Steal the sky

Chapter 721 Three Arrays

Yuchen laughed a few times, and several silver rice noodles gushed out of his feet, outlining a simple transmission mark on the ground. Don't beg for a light body. Yuchen has taken him to the middle of the square. An old man with messy hair is holding a black jade knife, sketching a complex array on the floor. There are probably more than a hundred white-robed priests standing beside him or floating in the air, concentrating on the lines outlined under the tip of the old man's knife.

Yuchen clapped his hands gently. The old man who was sketching the array stopped, slowly straightened up his waist, and squinted at Yuchen.

The old man's cultivation is extremely low, with four exquisite crescent patterns on the cuffs. The April priest, which is equivalent to the cultivation of the middle-grade immortal, can only be at the bottom of the secret temple, where there are high-level priests everywhere. But Don't beg, when you see the array he outlined on the ground, you can't help but be stunned. The array is not very complicated, but extremely exquisite. With the feeling of Don't begging, a rune in this square array can be described as "knife to see blood".

The cultivation is low, but the cultivation on the front is extremely profound. Don't beg to look at this old man with wrinkled old clothes. He can't help but look at more than a hundred young white-robed priests around him. Among them, there are seven or eight cuffs with golden sun patterns. The old man's own cultivation is just a monthly priest, but there are Japanese priests among his apprentices. A

Yuchen smiled and bowed slightly to the old man and said, "Elder Chen, assign three apprentices with the shallowest cultivation at will to compete with the Marquis of Donghai Prefecture!" After saying this loudly, Yuchen's lips moved slightly but there was no sound. Obviously, he was whistling something in private with Elder Gou Chen.

A deep light flashed in Elder Gou Chen's turbid eyes, and he looked at Don't beggar and smiled strangely. He nodded slowly and said, "Are you the weakest apprentice? Hey hey, well, Gou Chenyin, Gou Chenhui, Gou Chenyu, the three brothers are playing with the Marquis of Donghai Prefecture!"

shook his particularly big head for his relatively thin body. Elder Chen smiled at Bu Qi Jie and said, "These three kids, if I have been in my Yantian Hall for less than half a year, if I let those apprentices who are old enough to compare with you, it will bully you. Just these three little things that are just getting started, if you can't do what they should do!"

With Elder Gou Chen's words, three teenagers in white priestly robes strode out.

The three teenagers look only fifteen or sixteen years old, but their sleeves are embroidered with a delicate silver moon pattern, and they are already monthly priests. The three teenagers are 70% similar in appearance, and they all seem to be brothers of the same race. Unlike the other priests who specialize in magic spells and various secret methods that like to suppress people with force, the eyes of these three teenagers are shining with wisdom, that is, as the saying goes, the eyeballs are dripping and look strange.

Yuchen looked at the three teenagers of the Gou Chen family with his hands behind his back and said with a smile, "I don't know what you have learned in the past six months when you are new to Yantian Hall. Hey, use the strongest map you can do now. The Marquis of Donghaizhou killed a Taiyi Jinxianli with a big array!"

Don't beg for the taste of Yuchen's words. What does it mean that he killed a Taiyi Jinxian with a large array? He hurriedly explained, "Yu Lao, the leader of the Wanxian League has been severely damaged by the fairy body and fairy soul in advance. Tan Lang's array was killed before it came into effect."

Yuchen waved his hand and said faintly, "Oh, what do you explain? Anyway, you killed the leader of the Wanxian League with a big array, didn't you?"

The three little guys of the Gou Chen family looked at Don't beg, and their noses were raised high, which was called unconvinced. They stared at Buqi, the three scattered, and the nearby white-robed priests also flew up in the air. Hundreds of white-robed priests put their hands in their sleeves, condescendingly overlooking the three of Buqi and Gou Chenyin.

The priest of Yantian Temple, who was trying out all kinds of formation changes in the distance, heard that there were people fighting with the Gou Chen family, and suddenly more priests came here. Perhaps the people of Yantian Hall have been studying the array for many years, and they are extremely bored to the extreme. Soon, more than 10,000 priests came over and covered the sky above the begging head.

In the end, there were more and more people, and the priests behind could not see the movement in front of them. Several old priests simply threw out dozens of lower-grade spiritual stones and laid a very simple, green leaf Nakong array. "A subtle spiritual power fluctuation spread, and the array made of dozens of lower-grade Wu Shi actually expanded the Hundreds of times, a large area of space was exposed around each white-robed priest.

Don't beg, you can't help but be stunned. What is the cause of these old priests? Just now, those priests surrounded a hemisphere of Lixu's diameter in mid-air, but they could only use dozens of lower spiritual stones to stretch this small space hundreds of times. This is not a matter of drawbacks, but their understanding of the formation has reached the realm of heaven and man.

These old priests are not very good at their own cultivation, that is, the level of priests in August and September, and they have no saying that they are in the realm of Taoism. But their grasp of the formation and space is really divine. They promote the formation with the smallest power and exert the greatest power with the simplest array. Is this the power that the old priests of Yantian Hall have? In just a quarter of an hour, Gou Chen Yin, Gou Chen Hui and Gou Chen Yu have already put a small array on the ground.

