Steal the sky

Chapter 781 The Strike of the Ancient God

Don't beg. When Xuanyuanfeng entered the sword array, Princess Pangle was in crisis.

Liu Bang and the king of Zhangqiu both fell in love with Princess Bule, but neither of them were tolerant, and they were both cruel and decisive people, so they didn't agree. Liu Bang immediately sacrificed the Hunyuan Covering the Sky Banner and fought against Princess Bule.

The flag flashed, and the void above the head of Princess Bule and others suddenly turned into darkness. All the aura of heaven and earth was absorbed by the mixed source to cover the sharp flag. Everyone's surroundings instantly turned into a vacuum, and even the air was pumped clean. The invisible power of confinement locked everyone's bodies like a chain, and he saw a faint shadow hitting Princess Le on the head like a long whip.

What absorbs the aura of heaven and earth to imprison everyone's body is the flag of the mixed-covering sky, and turned into a steel whip to hit the flagpole of the mixed-sky flag. This flag is the portable spiritual treasure of the Emperor of Heaven, which belongs to the list of chaotic spirits. Even if Liu Bang can't drive it freely, it also has the terrible power of ghosts and gods.

, with a loud noise, the void was torn open with a dark light curtain, and countless colorful streamers can be seen from the light curtain like meteors.

Princess Bule snorted softly. She looked up at the sky and pointed casually. A large white Gengjin spirit suddenly spewed out of the colorful divine light, condensing into a silver lotus huā like a living thing on the top of her head, wrapped in colorful glow and greeted the flagpole.

The innate Geng gold and silver lotus huā was sacrificed by Princess Bule day and night. At this moment, she has been completely mastered and can exert ten times the power. Although the mixed-sky flag is a chaotic spirit, but it is not in the hands of the master, Liu Bang can only exert his power in case of using it.

Two strange treasures collided, and the clouds at the feet of Princess Bule suddenly dispersed. Her body shook and flew down and fell down for dozens of feet before she stabilized her body. A vast and endless power bombarded her consciousness along the connection between her soul and Yinlian huā, but it was cut into pieces by countless sharp breaths in the blink of an eye. Wave after wave of spiritual power fluctuations continue to impact Princess Bule's Shihai Zifu, but the spiritual power fluctuations that have been cut open are fragmented. Princess Pole's Shihai is vast and tenacious, and he has firmly withstood this wave of attacks.

The mixed-yuan sky-covering flag suddenly flew more than ten miles high, and the flagpole kept trembling and making a low sound. Following the trace of Liu Bang and the Hunyuan sky-covering flag in the dark, a large gray divine force wrapped dozens of white and shining knives to cut Liu Bang. The harsh cracking sound kept ringing, and the invisible prohibition used to cover up the tracks around Liu Bang and King Zhangqiu was torn to pieces by the extremely sharp Gengjin gas. Countless cold lights shot in front of their eyes, which scared the two of them to fly to the sky with many accompanying people around them.

The sound of howling resounded through the sky. Zhangqiu Wangban Xiaobang was surrounded by attendants who were torn into pieces by the light of the knife condensed by the spirit of Gengjin. Where the bright knife light passed, why were the fairy weapons and magic weapons cut flat? Several of the top-quality immortals around Liu Bang sacrificed to The flatness was cut into two pieces, and these beautiful fairies were also cut into two pieces.

The gray magic turned into a small tornado, and soon wrapped a layer on Liu Bang, Zhangqiu King and other people.

A large black flame suddenly spewed out of King Zhangqiu's body. He snorted in a low voice, and two pieces of blood in his nostrils spewed out like a stream. He made a seal with his hands, recited the spell in a low voice, and silently exorcised the divine power of the disaster god invading the [body]. From time to time, a fist-sized bulge appeared on his body, flowing on his body like a living creature." King Zhangqiu's body trembled violently, and he did not dare to use the power of the ghost and god he worshipped to compete with the power of the god of disaster.

But the accompanying generals around him did not have the cultivation of King Zhangqiu. Several generals who had reached the realm of one yuan Pangutian, sprayed excellent and strange blood at the same time, and then all kinds of strange problems in the internal organs came out together. Strange problems such as intestinal knots, lung splitting, liver falling and so on rushed up so that these generals sweated all over and fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Liu Bang was so scared that he shouted strangely. He shouted, "The situation is not good. Leave quickly. Why does the woman have innate protection?"

Before Liu Bang, who turned into a streamer flying in the sky, suddenly a huge strange stone appeared more than a dozen places above his head. Moshi, which is composed of high-density metal, hit his head quickly and hit Liu Bang's head heavily. Liu Bang howled, "He was beaten to pieces, his plasma and brain spewed out in all places, and half of his body was almost shattered by the strange stone.

I don't know what kind of kungfu Liu Bang has practiced. In the case of being protected by any fairy weapons, when the head of Moshi bombarded him and smashed half of his body, "There was a strand of starlight in the void, quickly mixed with the plasma and crushed meat ejected by the cutting state The body. Powerful star power poured into Liu Bang's body, which was mixed with an extremely powerful breath of life. Liu Bang's body quickly recovered, and he rushed to the oblique thorn in a hurry.

