Steal the sky

Chapter 776 Happy Crisis

Seeing that the gourd Zhenxian was going to escape with Yu Jue and others, Princess Le raised her eyebrows, and her anger went straight to the sky, and there was also a blood line in the center of her eyebrows that suddenly jumped.

It's enough for the Gourd Zhenxian to save the other elders of the Yu family, but she can't let Yu Jue leave safely under any circumstances.

No matter what the exclamation of Yuxiu and others represented, Princess Le waved her hand, and a harsh cracking sound broke out in the void, and a dark blade more than ten feet long with a sharp roar to the gourd Zhenxian. Where the light blade passed, the void was torn through countless small cracks, and the vitality storm visible to the naked eye blew out of the cracks, blowing the surrounding mountains into pieces.

In the dull roar, several mountains between Princess Le and the gourd fairy were blown into dust by the vitality storm, and the dimensional knife inspired by the princess of the five-lei fairy piano also shot less than ten feet behind the gourd fairy.

The gourd really exclaimed in surprise. He looked back at the dimensional knife inspired by Princess Le. Suddenly, he smiled and said, "The little girl's cultivation is not good. Is there such a way to tear the void? It's wonderful! It's a pity that your cultivation is really too weak!" With a fierce pat on the gourd under the palm of his hand, a flame spewed out of the mouth of the gourd, and the sticky gelatinous flame turned into a big umbrella behind the gourd fairy and firmly protected him. The big umbrella composed of flames rotated rapidly, and the dimensional knife slashed heavily on the umbrella, making a crisp sound. Of course, the flame umbrella was split into two pieces by a knife and dissipated in the air, but the dimensional knife was also offset by the surging flame, and disappeared after a slight flash of a strong light.

Princess Le is light. With one more sound, the gray divine power wrapped around the golden body of the god of disaster suddenly turned into a large axe several feet long. The colorful divine light rushed up and injected the gray axe, filling the gray axe, which seemed to be condensed into fog, like a crystal carving. She tried her best to extract the innate Geng gold and silver lotus and injected it into the big axe, and soon the surface of the big axe was coated with a dazzling silver light.

The jade finger was gentle, and Princess Pule drank gently at the gourd Zhenxian.

The big axe brought a harsh crack and turned into a silver rainbow to split the forehead of the gourd. The face of the gourd changed. He left Yu Jue and others and pressed his hands on the gourd under the seat at the same time. A huge roar came, and a large amount of firelight spewed out of the mouth of the gourd, and the sticky flame twisted and twitched in the air. It quickly condensed into a huge jagged sickle and hit the big axe of Princess Bule to meet her.

The knife and the axe collided, and the sharp innate spirit of gold split the big knife condensed into two pieces, but the blazing flame swept up, and the silver light on the axe was also burned by the high-temperature flame. The silver light suddenly dimmed, revealing the colorful axe below.

The gourd really snorted coldly. Countless light gold small flying swords in the gourd sprayed out of the towering flames, and the dense small flying swords kept hitting the colorful axe, stirring up countless small fires on the big axe. The flying sword and the big axe collided with each other and exploded in the air, but each impact made the big axe a little dark. After three flicks, at least millions of small flying swords hit the big axe, smashing the colorful light in the big axe.

In the end, the gray axe condensed by the god of disaster power was left and hit the gourd fairy. In the face of the strange god of disaster, the gourd was not careless. He rolled out of the hot flame and melted with the rising flame of the gourd. A red light on his head rushed several miles high. A circle of mirror-like circular halo gradually appeared in the red light. Yinglong's shadow with wings appeared in a circular halo. Yinglong, who had been long, looked up to the sky and roared. He opened his mouth and spit fiercely. Suddenly, countless raindrops crackled out of the air, hitting the gray axe like an arrow.

The dragon is also a genus of ancient gods. Although the Yinglong sacrificed by the gourd fairy is only the body of the soul, its strength is extremely amazing. Every drop of raindrop weighs tens of thousands of catties. The hit on the big axe made the axe make a low roar, and a large amount of gray gas was continuously recorded from the surface of the axe by raindrops. In particular, Yinglong is an ancient god, and it belongs to the auspicious god who is expected to be smooth. Although his divine power does not completely restrain the power of the god of disaster, it also has a good weakening effect.

Countless raindrops roared down, and the gray axe smashed, and was completely destroyed by the raindrops summoned by Yinglong.

Yuxiu, who looked extremely ugly, gritted his teeth and roared, "For several generations, only Yu, the former head of the Yu family, has owned a dragon beast soul!" Gourd is really immortal, you, you are indeed...

The gourd fairy's indifferent bull's head looked at Yuxiu." He sneered and said, "Yes, I am the seventh generation of Gaozu Yuyu. Former head of the Zhongzhou jade family. Today's gourds are really immortal. Ha ha, I have stepped into the realm of Tongtian with one foot in those years. However, Yangshou is approaching, so he devoted himself to the Taoist sect to practice the art of refining qi of immortals. Become a yuan god in ten years, become an immortal in thirty years, and become a golden immortal in just a thousand years.

