Steal the sky

Chapter 655 Rift God Beads

Chapter 655 Rift in the Sky (First Update)

In the front hall of the Dayan Palace, the lights are brilliant and the voices are boiling, and the emperors and ministers of the six countries are cheering and drinking. Hundreds of beautiful dancers imitated the magic dance of the day in the hall, and the fairy music floated out of the city with the wind, drifting out of dozens of miles away. In the military camp outside the city, there is also a candlelight shining all over the sky, reflecting half of the sky. Millions of six people are also drinking wine and eating large pieces of meat. There are countless beautiful women shuttling through the barracks and having fun with those interested sergeants.

After working hard for seven days and seven nights, the monarchs and ministers of the six countries reached a formal covenant. The monarchs of the six countries signed their respective names on the alliance. After covering the jade seal of the six kingdoms, the monarchs and ministers of the six countries killed white horses and burned the alliance books to pray for heaven and earth, and the six There are hundreds of detailed rules of the covenant, of which the details are difficult to count, but the monarchs and ministers of the six countries are extremely satisfied with the covenant. This covenant takes into account the overall interests of the six countries and the individual national interests. It is fair and open, and there is no mistake in it.

While concluding the alliance, the six countries built a platform at the same time. Don't beg to be king on the stage. Taking the title of the Great Yan Jin Dynasty, the monarchs of the six kingdoms worship the 'King of Tianyun' of the country at the same time. The Ming imperial edict ordered the king of Tianyun to be higher than the literary ministers and generals of the six kingdoms, and had the power to supervise and supervise the ministers of the ministers of the six countries. In the past, the six kingdoms of Su Qin Pei were sealed all over the world, but today, don't beg to be crowned by the six kingdoms, and its glory is better than Su Qin.

The alliance was concluded, the king's ceremony was over, and the monarchs and ministers of the six countries feasted to celebrate.

Have fun all night today, and then the six countries will fight with some soldiers and horses, collect all kinds of things, and go to the Pangu mainland to open up a career in that magnificent and magical fertile land. There is hope to break the black forbidden curse. Everyone in the six countries has a relaxed mentality. After going to the Pangu mainland, they will do a great job.

The vast hot land, the countless people, the endless treasures, such a magical world, everything has a lot to do.

Therefore, the princes and ministers of the six countries feasted to their heart's content, and the wine was drunk into their stomachs like running water. Even if many of them had cultivated into the realm of immortals, but with such unbridled drinking, they were soon drunk. Even a deep and majestic man like Ying Zheng began to ** the skeleton, holding the wine jar and hugging the beautiful woman to have fun. The laughter of joy spread out of the hall and far away.

Relaxation, the unprecedented sense of relaxation made everyone indulge themselves in this night. Even Mo Zhai was 70% or 80% drunk, holding a long sword and dancing the sword in the square in front of the hall. The sword spirit rushed straight into the sky, and the sword spirit Ling Yun cut the clouds in the sky into pieces, and the blue sword light even covered the moonlight in the air.

Mo Zhai danced the sword, Xun Kuang recited poems, Han Fei stammered with Lin Xiangru to argue about who drank worse. Fan Yuqi and Lian Po fell and played in the corner of the hall naked, and Jing Ke and Hu Hai laughed and became a mess... It's a mess, and it's a complete mess in the hall.

The first half of the Dayan Palace was in chaos, and the monarchs and ministers of the six countries wantonly vented the pressure on their hearts for more than 2,000 years. But in the second half of the Forbidden Palace of Dayan Palace, Bu Qizheng sat in a quiet room with Princess Pule, conceiving intently about a black jewel the size of a thumb floating in front of him.

This jewel is a treasure taken out of the eyes of the different-dimensional split void array in those years. It is this jewel that smashed the dimensional knife spewed out of the different-dimensional split void array, and used the power of the smashed space dimension to impregnate 360 unformed innate The innate anemone flower was born.

This jewel quietly suspended in front of Princess Buqi and Pangle. The blue candlelight in the quiet room was sprinkled on the black surface of the jewel, coating the jewel with a layer of ripples like water waves. Don't beg and Princess Le look at this jewel with divine thoughts. This seemingly extremely quiet jewel is actually jumping in space with a frightening high frequency.

In about a flash, this jewel will disappear in place and reappeare 800 million times! This frightening high-frequency oscillation has caused the divine consciousness of Begging and Princess Kangle to be torn by it several times. The skills practiced by the two people are strange. The divine soul has reached the innate realm. The power of the divine soul has all kinds of wonderful magical powers. I'm afraid that if you only use the divine knowledge to explore the jewel, you will be hit hard by this jewel.

It's been a lot of hard work. The god of not begging has finally carefully entered the jewel and penetrated into the core of the jewel.

The interior of this jewel is overlapping, full of dense space barriers to the extreme. The extremely compressed space barrier is like a huge maze. If it hadn't been for the huge power of the source of the soul twice in a row and improved his soul many times, his consciousness would not have been able to get out of this huge The space maze finds the real core of the jewels.

