Steal the sky

Chapter 654 Union of Six Nations

Chapter 654 League of Six Nations

The third update is sent, and the number of words in this update is slightly more!

Well, I went to bed last night. When it was after nine o'clock this morning, I suddenly screamed like a pig's head. It's so sad!

The hard-slightly hit pig's head asks for a monthly ticket! Do you still have a monthly ticket?

Because of the obstruction of the three old gentlemen, Don't beg had to change the easy conditions with Hei, and exchanged a huge amount of genius treasures for everyone's freedom.

Unlike other foreign ghosts and gods, this strange guy also has a great interest in all kinds of precious materials produced in Pangu. The reason why he taught the Black Forbidden Curse to the King of Yangshan was that the King of Yangshan had offered him a batch of extremely precious materials. He used that batch of materials to forge a life-made weapon and kill an opponent for years.

Foreign ghosts and gods, including Lei Fu, are only very interested in the souls and blood of the creatures of Pangu Continent. But Black is a complete alien among them. He asks for a huge amount of genius treasures, and can even replace the blood sacrifice with those genius treasures. His conditions made Beg and others breathe a sigh of relief. This is the best choice and a condition that everyone can accept.

However, the price offered by Heiqi made Don't begdu dizzy for a while, and he failed to get the sacrifice of blood sacrifice. Heiqi almost put forward a huge amount of easy conditions like a lion's mouth. The huge number made Yan Dan and other big Yan emperors and ministers in the hall almost not go crazy. It was almost necessary to empty the secret library that 20,000 big swallows had accumulated for more than 2,000 years, so as to barely meet the needs of all the people trapped by the black forbidden curse of Dayan to get out of the trap.

Dayan has worked hard to save her family for more than 2,000 years, and she doesn't have a secret library. The number of genius treasures proposed by Hei Yan is equivalent to the total inventory of 20,000 swallow secret warehouses. Even when I heard the conditions put forward by Hei Wei, I couldn't help fainting and almost fainted to the ground. This guy is deliberately retaliating, absolutely intentional!

Heiqi didn't seem to see the bitter expressions of Begging and others. After he solemnly put forward the number of various rare materials and the number of various materials that could be used to replace, he happily returned home, leaving only a dry baby corpse. Before leaving, Heiqi also kindly reminded others not to beg. If they can find three or five innate spiritual treasures, he can also make an exception to get the emperor and minister of Dayan out of trouble.

Hearing the last mention of Heiqi, Don't beg and so popular that he almost vomited blood. Three or five innate spiritual treasures? Nowadays, there are few innate things in the immortal world. Don't beg to gather together to practice the innate spirit needed to steal the scriptures. It is already a matter of inviting heaven's luck. It's just innate qi, not a formed innate treasure. The innate spiritual treasure is the spirit treasure formed by the condensation of the innate spirit and the derivation of the creation of heaven and earth. Ordinary people have never seen it. Heiqi actually needs three or five innate spiritual treasures to release the great Yanjunchen?

This is an impossible thing to do. Even if you find the innate spiritual treasure, it is impossible to give it to Hei.

The only way now is to collect the astronomical rare materials needed by Black, and exchange these materials for the freedom of Yan Dan and others. The king and minister of Yan gathered together and discussed for a quarter of an hour. After a hint of no begging, Yan Dan resolutely issued a formal letter of state to Ying Zheng and other monarchs of the five countries, inviting Ying Zheng and others to come to Dayan Palace for a while.

The national book just asked a simple question: Do you have any interest in the black forbidden spell?

Just like the calculation of Don't beg and others, but in half a month, the monarchs of Yingzheng, Wei Wuji, Zhao Sheng, Tian Wen and Qu Ping rushed to the Dayan Palace with their famous ministers and generals as soon as possible. What's more, because of the entanglement of kindness and resentment between countries, Ying Zheng and other monarchs are also afraid of being designed by Yan Dan. At least they have brought millions of troops to accompany them, and without exception, the soldiers they brought have practiced the forging skills of the human race, and even some generals have practiced the secret methods of

Don't beg, you can't help laughing in your heart. It seems that the monarchs of the six countries have sent powerful people to the Pangu mainland, and they have gained a lot in just a few years. In particular, there are several literary ministers around Qu Ping. Their obscure and mysterious spiritual power bō let Don't be beg to know that these literary ministers have obtained the true biography of Sitian Hall, and their cultivation is no longer weak.