With a strange smile, Yuyu sighed leisurely, "If my priest, the priest of Dayu, abandons those broken rules and ignores them, any priest in the sky can achieve the peak of the golden fairy in just a thousand years. Tut-tut, the priest of Tongtian will always run out of Yangshou, but if he becomes an immortal, he will have an infinite life span. In comparison, I would rather be a fairy!"

Yuxiu pointed to Yu Wei and roared, "Yu Jie has always been in collusion with you?

Yuqi and Yujie looked at each other. Yuqi shook his head easily: "He didn't know the existence of me until the last hundred years... Well, why do I explain this to you? In a word, I rescued Yujue and others today, and naturally someone will come to your Liangzhu Yu family to settle accounts in the future!

After a few loud laughes, Yuyu pointed to the fair-faced Princess Le and sneered, "Your magic secrets are good, but it's a pity that your cultivation is a little lower. I will leave you with a life today, and Yu Jue will come to you for revenge in the future. When will it be... Reaching out and patting Yu Jue on the shoulder, Yu Yu said indifferently, "Remember this woman's face. She awakened the blood of the ancient gods, which is a rare match. Your children and grandchildren are dead. If you can give birth to a baby with her, your qualifications will be better!

Yuyu smiled respectfully and said, "Everything is according to the words of the ancestors. This woman condenses the golden body of the ancient god. It's really a perfect match...

Princess Le's face turned blue with anger. She snorted coldly and continued to extract the golden spirit of the innate Geng gold and silver lotus huā. A silver light flashed in the palm of her hand. She compressed the rich Gengjin qi into a cold flying sword, and wanted to sacrifice the take-off sword to rely on the invincible sharp attack jade and sha. But the gourd of the jade is obviously a rare spirit. The flame is the nemesis of the spirit of Gengjin. Princess Le's flying sword may not be able to get the jade.

After listening to Yuyu's words, Yuxiu, who also became extremely ugly, waved his hand. He shouted harshly, "Come on, take down the traitor who betrayed Dayu and threw himself into the first-class immortality, regardless of life or death! Yu and Xun colluded with the immortals and plotted to kill them together!

It is a felony of colluding with immortals in the Dayu Dynasty. "Yu Yi became the body of an immortal as the previous head of the Yu family in Zhongzhou, which is enough to harm the Liangzhu Yu family. If those rich families in Liangzhu learn that the Yu family has branches and have become immortals, all the rich families will rise up and attack. The Yu family will also be gray-headed at that time.

Kill Yuyu and Yuyu on the spot, and then take the initiative to plead guilty to the emperor. By the way, kill a few Sanxiu sects to blame them, so as to avoid the passivity of the Yu family. Yu, Xiu doesn't care how strong Yu's cultivation is now. In a word, he must kill Yu. No matter how much it costs. You must kill the jade on the spot.

The elders present in the Liangzhu Yu family also understood the powerful relationship. Regardless of the injuries caused by the sudden attack just now, they took out all kinds of bone charms and used their most powerful secret method to launch an attack on Yu.

Princess Yule roared, and the flying sword condensed with the golden air in the palm of her hand swung a silver rainbow to the jade and be careful of the thorn. At the same time, the colorful light behind her rolled over, and the water, fire and wind of the pool rolled into a colorful mountain from the sky to the top of the jade head. Where this mountain is completely composed of the aura of heaven and earth, all the aura is absorbed by the mountain, and the first jade is even more sinking, and the aura around him is sucked clean by the mountain. His strength was immediately suppressed by 30%.

, "What a good way! You are a very good woman. Why don't you be my double monk? He just said that Princess Le was a good match for Yu Jue. Seeing that Princess Le's action was so mysterious, Yu Le suddenly thought about it. He screamed strangely. The soul of the dragon beast above his head let out a shocking roar. He swarned his claws and grabbed Princess Le.

On a mountain thousands of miles away, Liu Bang, the king of Han, and King Zhangqiu are sitting and drinking. Their eyes passed thousands of miles away, and all of them focused on Princess Le. Liu Bang suddenly left Jiu Jue and sighed happily, "Such a wonderful woman. How can she be exiled outside under the ups and downs of the wind and rain? I have the most compassion for the jade. It's not as good as...

King Zhangqiu interrupted Liu Bang's words," he said coldly, "This woman has condensed the golden body of the ancient god. It's my own!...

The two looked at each other, and their eyes staggered together to inspire a trace of fire, but no one was willing to give in. Princess Le stimulated the bloodline of the innate gods in this way. The existence of the golden body of the ancient god is of great benefit to both immortals and the strong men of Dayu. Especially for King Zhangqiu, if he can marry Princess Po Le. She can leave her bloodline in her own clan, and there may be more people who inspire the bloodline of the gods in the future, which is of great significance to the strength of the Zhangqiu King.

But now the two of them fall in love with Princess Le at the same time, and it is precisely because they are tit-for-tat and unwilling to let go. Liu Bang couldn't help sighing, "Well, why don't you kill them, so as not to hurt our harmony?

King Zhangqiu pondered for a moment, and finally nodded.

Liu Bang laughed, and his eyes flashed. He sacrificed the Hunyuan shielding the sky and hit Princess Le.