Steal the sky

Chapter 799 Infinite Merit

Ji Wei, who was split into two pieces from the middle, rolled out with a smile. He didn't realize that he had been killed by begging.

Don't beg to release Ao Bu Zun and four dragon pythons. He opened five big mouths and tore Ji Yu into five pieces of bloody flesh and swallowed them. Ji Wei, who is at the peak of Pangutian's cultivation, has a huge essence in every piece of flesh and blood, which is the best tonic for them.

The blood dragonfly sword brought a blood light [ji] and shot out, tearing the bone charm that was emitting a faint light into pieces. Don't beg to turn over the shopkeeper, Kunwu Jianping's sword array rolled up the boundless silver torrent" and pressed the flying boat where Liu Bang and others were located at the core of the array. Staring at the planet that has fallen into the edge of destruction, don't shake your arms, the black scales around him quickly retreated, the flesh and blood of his right arm were reborn rapidly, and a large area of golden light gushed out of his [body] like a melted golden juice. He roared and turned into the golden body of the Buddha with

A white gas rushed out of the top of the head, and the water tank-sized pure white life relic suspended in the white gas, releasing infinite light to shine on the whole planet. Don't beg for silent luck. The Great Light is not bad. You can recite the true words of Buddhism and roar like thunder: " mortals, why don't you wake up? When will you wait? Do you understand all your sins? The heinous killing of karma, boundless sin, are all your sins!" Every word roared, turned into a golden word suspended void." No matter where they are on this planet, they clearly saw the golden characters hovering in the void. Don't beg's roar went straight into their souls, shaking their souls." The acquired filthy desire was forcibly bombarded out of the soul by Don't begging to defeat the magic power of Buddhism. Countless black gas gushed out of the seven orifices of these people and turned into nothing in the white light shining on the whole planet.

Don't beg to continue to roar: "Before you breed evil," have you ever thought about the parents of Gao Tang, the youngest son under the knee, and the lover around you? Heaven and earth are born, and so on. If you don't work hard to follow the way of heaven and strengthen the ethnic group, you will kill each other and create the boundless evil. The sins of your sins are unforgivable!" Every time you shout a word, the body of the law of not begging will doubled." After roaring for a while Phase. This life gives out infinite white light to wash the hearts of all sentient beings, and forcibly expels the evil thoughts in their hearts, just like forcibly scooping out the carrion from the injured body. Even if the pain makes these people hiss and scream, all the evils in their hearts are digested by begging.

A bloody shadow shook his body and turned into a look of no begging. There was a strong wind in the flat ground, and the entire planet's atmosphere surged with the change of this bloody demon god split. The strong wind swept up countless doomsday thunder, and threw themselves into the eyes of Xuanyuan's magic sword array. Don't beg to turn your mind. This is enough to destroy the planet a hundred times. The doomsday thunder explodes in the eyes. The roar of Taiyi's great power, such as Futu Buddha, faintly came from the eyes. Obviously, they were blown up a lot.

The doomsday thunder disappeared, and hundreds of millions of people on the surface of the planet suddenly resolved the disaster of extinction. At the same time, they knelt down on the ground and worshipped the verge of life. Among them, the believers who were originally on the Buddhist side fell into the state of almost crazy believers. Hundreds of billions of believers almost burned their souls, and the pure golden power of faith swarmed out of their bodies and quickly turned into a huge golden torrent and rushed into the body of the beggars.

Those believers who originally belonged to the Taoist sect were still a little hesitant between life and death. They looked at the high and empty do not beg Buddha's Dharma. Even if they had knelt to the ground, their little belief obsession in their hearts had not been eliminated, and they knelt down to Worship. A worship.

The split of the blood demon god shakes the body. "The pure Zhen Qingguang is released all over the sky, and the strong luck of the split of the blood demon god comes from the innate pure yang Puhua treasure of the killed Wanxian League leader. There are three long rainbows overflowing with the qi of the pure sun of the vast soup soup The light shines in all directions like the sun.

The heart trembled by the divine power of the Buddha's sect that did not beggar, and forcibly recorded the evil thoughts in his heart, which had made the soul a little bit of labor and seven injuries. The hundreds of millions of mortals stared at the split of the true shape of the Taoist immortal in the air. Those believers who belonged to the Tao He recited the true scriptures of the Taoist's pure heart and kowtowed heavily to the split of the blood demon god.

The pure yang fairy light shines on the whole planet, and the mortals who are damaged by the soul only feel that the hot flow of the Tao is constantly flowing in the [body]. They, who had just been stunned by the truth of Buddhism, quickly recovered their spirits, and their souls are stronger than usual.

These believers of the Taoist family also shouted wildly that their [body] poured out more faith than three points of Buddhist believers. The golden torrent roared into the split of the blood demon god, and then injected it into the begging [body].

Two huge and unparalleled faith thoughts rushed into the heart of Don't beg for eyebrows." His soul swallowed this pure mind without the process of digesting at all. The rapid integration of the mind into his soul seemed to be part of his soul. In just one cup of tea time, "Don't beg, the soul of God has grown a hundred times, only in terms of the strength of the soul," he has steadily stepped into the realm of Jiupin Taiyi.

