Steal the sky

Chapter 766 Revisit the old place

Sacrifice out the Xuanyin Star Tower and swallowed the jade armored Xuangui flying boat carrying more than 10,000 people including Huang Li into the tower. In fact, don't beg to move the flying boat into your own world of mustard seeds. By the way, a mental shock knocked Huang very and others out. A purple gas spewed out of his mouth and swallowed the dark Xuanyin Star Tower into his stomach. Don't beg to look at the prince's chlophone.

"Prince, Tan Lang is ready!"

Prince Changqin took a look at Bu Begging. He nodded with a smile: "Although this trip is 90% sure, the risk does exist. It is impossible to ask you to take this risk for no reason. You have the tower of the sky, and there is no need to say that the combination of attack and defense is integrated. The true secret of heaven and earth is already the first-class forging skills in Zhoutian, and the dragon's killing power is even more capable of close combat and long-range attack!" After a moment, the prince laughed and said, "Well, there is A square jade card flew out of his hand, and fell into the hands of the begging.

This jade plate is one foot and eight inches long, six inches and three cents wide, and three inches thick. The whole body of the white jade card has carved countless images of pools, water, fire, rain, rain, thunder and even the sun, moon and stars by hollowing. At a glance, the jade card is crystal clear and shining as if all the patterns are flowing. These carved natural celestial phenomena are like real illusions, and they can't grasp this small jade with How many things are on the cards?

A wisp of clear mind was introduced into the god of Begging, and he instantly understood the origin and usage of this jade card.

This is made by Ying Neck Emperor, one of the ancient emperors in the past. The "Heaven and Earth Vientiane Monument" contains infinite mystery and has the great power to tolerate the evolution of the universe. This is one of the secret treasures inherited by the human race. It can only be promoted by Pangu purple gas. If an immortal dares to instill it with fairy power, the only end is to be turned into flying dust by the anti-shock force.

This heaven and earth monument contains all kinds of celestial phenomena between the universe. As long as you have enough cultivation, you can evolve all kinds of heaven and earth from the stele to attack the enemy or defend yourself. If the cultivation reaches the extreme depths, this heaven and earth monument can evolve into a void, and naturally spread the array of heaven and earth, either trapped or killed in the movement of the mind.

As a direct descendant of the stubborn-necked emperor, Changqin was used to protect himself when he was a child. Now the Changqin is strong, holding the Kunlun mirror and sitting in the Kunlun Tianguan. The Tianxiang Monument of Heaven and Earth is of no use to him, but for Don't beg, this is a true treasure.

Brand the secret of the wisp of God's mind to control the Wanxiang tablet of heaven and earth in the depths of the soul. Don't beg for the backhand to hide the Wanxiang tablet of heaven and earth into the [body], and respectfully bow to the prince's long piano. Although this heaven and earth Wanxiang tablet is refined by the *neck emperor, the materials used are extremely rare innate spirits, and the quality is not under the blood sword that Don't beg now." It is also a rare innate spiritual weapon.

Xuanyin Star Tower is now a treasure that should not be nourished by the vitality of life. Naturally, it cannot be easily sacrificed to the enemy. The main killing of the blood chopper sword, once released, it will kill people like grass mustard in thousands of blood. Although it is extremely powerful, it is too murderous. Only this heaven and earth monument contains infinite mystery, which can be killed, trapped, attacked and defended. Once used properly, it is much better than other treasures.

Prince Changqin will give such a treasure to Don't beg. Although he wants to beg not to help him pass the letter, Don't beg is really too much to owe to Changqin. It is because he can't try his best to send the two letters to Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Haozun Emperor

A large cloud of smoke in the Kunlun mirror spewed out, and countless star maps quickly turned into a swirlpool of starlight and made a loud noise in front of Begging. A wisp of God's knowledge penetrated into the star map ejected by the Kunlun mirror, and the situation of the 8004 billion world mastered by Prince Changqin immediately poured into the sea of knowledge like a tide. Don't be begging has now condensed the innate chaotic soul, and his own mind has been enhanced several times. Only this influx of information will crush his soul.

Even so, the soul of the beggars also trembled violently when the information was rapidly injected. The soul was in sharp pain, and the beggars gushed out in cold sweat all over the body. "It almost screamed in pain. At this time, a silver light like a water wave sprinkled on the Kunlun mirror, gently shrouded on the body of Beggar. Don't beggar, whose soul almost couldn't withstand the impact just now, felt cool and clear all over his body. An unpredictable mysterious force penetrated into his soul. Don't beg instinctively sensed that his soul became more flexible and stronger. The severe pain just now also disappeared without a trace.

He took a look at the prince Changqin and knew that it was he who launched some mysterious functions of Kunlun Mirror and washed his soul with this mysterious power with a very strong innate breath. Just looking at the red face of Prince Changqin's hands, he knew that this kind of power was also a great burden to him.

Don't beg can't help sighing in my heart. This prince Changqin is a kind person, and he is so kind that he is a little embarrassed.

Remember the friendship of Changqin in the bottom of your heart. Under the light of the silver light, the soul of no begging has become countless times more active than usual. He easily found the information of the earth where he was born in the information of these worlds, and then happily found that there were still four red lights shining on the earth, and there were still four empty moving arrays to remain intact!

