Steal the sky

Chapter 677 On the Achievement Award

Burning the fairy soul, the fairy's desperate trick. After the fairy soul burned, even if it killed the enemy, it escaped smoothly. A lifetime of cultivation also turns into running water. It can only be a reincarnation of a true spirit.

But once you burn the fairy soul, you can burst out a terrible force ten times more powerful than your strongest strength in a short period of time. Although the longest time is only a quarter of an hour, that moment is enough to make the immortal who burn the fairy soul destroy a lot of things.

When it is easy to calm down the disordered aura of the whole array, eliminate the two reiki bombs in the north and south, and control the jade armored turtle flying boat through the gradually calming volcanic area, the battle between Bo Yunting and a hundred escaped golden fairies has ended.

Hundreds of golden immortals were killed cleanly. The immortals they took away were also completely killed, but the triple-draped armor outside the jade-clad turtle flying boat on which Bo Yunting was also destroyed. Hundreds of priests on the flying boat were also killed and injured. Fortunately, the body of the jade armored turtle flying boat was not damaged. As long as it was sent to Liangzhu to the workshop under the jurisdiction of His Royal Highness Sijun, it was still an intact flying boat.

Although hundreds of priests were killed and injured. But Bo Yunting's interest is still extremely high. More than a hundred golden immortals were killed in World War I. Thousands of immortals were killed, and tens of thousands of scattered practitioners were killed cleanly. Only thousands of soldiers and hundreds of priests were killed on his side. This war achievement was very dazzling. Not to mention Zhongzhou, even other major states have no such results.

More than a hundred golden immortals were annihilated in one fell swoop!

Jinxian is not a pimple in the field, and it is not an existence that can be quickly created like the generals of Dayu. Every golden fairy has experienced a long time of calculation by measurement. It has great perseverance, great perseverance, great opportunity, great blessing, and consumes incalculated resources. The lucky ones who have accumulated little by little. Jinxian is the backbone of the fairy group and the most important part of the immortal cultivation system.

Thousands of people practice. Three hundred people can get golden elixir. With thousands of golden elixirs, there are about a hundred people who can have a baby. Thousands of Yuanying, about dozens of people can get the motogami. About ten people can get the fruit of the immortals. But ten thousand immortals can probably have a golden immortal achievement. In the whole outer realm, the ratio of golden immortals and immortals has almost reached the number of one to one hundred thousand!

How many immortals are there? In the huge system of immortals, immortals are the most ordinary people! And Jin Xian is a high-ranking nobleman! Maybe there is a peak of 10,000 immortals, and not one of them can become a golden immortal!

Killed more than a hundred golden immortals in the first battle, and this result can only be described as brilliant! According to the top-secret information obtained by the secret of Dayu, the organization of the Wanxian League is extremely large. But it's such a big Immortal League. All the known golden immortals add up to only about 800, which is known as the 800 hidden immortals in the Hidden Fairy Hall.

Now more than a hundred golden immortals have been killed in World War I. One-sixth of the strength of the Wanxian League was completely destroyed!

With the comprehensive strength of Dayu, if the two sides confront each other head-on. Any one of the first-class Shangzhou concentrated all the military power in Dayu can cripple and abolish the Wanxian League with the momentum of thunder. However, the upper immortals of the Wanxian League rarely fought head-on with the regular army of Dayu. This time, the Wanxian League actually gathered more than 100 golden immortals to ambush Bo Yunting's Chinese army. This is really surprising. It's a surprise.

Fortunately, don't beg. He actually easily broke the large array laid by the golden immortals, and consumed the power of the golden immortals with the power of the large array, and then Bo Yunting was waiting for work outside." He pre-arbiting a vicious prohibition to wipe out more than a hundred golden immortal

The war report of this battle was sent back to Zhongning City by Bo Yunting at the fastest speed. Bo Zhongfu, who got the war report, sent 18 batches of civil and military officials to verify the results in disbelief. When the results of the battle were confirmed, the killed Jinxian's limbs, broken arms and their identity nameplates and other items were sent to Zhongning City. Bo Zhongfu immediately used the French array to send the results to Liangzhu.

Since the war between Dayu and the Wanxian League, the immortals of the Wanxian League are like underground mice. For a while, the ether popped out here to bite a few bites, and for a while, the ether popped out and called a few times. The Pangu continent is vast and boundless. The immortals of the Wanxian League can always find the emptiness of Dayu's military strength to give Dayu the next cruel hand. Fighting for several years. The losses of the military were only nearly one million. The number of people killed in Li was even more astronomical, and the officials of Dayu did not even dare to report the number of people lost to the emperor.

Ryu's army is extremely powerful. But in the face of an enemy that can't be found, the military can only sweep around savagely. Those mountain monsters and cultivation families born and raised in Pangu mainland have been wiped out countless times, and those scattered immortals and Sanxiu, who were unfortunately besieged by the Dayu army, have also been killed countless, but the core force of the Wanxian League. Those golden fairies and even more powerful than golden immortals in Yinxian Hall and Daluotang have rarely been really hit.

This time, Bo Yunting actually killed more than a hundred golden immortals at once, and thousands of immortals today and tens of thousands of scattered cultivation. Those immortals and scattered cultivation are just "It can only be regarded as a addition, but more than a hundred golden immortals, this credit is too great! Bo Zhongfu hurriedly asked for credit for his son. With the power of the Bo clan in Liangzhu, maybe Bo Yunting can be awarded the title of marquis because of this war!

Nine consecutive official documents were sent from Zhongning City. Bo Zhongfu issued a strict order, requiring Bo Yunting to lead the Chinese army back to Zhongning City. The 10,000 troops brought by Don't begging did not belong to the Chinese army, but because Bo Zhongfu asked all those who made contributions in this war to go to Zhongning City to wait for rewards, Don't beg was happy to take the army to Zhongning City.

