Steal the sky

Chapter 771 Buddha's Golden Body

Don't beg to move the old man without making more friends. The gray-faced and fat figure has shrunk for three laps, and the Futu Buddha returned to the North Pole with a gust of fragrant wind. The part below his waist that he was cut off has been reborn, but after all, it has consumed too much vitality. At this time, he looks dry and depleted, just like air-dried bamboo shoots, no more than the richness just now.

"This evil barrier, this evil barrier!" The Buddha trembled with anger, and his fingers gritted his teeth in the silent dust movement below the North Pole. Obviously, Don't beg has returned to the Pangu mainland with the help of the moving array, and he immediately launched the counter-inhibition of the moving array, so that the moving array here can self-destruct.

A breeze passed by, and a red-toothed white tooth seemed to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, and the little sami in a white monk's clothes appeared beside the Futu Buddha. The little sami glanced at the Arctic ice, which had been messed up by the war, shook his head and sighed. He waved his palm gently, and a glow swept over, and the North Pole had returned to its original state.

"Futu, listen!" Xiaosami smiled softly. Futu Buddha hurriedly stood respectfully and blinked at Xiaosami. Xiaosami shook his head and said, "This is a lesson. If you can't refine your body into a person, you may not suffer much money next time?" Your body now is just a wisp of true spirit condensed by me. Although it has the cultivation of the Buddha, the body is too weak. If you don't refine the body into a golden body and the true spirit, you will never want to fight with the real power!"

Xiaosami sucked his nose, squinted and shook his head and sighed, "The enemy of the level of Jinxian can hurt you, the Buddha. It's a shame to spread it out."

Futu Buddha answered with a sad face, and a golden light rushed out of his head, and the pagoda hundreds of feet high appeared again. He looked at the pagoda above his head in distress and scratched his forehead helplessly. His body is this pagoda. Although he is now a human figure, he is only condensed by a wisp of his true spirit. Only by practicing hard and refining his body pagoda into a golden body, so that the true spirit and the golden body can he be regarded as a real Buddha.

But how strong his body is. How much effort does it take to refine him into a human form? The Futu Buddha has also had several disasters by the Buddha, but he has spent several disasters to sacrifice his own body. This pagoda is still a pagoda, and there is not even any trace of transformation into a human form.

staring at the bitter-faced Futu Buddha, Xiaosami gently pressed his palm on the top of the Futu Buddha's head. A faint golden light was injected into the body of the Futu Buddha with a strange fragrance. The dry body of the Futu Buddha rose like a balloon, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to his original white The essence of being cut off half of the body by a beggar's sword has been completely restored" and more than ever.

Futu Buddha respectfully saluted Xiaosha: "Thank you, my lord."

This clear-eyed little Sami, who seems to be stingy and harmless, is like the leader of the umbrella Buddha, the spiritual sustenance of hundreds of millions of Buddhas, and the most powerful Buddha, the most powerful Buddha. Mituo narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Well, this matter is over, and the matter is going on." It must be launched according to our plan. Even if someone intervenes, what else can be changed?" With a cold snort, Mituo turned into a clear wind." Only a slight voice echoed in the air: "It's so Foundation, Futu, this is the foundation of your testimony. In this world of the world, if someone likes to make trouble, let them make trouble. With such a general trend, there is no need to pay attention to these sidelines. Just wait for this thing to be done. "Well, the bright day of my Buddha is in front of me, and then the pile will slowly calculate with them!" The sound of Mituo in the air slowly dissipated, leaving only a last sigh, as if there was a little hesitation" and even a trace of panic. But no one heard Mitha's sigh, and even if someone heard it, he would not believe what he heard. Is Mitha hesitating? Is Mito panicking? How is this possible? What can make him hesitate? What can frighten him?

Futu Buddha giggled. He looked around, made a Buddha seal in his hands, and shouted "Forget," in a low voice. A golden light swept the earth, and all the memories and records related to the war just now were erased. All the memories of this world have been cleaned up by the Futu Buddha, and all sentient beings have developed step by step according to the will of the immortal Buddhas and the prescribed trajectory.

Don't mention the charity of Amitabha and Futu Buddha on the earth. After rushing into the moving array, it quickly turned into a streamer and went to Pangu Continent. A silver-blue starlight flashed rapidly on his body, which was a treasure light left on him by the Kunlun treasure mirror. "It made his escape speed countless times faster. It originally took a long time to get to the Pangu Continent." It only took him less than a breath.

The pressure around the body suddenly became lighter, and Don't beg has appeared in a green valley on the mainland. He didn't care about the scenery around him. He pressed his palm on the moving array, urging the self-destructive prohibition of the moving array, and the moving array in the Arctic suddenly destroyed itself.

This is a special reminder from Prince Changqin. If someone finds out that he uses the moving array, he must destroy the moving array.

Don't beg to understand the key. Dayu's control over the Pangu Continent is extremely strict. If ordinary immortals want to enter the Pangu Continent, they must go through the Xianguan jointly established by Dayu and the heavenly court, and can only stay in Pangu Continent for a short time after strict examination. However, this set of moving array arranged by Prince Changqin and others can bypass the supervision of Xianguan. It is not a good thing if any moving array is mastered by the immortals.

