gradually stopped." Then he stood up and shouted harshly, "Come on, send all the captured servants and maids to Zhongning City with flying boats to sell." The rest of the army was organized, and the soldiers were sent to the black cliff! March Sima, count a combat weapon, bone talisman and other things. If there is any deficiency, please ask the third son to supplement it for us as soon as possible!"

With the scolding, the generals responded to the promise one after another, and the army immediately began to move in an orderly manner.

Just as the 3,000 troops set foot on three large flying boats, just as they were about to set off, a strong wind roared in the distance, and several priests in gray robes appeared from the wind. One of the priests shouted sharply, "The three princes ordered all the Zhongzhou army to rest on the spot, and the leading generals followed us to Qingfengyan for discussion!"

Don't look at these priests puzzledly. They are the messengers sent by Bo Yunting, but why should they stop the march of the army?

After taking Bo Yunting's letter from the messenger, Don't beg for a look at the letter, and suddenly shouted and cursed!

"Angel Han King Liu Bang came to Zhongzhou to mediate in person?"

"King of Han?", "Liu Bang?"

"Damn it!"