Steal the sky

Chapter 777 On Xuanyuan Peak

When Princess Yule killed someone, Don't beg seemed to feel something in her heart. He suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of Zhongzhou.

"Well, is Zixuan working with people? And wait a few more days. When I explain what happened to me, I will go back to Zhongzhou and Yuxun to settle accounts. Before I go back, don't tear down the bones of the old guy Yuxun. How many cruel hands can he do with you? But why did you have a conflict with Yuxun? Is it possible that he has done something else?

Don't beg is still here to worry about Yusha. He is afraid that he will not be able to retaliate on Yu and Xun himself after returning to Zhongzhou, but he does not know that Yuxun's whole family has been killed by Princess Huanle. Now the Zhongzhou Yu family represented by Yu* has reached the point of exhaust It was completely destroyed.

The bronze chariot was rolled up in the void by the long cloud and flew quickly, dragging the tail of the cloud for several miles to the front of Xuanyuan Peak.

As mentioned above, Xuanyuan Peak is refined from the top half of the mountain in the Holy Emperor's Wild, and it is a conical mountain from a distance. Xuanyuanfeng Mountain is majestic. Although it is half of the mountain, it is also hundreds of thousands of miles high. At the foot of the mountain, there are tens of millions of miles. There are countless strange grasses on the mountain. The palaces and pavilions of all sizes are randomly dotted between the mountains and forests. The buildings everywhere have made countless changes than the old-

Around Xuanyuan Peak, dozens of large and small hills are suspended high in the air, slowly rotating around Xuanyuan Peak. The color, material and size of these mountains are different. The largest one is half the size of Xuanyuan Peak, and the smallest one is only more than ten miles high and hundreds of miles below. Among them, there are peaks composed of pure gold, pure silver, pure jade and pure crystal, and there is also a big mountain that is a huge cyan ancient wood. There is a little crystal water splashing out of the roots.

That ancient wood is a dragon-blooded rejuvenation wood that was rarely seen in ancient times. This is the only strange wood in heaven and earth without an upper volume limit. Dragon blood rejuvenation wood is born on the void. Every ten thousand years, it increases by one percent. The older the years, the larger the volume. As long as no one cuts it down, it can grow without an upper limit. This huge tree is 30,000 miles high, the thickest part of the trunk is 30 thousand miles, and the widest part of the crown and root is more than 100,000 square meters. Look at its volume, it may be a strange tree that has been growing since the opening of Hongmeng.

The red smell of dragon blood is like real dragon blood, so there is the word "dragon blood" in the name. The so-called rejuvenation is that it always swallows the aura of heaven and earth, and the roots are spraying the rejuvenation spring all the time. This is a spiritual liquid that can keep people's shape and energy in the state of youth forever, and can bring the withered huā grass trees back to life.

This dragon-blooded rejuvenating tree is so huge that the number of rejuvenating spring secreted every day is extremely considerable. Looking at the crystal and moist spiritual spring covering Xuanyuan Peak and dozens of mountains around it, it can be seen that the people living on this mountain are not aging. It can also be imagined that the huā grass trees How vibrant and how fat and beautiful it is.

Don't beg to beat this huge tree curiously. Not far away, a dragon flew up on a mountain composed of the best jade. A pair of young men and women in white Taoist robes rode on the dragon's back with laughter, drove in the long wind to open the clouds, and flew to the distance with great free.

This is a pair of immortals, and it is a pair of simple and obscure. Obviously, it is the ancient immortals who practice the ancient method. The ancient immortals are different from the monks and immortals in today's Zhoutian world. They focus more on understanding the way of nature and borrowing the natural power of heaven and earth instead of condensing their own strength. This pair of ancient immortals probably have their own cultivation is only equivalent to today's thirty immortals, but once they do it, they are likely to exert their power that is not weaker than the ordinary Taiyi power.

Don't beg for amazement, pointed to the man and woman and shouted, "They are..." The general who led the patrol took a look and said with a smile, "Oh," they are the best friends of the Holy Emperor to play Yunsheng and Lu Ye Xian." He looked at it and made it deliberately. Don't beg with a stunned expression Begging's shoulder: "Kid, don't make such a fuss. They are the best friends of the Holy Emperor who fought side by side. The lineage of the ancient immortals is different from the current immortals, well, very different! Yunsheng and Lvyexian are qualified to go in and out of Liangzhu, do you understand?" Being able to go in and out of Liangzhu, which is equivalent to the identity of Dayu's important minister. Yunsheng and Lvyexian are unknown in the myths and legends, but they are actually comrades of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor fighting side by side? Don't beg to look at these two with great vement. "How good would it be if you could get their cultivation methods?

