Steal the sky

Chapter 780 Demon Sword Array

Chapter 780 Demon Sword Array (First Update)

As soon as he was sent out of the hall after begging for the wind, he heard a pleasant fairy sound in the hall. Six dragons pulled a golden chariot and rose into the air surrounded by thousands of ancient immortals and tens of thousands of gods, spitting out the glow and auspicious air into the sky. Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor changed into an emperor's costume, released a huge pressure that people dare not face, and sat on the chariot with a calm face. The huge breath made the whole Xuanyuan peak tremble.

A round of dark yellow light is emitted from behind the head of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, just like a round of solar radiation of tens of thousands of miles. The rich purple gas spewed out of the dark yellow light wheel, and the purple gas in the sky covered half of the sky. It is really indescribable to see such a brilliant weather with your own

The convoy flew hundreds of miles high, and there were purple clouds wrapped around the brigade's bronze chariots roaring in. The four armies arched the middle of the convoy and flew high in the air. Each of the four armies has 100,000 bronze chariots, each bronze chariots have two carkeepers, one member of a divine general, twelve divine men, and thirty-six soldiers. How can the four armies add up to more than 10 million?

Don't beg and take a cold breath. Just now, the one in hemp clothes and straw shoes is not the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. This is what the holy emperor of the human race should have. Once you go out, there are tens of millions of gods and guards, and the light of Xuanhuang's merits shines on the void. Compared with this magnificent atmosphere, the outflow of the Buddha of the Immortal League and the Buddha who did not beg for what you saw before was also auspicious and auspicious swept hundreds of miles, but even a little

The convoy roared straight up to nine days. Don't beg for his eyesight. When he saw where the convoy passed, all kinds of natural dangers that even the golden immortals had a headache in the high altitude turned into invisible. Whether it was the wind, thunder, the mysterious ice aurora and others calmed down in front of the convoy It spread like snow, and the aura of heaven and earth is peaceful.

Looking at the team of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor's trip in a daze, Begging's trousers were suddenly pulled a few times. After the wind, he stared at Begging and shouted to Begging, "Kid, boy, come to your senses. This is just a simple trip of the emperor. If you see the team of the After that, won't you scare out your soul?"

jumped up and kicked the begging calf. After the wind, he shook his head and picked up his long white beard and smiled, "Hurry up, let's teach you the Xuanyuan magic sword array so that we can go to those old immortals to drink. Well, the emperor went to see the emperor. I don't know when he will come back. We happen to be lazy. Hey, do you have a good brain? If it doesn't work well, maybe when will you learn this sword array?

Don't beg's brain is very useful. His innate chaotic soul is essentially comparable to the powerful fairy soul of Taiyi, but the strength is not enough, but he has devoured so many evil spirits and soul fragments before and after, and his divine consciousness is much more powerful than those golden fairy peak immortals. So Don't beg's brain is very useful. Basically, what he has seen will be understood by him immediately.

But Xuanyuan's magic sword array, which is the secret array of the Chiyou family of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor in ancient times to kill the rebellion. Among them, the mystery is infinite, which is more complicated than the so-called Zhou Tianxing array. Zhou Tianxing's array is just arrayed with tens of thousands of stars in Zhoutian, but this Xuanyuan magic sword array not only uses Zhou Tianxingchen, but also has to consider the changes of heaven and earth in the earth, water, fire and wind, as well as countless factors such as the terrain and veins of the earth.

This is a sword array without a fixed shape. The more factors you use to array, the stronger the power of the sword array. If you can integrate all the avenues of the universe into the sword array, this sword array will have the great power to break through the chaotic destruction of the world.

In other words, you integrate the way of Zhou Tianxing into the sword array, and the stimulated sword spirit can smash the stars. If you integrate the earth, water, fire and wind into the sword array, you can evolve the power of the four phases to condense the four holy beasts and hurt people. If you can integrate space time into the sword array, you can control time to smash the void at will. If you integrate the terrain of the vein into the array, you can play with the vicissitudes of life at will.

In addition to these natural heavenly ways, it can also integrate countless creatures such as people, gods, immortals, ghosts, etc. into the array, among which the mystery is really innumerable.

Such a huge and complex sword array is based on 108 Kunwu swords. With the Kunwu sword to evolve almost all the avenues of the whole universe, the complexity of this Xuanyuan magic sword array is really beyond the expectation of Don't begging. With such a huge divine consciousness, under the teaching of the words and body of the wind, it took him seven days and seven nights to record the most basic and primitive array of the sword array.

Just to write it down, it can't make any calculation changes at all. The mysterious information like a sea of smoke is full of the soul of Don't begging. Don't beg feels like a big fat man. There are bursts of blackness in front of his eyes, and sweating all over his body keeps coming out. The congest This is a terrible array that cannot be set up freely without reaching the realm of Taiyi. This is an all-encompassing array that basically integrates all the arcaneity of all the formations between heaven and earth.

Compared with the essence of the array obtained by Don't begging in stealing the scriptures, the essence of the formation in stealing the scriptures is the root of the tree, and the Xuanyuan Zhu magic sword array is a big tree growing from the root of the tree, a big tree covering almost all the formation changes. As long as you can eat through the Xuanyuan magic sword array, you dare not say what will happen in the future. At least all the capable formations in today's Sunday world can't stop him.