Millions of troops are stationed outside Jidu City, and hundreds of miles are full of flag-flying barracks. The soldiers of various countries showed off their power to each other, and the sound of drum horns rushed straight to the sky. The shouts of the soldiers during practice shook the clouds in the sky to pieces. Occasionally, the soldiers stamped their feet and shouted together. The walls of Jidu City trembled up and down, and the walls protected by countless heavy prohibition laws were actually broken

Even in the Pangu Continent, it is Shangzhou, a rich place like Zhongzhou. If you want to say that the prosperity of people is to the extent of prosperity, but even in Zhongzhou, don't beg has never seen millions of soldiers who have practiced the human skills gathered together! The main force of the extermination army led by Bo Yunting was only 100,000 people.

Only when you really see millions of soldiers who have practiced the human skills gathered together can people really understand what the torrent of destruction is. Don't beg. It's hard to imagine what a terrible flood beasts these armies will become when these six armies become climate, and all the soldiers practice skills such as the true secrets of heaven and earth to reach the realm of immortals.

In particular, the generals who lead these armies are Bai Qi, Le Yi, Tian Dan, Xiang Yu, Li Xin, Wang Jian and so on. In particular, these generals should take off their last shackles for the reason of not begging!

As long as you remove the black forbidden curse, let the heroes of these six countries get rid of the last layer of confinement...

Standing on the palace wall of Dayan Palace, looking at the densely paved military camp for hundreds of miles outside Jidu City, Don't take a deep breath of cold air. He was numb all over his body, and his internal organs were trembling. His heart is beating violently, and he has a feeling of painstaking efforts. What he does today will change the Pangu world!

Perhaps, those Frankensteins who released the terrible beast of nuclear weapons on the earth, when they saw the first nuclear bomb explode on the wasteland, what they thought was the same as what they thought today?

"Hey hey, it will be fun!" Don't mumble to yourself, "It will be really interesting!"

The loud shouts of killing are constantly coming from outside the city. Those soldiers of the six countries who are so powerful that they can't calm down for a moment are training themselves crazily and constantly improving their strength by the most cruelest means. The whole city of Thistle is trembling, and even the whole planet is trembling because of their crazy actions. Don't beg to feel the unbearable moans of the planet under your feet.

This is the moment when millions of beasts are locked in cages are released.

Don't beg, when he was thinking infinitely, steady footsteps sounded. Ma Yi, dressed in a big red robe and with a big knife on his waist, strode up the palace wall. He bowed to Buqi and said lowly and forcefully, "Your Majesty and the monarchs of all countries are waiting for the Lord of Tianyun in the hall!"

Don't beg and pat Ma Yi on the shoulder with a smile, and whispered, "When this matter is finalized, why don't you practice the Juyang Dafa?"

Ma Yi's face suddenly became extremely strange, and he laughed loudly. He moved to the council hall of the Dayan Palace.

The monarchs of the six kingdoms sat on the cloud platform in front of him, and the famous ministers of the six kingdoms bravely squeezed the big hall. Everyone stared at the sudden flash of Don't beg. The air in the hall was almost frozen, and the air seemed to be compressed into an iron plate, which was heavy in everyone's hearts.

Black Forbidden God Curse, this vicious thing that awakens the monarchs and ministers of the six countries from their nightmares from time to time. Can you really crack him?

Liang the iōng, don't beg for the pressure given to themselves by these heroes of the six countries. Look around without fear and nod to everyone.

With one finger, in the palace nv group behind the monarchs of the six kingdoms, a beautiful iǎ palace nv screamed and flew in the air and suspended in front of Don't beg. Don't beg to pat her palm on this iǎ palace nv's brain, and take out her soul in front of everyone. Then don't beg for countless black smoke on your fingertips. He turned the black smoke into thin silk and turned it into a long needle. The heart wings pierced the soul of the palace nv.

After a quarter of an hour, don't beg to pat the soul of this palace nv back to her body. The monarchs and ministers of the six kingdoms came up one after another to investigate the situation in the nv soul of the iǎ palace. Before long, they had explored the inside and outside of the nv soul of the iǎ palace. Ying Zheng gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice, "It's really the ban of that vicious poison!" Don't beg, you may crack it?"

Don't beg to take out the soul of the iǎ palace nv without saying a word, and easily crack the prohibition set by yourself according to the spell-solving technique.

Because it is the prohibition of Don't begging, the soul of this iǎ Palace nv is not in the agreement concluded between Heiqi and the King of Yangshan, so when Don't beg to break the ban, Heiqi did not come out to disturb the situation. Only those who are imprisoned by the King of Yangshan, when the prohibition in their yuan gods is untied, will Heiqi rush out with great interest.

Qu Ping took the soul of the iǎ palace nv in his hand and carefully explored the mysterious method of his own cultivation. After a full quarter of an hour, Qu Ping nodded sadly and happily, gritted his teeth and sighed, "Sure enough, this forbidden law has been completely broken!"