The strange stone that almost killed Liu Bang fell to the ground heavily and hit the accompanying generals of King Zhangqiu, who were invaded by the power of the god of disaster. The earth trembled, and the land of thousands of miles suddenly collapsed. The strange stone hit the ground more than a thousand miles deep, and the underground fire spewed out the magma poisonous fire gushed out together. These close-fitting generals of King Zhangqiu were so strong that they were tossed around. They were bombarded into the ground by meteorites and burned by magma poison fire for a long time, but they still did not die. They struggled to get up and returned to King Zhangqiu in embarrassment.

In the distance, Princess Bule's eyes were full of colorful light, like two searchlights, she instantly tore thousands of miles of space and shone on Liu Bang and Zhangqiu King. Princess Bule snorted coldly, and her little hand turned over gently. Tens of thousands of mountains in the world of mustard seeds shook together, and each mountain conveyed half of the air of its own veins to Princess Po Le.

The virtual shadow of a mountain peak on the small white palm quickly formed. Princess Bule waved to her head to protect her boat Yinlian Huā, and a large amount of silver light flow flew out of the Huā petal of Yinlian Huā and integrated into the virtual shadow of the mountain peak. A sneer came, and Princess Bile waved her back, but the small mountain peak the size of her fist slipped into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, the hill appeared from the top of King Zhangqiu's head and hit the top of King Zhangqiu's head.

Princess Le has opened up her own world of mustard seeds and has the ability to mobilize the power of the world. This is the main reason why she has just stepped into the realm of golden immortals but can exert such power. Other golden fairies, even if they are the peak golden fairies, if they do not open up their own world, even if they are tens of millions of times higher in essence than Princess Bule in the essence of immortality, the overall strength is absolutely not as good as Princess Le.

Tens of thousands of mountains in the mustard world are all collected from planets such as Wanxianxing and Don't beg. These mountains transport half of the gas of their veins to Princess Pangle. The hill she condensed is equivalent to tens of thousands of giant mountains at the same time. In particular, she injected a lot of Gengjin into the hill, which is not only heavy to the extreme, but also sharp to the extreme.

When King Zhangqiu heard the evil wind coming from above his head, he hurriedly looked up and saw a translucent hill the size of a fist hitting his head and hitting him on the forehead. A loud bang came, and a firelight rose above King Zhangqiu's head, and a large amount of blood was washed away hundreds of miles away. The tall body of King Zhangqiu was smashed deep into the ground and wrapped in the poisonous fire of magma and burned indiscriminately. A slap-sized skull on his forehead was smashed, and the terrible force rushed into his skull, almost crushing his brain.

King Zhangqiu let out a miserable howl. Princess Le's blow was too terrible. Even if King Zhangqiu's body had condensed to a yuan Pangu eight-star heaven, he was almost smashed by Princess Pule's blow. He is different from Liu Bang. Liu Bang's body is smashed and immortals are saved. If the head of King Zhangqiu, as a human race, his head is smashed, he will die at the scene, and a wisp of soul must escape into reincarnation and reincarnation.

The sweaty King of Zhangqiu howled from the earth's magma and rose to the sky. "A round bone rune with a radius of several feet behind him shines dazzlingly, and quickly outlined a small light door. The king of Zhangqiu, with several accompanying generals, crashed into the light gate and disappeared without a trace. The light gate also quickly disintegraded and smashed, turning into a channel of light and dissipating.

Seeing King Zhangqiu fleeing with the help of the power of the spiritual charm, Liu Bang shouted angrily and scolded. He didn't care about the life or death of the beautiful fairies around him, and hurriedly fled to the distance like a homeless dog.

The one that hit Zhangqiu Wangfeng's flying up the mountain drippingly in the air and reached Liu Bang's back. The hill pressed down, and a black gas on Liu Bang's body rose to the sky. The mixed-covering flag turned into a thick black fog and wrapped around Liu Bang. He let the hill smash Liu Bang more than a dozen times, but Liu Bang still couldn't help it.

Princess Bule's breath has been exhausted." She scolded reluctantly, opened her mouth and sucked it back from thousands of miles, and held the mountain back to reintegrate it into the world of mustard. The power of the rolling veins quickly returned to those mountains, and Princess Bule [body] sounded a rumbling sound for a moment, which was frightening to the extreme.

Yuyu, who was entangled with Yuxiu and others, frowned. He looked into the distance and cursed in a low voice, "Muddy water, can't get in."

The soul of the dragon beast roared down above his head. Yuyu was supposed to use the soul of the dragon to capture Princess Po Le alive, but seeing that Princess Bule actually had such magical power, with the power of the first golden fairy realm, Zhang Qiu Wang and Liu Bang fled in confusion. This scene was witnessed by everyone present. Yu Wei hesitantly waved to the soul of the dragon beast and took back the soul of the dragon beast above his head.

Yuqi is not sure whether he can be worthy of the blow of the hill, especially if he is a fairy, and he is absolutely not as strong as King Zhangqiu's body. All his skills are on this spirit-level gourd, and there is no other fairy weapon on his body.

With a cold snort, Yuyu was about to escape through the air, but how could Princess Bile allow him to escape? The silver lotus huā on the top of his head spewed out countless extremely fine silver lights, turning into sword rain all over the sky and shooting down at the jade. Princess Le snorted coldly, "Old jade thief, leave your life!"

Princess Bule was chasing Yuyao unsistantly, and suddenly there was a cold hum in the void, and a dark-colored big hand pressed down on her head.

When everyone hurriedly looked up, a god was a hundred miles tall in the sky, stepped on two black dragons, and the slap of his head was pressed down.