Steal the sky

Chapter 758 Ancient Immortals

Chapter 758 Ancient Immortals

The dragon boat that rushed to the front is ancient, and the color is green, as if it is hollowed out of a whole piece of wood that is more than ten feet long. Dozens of holes of the size were pierced on the exquisitely carved dragon boat, half of the faucet was missing, the dragon tail was completely broken, and the cabin in the middle of the dragon boat was also lifted off the roof, revealing the table futon and other things inside, but all the items were almost dead.

The man standing in the bow of the ship was nine feet tall, and the red robe on his body was basically intact, but there was a very thin mark on his mouth. Obviously, there was some kind of attack that broke through the robe embroidered with dozens of flying crows in the air. As for the man's body and appearance, Don't beg just look at him, and immediately turn your head and are too lazy to look.

This man only has a purple-gold skeleton shelf. The strong innate ghost gas is combined with some unknown aura, and his skeleton frame is covered with a layer of translucent and muscle-like things, barely forming a vague facial appearance. In the deep dark eyes, two faint red lights shine, full of tyrannical and crazy atmosphere.

This is not a person, but an ancient immortal who fell into the ghost world of Jiuyou many years ago and became a ghost after being infected by innate ghost gas. The thirteen ghost kings of the ghost world are all from the same origin as him. They are all ghost bodies that fell from ancient power and were infiltrated by innate ghost gas and evolved from countless disasters. As for more than half of the 400 ghost saints, they have such a history. The ghost saints transformed by native Heavenly ghosts only account for a small part.

With the tragic murderous atmosphere, the dragon boat rushed to Begging in an instant, and the long horse-killing sword with dense serrations came down to Begging.

Don't beg for a cold snort. He waved his big sleeve like a loach to avoid the chopping of the horse sword. With a wave of his right hand, the chaotic aura of the jade armored turtle flying boat was ejected by his palm into the world of mustard seeds. At the same time, a huge roar sounded in his mustard world, which neatly plunged Huang Li and others, who had just been shocked into a coma, into a severe coma, and You won't wake up naturally in a month.

After packing up Huang Yu and his party, don't beg to shake your fingers. The clansmen who were subdued by him were also included in the world of mustard seeds one after another. The treatment is the same as that of Huang Yu and others. Before entering the world of mustard seeds, all the heavenly ghosts were stunned by him, and everyone made up a shaking spell.

The long sword rubbed Buqi's body and split it. The sharp tearing air of the sword brought a cold air. The robe on Buqi's body was just ordinary goods. The sword was scratched, and his clothes suddenly turned into smash, revealing his strong and powerful young body with wheat skin color.

The red light in the eyes of the ancient fairy suddenly flourished. He opened his mouth with difficulty and roared in an extremely difficult low voice, "Blood, meat, eat!"

The sword brought a cold light, and the dragon boat roared and made a big circle, and hit its head again. Don't beg for a cold snort. He knotted a seal in his hands, and the innate ghosts surged around him, which condensed into a gloomy thunder in his hands in an instant. He put his hand on the dragon boat coming to his face, and the size of a thunderbolt dragged a long black smoke and quickly shot at the dragon boat.

A low muffled sound came, and the dragon boat, which was obviously completely rotten, was smashed. The ancient immortals who had no consciousness to protect themselves at all were blown dozens of miles away by the thunder. The horse-killing sword in his hand quickly rotated and flew out of his hand. After flying more than a hundred miles away, he easily became a mountain towering into the clouds like a quick knife cutting tofu.

Don't beg for a beg. This horse-killing sword is ridiculously long, and its shape is also very strange, just like a twisted red centipede full of jagged teeth. Such an ugly shape is so sharp, and there is no fluctuation of aura. Obviously, this horse-killing sword is also a rare treasure. Don't beg, he went to the place where the sword fell, and his body flashed to the edge of the mountain, and a heavy punch hit the mountainside.

A loud noise exploded into pieces, and the centipede-shaped horse-killing sword full of sharp serrations twisted and jumped in the rocks like a living thing and was about to take off. Don't beg. Without saying anything, he punched the hilt of the sword, and casually knotted thirty-six confinement runes and printed on the sword. In the sound of the sword, the confinement rune formed in a hurry was torn to pieces by the long sword. A fierce and unparalleled sword was swept out obliquely, cutting a blood mark as thin as hair in Don't beg's hand.

The blood dripping, don't beg not to be angry but happy, and laughed happily.

His current physical body has cultivated the magic power of heaven and earth, the dragon transformation sutra and dragon killing three doors to exercise the body. The physical strength has reached an incredible level. Although it is the peak of the five golden immortals, the physical strength is enough to be compared with the ordinary two gold immortals of the ordinary special forged body. No one controls this long sword, but it can hurt his body with a wisp of swordsmanship, which is obviously an extremely rare ancient treasure.