It's good to have a reward, and don't beg to take this opportunity to go to Zhongning City to personally direct the retaliation action against Yu and Xun. Although the "thorn" controlled by Rock's enemy has made the jade family restless. But it's just listening to the war report from Rock's enemy. Where did you see the flesh and blood of the Yuxian clan flying with your own eyes to relieve the hatred?

Following Bo Zhongfu's Chinese army tent, Don't beg and other generals with his men, neatly arranged the big and small flying boats into a marching array, and rushed all the way to Zhongning City.

What surprised Buqi and others was that Bo Zhongfu, the pastor of Zhongzhou, actually took the big and small officials of Zhongzhou out of the city to meet Bo Yunting's army. And Bo Zhongfu put on all the honors of the state herdsman. The huge floating cloud platform, the magnificent hall and ceremonial door on the cloud platform, and the honor guard of 30,000 people are all well-dressed and majestic.

In addition to Bo Zhongfu's own honor. Many large and small officials, such as Zhongzhou Sijun Hall, Sitian Hall and Si Xing Hall, who accompanied him, also carried a different number of guards according to their own grades, playing different honor guards. This scene is really grand. Even Bo Yunting, who knows that he has made great contributions and knows that he must have great benefits, is so scared that he trembled all over. The specifications of this welcome are too ridiculous.

A warm welcome ceremony" Bo Zhongfu rewarded a huge amount of wealth to the 10,000 troops brought by Chinese soldiers and Beggars on the spot, and rewarded them with wine, beef, mutton and other things. In particular, the generals of the Chinese army led by Bo Yunting who participated in this war have been promoted to their military ranks. Bo Zhongfu generously rewarded the most fertile millions of acres of land near Zhongning City and the villagers above, and rewarded these generals.

The only thing that is strange is that in the welcome ceremony, "Don't beg" did not get any reward. Bo Zhongfu seemed to ignore that it was the effort of Don't beg to break the big thing. Don't beg, he only felt full of doubts, but he noticed that Bo Zhongfu kept nodding and smiling at him, so don't beg to hide among many generals without saying a word. I'm just waiting to see what Bo Zhongfu's intention is.

At the welcoming ceremony, Zuo Sitian Yuxian naturally greeted him with everyone.

Obviously, the recent assassination of the younger generation of the Yu family in the Yuxian lineage makes Yuxian a headache. The two bags under his eyes are very eye-catching, and his eyes are black. Obviously, he has consumed a lot of energy recently. When he saw Don't begging, the resentful gas in Yuxian's eyes could almost poison 10,000 bulls. If it hadn't been for this place to welcome Bo Yunting's triumph, "Don't beg has no doubt that Yu and Xun would deal with him in person again.

Yuxian smiled slightly, don't shrug your shoulders, with many generals. Follow Bo Zhongfu and Bo Yunting into Zhongning City. I just settled down in the barracks. Ten thousand soldiers under his command have been properly placed. The confidant sent by Bo Zhongfu found Don't beg and invited him to go to the Zhongzhou Pastoral House.

In the partial hall of the state pastoral palace, Don't beg to see Bo Zhongfu wearing a daily living robe, with a trace of fatigue in his expression.

There is no Bo Yunting in the side hall. Except for not begging, there is only Bo Zhongfu. Don't beg to salute Bo Zhongfu." He stood aside and sat quietly on a black jade futon. Bo Zhongfu faintly exuded a faint cool air all around his body.

I have seen Bo Zhongfu several times from afar, but this is the first time to observe him closely. This is a very elegant middle-aged man. Even the direction of every strand of hair on his head. They all reveal the nobleness of the family. Dmity. But it is not domineering; it is gentle, but it cannot be approached at will: it is as warm as jade. There is a sharp breath in the jade color. It makes people dare not be slack and disrespectful at all.

A nobleman of the Dayu family with almost perfect manners. He is worthy of being the latest confidant of the emperor.

Don't beg to bow your head. "Abandon the beginning and calculate what Bo Zhongfu asked himself to come here for.

Bo Zhongfu is also looking at Don't begging, but he didn't put too much attention on Don't begging. He just glanced at Don't beg with the appreciation of the superiors." He said directly, "This time, he can annihilate one hundred and forty-three golden immortals of the Wanxian League

Don't beg for half a salute." He smiled and said humbly, "It's the boss who commanded properly, and it's just the soldiers who used their lives." Bo Zhongfu praised, "It's good not to be proud of your achievements! After a moment of meditation, Bo Zhongfu twisted his beard and said, "You A big reward. But Yun Ting needs a position. If all the credit is given to him this time, it will be safe for him to be a marquis!

Bo Zhongfu raised his eyelids slightly." Looking at Don't beg lightly, he said, "Give the first achievement to Yun Ting, according to your origin and current official position. What the emperor can give you is nothing more than land, beauty, money and so on. You have no hope for the title. I can also give you these things in Zhongzhou!

Don't beg to understand the meaning of Bo Zhongfu. He arched his hand with a smile and said, "Everything is subject to the meaning of the lord of the state. Well.. If you give me the land, can you circle another piece of land near the current Donghai County? Money is needed, but can it be replaced by the people of the people? "Don't beg for fun, Bo Zhongfu smiled happily.

Bo Zhongfu was about to agree to the request not to beg. The pace outside sounded, and the group of people broke straight into the side hall of Bo Zhongfu meeting guests.

Bo Zhongfu couldn't help but be angry. Who dared to break in when he was a guest?

But when he saw the people who came in, Bo Zhongfu hurriedly laughed happily and stood up to meet him.