Steal the sky

Chapter 676 Desperate

Burning the eastern green wood with a fire, instantly disrupting the aura flow of the whole array. "Then the flame that turned into the eastern green wood after burning will lead to the western Gengjin, and burn the foundation of the western Gengjin array to ashes and smoke. The foundations of the two major formations of the East and the West were damaged, and the aura of the large array was immediately messed up. The aura of the two bases in the north and the south condensed in an instant, and the huge aura froze into a mass like a glacier in the north.

The array is still constantly extracting the aura of thousands of miles for its own use, but this aura can no longer be vented and can't be turned into lightning to hurt the enemy. The aura of the water gate in the north and the fire gate in the south was frantically compressed and frozen. Gradually, a dark frost and dark cloud appeared in the north, which firmly enveloped thousands of miles of mountains like an iron curtain: in the south, a red fire cloud appeared, and the condensed fire cloud kept deepening, as if a piece of continuous drip The white glass of the blood quickly turned red.

These two groups of aura reach thousands of miles, constantly thickened and compressed, and gradually turned into two terrible energy storms without spitting out. As long as the talent dares to rush into these two groups of aura, a little mana can detonate the two groups of aura and blow up the immortals hidden in them to pieces. Thousands of miles of aura, even Jinxian dare not take risks from it.

Now the east of the array has burned into a hole of fire. Aoki and earth fire, and dozens of volcanoes are constantly spewing up to the sky. The high temperature is enough to melt gold and iron, and the clouds in the sky have been burned to no end. It is difficult for immortals or mortals to walk from here. In the West, the white Gengjin aura quickly dissipated, along with the fire released by Begging.

Don't be careful to control the intensity of the fire, making this mountain in the west a passable place for mortals.

Tens of thousands of Yu troops outside the array roared with a loud dragon horn. Tens of thousands of troops swarmed up in flying boats, and the dense flying boats turned into a dark cloud, covering a large area of the sky. The arrows fell like raindrops, and the bones turned into a hurricane sweeping the sky, and the powerful generals of Zhongzhou rolled up the wind all over. Wearing golden armor, the special heavy murder weapon flew around, and when the immortals in the array were about to run away.

Many immortals who controlled the array on the mountain were devoured by the disordered aura of the array, and dozens of the most cultivated immortals died on the spot. Their bodies exploded, and by the way, they blew up the large palaces and pavilions hidden in the mountain. The huge mountains were blown up and broke, and a part of the mountain more than ten miles high slowly rolled to the ground. The huge roar made the eardrums crack and the ears bleed, and the ground trembled violently. Countless dust and fireworks rushed straight into the sky.

The Dayu soldiers who were trapped in the array and were already desperate cheered in unison, and they didn't know where they swelled up their strength." Catching the immortals who besieged themselves in front of them was a fierce killing. The last batch of arrows was shot out, and the last few bone charms were shot out. The remaining priests poured out the last bit of magic power and turned into a large sea of thunder and fire, which burned thousands of people with low cultivation.

Don't beg to command the soldiers to fly the jade armored turtle flying boat to the top of the trapped soldiers, and these soldiers boarded the flying boat. Originally, there were 30,000 troops, but now only more than 10,000 people are intact. Four or five thousand people were killed in battle, and seven or eight thousand people were seriously injured. All the wounded and dead were sent to the flying boat as soon as possible. Then Don't begled to command the flying boat and rushed to the messy immortals and scattered monks on the high mountain.

A large amount of ordnance is stored in the flying boat. The soldiers who boarded the flying boat had no time to wipe their sweat. Unable to take a breath, they took out large bundles of special arrows one after another, rushed to the arrow holes on both sides of the flying boat, and shot at the immortals flying around in the sky outside. Those priests who were out of breath and had exhausted all their mana took the potion to quickly replenish the mana from the hands of the logistics soldiers and drank it, and then grabbed a large number of bone charms with amazing lethality and various powerful disposable magic weapons. They rushed on the upper deck of the flying boat, also on the window specially opened. The immortals and scattered immortals outside the window launched an attack. Thousands of immortals and scattered practitioners surrounded the flying boat where you don't beg to ride. Countless spells spewed down like a storm. However, the flying speed of the jade-armed black turtle flying boat is very slow, which is the slowest flying speed in the Dayu military flying boat. But its defense is extremely amazing. These immortal spells hit the outer shell of the flying boat, just splashing a large amount of fire, even without any worn marks.

There are some immortals with slightly poor quality of flying swords. A sword fell on the flying boat. The flying boat was fine, but the flying sword was broken several times by the shock. Many immortals suffered from this dull loss. The immortal sword of life cultivation was broken by the flying boat, and they almost fell to the ground from the cloud head after spitting blood one by one.

What makes these fairies panic even more. Not only was the big array destroyed, but the aura in the big array also became chaotic. Gengjin aura has completely disappeared, and Aoki aura is constantly turning into flames and storms burning all over the sky. The Guishui aura in the north and the Binghuo aura in the south have condensed into a terrible aura bomb. No one can absorb any aura from it. Only the aura of the garripples in the center is still calm, and the incomplete array is still constantly extracting the aura of the garrithes from the ground and scatters into the void.