I think so. Which immortal fell on the fragments of the Pangu Continent that eventually evolved into the Jiuyou ghost world in ancient times was not a famous figure in ancient times? It was not the top power at that time, and they could not break the Pangu mainland. In the end, they let a super huge fragment flow into the outer world, and finally merged with the first wisp of innate ghost spirit after the opening up of Hongmeng into the Jiuyou ghost world.

And after countless disasters, their own spirituality has not been lost. After the infiltration of innate ghost gas, they can be re- transformed into the role of ghost weight, which is the highest part of them. Are their portable weapons bad?

It is said that the ancient power that fell in the world of Jiuyou ghosts, the more powerful they are, the later they will be reborn, just like the thirteen heavenly ghost kings. Now the strongest ones are the latest to be reborn as ghosts from the dead body. That is to say, don't beg for the ancient immortal in front of you. His cultivation was once stronger than that of the thirteen heavenly ghost kings, and his future strength will definitely surpass the thirteen heavenly ghost kings!

"It's wonderful! Did you send the baby to your door? Don't beg to laugh loudly. The ten fingers trembled rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, 3,600 imprisoned runes sprinkled out like running water. The Xuanyin Star Tower flashed above his head, and the horse-killing sword disappeared without a trace. He used the star array in the Xuanyin Star Tower with 3,600 confinement runes to suppress this strange sword. No matter how powerful it is, it is difficult to be fierce under the suppression of the law of time.

Just wait for Don't begging to have time, then refine it. Such a sharp treasure is extremely rare. It can cut the body of today's Don't beg, that is to say, it can easily tear open the top-quality golden fairy weapon. What a power it is!

Don't beg, his mouth was crooked. He was proud. A huge force came behind him. The ancient fairy actually rushed from behind without any rules. Don't beg, and jumped on Don't beg's body like a fight between a countryman. He opened his big mouth and bit Don't beg's neck. Begging was very startled. He hurriedly grabbed the man's neck with his backhand, grabbed him from behind, and fell to the ground heavily.

Don't beg for this blow. The physical brute force he has now is enough to smash the stars. Coupled with the increase of mana in his body, the divine power is even more earth-shaking. The ancient fairy snorted, and his robe was blown up by a huge shock. He hit the ground like a meteor. The ground around him trembled violently. Large areas of rock formations were quickly twisted and smashed by shocks, and the hills and mountains within thousands of miles were shifted and smashed. Don't beg, this blow is so powerful that it has caused great damage to this world.

But the fairy actually jumped up without any problem, opened his hands and roared and rushed to Don't beg. He hugged Don't beg like crazy. The red fire flashed in his eyes, and the complicated and messy spiritual fluctuations rushed towards Don't beg in waves.

Don't beg to avoid the fairy's attack carefully, knocking him to the ground again and again. At the same time, he received the mental fluctuations from the man with great care and figured out the origin of the man.

This ancient immortal was reborn and awakened three hundred years ago, but his intelligence has dissipated, and he is completely dependent on instinct like a real original ghost. For 300 years, he has been wandering around this area of millions of miles, hunting the prey he is interested in.

He is not very interested in those heavenly ghosts and original heavenly ghosts, so he did not attack the indigenous people of these ghost worlds. His favorite is the flesh and blood of living beings. For 300 years, there have been some external immortals who don't know why they came to the ghost world have been killed by him and all the blood of him. In the past few days, he was floating casually with the water waves in the river, but he smelled the strong aroma of flesh and blood emitted by Buqi and Huang Li and others, so he rushed this way to prepare a full meal.

"What kind of nose is this? Can you still smell us hundreds of miles apart? Don't beg and grab the fairy's head angrily, and hit his head with dozens of punches with all his strength. In the loud noise, a layer of translucent 'blood and flesh' on the fairy's appearance was smashed to pieces, but his purple-gold skull frame was really extremely strong. Don't beg to exhaust all his strength, but he could not leave a trace on his skull.

After all, countless disasters have been soaked by the innate ghost gas. This immortal's skeleton is already comparable to the body of Taiyi's capable body. Where is it that can be hurt now? Fortunately, this guy's intelligence has not recovered, but he just acted entirely on instinct. When he gradually recalls the magic he practiced from the brand of his body, and when he gradually learns how to absorb innate ghost gas for practice, don't beg to see him and run for his life in embarrass. How can he be beaten like today? What about him?

There is really nothing to do with the body of this ancient immortal. Don't beg and spit out a large purple-blue flame from your palms and burn heavily on the skull.

Forbidden divine inflammation, which specializes in destroying things that respond to yin and evil and pure spiritual creatures such as demons and ghosts. Don't beg, this forbidden law god inflammation spewed out, but immediately played an unexpected magical role. The red flame in the eyes of the ancient fairy was suddenly burned clean by the forbidden law god. He let out a sharp roar and fell to the ground.

The ancient immortal, who had just woken up for 300 years, was burned by the forbidden divine fire.

Don't beg, look at the purple-gold skeleton shelf that fell to the ground in horror, suddenly laughed three times, and then grabbed the skeleton and turned around and left.

The ghost world is indeed a place to make a fortune. RO