But as soon as he walked out of the labyrinth formed by the space barrier, the divine consciousness came to a vast void. In the boundless void, waves of powerful space shocks are constantly spreading. Each wave of space oscillation is very different from the previous wave. Each wave of space oscillation has a mysterious space law. Occasionally, two waves of space oscillations collide with each other, which will immediately breed a large number of dimensional knives flying all over the sky. But once these dimensional knives hit the space barrier outside the jewel, they will be smashed. Countless fine and broken space forces fly randomly in the void, bringing trillions of extremely fine black light.

At the core of the jewel, there are three layers inside and outside, and the triple rune array emitting strange light is wrapped in a small black flame. The flame beats like a heart. Every time it beats, a new space shock will be born in the void. It beats endlessly, and the space shock in the void is more and more dense.

Princess Le suddenly exclaimed, and she opened her eyes slightly and winked at Bu Beg. At this time, don't beg to communicate with Princess Po Le. If Princess Po Le does anything casually, he can understand what it means. This is to ask Don't beg, if you have seen through the origin of this flame.

Don't beg to nod slowly, showing a happy smile. With such an innate fire as forbidden law, how could he not know this black fire? This is clearly the 'Congenital Heavenly Flame', which is famous for being able to burn the void and destroy all obstacles in the innate flames. This kind of divine flame is best at destroying all kinds of space prohibitions. Although the lethality of the five elements is not enough, if there is an array that specially traps the enemy and injures the enemy by void prohibition means, this burning empty flame can easily break through the array.

The ancient immortals liked to hide the cave by all kinds of means of distorting the void and inverting time and space, or using mustard seed void means to hide all kinds of secret treasures, but all the forbidden laws related to the void were useless in front of this burning flame. Just as the forbidden god flame has a repressive restraint on the evil spirit of the devil, the burning god flame also has the same effect on all space prohibitions.

The burning flame can't even burn through a thin piece of paper, but a wisp of burning flame is enough to penetrate the void!

Don't beg and Princess Kangle look at each other and smile. No wonder this jewel has such a strange ability. No wonder it can penetrate the void with such a high frequency. In its core, a mass of innate Yuanyu burning empty flame is actually banned, which can be explained.

Look at the confinement array composed of the triple rune, but it is just an ordinary eclipstinence of the five elements. The burning god flame can burn the void, but it has little lethality to the vitality of the five elements. This most common five-e action ban has imprisoned this group of burning god flame in the jewels and become the power source of the jewels. The immortal who refined this jewel is considered to be an absolute refinery master, otherwise he would not have such a whimsy.

The two looked at each other for a while. Don't beg for a chaotic spiritual light spewed out in her mouth and nose. There was a colorful divine light in Princess Kangle's eyes. The two groups of aura were mixed together, and suddenly there were infinite changes. Chaotic differentiation, the five elements returned to the yuan, and suddenly a small hand several inches in size like the palm of a real person spewed out of the mixed aura and gently grabbed the jewel.

A clear sound came faintly, and a wisp of hair-like small burning flame on the surface of the jewel was caught by the little hand. Don't beg to neglect. Before the burning flame broke through the surrounding void and ran away, he hurriedly opened his mouth and sucked the wisp of black flame into his body and integrated it into the chaotic aura.

Chaos Reiki is quickly injected into the burning god flame. Don't beg silently to steal the art of internal condensation. After consuming a lot of chaotic aura, it condenses a kind of fire of burning god flame in the body like a forbidden magic fire. This kind of fire can swim in the body with the chaotic aura. As long as it absorbs enough chaotic aura, it can quickly turn into a dark flame and turn the void into no void.

"It's a good thing. With this baby, hey, it will be easy to open the door of the cave in the future!" Don't beg and laugh proudly.

The burning flame in this split god bead was just begged for a wisp of refining into fire, but it did not hurt the root of the pearl. It is still a very powerful strange treasure. Don't beg to think about it for a while. He asked Princess Yule for her five-thunder-breaking divine piano, inlaid this jewel in the depths of the body with an embedded method, and then used some rare materials looted these days to refine the five-thunder-breaking divine piano.

Originally, the five thunder broken magic piano could only make the sound of five thunders to bombard the soul, but now it has been joined by the split sky god beads, and it has been forged with all her heart. As long as the princess of the music urges the sound of the piano, the void around will suddenly smash, and countless dimensional knives In addition, the thunder sound, which is more and more powerful, is enough to kill a number of immortals who are not as good as Princess Le.

After insight into the mystery of this black jewel, the two of them got the benefits again. Only then did Beqi and Princess Pangle happily left the quiet room.

As soon as I walked out of the quiet room, several maids of honor greeted me.

Dayan Yanlegong Lu riding the wind and begging not to beg. He has been waiting outside for a long time.

National Day, have a good rest, and don't be in a hurry to watch the update!

Well, sleep a few late, stay with your parents, and fool the old man!

If you have a girlfriend around, then, congratulations, go shopping with your girlfriend!

I wish some comrades' girlfriends are shopaholics and buy him hundreds of pounds of rice every day! RO