However, the most common aura of the garrison is used to arrange all kinds of defense prohibitions. The most common means for ordinary immortals to attack the enemy are flames, flying knives, Xuanbing and so on. Now with the use of Gengjin, Binghuo, Guishuiling and Dujiufa, the strength of immortals and scattered cultivation should be suddenly tied in half.

In just a quarter of an hour, the flying boat of Don't beg and others has approached the broken mountain for dozens of miles, and a deck in the abdomen of the flying boat has moved away, revealing three poly prismatic crystal columns in the shape of a character.

Countless runes loomed in the crystal column, and the lightning kept ejecting in the crystal column. You can see a huge crystal [body] behind the crystal column, and a large group of priests are constantly filling boxes of spiritual stones and fairy stones into a burning furnace.

This is the only large-scale lethal combat equipment configured by the jade armored turtle flying boat. It is jointly completed by the priest who specializes in the Sitian Hall to practice thunder magic and the skilled craftsmen of His Royal Highness Sijun. The name is, Tu Ling Ben Lei Bang. The principle of this combat tool is very simple, that is, after gathering a large number of aura, it will be transformed through the magic array. Under a powerful thunderbolt, it is exactly the same as the process of immortals releasing all kinds of fairy thunder.

But the immortals release the thunder method, and they also have to consider the complex problems such as the counterattack of the fairy power. Tu Ling Ben Leihong does not have this concern. All the materials that make this kind of war gear are the strongest materials that can be found on the Pangu mainland, and they even seep into a trace of innate breath. After The power of the second explosion can directly kill the top golden immortals who use fairy weapons to protect their bodies!

Every time this powerful weapon is released, the smart spell master must engrave a new energy gathering array after the event. That is to say, the jade armored turtle flying boat has only one blow in a battle. But if this blow is real, the damage caused is also extremely amazing.

The whole flying boat was covered with strong light, and a purple-blue thunder light about five miles in diameter gushed out from the abdomen of the jade armored turtle flying boat, and then the thunder light quickly expanded to a hundred miles. With the low thunder. The flying boat suddenly shot dozens of miles high in the sky. A thunderbolt with a diameter of a hundred miles has roared towards the collapsed mountain ahead.

Countless immortals and monks along the way. As long as it is in front of the thunder, it will be silently turned into nothing by the thunder. Several Jinxian, who had been exhausted from fighting with the generals of Zhongzhou, howled and looked at the thunder light shooting in front of them. They didn't even have the strength to sacrifice the golden fairy weapon to protect themselves. They just struggled slightly in the thunder and completely turned into a wisp of smoke.

The thunder slanted into the waist of the mountain, pierced the mountains thousands of miles away, and slanted into the ground. The last point of the fog matrix was finally smashed. Thousands of immortals and scattered cultivation on the mountain turned into flying ash in this hit. Those golden immortals with the highest cultivation were also affected by thunder, and more or less suffered serious injuries.

With the sharp roar, the golden immortals gathered the remaining immortals and monks nearby to find a direction to escape.

In the west, the jade armored tortoise flying boat is stopping in the west. In the rear of the flying boat, tens of thousands of living soldiers are killing from the west, and the heads of blood are splashing all over the sky along the way. Neither the north nor the south can be done. Guishui Reiki and Chuo Reiki are gathering crazily. "That's two huge Reiki bombs" may explode once touched, and then everyone will be involved.

The only way to live is the East!

But the Aoki Reiki in the East is being burned crazily by the fire of Beqi Well, and dozens of giant volcanoes are constantly erupting, and the magma is a hundred miles high. The poisonous black gas sprayed all over the sky. The void on that side was burned and distorted. There are also nine huge fireballs in the sky that keep ejecting countless rockets, and the whole void has turned into a world of flames.

You can only go from there! There is no way out in other places!

A golden fairy with the strongest cultivation looked up to the sky and roared, and took a group of lost immortals and went straight to the east. The golden fairy picked up a purple light and rolled up a few close people and fled to the east. Looking back at the jade armored turtle flying boat, who is not begging, he roared, "If you are lucky today, let you break the array of immortals. Come [day] Immortals will repay each other again!"

Don't beg and smile." He looked at the remaining thousands of immortals who fled in a hurry and shook his head. Did you break the big battle by chance? Tut, why is this a joke? Obviously, the array you laid is too simple. If your array can be a little more complicated, it is not simply to use the power of the five elements, but to add all the changes of other stars and earth. It's impossible for me to break the array so easily!

Hey hey, it's really from the east, and it's really from the gate of Aoki in the east! Don't beg, he whistled gently and closed his eyes with a little unbearance.

The fire rose to the sky, and the sky was full of flames. The immortals who fled from the Eastern Qingmu Gate wailed and turned into ashes in the sea of fire. In addition to those golden fairies and the close gatekeepers who were protected by the golden immortals and came out of the fire and smoke, the other immortals and monks of the Wanxian League howled and disappeared in the lava hell.

More than a hundred golden immortals, with three or four hundred close doormen and friends, finally rushed out of the sea of fire stretching thousands of miles, and a jade-creed turtle flying boat in front of them greeted them again. The shrill ghost roar rose to the sky. Those golden fairies who had exhausted their magic power suddenly howned in despair.

At least 70% of the golden fairies spewed purple light at the same time, and they burned their fairy souls!