As soon as the moving array was destroyed, a huge heat flow suddenly erupted out.

He just cut off the body of the Futu Buddha with one sword. The body of the Futu Buddha is not the actual body, but a wisp of his true spirit combined with the power of the huge unparalleled believers. In fact, the body of the Futu Buddha can be equated with a Yuan baby, which is nothing more than a Yuanying That's all.

So don't beg to devour half of the body of the Futu Buddha. There is no essence of flesh and blood in it, only an extremely huge pure thought, and there is also a lot of memory of the Futu Buddha. Don't beg for a very short time in the moving array, and the thoughts he swallowed was too late to explode. After he transmitted to the Pangu mainland and destroyed the exposed moving array on the opposite side, Don't beg's mood relaxed, and the golden juice swallowed into his abdomen immediately broke out.

The Buddhist mindfulness that is enough to burst the begging body is surging in his [body], and the chaotic aura quickly devours these Buddha's mindfulness, but this is the thought power transformed by half of the body of the Buddha, which is equivalent to half of the cultivation of the Buddha! Don't beg, it's equivalent to the cultivation of the five-grade golden immortals, and the Futu Buddha is a real Taiyi-level power. Although Futu Buddha is only the lowest nine-grade Taiyi, half of his cultivation is enough to burst hundreds of thousands of begging to pieces.

Don't beg to sweat like rain. He only feels that there are tens of thousands of suns breaking out in his [body], and his body and his soul will be destroyed by this terrible power. Don't beg for a moment. I was really dizzy and dared to swallow half of a Buddha's body. Isn't it asking for a dead end?

Countless information bombarded into the soul of the beggar. The body of the Futu Buddha was his true spirit. Don't beg to swallow half of his body and then swallowed a lot of his memory information.

In the message of Don't begging for the soul, there are all the methods of the Thirty-three Unmeasurable Heavenly Futu Duhua True Sutra practiced by the Futu Buddha himself and all the essence of the Great Light Not Bad Mituo's Book practiced by the Buddha.

Don't beg. You only feel that a huge pie hit your head, and the Futu Buddha's own cultivation is just fine. Unless Don't beg also has a pagoda body, this scripture is of no use to him. However, the great light of Mituo is not bad. The Great Buddha's Book is a real supreme secret method of Buddhism. In addition to Mitha itself, only the Futu Buddha who follows Mituo has all the secrets of this Buddhist sect. Even among the many sects of Mitha, there are many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and other Buddhist virtues. What they practice is only the magic power of Buddhism that Mitha has differentiated from the Great Light and the Great Buddha Sutra. Compared with the Buddha practiced by Mitha himself, it is undoubtedly a dripping gap in the sea.

At present, don't beg for the danger of explosion. He doesn't care about whether there will be any bad consequences after practicing Mitha's skills. He took a deep breath, and the chaotic aura in the body immediately disappeared into the world of mustard seeds, leaving only the empty body. The huge divine thought poured into the eyebrows with a trace of raging Buddhist thought. Every time he sat in this remote valley of green grass, he began to practice Mitha's keeper's skills with all his strength. A faint bell came from the heart of Begging, and the skin of Begging instantly turned into a faint golden color. His eyebrows began to flash with a very thin white light.

The huge power of divine consciousness in the soul is quickly transformed into the power of Buddhism. Don't beg to recite the truth of Buddhism silently, and adjust the breath again and again according to the method of the Great Light and the Great Light. It is worthy of the magical power of Mitha. Don't beg has just begun to practice this skill. The huge mind, which was originally completely uncontrollable, immediately turned into a clever little lamb obediently following the heart of not begging in his [body], and finally all fell into his heart.

The low and powerful bells keep gushing out of the begging heart, like a curtain drum morning bell, emitting a thought-provoking mysterious charm.

The gold of the body surface became more and more brilliant, and then gradually turned into obscure, and finally became extremely simple and thick dark gold. With the sound of the Buddha's call, three extra faces suddenly appeared on his head, facing the southeast and northwest. His body was shrouded in a faint golden light and six arms drilled out of his [body].

With eight arms on all sides, the breath around the body is solidified and round, as if it is not bad. The essence of the body is all restrained in the body. The huge thought power from the Futu Buddha has been digested and absorbed by the number of about one ten thousandth, which directly raises the mana cultivation and body of the begging Just wait for Don't begging to absorb all the huge thoughts hidden in the middle of his eyebrows, he is equivalent to standing on the threshold of Taiyi.

In addition to the bones of the ancient immortals that are gradually digested and absorbed in his [body], as long as he is given a little time, his strength will definitely change dramatically.

And he also condenses the golden body of Buddhism, and the magic of eight arms on all sides is infinitely useful. Don't beg also need time to carefully study the mysteries. He took a deep breath and dispersed the Buddha's Dharma. Don't grinned, stamped his feet, and a vein surged. He had already used his father's magic to chase the sun and quickly left. After a few times, he has gone 10 billion miles away.