Steal the sky

Chapter 720 Yantian Hall

Chapter 720 Yantian Hall

Carefully told the middle-aged priest not to let the Ao Buzun and the dragon python sisters hurt a little, and also urged Ao Buzun and the two dragon pythons not to talk nonsense while they were away. Don't beg for help but to really enter the secret hall under the leadership of several priests in white.

Like the Yuqi's Tongtian Tower, which gives the feeling of begging, the style in the secret hall of Dayu is gloomy, dark and full of suffocating depression. Walking along the long corridor, every step seems to be in history, and every step seems to have stepped through the torrent of time. Don't beg can't describe your mood. I just feel that everything is like a dream and not very real.

On the wall of the corridor along the way, countless patterns are carved, many of which are familiar stories. When the priests in white saw that they were interested in these carved stories, they were interested in explaining the details of these stories to him.

From Pangu's opening up the world, to the creation of people by the emperor's family, to Dayu to control the water and kill the world's monsters, all kinds of stories are extremely familiar. But the stories told on these carved patterns are not the same as what Don't beggars know, and the details are worth considering.

Injecting Pangu to open up the world, don't beg to know the story, Pangu is the first creature between heaven and earth. He opened up heaven and earth because of loneliness. But the carving of Pangu here is puzzled - Pangu stands in a hazy fog, holding a big axe and stepping on a huge lotus platform with his feet, but in the fog in the distance, there are still countless people, who seem to be watching the spectacular scene of Pangu opening up the world.

And the story of the emperor's creation is more different. What you don't know is that Nuwa kneaded into a human form with soil mixed with innate water according to her own appearance. But here, many ancient saints use the blood of countless mythical beasts as the material, melt the blood of all the mythical beasts and birds with boundless magic power, and then take the soil as the foundation, and combine the soil and the fused blood into a human form with the innate water. What the Wah did was to take out countless spirits from a strange-shaped tripod and integrate them into the human body.

The ancient sage cast the human body, and the King of War injected the soul into human beings.

vaguely, don't beg to think that this story is consistent with the records in some scattered ancient books circulating on the earth. In those records, Nuwa also created people with seventy-two changes, and is a human created by working with the ancient gods.

As for the story of Dayu's water control, it makes you more entangled. In the historical records of the earth, Dayu is the ancestor of the Xia Dynasty, but here, Dayu is one of the eighteen meritorious emperors of the Dayu Dynasty. The flood he governs is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster of destruction caused by some powerful people from foreign regions who invaded the world opened up by the Great Sage of Pangu.

Dayu's achievement is to lead the Dayu Dynasty, which had just had a prototype at that time, to rectify its armaments, and join hands with the immortals in the new climate to kill those foreign beings one by one. Later, in order to suppress some strong and horizontal creatures that could not be killed in foreign beings, Dayu extracted nine dragon veins on the Pangu mainland that were transformed by the great sage spine of Pangu, and cast nine tripods to suppress those terrible creatures.

All the way, don't beg to be stunned. He vaguely felt that these myths and stories that were very different from the myths he knew might be the truth of history! Dayu has been the country since ancient times, all kinds of classics and documents are well preserved, and there are institutions such as the secret hall that are specially responsible for inheriting these histories. What these priests in white say should be real history.

With a soft voice, don't beg to follow the priests in white along the corridor. There are countless fork paths along the way. Each fork is generally tall, generally short, and generally bright, and there are countless ecstasy prohibitions and space partitions on the road. Even if it is the current cultivation, he can't remember this with Some priests in white took him on the road.

In short, they walked forward for more than two hours to beg for their foot strength and all kinds of strange arrangements and transmission arrays along the way. I'm afraid they have walked tens of thousands of miles away. Don't even be sure whether he is still in the mountain behind the entrance just now, because dozens of transmission arrays give him the feeling that he seems to break the extreme distance of the void, and he doesn't know where he is.

After tossing for a long time, a moist pearl light suddenly shone in front of them. Don't beg people walked out of the dark and depressing corridor and came to an old dark yellow copper door. It is surrounded by thick rocks, and thousands of fist-sized night pearls are inlaid on the top of the high rock, illuminating the small square of dozens of acres in front of the gate.

Countless star patterns are carved on the giant copper door a hundred feet high. In front of this huge copper door, dozens of priests with black lines on their robe sleeves sat neatly on the ground. These priests have no breath like zombies, and they can't hear their heartbeat and blood. They should be living people, but they used some wonderful secret method to plunge themselves into some deep dormancy, which is really no different from the zombies in the coffin.

Passing past these priests and came to the huge copper door, a leading priest in white reached out and pressed a few stars on the copper door, and the copper door, which was a hundred feet wide and ten feet, slowly rose up. A cold air flowed out from behind the copper door, with a faint fragrance in the cold air. Don't beg to recognize the smell of 'blue-patterned clover', which is specially used to preserve bamboo slips and wooden slips to prevent bamboo slips from rot.

