Steal the sky

Chapter 772 The Wild of the Holy Emperor

Follow the atlas in the prince's long piano and jade slip, don't beg to walk on the Pangu mainland.

There is Xiongyuan, which is the origin of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. But now Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor does not have Xiongyuan, and Liangzhu City is already the capital of Dayu. The former human emperor has also become the most powerful on the Pangu continent, and even in the Zhoutian world, his residence has moved to the holy emperor's field far north of Xiongyuan.

Sensing the endless underground vein, don't beg to turn into a group of wind, a group of light, a rush that is no different from the hot aura in the vein, driving Kuafu to chase the sun forward. Every step takes hundreds of millions or even billions of miles, and every beat of the vein will send the body far away. With each step, a huge amount of Pangu purple gas rushed into the body of the begging, quickly washing the body of the begging, making his body more and more powerful.

Under the quenching of Pangu purple gas, the body of Don't begging is getting stronger and stronger. The temperature in the [body] is getting higher and higher. It is wrapped in chaotic aura. The bones of the ancient immortals melted by the real fire of Don't begging are also quickly melted. The bones of Don' .

Even the Buddhist mindfulness in the heart of the eyebrows has become lively because of the rushing. After the driving of the Great Light is not bad, the Buddhist mind constantly turns into a fragrant awakening from the heart of the eyebrows to flow all over the body, strengthening his body in all aspects, strengthening his consciousness, and strengthening his everything.

Kuafu chases the sun, which is originally one of the great power of the human race. Only a few elite warriors of the human race can understand the pulse of the Pangu mainland and master this magic power. It is the fastest way for those elite warriors to improve their cultivation. This is the fastest way for those elite warriors to chase the sun and run on the sun. Every step is equivalent to meditation and practice for several months, so when those really powerful warriors on the Pangu continent have no errands and no official duties, their biggest hobby is to run around on the Pangu mainland.

Feel the beating of the veins, feel the wind passing by the ear, and raise your head. "You can see the stars pulling into extremely thin silver light in the sky. Don't beg to run to his heart's content. It took him half a month to get to the vicinity of Xiongyuan, and then it took another month to run all the way to the north, and finally came to the front of a vast mountain.

This mountain still has the atmosphere of wilderness. There are huge beasts and birds of prey everywhere. The poisonous insects and snakes on the ground are particularly huge. Thousand-foot-long grass snakes, centipedes, water tank-sized mosquitoes and other strange things can be seen everywhere. This mountain is also the most dangerous and desperate situation in the north of Dayu. It is called "Beiling, the mountain stretches for trillions of miles, and crossing the Beiling is the territory of the legendary Northern Black Emperor.

The Black Emperor of the North" has existed since the opening of Hongmeng. The ancient gods under his command represent the bad gods of plague and disaster. Most of the most cruel and tyrannical mountain monsters in the world gathered under the command of the Black Emperor of the North.

Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor finally set his residence in the Beiling Mountains. He did not have the intention of monitoring the Black Emperor of the North and not allowing his subordinates to intrusal Dayu.

With a loud noise, a mass of gas explosion in the air spread to the circumference of the dish. Don't beg to appear in the gas explosion. Don't beg, who was sweaty, took a few deep breaths. After a month and a half of running, his body was emitting a terrible high temperature that was enough to melt gold and iron into gas. His skin became red, and the blood flowed rapidly in the blood vessels. The sound of blood flow was like the sound of the waves of the Yangtze River.

Looking at the mountains stretching for trillions of miles, Bu Begging took out the jade slip of the prince's Changqin, which recorded the specific location of the Holy Emperor's wild, and crushed it. A spiritual light flew out of the jade slip and turned into a jade-colored portal in front of Begging. He strode into the portal. The surrounding scenery changed, and he was instantly transmitted to the depths of Beiling.

The whole trillion-mile range of Beiling is blocked by the forbidden law of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. As long as the corresponding formula is used near the Beiling, it can be quickly transmitted to the Holy Emperor's Wilder. Otherwise, even if he does not beg for the specific coordinates of the Holy Emperor's Wild, he will only spend time to cross the It took him more than half a year.

Come to the holy emperor's field first to see the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor" instead of going to Xiongyuan to deliver letters first, which was also specially told by Prince Changqin. The information must be given to Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor first, and then it can be given to the emperor. Don't beg not to know how Prince Changqin considers it, or is this simply some kind of tradition?

crooked mouth" Don't throw away your mind and marry those strange ideas. Anyway, there are too many messy traditions in Dayu. What's the weird thing?

Standing on a mountain towering into the clouds, don't beg to look forward. Thousands of miles ahead is the wilderness of the Holy Emperor.

