Steal the sky

Chapter 773 Disaster God's Means

Chapter 773 Disaster God's Means (Fourth Update)

When you indulged in running on the Pangu mainland, the civil strife of the Zhongzhou Yu family was also in full swing.

On that day, Princess Pang Le came to the door in person, and Yu Ji and Yu Ji suddenly had a big conflict, and the Yu family officially split. As the current owner of the Zhongzhou Yu family, Yujiu undoubtedly has a great advantage. He ordered the private army of the Yu family to encircle and suppress Yu Ji and others on the spot. Tens of thousands of private soldiers of the Yu family rose up and attacked. Yu Ji and the elders' families who were close to him were immediately unlucky. Most of their relatives lived in the Yu family's mansion. Yu Ji ordered that all of them were captured alive

Yuyu and the elders escaped from Zhongning City smoothly, but most of their relatives were controlled by Yujiu. Yujiu had mastered the name of justice, and also controlled the power of the Yu family's private army and other channels. Some allies of the Yu family could only communicate with the owner of the Yujiu family, so Yujiu and The power of the Zhongzhou Yu family, represented by more than a dozen elders around him, has been completely at a disadvantage.

For more than a month, the cheerful Yujiong has almost chased Yujiu to suppress it. The people of Yujiu's clan who won the last battle for the power of the 30 major states were all chased by Yujiu's sent people. Seeing that the opportunity was fast, they could escape by chance. If the reaction was slightly slower,

The civil strife of the Yu family, and the major rich people in Zhongzhou are watching the show. There are many such disputes over power and profit within the family, but few of them are so bloody and vivid. Yujiu's fierce hands and Yujiu's rapid fall, this is simply a classic textbook for family civil strife.

Originally, there were still many rich people in Zhongzhou who wanted to fish in troubled waters to get some benefits, but when the Liangzhu Yu family suddenly sent dozens of elders and a large number of masters to visit Yuyu, these people who were ready to move obediently withdrew their hands. The Yu family in Zhongzhou can offend as much as possible. The Yu family, which is in civil strife, is unable to fight back against their intrusion, but the Liangzhu Yu family? Whoever dares to provoke the Liangzhu Yu family, then go, but Bo Zhongfu doesn't have the strength to compete with the Liangzhu Yu family. That's an important force in the Tiandian of Dayu Si!

After more than a month of trouble, the power on Yujie's surface has been completely taken over by Yujiong. The position of the state herdsmen in 30 big states, the power of all branches of the Yu family, and the interests channels of the Yu family in all parts of Zhongzhou were all taken over by Yujiong's designated people one by Yu Jue was also charged with the great charge of colluding with immortals with ultiortals, and was arrested by Bo Zhongfu.

Starry night, under the starlight, Princess Kangle, who exudes ominous fluctuations all over her body, suspended on a dark cloud, and her huge divine consciousness swept through the four directions like a water silver field. Her consciousness completely covered the land of the state in front of her, searching for everything suspicious inch by inch.

More than a dozen generals with the cultivation of one-yuan Pangu Tianwu Tianjing and six-star Tianjing led thousands of soldiers on three snake flying boats, quietly guarding Princess Pule. These generals and soldiers were the confidants sent by the king of Qifeng. When the king of Qifeng heard that he was attacked halfway, he was involved in the void and did not know where he was immediately furious. While complaining about the matter to Emperor Haozun, he sent his eyes and ears to inquire about the news of Donghai Prefecture.

When Ji Ao learned that Yu Jue was colluding with some powerful people in Zhongzhou to seize the interests of Donghai Prefecture, Ji Ao's temper broke out, and he immediately used all his relations in the court to react the most fiercely to this matter. Therefore, the Liangzhu Yu family can so smoothly and directly infiltrate Zhongzhou, which is why there are thousands of elites around Princess Le.

Yuyu fell so quickly that it had nothing to do with Ji's attack. He misjudated the position of Don't begging in Ji's heart, and misjudated the impression left by some people in the hearts of some people. When he did something he should not do to the missing Don't beg Foundation, the reactions from all sides were about to enter the doomed situation of the Zhongzhou Yu family he represented.

Princess Le suddenly sneered. She recited a few spells in a low voice, and suddenly there was a yin wind sweeping around the world. The cold yin wind covered the big state below, which is a six-grade big state under the rule of Zhongzhou. It is a rich Ye family in Zhongzhou that rules this big state. After Bo Zhongfu took over Zhongzhou, Ye's family turned to Bo Zhongfu at the fastest speed. After flattering the oath of allegiance, the Ye family successfully succeeded the former state herdsman who absconded and obtained the rule of the big state.

Among the dignitaries who colluded with Yu Jue and intended to share the interests of the East China Sea, the Ye family is the most positive one.

In the revenge launched by Princess Le more than a month ago, the big state ruled by the Ye family was also the most miserable one. All the crops, all the pasture and all the vegetation in the state were eaten clean in just three days, and then the plague suddenly broke out, and more than 90% of the billions of people in the state were infected by the plague. In more than a month, the big state had long been on the verge of collapse.

But tonight, in the divine induction of Princess Le, Yu Jue and more than a dozen jade parents who were wanted by Bo Zhongfu, and the Yu family who followed them to rush out of the Yu family's mansion and fled were all hidden in the secret room of the state capital of the Ye family.