The ancient immortals eat rain and dew, and they serve the haze. A heart is transparent and clear without any impurities. They can mobilize the power of heaven and earth with their own extremely weak strength. They have mastered the power, but they do not blindly pursue strength. They use their own great ability to expel beasts and demons to shelter the Countless contributions have been made. Their cultivation method directly points to the road of communication with heaven and earth, and the gain of their own cultivation is only ordinary, but in terms of the mobilization and borrowing of the law of heaven and earth, even today's Taiyi power is not as good as them.

And what about today's immortals? They pay more attention to polishing their own bodies, culptrin, and their own strength. They crazily plunder all the aura of heaven and earth and genius treasures to supplement themselves, and do whatever they can in pursuit of strength. They and the free ancient immortals have embarked on two completely different paths.

sighed for a while, don't shake your head, the immortal who now occupies the outer realm, whether they used to be a fairy or not. However, these ancient immortals living in Xuanyuanfeng have maintained their pure heart, and they still regard themselves as human beings, so they have walked out of Xuanyuanfeng and Liangzhu. Today's immortals, they are greedy, they are tyrannical, they are despicable, they are selfish, so they have embarked on a different path from the ancient immortals and have become the enemy of the whole human race.

The bronze chariot ran forward, and on the way, I saw a lot of ancient immortals who were laughing and moving freely between the mountains around Xuanyuan Peak. They either ride flying dragons, or drive phoenixes, or other mythical beasts and fairy birds as mounts, calling friends to drink and get together. There is absolutely no fly camp dog as nervous as those immortals in the outside world, and they will not be able to draw knives for a spiritual stone like those immortals in the outside world.

These ancient immortals don't care about their own cultivation. They pay attention to the communication and integration with heaven and earth, and they pursue the unrestrained mind. Their own strength is very weak." Some ancient immortals have barely reached the level of thirty-six immortals, barely surviving, but their minds have been integrated with heaven and earth, and their every move is secretly in line with heaven. Once they let go, their destructive power is absolutely extraordinary.

In addition to these unrestrained ancient immortals, there are more ancient gods on all roads around Xuanyuan Peak, and more than 30% of these gods are the blood descendants of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor became a holy emperor with infinite merits. He fell in love with women of all ethnic groups. The children he gave birth to had their own visions and got part of the power of heaven. These children were all born gods. Just as Prince Changqin is the direct descendant of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, he was born with great magic, but he is different from ordinary human beings.

These gods are born in strange shapes, or the head of the beast, or the head of the beast, or the foot of the beast, or the tail of the beast. Most of them are mixed with those ancient immortals with smiles, or drink and get together, or compete for spells, or go out together. Such a free and happy appearance makes it really I am extremely envious.

When can I avoid all kinds of fighting disputes in the outside world and let the people around me have such a happy land and so free? But think about the identity of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. Don't beg and sigh again. Only such power and such identity can you enjoy such freedom, right? But even with the identity and strength of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, isn't there something to worry about?

If Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor really has nothing to worry about, why does he put the prince Changqin in the Jiuyou ghost world?

In the sound of thunder, the bronze chariot sent Begging directly to Xuanyuan Peak. Outside a mountain gate of Xuanyuan Peak, several tauren people dressed in extremely exquisite armor asked Don't beg for a few words, and two tauren people strode up Xuanyuan Peak with Don't beg. The patrol team that sent Don't beg here turned around to continue to patrol. They can't easily climb Xuanyuan Peak if they have nothing

Don't be careful with these two strong men who are six feet tall. These two big guys are really born with abnormal people. Their exposed skin are all metallic, and they don't look like flesh and blood. When walking, the pace is sonorous and powerful, and then look at their feet are clearly two big. Big cow's hooves. Their feet are like metal, and when they collide with the rocks, they splash a large area of sparks, making their scalp numb.

The bodies of these two tauren are strong to the extreme, and don't have an intuition." In terms of body alone, even if he has now reached the realm of the second grade of the golden fairy, the real body of heaven and earth, the dragon transformation scriptures and the dragon killing method are combined, it is not as strong as these two big guys.

In particular, these two guys ran to the top of Jingyuan Peak with Don't Beg, while grabbing the best metal-glossed ore on the roadside from time to time and stuffed them into their mouths and chewed them. Don't beg to recognize these ores. Xuanyuan Peak is full of treasures. These ores are rare in the outside world, such as the best minerals such as innate hardware essence. They are all good materials forging the best golden artifacts, which shows their strength.

But in the mouths of these two bull-headed men, these casually grabbed ores were snacks like popcorn huā." They chewed the ores, biting the ores, rattling, chewing them sparsely and swallowing them into their stomachs. They grabbed them casually and grabbed other ores and stuffed them into their

"Dare to ask, what do you call the two predecessors?" Don't beg always feel that something is wrong. The two bull-headed men are too consistent with one of his names in his impression.

"Qiyou!", the two big men stared at the bull's eyes and begged: "We are from the Chiyou clan. What's so strange? Er, what's your look like? What a boy I want to beat!" Don't beg for a cold sweat in your heart. Xuanyuan Peak actually used the Chiyou people to watch the door?