It is a conical mountain that was originally a million miles high and nearly 100 million miles at the foot of the mountain. Later, he was cut off by the great god under the throne of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor with a tomahawk, and the cone-shaped peak turned into a round platform. On the flat mountain, there are hundreds of millions of people living there. After many magical transformations that can change the world, the plain on the top of the mountain has become fertile. "Don't beg to see the wild of the Holy Emperor" The people above are grazing and farming in the fertile fields on the nine sides, just like a pastoral scenery, and an extremely carefree and idle atmosphere came to their faces.

This artificial plain is the holy emperor's field. The mountain cut off by the god was raised to the sky and suspended hundreds of miles above the holy emperor's wild. The mountain, protected by countless prohibitions, is covered with countless palaces and pavilions, which was renamed Xuanyuan Peak. This mountain is now Xuanyuan Yellow. The emperor's residence.

According to Prince Changqin, Xuanyuanfeng has been refined into a very powerful magic weapon. Under one responsibility, it has the power of Taiyi. It is one of the killer coppers of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor to deter the Northern Black Emperor. Since the mass disaster, there have been many people who have suffered a lot under this Xuanyuan Peak who intend to sneak into the territory of Dayu to cause trouble under the Black Emperor in the north.

Don't beg. Looking at the scenery on the Holy Emperor's field, a long cloud emerged from the sky over the Holy Emperor's field. Twelve bronze forged four-wheeled chariots were dragged by a double-winged horse and galloped all the way with the sound of thunder. Every bronze chariot is extremely huge, and every piece of equipment on it is extremely heavy, with a fierce atmosphere of barbarism. The heavy armored warriors standing on the bronze chariot are fierce, just like a group of murderers who have been imprisoned for countless years.

The chariot roared in front of Beggar, pulled out a two-foot-long bronze spear ahead of the heavy armored general on the chariot and shouted, "Kid, tell me your name and intention! If you intend to break into the holy emperor's field, you will die! No matter who your parents are, no one can keep you. I swear with the soul of your ancestors, if you intend to break into the field of the Holy Emperor, I will cut off your head, pierce your heart, crush you and feed the wolf!" This will be the same as the cultivation of today's Don't beggar, and it is also the cultivation If it is replaced by Dayu's general level, the one-yuan Pangutian eight-star peak is close to the nine-star level. If such strength is in Liangzhu, it is already the qualification of a general, but in the Holy Emperor's field, how can he be seen as a small leader of a patrol!

Don't beg to glance at the hundreds of heavy armored warriors on the twelve chariots behind him. His heart twitched fiercely. Even the drivers are the peak of the ancient nine stars of Taishi Pangu, which is equivalent to the strength of the peak of the immortals. Hundreds of heavy armored warriors, all of whom are

grinned, don't beg to look at the wild of the Holy Emperor.

The huge holy emperor's field is wrapped in thick purple gas. The concentration of purple gas is so high that even the naked eye of mortals can see it clearly. The Pangu purple gas here is better than Liangzhu. It can be imagined that the people living here will have good cultivation conditions.

In particular, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor is a meritorious emperor recognized by heaven. Relying on countless merits and virtues, he has achieved immortality and has an endless life like those immortals. Such a meritorious emperor will release the meritorious light to shine in all directions at any time. Under the protection of his meritorious light, the life expectancy of his soldiers is longer than ordinary people. Therefore, it seems understandable to accumulate a large number of masters and use such a powerful general as the little leader of the patrol.

After taking a look at this heavy-armed general, don't beg and salute, "A certain Yu Donghaizhou Hou Tanlang, begged to see the Holy Emperor under the order of Prince Changqin, and there is an important military situation!"

The general was stunned, and he shouted, "The important military situation of Prince Changqin? Take out your identity!" Don't beg hurriedly turned over his hand and took out his Donghaizhou Marquis's seal *, waist card and other things. Then he turned over his palm, and a purple flame burned brightly. This is the real fire unique to human warriors. It must be compressed and purified to the extreme with Pangu purple gas. Such a real fire is generated. Except for the most powerful human warriors, even those Buddhas and Taiyi can't cultivate this kind of original flame known as Pangu's true fire.

"Yo, the boy is really good!" The heavy armored general stared at the flame of Don't beg's palm, and his sharp eyes glanced at Don't beg's face, which seemed to be a 17- or 18-year-old boy, and said with a strange smile, "Are you not more than fifty years old? The cultivation actually caught up with me. Tutton, how much elixir did you take to get today's cultivation?" He sighed, which would lead to grab the begging hand and pulled him into the chariot. He shouted, "Stand up, brothers, go back quickly. The prince of Changqin has not been able to send military information for a "Come on!" The bronze chariot roared and rushed to the void of the side where they had just emerged out of thin air.

The long clouds flowed, and in the blink of an eye, the chariot rushed into the dense prohibition of Ziyijing. Don't beg for a sudden light in front of him, and a huge mountain suspended in mid-air and hundreds of nearby hanging peaks appeared in front of him.

Xuanyuanfeng, the residence of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, has arrived!