Steal the sky

Chapter 678 Prince's Guard

The one who broke into the side hall of the state pastoral palace with a large group of guards was the king of Yuqiu, who was dressed in a black cloak and only had one face exposed outside.

When I saw the King of Yuqiu, Don't beg almost burst into laughter. Maybe the last time Don't beg Yu and Hu's Tongtian Tower scared him from under the nose of the high priest Tongtian. King Yanqiu was accompanied by dozens of powerful warriors and priests.

Thirty soldiers in black heavy armor, each set of heavy armor is a general standard. The dark armor covers the whole body. There are two long curved horns on the helmet shaped like a copper bell. The front of the helmet is covered by a dark ghost mask, which looks extremely ferocious. The armor is half an inch thick, and the surface of the armor is inlaid with a dense black dragon scale. A complex three-dimensional rune array is engraved between the scales and armor, which makes this set of armors more than the level of defense.

The shoulders, elbows, chest, knees and other parts of the armor have been carved with ferocious and twisted ghost heads. These ghosts are not only decorations, but also have direct lethality. The pupils of each ghost head are inlaid with a black jewel the size of a thumb, in which there is a faint green fire floating. This jewel is actually a thunder with amazing lethality, which can spray out the enemy at any time.

And these ghosts opened their big mouths. Both rows of sharp teeth are spiritual bone flying thorns refined by secret methods, which can be spewed out as soon as they are launched. If you ignore the total of more than 100 spiritual bones in these ghosts in the battle, it will definitely be a fatal mistake.

These soldiers are all wearing black cloaks. In the middle of the cloak, a hill is embroidered with blood-colored silk thread, and in the middle are two small hills the size of mung beans. This cloak is made of human hair, and the edge is wrapped in a hammer thin human tendon. This is also an extremely powerful magic weapon, which has a strong resistance to all kinds of spells against the souls of immortals.

Don't beggar's eyes swept over the waist of these soldiers, and his eyes couldn't help but condense. The lions around the waist of the 30 soldiers hung two jade cards. A piece of jade plate the size of a child's palm is carved with landscape and cloud patterns, and in the middle is also the word "Yangqiu". The other black jade card is slightly larger. Between the clouds and water entangled with nine spirit snakes, a strange creature shaped like a sheep's back and wings is flying in the wind.

This winged sheep is the legendary god "Rain Master" is a powerful creature. Have the power to control the celestial phenomena.

In the complicated military system of Dayu, don't beg for the ranks of lieutenants, colonels and generals. It is complicated and complicated. Even the important ministers of the military of Dayu are difficult to distinguish clearly. All kinds of powerful generals who use mythical beasts as their title. The generals of mythical beasts are divided into several levels according to the strength of mythical beasts. Rain Master, generals at this level should be regarded as the lowest level among all mythical beast generals.

However, the strength of these 30 generals marked by the rain master may be at least as high or low as the strength of the nine-grade lieutenant, six-grade school officials and three-grade generals, which are equivalent to the jade string system of the eighteen-grade golden immortals. However, only when their cultivation has reached one yuan Pangutian The title of the general given by the mythical beast.

In addition to these 30 extremely luxuriously equipped and extremely powerful warriors, King Huiqiu was also accompanied by ten priests in black linen robes and embroidered with sun wheel patterns on their sleeves. The weakest priest has three round sun wheel badges on his sleeves, and the strongest priest. There are eight sun wheels on his sleeve.

The breath of the thirty soldiers is like a treasure knife that has just come out of its sheath. Don't beg. It's as uncomfortable to just look at them a few times as if they were slapped a few times. And these ten priests did not have a sense of existence at all. They gave people the feeling that they were like ten ghosts, drifting in with the king of Changqiu, and then left and right, naturally controlling the whole side hall in their hands.

Although there is no breath leakage on the body. But the turbid and gloomy eyes of these priests swept over the whole side hall in an instant and were ready to respond at any time. There is no doubt that they have actually prepared dozens of extremely vicious powerful spells. Everything in front of destruction can be sent out at any time.

The king of Yangqiu, who was a little pale, nodded slowly to Bo Zhongfu, who greeted him enthusiastically, and then sat spatlessly on the black jade futon where Bo Zhongfu had just sat. Bo Zhongfu smiled slightly. With a gentle clapping, several maids came in silently and carefully sent a few futons on the floor in front of King Yiqiu.

The king of Qiuqiu looked at the begging standing in the middle of the side hall, and stretched out a finger and clicked a futon in front of him. He said lightly, "Haizhou Dasijun Lianglang? Sit on the jade string...

Don't beg to salute the king of Yiqiu, and also sat on the futon, with his waist straight. He put his hands on his knees, and naturally a majestic demeanor came out. The king of Yanqiu looked up and down and nodded with satisfaction for a while.

Bo Zhongfu sat on another futon and tilted his body to the king of Yangqiu with a smile and asked, "I don't know what's the important thing to do when the prince comes?" The king of Yangqiu hummed gently. He took out a scroll and put it on the ground. A hazy halo spewed out a large His fingers pointed to the mountains and rivers, but he was talking about the fact that the king of Yuqiu had marched around with his army directly in recent months, but he had hit a wall under the immortals of the Wanxian League.