It can be seen that Elder Gou Chen chose his own young people to list, which also means to make a name for them. In front of more than ten thousand priests of the Yantian Temple, the three brothers laid out the arrays separately. All the array lines and runes were not messy. Obviously, they had their own set on the array.

When the three brothers were in the array, don't beg to find that the huge space of the Yantian Hall in the depths of the ground has its unique mystery. All the layout here is to study the array and teach the array. Countless floating halls swim along the transformation of the stars in the sky. In each hall, there are faint fluctuations of star power. Obviously, this is a simulated miniature celestial map; and under the square with a radius of thousands of miles below, simulated spiritual veins are artificially arranged.

In this place three feet deep underground, countless thin veins like hair are twisted and winding, with a weak aura flow inside, forming a complex artificial spiritual network. With the faint star power emitted by countless halls overhead, the apprentices of Yantian Hall can use these two systems to arrange detailed arrays.

This is the array laid by the three brothers in front of Gou Chen. Their arrays are all based on these two spiritual systems, and the largest of the three arrays is just a three-dimensional circle. But if the array is expanded to correspond to the real stars and underground spiritual veins, these three arrays can be expanded by at least tens of thousands of times to cover hundreds of miles to become a powerful killing array. Unspeakable ingenuity.

Don't beg to look at the floating hall above your head, and then look at the smooth square floor under your feet. You can't help admiring: "The whimsy is really extraordinary. Well, wonderful. In this way, whether it is teaching the array map or fighting with the apprentices as straight as the palm of your hand, it can

Elder Gou Chen smiled. He nod and said, "Donghaizhou Marquis also saw the mystery here? Hey hey, why don't you ask the Marquis of Donghaizhou to break the battle?"

The three arrays laid by the Gou Chen brothers are the Liuhe array, the gossip array and the nine palace array.

The Liuhe array abandoned the use of the power of the stars and relied entirely on the aura of the earth. The six array eye hub extracts the power of the yin and evil of the subtle spiritual veins below, and the six flag flags condensed into the yin evil air circling array, which is a pure killing array of six-in-one pure yin.

The gossip array abandons the power of the stars and the power of the ground, relies on the small pieces of spiritual stones in the eight arrays to hook up the aura of the heaven and earth around, and uses the eight hexagrams toyan chi water, fire and wind. At the same time, there are 1,204 wonderful changes in the eight gates of If you have an attack, you can refine people into something.

The nine palace array only uses the power of the stars and uses the nine miniature arrays to seduce the original star power of the nine Yao stars in the sky to turn into all kinds of strange beasts to kill people in the array. This array has not changed much, but relies on pure power to kill people.

Don't beg to glance at these three arrays. He smiled, took out a lower-grade spiritual stone, and pinched it into countless fine spiritual stone particles the size of soybeans. He flicked his fingers, and the first wave of twelve spirit stone particles were shot out. The six spirit stone particles blocked the six-in-machment to extract the aura of the earth vein, and then cut off the aura transmission between the six arrays of eyes. The power of the yin and evil recoiled and washed the hexa-in-m

The second wave of sixty-four spirit stone particles were shot out, which also cut off the eyes of the gossip array to extract the aura of heaven and earth, and then re-placed it into a small reversal eight-door array in the large array, making a mess of the aura in the array. The water and fire in the pool in the small array map Destroy.

As for the third wave of spiritual stone particles, there are only three, one fixed array and one chaotic array. The third spiritual stone particles directly bombarded into the most obscure but weakest breach in the array, completely destroying the array that had lost its vitality.

It took them a quarter of an hour for the three brothers to break the array, but it only took three flicks of time to break the array.

For a moment, more than 10,000 white-robed priests in Yantian Hall held their breath and looked at Elder Gou Chen at the same time.

Elder Gou Chen stared at the three miniature arrays that were easily destroyed by Buqi, and suddenly jumped up and flew up and kicked the three brothers Gou Chen out. He shouted angrily, "What's embarrassing, go and copy the 3,600 volumes of the Yantian array book for me from beginning to end!"

drove away his three future juniors. Elder Gou Chen coveted his face to the head of Don't beg, and grabbed Don't beg's wrist with a smile. With a trace of fanaticism, Elder Gou Chen smiled and said, "Marquis of Donghaizhou, do you want a master who is unparalleled in the way of heroic martial arts? Do you want an elder of Yantian Hall to be your backer?"

Don't be dumb, look at Yuchen helplessly.

Yuchen also looked at Don't begging with a mysterious face. He squinted and smiled and said, "Well, I suddenly remembered that my new wife had just given birth to a daughter for me... Well, it's better for the Marquis of Donghaizhou to make a baby marriage with my young daughter. How about marry her to you in 16

Don't beg for consterilation. He was so scared that he took a step back. What are the people in the secret hall in their minds?