The blue streamer hovers and dances in the square in front of Xuanyuan Palace. One hundred and eight Kunwu swords are following the heart of not begging, following the most basic changes of the sword array to pull the five elements of aura. Kunwu sword can't be driven by the immortal's magic power. If an immortal dares to touch the Kunwu sword with his own immortal power, it will immediately attract Kunwu's sword to kill with all his strength.

Only those who have practiced the secrets of the human race can use their own divine thoughts or Pangu purple gas to control the Kunwu sword. Now don't beg for the purple gas to rise all over his body, like an octopus, the purple gas extends from his body, holding the Kunwu sword and pulling the five elements of aura to draw a light curtain around him. Gradually, the true shape of the five elements appeared around Don't begging. Countless swords and shadows, large areas of thick green trees, towering mountains and mountains, surging magma, and rolling oceans gushed out of the air with the sound of wind and thunder, and they evolved from each other around Don't begging.

Each handle of Kunwu sword is as light as a goose feather, and the blue body of the sword is like a crystal cast completely transparent. Each of its lines follows the Avenue of Heaven and Earth. Its length corresponds to 360 degrees on Sunday, and its width corresponds to the changes of the 24 solar terms. The Kunwu sword, which crossed the air under the control of Beggars, brought a faint blue light. Each blue light is like a trace of a road, giving people a kind of mysterious and mysterious beauty that the whole soul should be immersed in**.

But only those who control Kunwu Sword know how heavy the Kunwu Sword looks like a phantom when Pangu purple gas is injected into Kunwu Sword. The more Pangu purple gas is injected, the heavier the Kunwu sword will be. With the current cultivation, each Kunwu sword he controls weighs hundreds of millions of tons, which is several times heavier than an ordinary star in the outer world.

Such a magical sword does not need its sharpness at all. Its weight alone can crush the enemy into pieces. Don't beg, I can't help but feel sad for Chi You, who died under Kunwu's sword. With the cultivation of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, how heavy is the Kunwu sword he controlled? Chi You must be very painful to be hit by such a sword, right?

Like a fish crossing a clear stream, Kunwu Sword hovered around Begging with the five elements of aura, gradually stimulating the power of heaven and earth. Waves of sharp sword intentions spread around, and the sharpness and with suffocating heavy pressure, forcing the square to watch the performance of the sword array of the wind and a few. The lively ancient immortals had to retreat.

After teaching Don't beg for a few days, Xuanyuan killed the magic sword array and squatted on the head of a green tiger, smiling and watched Don't beg gradually practicing the sword array from unfamiliar to proficient. He nodded gently and smiled at the ancient immortals beside him in a low voice, "It's true that the emperor knows people. None of those children on Xuanyuan Peak can inherit the emperor's military array. This boy is not bad. He can really master this sword array."

Several ancient immortals also nodded and smiled. They looked at Don't beg, and then looked at a group of gods and generals who were flaunting on the edge of the square. They couldn't help sighing at the same time. In addition to these violent elements, Xuanyuan Huangdi also has a lot of talents. For example, Prince Changqin is a handsome figure, who is extremely intelligent. But these people's interest is not in the way of the military array. Xuanyuan's magic sword array is actually taught by this foreign boy.

Immersed in the Xuanyuan magic sword array for half a month, Don't beg finally took a breath and inhaled the purple air all over his body. Kunwu Sword, which wandered around Don't beg like a fish, disappeared into Don't beg's body with purple gas, hiding in his acupuncture points around him, so that he could gradually nourish himself with his own blood. While don't beg to nourish Kunwu Sword with blood, Kunwu Sword is also swallowing the aura between heaven and earth, giving feedbacking the incomparable pure power to strengthen the body and soul of Don't begging.

The Kunwu sword is not just a killing weapon. Don't begging to put it in his body immediately felt the great benefits brought by Kunwu sword to him. Even the Pangu purple gas in his body became much more refined after being washed by Kunwu sword.

After watching the wind of the sword gusts, he jumped down from the head of the green tiger. He stepped in front of the beggars and asked with a smile, "The old man taught you this sword array. But how to use it in practice depends on your own ability! Well, there's nothing for you to do here. Hurry up and do what you have to do.

Several ancient immortals beside him have moved out of the table and wooden stool with a smile and put on the wine jar and the side dishes with wine. Obviously, they want to drink wine with the wind queen. While talking to Don't beg, the wind kept turning his head to look at the ancient immortals. Obviously, his mind was not on Don't beg at all.

Shake the numb head hard, don't beg to blink the dry eyelids, and respectfully salute to the wind: "Thank you, old gentleman for your advice."

After the wind, he waved his hand impatiently: "Go, don't be wordy, twe-talk, remember what the emperor wants you to do is not to ruin the pot." With a squeak, the wind sucked in his mouth, and his little eyes blinked and stared at the wine jar taken out by the ancient immortals.

Don't beg for a slight smile, salute to the wind again, and then go to Xuanyuanfeng under the company of several Chiyou people.

The soul is also blocked by the endless mystery of Xuanyuan's magic sword array, and don't beg, your heart is full of joy.

This time, Xuanyuanfeng and his party, don't beg to get too much. Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor rewarded Kunwu Sword and taught Xuanyuan's magic sword array. What does this mean? Don't beg is a little complacent. Few people in the Dayu Dynasty can be treated like this, right?

With the joy of a belly, Don't beg to leave Xuanyuan Peak and rush to Donghaizhou. RO