Nine months ago, the king of Yuqiu commanded 300,000 troops to attack a cave built by the monk Wan Xianming at the bottom of the abyss. But he was grayed by a large array shaped like a windmill, which spewed out hundreds of millions of wind knives to kill people once it was launched. Seven months ago. The king of Yuqiu led his guards to chase the family Sanxiu. He was about to kill more than 300 Sanxiu in the family, but the array masters of the Wanxian League used the nearby mountains and rivers to arrange a large array. It's so suspense that I didn't trap the king of Yuqiu in it.

Then, three months ago, a powerful general under the command of the King of Yuqiu rushed to attack a scattered family with an army of 30,000 troops. As a result, he accidentally strayed into a thunderstorm and fire array. The 30,000 troops were burned clean, and the general was also invaded by fire poison. The king of Yangqiu has sent someone to send him back to Liangzhu for a rest. But if the fire poison enters the body, it can be cured. The general's cultivation has also been reduced by about 30%, and the loss is heavy.

Ten days ago, when the army of the king of Yuqiu was besieging a fairy square opened by the Wanxian League, he led several guards out of the barracks in the middle of the night. As a result, he strayed into the array laid by an immortal. He was bombarded in the heart by the star aurora killing sword condensed by the power of 360 stars in a row, and almost lost half of his life.

Fortunately, the foundation of the large array was unstable, and the Dayu army that came to the news destroyed the land of ten miles with violence. He forcibly broke through the array and rescued the king of Siqiu. If the king of Youqiu is trapped by that big array for a few more hours, he will really have a worry about his life.

The king of Youqiu told himself about his unlucky energy in the past few months, and Bo Zhongfu blinked his eyes desperately. His eyes kept glancing at Don't beg. Don't beg for a moment. Bo Zhongfu is like a pervert of **, and he has become a peerless beauty. Bo Zhongfu is trying to say something to himself with continuous autumn waves.

The problem is that Bo Zhongfu is a man. It is really difficult to understand the meaning of the flashing light in his eyes. Obviously, Bo Zhongfu rarely winned at people and rarely used this method to communicate with people, so his eyelids were sore. Don't beg, you still look at him confusedly.

After the king of Youqiu told his experience in the past few months one by one. He said lightly, "Obviously, the Wanxian League has been destroyed by the great strength of our Dayu Thunder Wanjun. They have been unable to fight against us head-on. Now they can only defend the stronghold and rely on the formation to compete with our Dayu army."

With a cold snort, the king of Siqiu said in a low voice, "No matter what they are so desperate for," or they still have reinforcements, or they have other plots and tricks. But we must eliminate their jade strings as soon as possible.

Bo Zhongfu smiled and said, "What the prince said is very reasonable. Now that I have taken action against the Wanxian League, I should completely level them out.

The king of Yuqiu glanced at Bo Zhongfu. He pulled the corners of his mouth as a smile: "That's right, but now our biggest problem is all kinds of arrays arranged by those immortals. And I heard that General Tan Lang has just broken a large array this time, which made Bo Yunting make a great contribution?

Unable for Bo Zhongfu's explanation, the king of Yangqiu said in a low voice, "The title of Dayu is divided into nine grades. According to Bo Yunting's credit, he can be awarded the title of Jiupinhou at most. This time, Wang Baoju Bo Yunting as the third marquis, how much effort and effort did he save? Let Lang Lang and I join the army to help in the battle is...

Don't beg for a word. One here is the shepherd of Zhongzhou, and the other is the king of Yuqiu. He is a small general of the army of Jiupin Xiazhou. He takes out a newly established county guard of Donghai County with a population of only one million. He is not qualified to bargain with them at all. Yuxian's More. Do you get more benefits? Especially for people like King Yuqiu, his action will be more generous, right?

With an implicit smile, don't beg to look at Bo Zhongfu.

Bo Zhongfu understood the meaning of Don't beg's smile. He pondered for a moment and told the king of Yuqiu about the agreement he had just reached with Begging. If you don't beg for all the credit, Bo Zhongfu needs to give a lot of land, money and people.

King Yuqiu raised his eyebrows. He nodded disapprovingly. He pointed to the scroll on the ground. A large amount of glow gushed out. The mountains and rivers near Donghai County all appear in the glow. The three of them discussed a few words briefly, and the king of Yuqiu casually drew a circle near Donghai County. Suddenly, a piece of land ten times the size of Donghai County was drawn out and became the new Donghai County territory.

This territory includes Haizhou and the neighboring Linzhou and suburban states to a large territory. As a result, Donghai County, which spans three states, has actually become a big state. It has completely become a private fief of Yuxian. From today on, all taxes, tributes and other things in Donghai County. They are all directly responsible to Zhongzhou.

In addition to the land, Bo Zhongfu will also give the sheep no begging enough money to build a hundred new cities, and also to transfer tens of millions of people from several nearby big states to the rule of Haizhou. Yuxian salutes to the king of Yangqiu with satisfaction. He suddenly became a member of the ordinary guards around the king of Yangqiu The guards of princes like King Yuqiu have great privileges. Don't beg has figured out how to use this privilege to give Yuxun a surprise jade string