God's consciousness locked this small planet" The ensuing information made Don't beg to understand that there were originally seven moving arrays on this planet, but two were destroyed thousands of years ago, and one was destroyed more than ten years ago. Now there are only four moving arrays to remain intact.

Don't beg to understand that the place that was destroyed thousands of years ago is just that. The moving array that was destroyed more than ten years ago should be the place that was sent to the Pangu mainland. The remaining four moving arrays are located near the North and South Pole, and one is located in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. The last one is actually in the fire poison cave in the heart of the Emei Mountains!

When your mind moves, don't beg to bow to the Changqin, and then the consciousness is instantly injected into the endless starlight swirl in the Kunlun mirror. Don't beg's body was entangled in a burst of silver light, and the huge suction gushed out from the Kunlun mirror. Don't beg's body turned into a very thin silver light and disappeared into the Kunlun mirror, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Prince Changqin sweated like rain all over. He staggered back a few steps and put away his fingerprints shivering all over. He looked at the Kunlun mirror, which gradually calmed down, and muttered in a low voice, "Marquis of Donghaizhou, you must be safe and sound!"

Slowly walked out of the hall and looked up at the faint black clouds and black fog shrouded over Kunlun Mountain. The two long eyebrows of the long piano beat slightly. He suddenly shouted in a low voice, "Come on, send me an order, hit 30,000 thunder and drums, and drive away all the ears and eyes nearby!" Just like the huge roar of hundreds of thousands of thunders from Kunlun Mountain at the same time, the huge waves swept everywhere. With harsh screams, countless dark shadows rushed out of the air around Kunlun Mountain and ran away with their ears in their arms in confusion.

On a mountain in the depths of the nine ghost world, in a dark hall, the thirteen ghost kings and four hundred ghost saints are sitting on a group of black stone pillars of different heights. When Begging was sucked into the Kunlun mirror, several ghost kings suddenly opened their eyes and made a low hissing cry.

But after a while, a ghost king suddenly laughed: "It's not going to Pangu mainland. What did we use that effort to intercept? Didn't you see that the three people didn't stop him? Why did we take that effort?" In the laughter of the ghosts, in the void outside the ghost world, on the three bright lotus platforms, the faces of the three Buddhas became extremely ugly. They looked at the ghost world wrapped in boundless black clouds, and their compassionate and majestic faces were full of ugly and embarrassing smiles. A slightly invisible spiritual light flashed in the distance and disappeared. Three huge golden Buddha's palms were suspended in front of the three Buddhas. The index finger of one of the Buddha's palms was broken by something, and a faint golden light was coming out for a long time. Then a Buddha shouted in a low voice: "All of you in the world of the world Law, try your best to intercept this person, and you must not let him turn back to the ancient continent through the world of the world of the world!"

Don't beggar, who is in the body of silver light, first feels that his body is heavy, and there is a great suction from all directions, but his body suddenly accelerates, and the suction is easily thrown behind. Then there was a large area of golden light under the hood, and a terrible pressure almost crushed the beggar who turned into silver light into pieces. Fortunately, the silver light wrapped around him suddenly lit up, and in the blink of an eye, he tore open the golden light blocking the road and flew forward.

In just a few flicks of time, the silver starlight around him suddenly disappeared. Don't beg for a faint cold around him. He has come to a thick blue and blue mysterious ice. This is a circular cave with a diameter of hundreds of feet in the ice. A moving array of hundreds of giant jade plates is suspended in the cave, and all the jade plates are shining faintly.

This is the earth where you are born.

This is the moving warehouse in the Antarctic mysterious ice. As long as he does not beg to follow the information from the Kunlun mirror, as long as he replaces the coordinates of the moving array with one of the corresponding thirteen coordinates on the Pangu Continent, he can return to the Pangu Continent smoothly.

But don't beg the sheep to take action in a hurry. His consciousness swept over the whole planet in an instant, and his body disappeared without a trace.

Where the streamer converges, don't beg to appear in the sky of a small island in Indonesia. This is the main place of the day gate of stealing the sky in those years. It is also the place where he spent his youth and youth in those years, which made him extremely memorable. In his heart, it is equivalent to home.

Today's small island is heavily guarded, and among the green trees, there are big men in uniforms and fully armed walking around. The strangely shaped small vehicles dragged the mobile missile launch pad back and forth, and several radar antennas were erected on the mountain in the middle of the island.

Today's island is not like the main hall of a Jianghu sect. It is clearly a heavily guarded military base.

Don't beg's face changed slightly. He shook his body and arrived in front of the gate of the general altar that had been stolen from the sky.

It is still the antique building with blue tiles and green bricks. The plaque hanging on the lintel, with gold characters on a black background, and the five big words are not dazzling. The five characters of the dragon flying and phoenix dancing are so arrogant, and the teeth and claws are like five evil dragons coiled on the plaque.

Don't beg, hehe, with a smile, an understated palm, the dark door in front of him suddenly turned into existence.

He shouted in a low voice, "Uncle, my disciple is back!" He said again.