The soul is a hundred times more powerful, and the intelligence is increased by tens of millions of times.

Don't beg is like a giant machine that suddenly hung up countless external processors. The computing speed of the heavenly way has soared countless times out of thin air. Countless wonderful meanings flowed through his soul, and it quickly became the law of the road that he could completely master.

The great light of the Buddha's Mida is not bad. The Great Wind Song of the Real Person; the Xuanyin Water Sutra of Shenshui Niangniang's Note: the innate Pure Yang Puhua Treasure of the Wanxian League; and the Blood Sea Dafa obtained by Yuanhua Ancestor; the true body formula of heaven and earth, After the scriptures and the Devil's Fighting Secrets and so on, all the methods flowed through his heart like a clear stream, and there was no more suffocation and puzzlement.

At this moment, the souls of hundreds of billions of people are integrated with the soul of the god of not begging. The life experience they have gained from the reincarnation of thousands of generations, all the experience of their reincarnation of thousands of generations, all their knowledge is used for the use of not begging, and everyone is helping not begg For him, he analyzed the implications of these cultivation classics. The souls of hundreds of billions of people are open to Don't beg without reservation. Don't beg can clearly perceive their joys and sorrows, and can know all their love, resentment and anger. Don't beg to run the great light. It's not bad. The huge divine mind washes the souls of these people over and over again. Gradually, these people actually have the most filial child's heart and admiration for their biological parents.

All the minds of these people are tied to Don't beg. "Even if you don't beg for them to die," they will die obediently.

The relic divine light is constantly sprinkled. "The worship of these people for begging is getting higher and higher, and they are becoming more and more fanatical." regardless of Buddhism and Taoism, they have become absolute crazy believers of begging, and their souls are completely consistent with the soul of begging.

"Good, that Amitabha Buddha!" Don't beg suddenly found this strange change. He rolled his tongue and almost read the wrong line. He subconsciously opened his mustard world. "A chaotic aura rolled out." The hundreds of billions of people on the planet were crossed into his mustard world without any resistance." He became the most devout believer in his mustard world.

Don't beg to feel the huge faith that these credious people have dedicated to them, and you can also feel the benefits brought by their own spiritual improvement because of their existence. Here are hundreds of billions of crazi people, so those senior Buddhas of Buddhism, they can evolve into three thousand worlds, and each of them holds many palms of the Buddha country. How many crazy believers are there in their Buddha kingdom? How much do they get from these crazy believers?

Don't beg to suddenly understand why Buddhism and Taoism have to keep human beings in captivity!

It is not only the improvement of the mana brought by the power of faith, but also because of the existence of these frantic people, their souls are plug-in processing chips, which can speed up their understanding of the wonderful principles of heaven thousands of times.

Don't beg. Now the perception of the way of heaven has increased by 10,000 times. The ordinary peak golden fairy takes 10,000 years to understand the heavenly way." He can understand it thoroughly in just one year, and the speed of his cultivation is 10,000 times that of the ordinary golden fairy! This advantage is so great, this ** is so great that those ancient immortals and Buddhas have to build up so many mortals in the world at all costs.

"You calculated a lot, and it turned out to be cheap to me!" Don't beg for a strange smile. His six arms flashing with strong golden light waved fiercely. "A few spiritual veins on the planet below roared and flew up" turned into a huge dragon and entered his mustard world.

The world of the world of the world is full of immortals and Buddhas to cultivate mortals. The aura on these planets is not very strong. The quality of these spiritual veins can only be said to be sloppy, and it is even better not to beg for the strong spiritual veins obtained from the white cloud star.

Just after pulling out the spiritual vein, Don't beg was about to search for some famous mountains and rivers from the planet and put them into his mustard world for decoration. A thunder came from the void, and a large amount of purple gas rushed from all directions to the top of Don't beg's head. The fairy sound in the sky is graceful. The infinite mysterious yellow gas hangs like a trum, constantly injecting into the body of no begging.

Don't beg for a shock, and you are immediately immersed in some kind of wonderful state. His body trembled slightly, and gradually a trace of light that had no color but seemed to contain all the colors between heaven and earth came out from the depths of each of his cells.

The fine wind wrapped around him. "Don't beg for long hair to fly, and fall asleep like a sleeping baby.

Under the infinite merit, don't beg to curl up like a baby in the mother's womb." He slept quietly.

The earth-shaking changes occur in the soul and body of the beggars. His body does not see any movement. The only thing that can let people know that the great changes are taking place in his body is the dragon scales constantly emerging from the surface of his skin.

The scales kept emerging and smashing. In the end, the scales that appeared on the body surface were no longer dark black dragon scales, but became purple-gold dragon scales that were as clear as jade and emitted a faint divine light. The translucent dragon scales are wrapped in the body of the beggars. It is sacred and solemn, full of suffocating ancient atmosphere.

When he saw Ao Buzun's eyes widened, he sighed in a low voice and shook his head.

"The demon condensed the body of the ancient dragon god earlier than me, so how can I fool around in the future?"