Steal the sky

Chapter 767 Hand Blade Enmity

Just now, under the Antarctic ice cave, don't sweep the earth with a divine consciousness. I was surprised to find that in the general altar of the sky and exchange for the sun gate, it was a great hatred of Shangguanye in those years. And stealing the sky and changing the sun gate is no longer the purpose of that year. Under the leadership of Shangguan Ye, he has become an underground monarch who secretly controls the actual power of the vast Nanyang region.

In particular, Bu Qi was surprised that Shangguan Ye's cultivation actually reached the realm of condensed elixir, and it was only one step away from condensing golden elixir. When Shangguan Ye was set by God's consciousness, he was stealing the daytime ** in the general altar of the sun gate, and he was mixed up with a few charming girls with white skin and snow.

He smashed the main gate of the gate of the sky with a slap. Suddenly, the alarm bell rang, and countless heavily armed men rushed over from all directions. There was a sharp scolding sound from the loudspeaker set up around. In the airport behind several hills in the distance, dozens of streamlined armed helicopters were taking off rapidly and flying straight to the beg-in-begging side.

, click, in the sound of the bolt pulling, nearly a thousand big men surrounded every beggar. More than 50 armed helicopters in the air hovered above his head, and the various ground-to-surface missiles hanging on the wings shone faintly in the sun.

Don't beg to look at these armed helicopters as if nothing had happened. The maximum power of these missiles is only the full-out blow of the Ningdan monks. For him today, he is not even able to tickle. Even if it is the strongest hot nuclear weapon hydrogen bomb on the earth, the tens of millions of tons of hydrogen bombs are only equivalent to the full blow of the thirty-six immortals. This is the ultimate power that human beings in the world can have. How can these weapons be kept in your heart?

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Looking at the big men around him as if they were facing the enemy, don't beg and sigh, "Shangguanye, won't you come out?"

The deep laughter came from afar. The calm Shangguan Ye put on a neat black practice suit and swaggered out surrounded by dozens of middle-aged men. Shangguan Ye, who looked at the sky, sneered arrogantly and said, "You can sneak in here and destroy the main door of my day gate. It can be seen that you also have some skills. Unfortunately, these skills are not enough. I'll give you two ways!" With a cold snort, Shangguan Ye gave two fingers: "One, obediently return to this seat, and you will enjoy the glory and wealth in the future. One, you can judge yourself, so as not to fall into my hands and suffer endless torture.

Don't beg for a sigh. He shook his head and regained his original face.

In the flash of more than ten years and nearly twenty years, the appearance of Bu Begging has not changed much. Except for Shen Yun's temperament, which is much more mature, his face is still the same as before. Time has not left any traces on his face. For him who has golden immortal cultivation, time has nothing to do for him. Don't beg in a Dayu-style robe with his hands on his back, and his long hair fluttered gently behind him with the sea breeze. He squinted at Shangguan Ye and sighed in a low voice, "Shangguan Ye, do you remember me? How did you survive the Machu Picchu explosion in those years?" Shangguan Ye looked at the recovery of his original purpose and didn't beg. He blinked desperately, as if he didn't believe what he saw and seemed to be thinking about who this face belonged to.

After a full quarter of an hour, he asked hesitantly, "Yes... Don't beg? You [dog] bastard is not dead yet? You, how can you not die?" Suddenly, Shangguan Ye roared hysterically. He pointed to Begging and shouted, "How can you not die? In those years, the Taoist king traced back the time with the spiritual charm given by the immortals, and re-condensed our bodies and souls, which had been blown up. You are just three mortals, and you are also involved in the exploding void. How can you not die?" He looked coldly at Shangguanye with his hands behind his back. After his hysterical attack, he said lightly, "Master and Xiaobai, they are dead. Their souls are integrated with me, and they will never be separated again in their lives. Originally, I thought I would never have a chance to see you again, but the sky has eyes, and the creation is complete. I'm back!" The strange atmosphere between Don't begging and Shangguan Ye made the surrounding armed men tighten their heartstrings to the limit. Don't beg's strange tone made several muzzles aimed at the big men' At the sound of the gun, more than a thousand big men aimed at Beggaring pulled the trigger at the same time, and countless bullets roared at Beggar.

Shangguan Ye showed a ferocious smile, but his smile turned into extreme shock in the blink of an eye.

Don't beg for a faint black flame around him. All the evils that hit his body were swallowed up and corroded by the black flame. No bullet could get close to his body. Helicopters in the air also fired thirty-six waves of missiles, and more than 50 helicopters fired more than a thousand air-to-ground missile flames covering Buqi's body, and the hot flames gathered into a white strong light to wrap Wuqi in.

But don't beg for the purgatory flames around you, all the flames and bursting shrapnel were swallowed up and melted by the black flames, and even most of the sound of missile explosions was swallowed by the black flames. The sound of thousands of air-to-surface missile explosions is almost the same as the sound of two kicks and firecrackers, and the situation in the field is extremely strange.

