Steal the sky

Chapter 759 The Secret Method of Bone Replacement

Chapter 789 The Secret Method of Changing Bones

The purgatory magic flame rolled in the palm of the begging palm, the low roar was shocking, and the rocks around his cave were trembling slightly. After getting the remains of the ancient immortal and the long sword, Beqi immediately put all the heavenly ghosts attached to him into the world of mustard seeds, and then hurriedly found the cave to receive the legacy of the ancient immortal.

The blood-colored centipede-shaped horse-killing sword, which is one foot long and as thin as paper, is rolling in the magic flame. Don't beg 90% of the gods have thrown into this magic flame, constantly invading a trace of magic flame into the inside of the horse-killing sword, breaking through the yuan god prohibition

Perhaps because countless disasters were invaded by innate ghosts, this centipede-shaped sword, which should have been supposed to be a fairy weapon, has been transformed into an evil ghost soldier. Don't beg, there is no ghost cultivation skill in his hand, and he can't use the most suitable ghost practice to sacrifice this sword, but he has the Purgatory Sutra, and using the Purgatory Flame to sacrifice this long sword is also the right way.

In particular, the complex and powerful prohibitions inside the long sword are recorded in the stolen scriptures, which is different from the formations and prohibitions commonly used by immortals today to sacrifice flying swords. The time of this sword was cast from the ancient flood, and it is exactly the same era as the various arrays and prohibitions in the stolen scriptures, so The familiar person broke through all the prohibitions and left the imprint of his divine consciousness in the body of the sword.

When the last ban was broken, Don't beg to separate a wisp of divine knowledge and left in the body of the sword, the long blood-colored sword suddenly turned into a small centipede that was only three inches long, crawling around like a living creature on the body of Don't begging, making a low 'buzzing' sword The little centipede was shining everywhere, and he looked at the little centipede with the cultivation of begging, and the light made his eyes hurt sharply.

"Good baby!" Ao Buzun lay on the head of the begging, his head hung on the eyebrows of the begging, staring at the little centipede and drooling: "In ancient times, the magic weapons were divided into Hongmeng treasure, chaotic spiritual treasure, and innate spiritual weapon. This is obviously a congenital spiritual weapon. Well, even today's It is extremely difficult to make a innate spiritual weapon.

Don't beg and meditate for a moment. The division method of these three-class treasures in ancient times is also mentioned in the Book of theft. The supreme treasure of Hongmeng is the spirit generated in the boundless Hongmeng before the great sage of Pangu opened up the world. The Vientiane star core that you don't be begging for also belongs to the ranks of Hongmeng's most treasure. Chaos spiritual treasure is all kinds of powerful treasures that were born from the law of heaven and earth when Pangu opened the world, and Hongmeng's aura fluctuated violently, triggering the law of heaven and earth. Each of them has the power to destroy the heaven and the earth, but in terms of magic, it is not as good as Hongmeng

As for the innate spiritual weapon, it is a spiritual soldier forged by all kinds of innate elites by those powerful innate spirits, adhering to the spirit of Hongmeng after the creation of Pangu. Most of this kind of spiritual soldier is forged from some kind of strong innate spirit as the ontology. Just like this centipede-shaped sword in the hand, it is a treasure carefully tempered with some kind of centipede-like innate spirit as the furnace tripod, and countless innate elites are added.

This kind of innate spiritual weapon is born with a spirit, and its spirituality is extremely powerful. Although it is not as good as the fairy weapon forged by immortals practitioners today, in terms of lethality alone, the innate spiritual weapon is much stronger than most of today's Taiyi immortal soldiers.

After countless disasters in heaven and earth, I don't know how many powers have fallen since ancient times. Even if today's Taiyi power has a way to forge innate spiritual weapons, first, they can't find good congenital spirits as furnace tripods. Second, they can't collect so many innate elites to make raw materials, so they know that innate spiritual weapons are better than their Taiyi immortal soldiers in lethality, and there are very few Tai It can be forged a new innate spiritual weapon.

"It's developed!" Don't squint your eyes and laugh.

"It's developed!" Ao Bizun shook his head and sighed, "Those Taiyi Golden Immortals have worked hard to sacrifice a Taiyi immortal soldier. They have to feed the vessels in them with their own blood, and I don't know how many disasters it will take to forge successfully. Lord, you actually got a congenital spiritual weapon so easily, and the master of this baby has been dead, and his control of it is almost zero, and it takes no effort to get it at all!"

Don't beg also happily looked at the bloody centipede crawling on his shoulder. He smiled and said, "Yes, I made a lot of money this time! Wealth is in danger, and the ancients did not bully me. Well, just call him a blood sword.

Don't beg to rename this sword. The sword is also full of spirituality. It immediately sprayed a trace of blood. The sharp sword cut the cave where Don't beg to hide into pieces, and large pieces of rock kept falling down. Don't beg and Ao Bu-respect can't help looking at each other in a surprised look. This baby is so murderous. When forging it, it must have selected countless best materials that adhere to the meaning of innate killing.

After a while, don't beg to swallow the blood sword into the abdomen, let him wander back and forth in the blood, and gradually warm him with his own blood. This kind of innate spirit weapon is different from the flying sword, which is commonly used by immortals today. It must be fed with its own blood, just like feeding a pet. The more blood it consumes, the more it is in line with the heart, and the more powerful it is. Nowadays, the flying sword magic weapons used by immortals are enough unless some evil immortals refine their original magic weapons, it is enough to use Zhenyuan Wencuo.