In addition to the emperors and ministers of the Great Yan Dynasty, the emperors and ministers of the other five countries sighed. Their expressions were extremely complicated, especially the ministers of Daqin and Chu Xiang, who had a great festival with the begging, looked up and down with those strange eyes that had no meaning. Especially the generals of the Chuxiang family, their faces are blue and white, and the change is really colorful.

After a full quarter of silence, Tian Wencai, the emperor of the Qi Dynasty, slowly asked, "Conditions, say it!"

Don't beg for a faint smile. He raised his finger and smiled, "The first condition is that the six countries make me king! The ministers of the six kingdoms respect me. If I ask for something, the ministers and generals of the six kingdoms should do their best to help me. Of course, if it is what the six countries need, I will definitely do my best to do what I can.

Yan Dan smiled and nodded, which was a condition that the emperor and minister of Dayan did not beg when he planned. Don't beg not to give such a great benefit to the people of the six kingdoms for no reason, it's just to be crowned by the six kingdoms. What is this?

The emperors and ministers of the other five countries flowed their eyes for a while and agreed at the same time.

Seeing that the six countries agreed to their demands, Don't beg for a moment and raised a finger: "The six countries have concluded a permanent covenant and become a fraternal state. The six countries went to the Pangu mainland to operate the territory, helping each other and advancing and retreating together. I think you should understand what Pangu Continent is, without strong help. Are you confident in opening up a world in Pangu Continent?

This time, there is also not much hesitation, and all the monarchs and ministers of all countries have agreed to this condition. The Pangu continent is vast and boundless, and the forces of all parties are extremely powerful. The six countries are still too weak compared with them. Six Nations Alliance? This is a very imaginative proposal! The six countries are just a bit of bullshit hatred 2,000 years ago. Don't beg to help them break the ban generously, and why do you care about what happened in those years?

Instead of fighting to death in such a shabby place as the outer heaven, it's better for everyone to join hands to go to Pangu mainland to rob his mother's coming happily!

Especially for people like Ying Zheng, it's not too late to continue to fight when the six monarchs here have become big figures like the Emperor of Heaven, and then continue the hatred of those years! Before you are strong enough, find a few reliable allies to support and help each other, which is also the truth.

The monarchs and ministers of the six countries here are all intelligent heroes. Naturally, they have to clarify whether the proposal of not begging is good or bad. It is of great benefit to them to form a six-national alliance. They do not need to oppose the proposal of beg at all. Of course, the detailed provisions of the six-country covenant still need to be carefully discussed. We should wait and help each other and advance and retreat together. To what extent, how much will it cost, and how to ensure the common interests and respective interests of the six countries? All the details here must be discussed in detail.

Even when the monarchs and ministers of these six countries looked at the people of other countries sitting beside them, they couldn't help but feel a very bad sense of excitement!

They think they are all heroes for a while, and the people from other countries around them are also people with similar reputation and ability. Everyone beat you to death more than 2,000 years ago, but just to earn such a little territory. Why bother?

Now how can the heroes of the six countries join hands with the outside world? They don't fight with each other, but can join hands to deal with outsiders? Can you join hands to toss outsiders? At the thought of that wonderful scene, the monarchs and ministers of the six countries almost wanted to laugh out loud!

Especially the monarchs of the six countries look at each other, I look at you, the strange smile on your face is really chilling.

'Hey hey' with a few strange smiles, Ying Zheng gently knocked on the table in front of him and snorted coldly, "Very good, the Union of Six, very good, I think it's a good proposal. However, we can't have a permanent alliance. For a moment, Ying Zheng smiled at the other five monarchs and said, "When we unify the Pangu continent and conquer the heavenly court, our covenant will be automatically invalidated, and then how about our six kingdoms really divided into highs and lows?"

The monarchs and ministers of the six countries laughed in unison, praising Ying Zheng in unison, which is simply in their hearts.

Unify the Pangu Continent and the heavenly court, and then divide it into one. The winner is the king, and the loser is the minister. It can't be fair and reasonable!

Seeing everyone laughing, Don't beg for a distorted face and put forward the third condition.

"Well, go back and check your respective warehouses and see how many treasures you still have in stock!"

Don't beg to bring out the easy conditions of him and Hei, and the whole hall suddenly became cold.

Except for Yan Dan, the monarchs of the other five countries stared at Don't beg with ghost-like eyes, especially Ying Zheng and Wei Wuji. They can't wait to draw their swords and don't beg!

"Are you robbing?" Finally, Qu Ping gave a shivering long roar and said the heart of most of the people present. RA