The air of the whole state is densely covered with plague viruses that are invisible to the naked eye. These plague viruses are derived from the divine power of the golden body of the disaster god condensed by Princess Pangle. They are not solid viruses in the conventional sense. These viruses come and go without trace, without any energy reaction. They are like creatures but like dead things. Ke's gods use spells, otherwise it is impossible for ordinary Taoist power to prevent the erosion of these plague viruses.

And these tiny plague viruses are equivalent to Princess Le's split. Her divine consciousness can mobilize these small viruses at any time to know all the movements within a hundred feet of these viruses. The virus is mixed with the air of the whole state. Where there is air in the whole state, it is impossible to avoid the divine consciousness of Princess Le.

Yuji and others are in the secret room of the state pastoral mansion! Princess Le clearly sensed their breath.

Yuyu even borrowed the power of the ghosts and gods he worshipped and blocked the movement around the secret room with several powerful magic weapons. However, in the face of the pure magic secret method of the ancient gods mastered by Princess Le, Yu Jue's prevention and prohibition seemed to have a sieve with holes everywhere, which did not play any role. Under the mobilization of Princess Pangle's consciousness, the concentration of the plague virus in the air around Yuji and others is getting higher and higher, gradually reaching a degree of quantitative change to qualitative change.

In the spacious, but extremely narrow and depressing room, the faceless jade seal sat on the futon, and more than a dozen jade parents also sat on the futon. Everyone looked at the hidden elders who were surrounded in the middle. The current owner of the Ye family, Ye Tianyan, the state pastor of Liupin Dazhou, sat aside incomparately, sweating like running water.

Ye Tianyan really didn't want to entertain Yu Jue and his party, who was like a homeless dog, but the strength of Yu Jue and others was so strong that the Ye family could not resist at all. Yu Jue clearly told him that if he did not take in his party, the whole Ye family would be killed clean. Ye Tianyan was forced to leave the Yu family in the state pastoral house.

Thinking about the important clans of the Ye family who have been viciously banned and whose life and death are in the hands of Yu Jue, Ye Tianyan has a kind of impulse to cry - he has nothing to do and wants to listen to Yu Jue's temptation. Why do he have to plot the territory of Donghai Prefecture?

The sky is above, and all the crops and vegetation on their own territory have been eaten clean by locust plagues. Not to mention this year, there will be no harvest in the next few years. Ninety-nine of the people are dying in bed, and they may die in large numbers at any time.

Ninety-nine of the people under the rule were killed! This kind of thing has never happened in the history of Dayu. It can be imagined that if this kind of thing that creates the historical record of Dayu appears, what will happen to the Ye family? The emperor's anger made his neck feel cold when he thought of this Ye Tianyan.

Disaster stars, Yu Jue's family are all disaster stars! Ye Tianyan clenched his fist and had an impulse to fight with Yu Jue. It's all the old dog like Yu Jue. If he hadn't bewitched himself, how could the Ye family have been involved in such a big trouble?

But what kind of gods are there in Donghai Prefecture? The Marquis of Donghai Prefecture has been involved in the void and disappeared. Why can Donghai Prefecture make such a terrible counterattack? All the Zhongzhou dignitaries who colluded with Yu Jue to divide the interests of Donghai Prefecture had all kinds of natural disasters in their territory. Which disaster god did Yu Yu provoke?

The hermit elder of the Yu family sat on the futon and bowed his head without saying anything. After a long time, he slowly nod and said, "So far, there is only one way to save the Yu family in Zhongzhou. It is impossible for Liangzhu Benzong to completely kill the branch of our Zhongzhou Yu family. We just need to bow our heads and give some compensation to Donghai Prefecture. This matter can still be solved.

Yu Jue's face changed rapidly. He gritted his teeth and said, "Taigong, how can we bow our heads and be soft?"

The hidden elders and many elders looked at Yu Jue at the same time. How can they bow their heads and be soft? The best way is to hand over the jade jade to the top tank! These elders also hate Yu Jue. Why do you have to catch him and don't beg for toss? It's okay if you can kill him, but now he hasn't been killed by you. On the contrary, the Zhongzhou Yu family is about to decline in an all-round way!

Thinking of those people who were captured alive by the order of Yuji, the hearts of these elders were very painful! Although he escaped, most of the clans fell into the hands of the enemy. This is their Miao descendants!

Seeing the trace of badness in the eyes of these elders, Yuyue rushed up with a mouthful breath of evil in her heart. He stood up angrily and was about to loudly scold these parents who had lost their position when he suddenly felt that something was wrong with the air around him.

The air suddenly turned blue, as if thin smoke filled the air. Taking a strong breath, there was no oxygen entering the body at all. Instead, countless things gathered together, making the air become sticky and like glue rush into the body. These terrible things, which are so small that they can't even be detected by the mind, quickly develop and grow by the essence and blood nutrition in the body as soon as they enter the body, and quickly crack and reproduce, and soon fill the blood vessels and internal organs.

Yu Jue exclaimed in horror. Ye Tianyan beside him had shaken his body and fell to the ground heavily.

Ye Tianyan only had a thin human skin left. In this short breath, all the flesh and blood of Ye Tianyan were swallowed up by the plague virus, and the thick blue smoke spewed out of Ye Tianyan's cracked skin. This is the plague virus transformed by all the essence and blood of Ye Tianyan!

The elder was terribly angry. He shouted, "The enemy came up, rushed out, and with them... Haosheng said!"

With a 'wow', the elder exhaled a mouthful of blue and blue blood, and the blue smoke rushed out of the blood he spit out.

The faces of the jade parents in the secret room changed for a while. RO