Feel the blood sword gradually absorbing its own blood. Don't take a deep breath and throw out the corpse of the ancient fairy.

The body of this ancient immortal has been nourished and refined by the innate ghost gas for countless years. The layer of translucent flesh and blood on the surface is actually condensed from redundant ghost gas residue. Although it has a little defensive power, it is really just redundant waste compared with the skeleton shelf of his body.

Touching the corpse, don't beg the palm of your hand spit out a large phoenix sky fire, burning the translucent flesh and blood clean. An unpleasant smell of rotten corpses rose to the sky, and the body of the ancient immortal was left with a strong horizontal skeleton that had been refined and polished so strong that could not leave any trace on him.

The divine consciousness was thrown into this skeleton, and the degree of density of the purple-gold skeleton was extremely amazing. The divine consciousness of not begging could not penetrate through it. Instead, it was shocked by a layer of feminine runes on the surface of the skeleton, and almost shattered the divine consciousness of not begging.

Finger tapped on the skeleton, and the crisp sound was like a golden roar. Don't beg to weigh the skeleton. The skeleton at a height of nine feet weighs hundreds of billions of pounds, which is heavier than several mountains. It can be seen how dense the skeleton has reached.

He gasped in a breath. Don't begled his head and said, "This baby... If you use a refiner, it's really not cost-effective!"

Ao Buzug poked out his head fiercely, opened his mouth and gnawed fiercely on the shoulder blade of the skeleton. With a crisp sound of sparks splashed everywhere, Ao Buzun howled and held the bleeding gum and retracted back to Bu begging's hair. He roared angrily, "You can't refine the device, and you can't eat it. As soon as you pee, let him stink for ten thousand years after death!"

Don't beg and shook his head. He meditated for a moment, and the "The Secret of Stealing Heaven" in the Seven Xuansheng Spirits in the Sutra surged into his heart. This secret of stealing heaven should be a collection of all kinds of stealing methods in the scriptures. There are countless mysterious methods, which are basically to the point where nothing can be stolen.

It seems that it's time to start officially practicing this secret.

There is a magic power of "Stealing the Sky and Changing Bones", which is just right to use this skeleton shelf. The suggestion for this bone replacement technique in the secret of stealing the sky is that it is best to choose the golden body remains of the ancient Buddha to practice this magic. This skill can gradually extract the strong bone essence of the ancient Buddha's remains and gradually refine it into your own body. The more golden body of the ancient Buddha is used, the faster the speed of improvement and the more benefits Big.

In the description of bone replacement, this skill has basically no limit. Don't beg for how many ancient Buddha's bones he can get, and he can refine all the essence of ancient Buddha's bones into his own bones. If he could refine the golden bodies of several ancient Buddhas, his bones would really be doomed. Once the bones are strong, the bone marrow will also be strong, and the blood of the internal organs and the meridians will also change, which is a way to fundamentally strengthen the body.

And strengthening your own bones with bone replacement is to improve yourself with the help of the power of external objects, which is much faster than your own hard practice. In the bone replacement, it is mentioned that as long as there is the cultivation of immortals, the golden body of an ancient Buddha can be completely digested and absorbed in just a hundred years. But don't beg is now the cultivation of the golden fairy. Don't beg yourself to calculate. Maybe he can completely turn the bone in front of him into his own in just a few years?

After mediting for a moment, don't beg to bow to this purple-gold skeleton, "Senior..."

Just after saying two words, Don't beg suddenly laughed at himself and said, "What are you talking about? You have lost your soul, and the little mind that has just been bred has been destroyed by me. Can you still know that I and you are laughing?

With a sneer, Don't beg to open your mouth and a chaotic aura rushed out, instantly swallowing the purple-gold skeleton into his stomach.

In the world of mustard seeds, countless chaotic aura condensed into a huge furnace tripod following the heart of not begging, and slowly burning the skull frame in the furnace tripod. Don't beg's life blood as firewood, which emits a red flame in the furnace tripod. Don't beg's true fire condenses into strange runes and gradually burns the purple-gold skeleton.

Gradually, small purple-gold particles floated out of the skeleton frame. After being purified and refined by the furnace tripod condensed by the chaotic aura, the mustard world gradually flew out and disappeared into the begging bones. Don't beg, a slight sweat suddenly appeared on his body. His bones were hot in waves, and the torrent of heat kept swimming back and forth in his bone marrow. An indescribable wonderful pleasure almost made him scream.

Stealing the sky and changing bones is really amazing!

Don't beg for the light in his eyes. When he was about to make a cheerful roar, a low and tyrannical dragon sound suddenly came from his body. The soul of the glaught beast he absorbed suddenly took the initiative and turned into a spiritual light and disappeared into the huge furnace tripod. He clasped the stove cover with all four .

The soul of the glourmet beast took the initiative to help Don't beg to absorb and refine the skeleton. With the help of the devouring power of the glmant's life, the speed of Don't begging to refine the skeleton has suddenly increased a hundred times!

Don't beg for ecstasy. He hurriedly calculated that maybe a month at most, he can completely turn this purple gold skeleton into his own!

The soul of the gluttonous beast is so strange that don't beg for excitement to look up to the sky and roar. The roar of the caves around him rumbled, and the cave suddenly collapsed. RO