Steal the sky

Chapter 800 True Inheritance

Don't beg for time to pay attention to Ao's complaints about infinite merits and virtues. There are hundreds of billions of devout crazy believers who provide a huge sense of faith, which is equivalent to plug-in hundreds of billions of processing chips to help him understand the way of heaven. This merit is rapidly transformed in his body, and The unfathomable state of others soared in a straight line.

With a flick of your finger, the time around you has passed for thousands of years. The chaotic god's eyes emit a vast light to shine on the void, and there is no specific existence in the line of sight. The stars, the human body, including the Kunwu sword, have become one after another or rapid or slow beating energy fluctuations.

Energy, or aura, this is the true face of the world.

Pangu Continent is also formed by the convergence of aura. Thirty-three days are like this, the nine-day world is like this, the ghost world, the demon world, the demon world and the small world of foreign countries are all like this. Even the boundless chaotic void that nurtures everything is still the same.

The law of the use of Reiki constitutes the so-called rules of heaven in the world.

If the way of heaven is a big tree with deep roots and leaves, then the immortals are the mortals under the tree. They use the power of the big tree to resist the wind and rain and the sun. If they are hungry, they can also pick a few fruits from the tree. This is the immortal's use of the power of heaven. In the heavenly jungle, the immortals are a group of primitive people who are still in the collection stage and can only passively use the power of heaven.

And the golden fairy's use of this big tree has reached a deeper level. They can cut down the branches of the big tree, make sticks or bows and arrows, and leave the shelter of the big tree to hunt beasts. They may be eaten by beasts, or they may be able to hunt wild animals smoothly to get a delicious barbecue. And meat can give them a stronger body, promote them to better develop their own intelligence, and thus have stronger comprehensive strength.

Golden Immortals can even drill wood to make fire, which can trigger new energy modes from the wood, so that they have a certain creative ability in the heavenly way.

But for Taiyi Jinxian, when they reach their level, they are not just simply making sticks and bows. They cut down the tree and made it into a tall and magnificent palace with their own will. From then on, they don't need to shelter from the rain and shade under the big trees. Their palaces made of big trees can provide them with better enjoyment.

They use tree trunks to make water diversion channels, which can guide the water from a distance to their homes, so that they can have clear springs at home to quench their thirst. They use trees to make wheels, so that with vehicles, they can drag heavy objects far beyond the limit of their own strength with one person and easily carry them back and there.

They even smash the tree and use it to make snow-white paper. On the paper, they can sprinkle ink at will, or write down their own feelings of heaven, or draw charming pictures. From pure power to art, art will not be worn out. From then on, they will never be doomed, and ordinary disasters are no longer in their eyes.

The fire of war destroyed their homes and burned their books and picture scrolls. Otherwise, these Taiyi golden immortals would live safely in their strong and heavily guarded home, with no worries about food and clothing, and write and draw freely every day.

In the instantaneous flow of light, don't beg to understand what is the way of heaven, what is the immortal, the golden fairy, and what is Taiyi!

The spirit of Xuanhuang keeps pouring into the soul. His soul easily crosses the threshold of Taiyi. He has all kinds of knowledge about how to do something about the big tree of heaven, and he has understood all kinds of mysteries in it.

The problem is that he doesn't have enough strength to do all this.

A net-born child, even if he knows how to make paper, even if he knows how to build a palace, even if he knows that after putting down the trunk and letting it rot, he can cultivate all kinds of mushroom fungi to fill his stomach, he doesn't have enough strength to do these things!

Don't beg's magic power has soared, but it's too far from becoming the most basic nine-grade Tai B. The peak golden fairy is enough to change the stars, and you can play with the stars all over the sky as a ball. It is easy to move mountains and seas and seas. But it is the weakest Jiupin Taiyi. The mana he has is not in terms of quality, but only 100,000 times that of a peak golden fairy!

No more, no less, just 100,000 times! This is the biggest difficulty faced by the peak golden fairy to step into the realm of Taiyi. Without a huge amount of spiritual stones to replenish aura, without a large amount of immortal elixir to condense mana power, and without tens of thousands of spiritual veins to gather aura for him to absorb, even if the realm of the peak golden fairy has broken through Taiyi, At this moment, don't beg to be in the void. The spiritual stones around him have been exhausted for a long time. There is no good spiritual vein in the world for him to absorb the aura. His soul has successfully broken through. Only when his mana completes the metamorphosis, he can be successfully transformed into a real Taiyi level existence.

If it is someone else, whether it is a strong human race such as Taoist Jinxian, Buddha Bodhisattva or Ji waist, they specialize in a skill, and this fat belief is enough to support him to break through the threshold of Taiyi. But don't beg for double practice, and the consumption of aura itself is more than double theirs. And his mana is more chaotic aura. In terms of quality, the chaotic aura that has been cultivated is better than the mana in Jiupin Taiyi's body.

Don't beg to let the body and mana break through the realm of Taiyi smoothly at the same time. The aura he needs is more than a hundred times that of the ordinary Taiyi's breakthrough!