Looking up at the slowly rising copper door, don't beg for help but be stunned. This copper door is a hundred feet high and ten feet wide, but it is ten miles thick! This is not a door. Obviously, it is a copper pillar lowered horizontally, and it is covered with countless runes, and it is also inlaid with a large number of tortoise shells, jewels, crystals, jade and other things. Obviously, they all have their own wonderful uses.

Several priests in white opened the door, and they did not go in, but signaled not to beg for him to go in alone.

On the other side of the door, an old man in a white robe is already waiting there. The old man is nine feet away, tall and thin like a bamboo pole. His white robe sleeves are embroidered with six small sky towers with black silk thread, and a large number of star patterns are embroidered with light silver silk thread on his chest. The six Tongtian pagodas represent the strength of the old man, the high priest of Tongtian, and their cultivation is enough to compete with the four grades of Taiyi. The star pattern on the chest indicates that the old man's major is the secrets of the various arrays of star changes, etc., which also means that the old man is a member of the secret hall.

In the star pattern on the old man's chest, the North Star near the Big Dipper is light gold. Don't beg, you can't help shrinking your pupils when you see this pattern. How important the North Star is in the celestial celestial phenomena. This light golden North Star pattern obviously represents the status of the old man in the Yantian Hall.

A priest in white beside him whispered, "This is the master of Yuchen Temple, the first master of Yantian Temple."

Lord Yuchen? The first owner of Yantian Hall? The jade family? People from the Liangzhu jade family? Don't beg instinctively flashed over Yuyu's face in his mind. He nod to several priests in white beside him, and then his body flashed in front of Yuchen.

Yuchen, who is one head taller than Don't beg, looked down at Don't beg, who bowed to him with his fists, and said lightly, "Yu Jiong is the Yunsun of my husband's direct relatives, Yu Huai is the ear grandson of my husband, and Yuhuo is my gray grandson. Are you Tan Lang?"

Don't beg to look at Yuchen in a daze. Today, Yujiong, the head of the Zhongzhou jade family, is Yuchen's Yunsun?

Yuchen, the son of Yuchen, and then the grandson, the great-grandson, the great-grandson, the grandson of Lai, the grandson of Yu, the grandson of Yun. Shouldn't be surprised that Yuchen's generation is too old, or should we mourn for Yuyu's generation is too small? For Don't Beg, Yuqi is already an old monster-level old man, but he is Yuchen's Yunsun! This generation is really amazing.

He bowed respectfully to Yuchen and said in a low voice, "The younger generation Tan Lang has seen Yu Lao!"

Yuchen grinned at the corners of his mouth with a smile. He pointed to the copper door behind him, and the huge door fell silently. He turned around and whispered, "Come with me. Your Majesty asked you to choose three volumes of array classics at will, which is a little too stingy. Hey, if you really understand the way of the battle, what if I will transcribe all the classics of Yantian Hall for you?

After a cold snort, Yuchen said proudly with his hands behind his back, "If you are a fool, you can't even pass my test. Even with your majesty's will, you can't get any benefits from the Yantian Hall."

Yuchen wants to study his own practice? Don't beg for a slight smile, said with a little reserve and caution, "But follow the meaning of the old jade."

Follow Yuchen to walk quickly, go straight down the corridor for hundreds of miles underground, and a huge underground space appeared in front of him. In the space of more than thousands of miles and dozens of miles high, countless halls have been built neatly. All the halls are ordinary, suspended in mid-air according to the star map of the stars in the sky, and they are slowly wandering in mid-air with the transformation of the starry sky.

All the halls here are the same in size and appearance. If outsiders come here, they can't find the key point of the Yantian Hall.

On the rock walls around this space, countless small and only-usable grottoes have been drilled. Now there are priests in white of different ages sitting in some grottoes, holding calculations and other calculation tools in their hands to calculate what.

There is no noise in the large space, but occasionally some calculations in the hands of some priests collide with each other, or other tools such as tortoise shells and jade boards are thrown by these priests, and then they make a few crisp sounds.

Except for the priests who worked hard to understand on these rock walls, under the countless floating palaces, on the flat ground, and a large group of priests gathered together to sketch something on the ground with jade carving knives. At a glance, I don't know how many white-robed priests are sketching various arrays and stars on the ground.

Yuchen turned around and looked at Don't beg. He said in a low voice with a strange smile, "I will find you three opponents. They are all the masters of Yantian Hall as apprentices. If you can beat them in the array, I will personally copy all the classics of Yantian Hall with you. !"

With a strange smile, Yuchen tilted his head and snorted coldly, "If you lose, I will beat you all the way from here. Can any waste waste my time?"

Don't beg for a while, and then said with a smile, "Just follow the jade!"

If the apprentices of Yantian Hall can't beat it, don't beg, and you really have no face to live. RO