He gently clapped his hands and said coldly, "For so many years, the arms of those black market traffickers have not made any progress. Hey, no wonder, how can the animals raised by the livestock raised make you change too strong? It's not bad. The power of these missiles is slightly stronger than the full force of Ningdanqi. It's not bad!" Shangguan Ye's eyes almost jumped out of his eyes. He looked at Don't beg in horror and subconsciously retreated more than a dozen steps. Everyone present retreated in panic, because they saw an unimaginable thing and was shot by thousands of missiles. Not only did they not beg not to be hurt, but also the ground around him was not affected by the explosion. It seems that the black flame around him is a bottomless black hole, devouring all the explosive power and shrapnel.

In the rapid exclamation, the purgatory magic flame around him flew out into tens of thousands of spiritual snakes. The spiritual snake tore the air with a sharp roar, hit the bodies of the armed men, and burned them into a dark fireball. The burning fireballs ran around, and heartbreaking howls sounded from all over the island.

Under the huge divine consciousness scan, every move in several underground bases in the depths of the island can't be hidden. Countless black flame condensed spiritual snakes penetrated the thick rock layers of the island and burned into the underground base below. The armed men who were busy near the submarines and small warships howled in horror. The flames burned, and soon there was a huge explosion under the island, which was the ammunition stored in the ammunition depot deep in the island and the fuel in the fuel depot.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of armed men on the island were killed without begging, leaving the faceless Shangguan Ye and dozens of middle-aged men behind him. Don't beg gently patted Ao Bu-respect. Ao Bu-Zun, who had been unable to hold back his fierceness for a long time, let out a low dragon cry. He suddenly turned into a black dragon of a hundred feet long and opened his mouth and swallowed a middle-aged man beside Shangguan Ye.

, click, click, in the sound of chewing, a large amount of blood flowed from the corners of Ao Buzun's mouth. He squinted at Shangguan Ye and laughed in a low voice, "Hey, I never dreamed." Lord, you were born in the world of the world?"

Don't beg to pat Ao Buchun's slightly raised belly, and smiled at Shangguanye and his party, who were stunned with fear, "Dare to ask, where did all the elders and those fellow families who stole the sky and change the day gate in those years go?" Shangguan Ye shuddered like sieves. He said


Don't beg frowned. He asked in a low voice, "Are they all dead?"

A middle-aged man beside Shangguan Ye suddenly knelt on the ground. He hissed, "This is all done by the head of Shangguan! He said that the elders and peers did not do justice for him when he was killed, so he asked Miaoyuan Daojun to kill them all. This has nothing to do with us!" Don't beg for the unpredictable means, and the legendary real dragon suddenly appeared in front of us. Shangguan Ye and their minds have been scared blank. There is no need to beg for more questions." They just said everything.

In a word, today's day-to-day gate is no longer the familiar day-to-day gate. All the familiar doormen who are not begging were killed in the great cleaning of Shangguanye. Today's stealing the sky for the sun gate is a tool for Miaoyuan Daojun to control the Nanyang and search for all kinds of spiritual objects of genius treasures. It is a tool for his own self-interest, and it is no longer the purpose of stealing the sky for

He bowed his head and thought for a while, and shook his head. He casually waved to the general altar of the sky for the sun gate. With the harsh sound of breaking the air, a tattered wooden plaque flew out. This was the ancestral plaque of the sky for the sun gate. After Shangguanye cleaned up the whole sect, the original ancestral white wooden door plaque was discarded in the warehouse [room] and replaced by today's Well.

Gently rubbing the wooden plaque that has accompanied the sky for many years." Don't beg said lightly, "Shangguan Shibo, I rebuilt the sky for the sun gate in Pangu mainland. When I slaughtered Qingcheng, I would take it to the Pangu Continent and inlaid in the mountain gate of the sky for the day gate I built!" He smiled easily. Don't beg and shook his head and said, "The Miao descendants who stole the sky for the day gate will not be cut off, but you are going to die!" Shangguan Ye was Let's go?

The blood sword brought a sharp crack sound, and a blood light swept out. "Shangguan Ye and the people around him were all cut in two, and all the hills and forests on the island were broken one after another." It was destroyed and smashed by the fierce sword spirit of the blood sword.

With a casual blow, a thunderbolt out, and the huge island silently turned into ashes and sank to the bottom of the sea. Don't beg for a moment. It has crossed thousands of miles in the air and came to the sky above Qingcheng.

"Miaoyuan Daojun, your old friend is visiting, why don't you come to see me?"

Don't beg to pat the robe on your body and replace the robe with an ordinary Taoist robe. Ao Buzun and the Dragon Python sisters were also stuffed into his sleeves by him.

The low bells rang from the deep valley behind Qingcheng Mountain, and more than a dozen white sword lights cut open the clouds and welcome them.