The qi of Xuanhuang fell like rain, and the soul of Don't begging expanded rapidly. He has been exposed to the true mystery of heaven and earth, but his body and mana are far from keeping up with the realm of his soul in the mirror.

At this moment, Don't Beg is like a thousand Einstein's brains stuffed into the body of a naturally disabled baby. There is no supreme wisdom but no corresponding power. The empty sense of powerlessness actually makes Don't beg an extreme hunger.

Reiki, Reiki, Reiki, don't beg for a lot of aura! The saliva spewed out of the corners of his mouth uncontrollably. Maybe he was the first fairy who drooled when he broke through the realm of Taiyi. He didn't dare to say that there was no one to come, but he was absolutely unprecedented. His eyes were so green that he trembled all over. When his greedy eyes swept over the bodies of Ao Buchun and Jin Jiao and others, Ao Buchun's five people fled back in fear. They had the illusion that they would swallow them alive.

The decline of Xuanhuangqi lasted for an hour. The begging soul released a purple-gold strong light to shine thousands of miles, and his Taoism was steadily maintained in the realm of Taiyi. But his mana is only increasing very slowly. The faith power provided by hundreds of billions of crazy believers on the edge of life and death is almost burning souls. For any ordinary immortal, it is enough for them to achieve the golden body of Taiyi, but it is far from enough for not begging. It's dozens of times worse, and it still needs dozens of times of aura to be replenished!

Don't beg's body trembled violently, and he gritted his teeth and looked at the rapidly vibrating eyes of Xuanyuan's magic sword array! There are eight Taiyi, including Futu Buddha. Futu Buddha has a pagoda to protect himself, but if the other seven Taiyi can devour their essence, it is enough to make Taiyi not be able to complete the required mana to successfully achieve the positive results of Taiyi.

The fierce Don't beg for a long roar and was about to launch a sword array to kill the trapped people. His soul suddenly trembled, and the soul at the core of his huge soul suddenly stagnated. Don't beg for darkness in front of his eyes, and he suddenly found himself in his own sea of knowledge.

A faint shadow was sitting in the boundless breath of purple gold. Seeing the appearance of Begging, the shadow sighed faintly: "The qualifications are really not good, and the means are really not good. It took so many years to step into the realm of Mingdao. Don't you think you have the inheritance of humiliation?

Don't beg to recognize this virtual shadow. In those years, on his way to break into the Ten Thousand Immortals Star, it was this virtual shadow that inherited his stolen experience and gave him the opportunity to practice. He didn't understand what the so-called 'Mingdao' realm of the virtual shadow was. He just respectfully knelt down to the virtual shadow: "Master!"

Xu Ying sighed gently and shook his head: "Slow, it's really slow. With such a shocking theft, crying ghosts and gods, I was chased by the group of old shameless people in those years. It actually took you so many years to step into the realm of Mingdao, and your qualifications are really too bad."

After pulling his finger for a long time, the virtual shadow sighed faintly: "In those years, after I realized the essence of the scriptures, it took me only seven years to set foot on the realm of enlightenment, and 62 years to enter the realm of breaking the Tao. Three hundred and sixty years later, when I was about to step into the realm of the Escape from the three Yuanhui, and finally the life and death soul is destroyed!"

Don't beg for a kick. The shadow sighed, "Calculate by yourself. How much time did it take you to step into the Mingdao Realm? Stupid, I've never seen you so stupid!"

Don't be kicked by this virtual shadow. This virtual shadow is just a virtual shadow, and there is no strength at all. Don't beg at all. He looked at the virtual shadow with a wry smile and said, "Dare to ask the master, haven't you been scattered for a long time?"

The shadow nodded slowly: "This is the last bit of vitality I left. If you can't achieve the realm of enlightenment, I will completely abandon you, so that you can't get the real inheritance. I would rather steal and bury it forever than let a fool tarnish my former reputation.

Don't beg for a twitching in his heart. He roughly understood the words of the shadow. If it takes 60 years to achieve the Taiyi realm, the last bit of vitality left by this virtual shadow will also dissipate, and the so-called real inheritance of stealing will not fall into the hands of don't beg. At the same time, don't beg for a cold sweat. Do you still think it's slow to achieve Taiyi in 60 years? Among the many Taiyi power in the nine-day world, which one of them has spent dozens of hard work to step into the realm of Taiyi?

Of course, the world of the world can quickly become Taiyi power, but how many lucky people are there? Before speeding up, they also need to have the cultivation of the golden fairy peak, which is also a long time to measure!

The virtual shadow has become Taiyi for seven years, and then what is the realm of breaking the Tao and the Tao. Don't beg to listen to it dizzy, and you only feel that you seem to have heard something amazing.

After scolding Don't beg, the virtual shadow sighed suspensefully, "Don't waste time. Hurry up and teach you the last meaning of the stolen scriptures, and I should also disperse. Alas, those shameless old people are immortal. If you step into the realm of Taoism in the future, you must vent your anger on your teacher!"

Reach out and press it on the top of Don't Beg, and a wisp of clear spiritual knowledge without any impurities is slowly absorbed and digested by the soul of Don't Beg.
