Steal the sky

Chapter 817 Thunder Magic

So far, Woody can be said to have driven away the hostility of 98 in the house. As for the credibility of his words, that's another thing.

Evan said, "The Preira Business Association and the Kuhn Business Association are still at war, and there is no sign that he wants to play in the Indian Ocean."

While Raphael and others exchanged glances with each other, Woody said, "I really need your help very much, and I sincerely invite you to come. What you are asked to do is absolutely fair, but because of my special identity, I can't complete it myself, so I have to find someone to do it for me.

Kuraudi and Christina returned to their seats. Christina's long sword returned to the scabbard, and she didn't put her hand on the hilt. Only Kuraudi still maintains the vigilance of 2.

Wooding said: "The Castro Business Association can be excluded. They should not have been in contact with the princess. How about the other two aspects?

Since Freo has said so, Raphael doesn't need to hesitate any more. What Uncle Frio said is always correct, which has been verified countless times since he went to sea. Raphael has almost worshipped the old sailor's words as an encyclopedia or even Nep nem.

Frio said, "I'm afraid that's still far away! Raphael, let's promise!"

Wooding said, "Oh! Has Nagopur started to take action? Well, Raphael, it's up to you. I will ask Ivan to contact you as soon as possible.

As he spoke, there was a knock outside the door, and it was Ivan ※#8226; Diyeni who came in. He saluted Woody according to Islamic rules, and then said, "King, there is news."

Wu Ding looked at the old sailor and said cheerfully, "Yes! This is very important. It seems that my plan has already been recognized by you!"

"Yes! I understand!" Ivan replied.

After Raphael and his party left, Ivan sat down next to Woody.

Raphael soon realized this and said, "If Nagopur is really like what you said, we will do our best to eliminate him. But why does Mr. Wooding care so much about Indians? You shouldn't do anything that's not good for you!"

Wooding's explanation is quite reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, he avoided the most important question.

Woody immediately said, "Of course, I'm also my reason. Nagopur was no longer satisfied with the money he made in Kalihaili and began to think of us Muslims. Of course, he couldn't do it, so he began to incite the Governor-General of India to let the Portuguese army attack Islam! For the Islamists, he is like a poisonous weed. It is not toxic, but it attracts other powerful poisons. How can such a person let him go? We don't want to fight with Portugal either.

Ivan replied, "Yes. At that time, after the princess escaped from Basra, she should have gone south and finally reached Africa. But I heard that she was caught by the slave Shang Espinosa and wanted to sell it to the American continent, and then there was no news.

Ivan replied, "Just wait for Castro to destroy Nagopur!"

Ivan said: "The Archite Business Association came to India from Africa in September and returned to the Netherlands the next day. Because the stay is too short, it can't be investigated. The Burgess fleet has been staying in East Africa so far, and it seems to be establishing a trading stronghold with no special movement.

blocked Kuraudi with a gentle word, and Woodin said, "Don't worry, I said that the Islamic fleet will never be against you. Now all the captains of the fleet have been invited to the lobby on the first floor by me, and you saw it just now. Now I can't even find a ship on the sea!"

After Woody ascended the throne, he was also committed to searching for the whereabouts of the princess, but not to kill her. But as the days go by, the possibility of finding it is getting smaller and smaller. At this moment, spies sent to southern Africa and eastern India brought back shocking news. The Governor-General of India is buying weapons in large quantities and collecting mercenaries, and seems to be preparing for war. Espinosa, a merchant on the eastern coast of Africa, also had the idea of invading Arabia. Further investigation found that all this was done by Nagopur, the governor and giant businessman of Kalihaili, India. He used money, beautiful women and a three-inch tongue to finally convince the governor of India that the Islamists had an attempt to capture India, so they should do it first and contact the surrounding Portuguese forces to annihilate the Islamists in one fell swoop. While thinking about Portugal's own report, the governor contacted the neighboring business association. Espinosa in East Africa and Preira in Southeast Asia are both businessmen from Portugal. They have their own maritime armed forces and are also full of ambitions for the trade in the Indian Ocean. Woodin immediately realized that the situation was not good. If the other party was united, Islam would be forced to fight against the three enemies at the same time, and Portugal might send naval support.

Woodin told them his plan: he hoped that Raphael could destroy the Nagopur Business Association in India. The head of the business association is Chaimenlin *#8226; Avmad ※#8226; Nagopur, the governor of Kalihaili. This man especially likes money. As his governor, he should not be allowed to do business, but he brazenly traded at sea. At the same time, he forcibly levied high business taxes on other merchants. Although the businessmen are very unwilling, they can't deal with him. Because the Kao Mountain behind Nagopur is the Governor-General of India. He bought his current position from the governor of India with a lot of money. Because the Governor-General of India was appointed by the Portuguese government, businessmen did not dare to be rude to the Portuguese government. As a result, Nagopur is becoming more and more rampant now. If he can be ousted, it will be a good thing for the people of Calyhili and for those who go to India to do business. The Castro Business Association once fought with Espinosa's armed fleet in Sofar, and it can be trusted in naval warfare. In addition, if the ships of other countries fight with Nagopur, it may cause Portuguese dissatisfaction, and the Castro Business Association itself is the Portuguese business association, so this problem will not occur. The Islamists will not come forward, and of course, they will not let Castro compete with Nagople empty-handed. Intelligence, soldiers, warships, supplies and rewards, as long as Castro opens his mouth, will never be stingy.

Yiwen replied, "Don't worry, that subordinates have been arranged in that regard."

The reason why the Custer Road Business Association was chosen to deal with Nagople is just as Woodin said to Raphael. Therefore, Woody absolutely did not deceive Raphael. All the things and plans he said were true, but incomplete.

Frio carefully asked about Nagopur and the Governor-General of India, and got a detailed answer. As for the topography, water and meteorology, there is no need to ask, because I'm afraid I can't find anyone who knows the Indian coast better than him. I am also quite satisfied with the supplies and rewards promised by Woodin. Even so, he did not fully trust this man named Woodin. Although it was the old sailor who originally proposed to come to Basra and agree to Woody's request, he was more skeptical than anyone else about this matter. Perhaps because of years of experience in dealing with people, the old sailor intuitively believes that this person is not as sincere and frank as it seems.

Kuraudi and Jenas, who are also Portuguese, have the same mind as Raphael. The other partners are also pacifists and are easily persuaded. It's just that the vigilance of Kuraudi 2 has shifted to Freo.

The rulers of Islam in past dynasties have adhered to the ancestral precepts and regard their own clan as the most sacred nation in the world. They disdain to interact with other ethnic groups and do not allow infidels to take further. Ignoring his neighbors and friends, he hid in a safe cage made of gold and iron, and became his king day after day. This practice of the Islamic people has long aroused the dissatisfaction of other countries. However, the surrounding countries are also constantly rubbing against each other, and they have never thought of fighting together. If there is a smarter person who unites the countries to attack Islam, as long as three countries are willing to cooperate, Islam will be flattened. Fortunately, this smart man has now become the king of Islam. From this point of view, Woodin's father really worked hard.

Woodin said, "If it has really been shipped to America, there is nothing to worry about. But if you haven't had time to leave..."

He first sent a secret envoy to sneak into Portugal and reported Espinosa's daily misdeeds to the Admiralty. He also instigated the West African merchant Siruweila to seize the power of Espinosa. The effect can be said to be unexpectedly good. Silu Vera was provoked to be ambitious and began to try his best to defeat Espinosa. However, he is also a cunning man. Instead of asking the Portuguese navy for help. The Portuguese navy threw hot potatoes to the young Castro. Originally, it was thought that Castro and Espinosa would lose both sides, but unexpectedly, the Swedish navy suddenly appeared to save them. By the way, Castro also destroyed the arrogant and greedy, but he didn't know how many pairs of Siruweila he had. This is really the best result. If that person rules Africa, he may keep an eye on the territory of the Islamic people at any time.

From the eyes of his companions, Raphael had read the affirmative answer. He was about to speak when Friocha came in and said, "You want us to do it because we are Portuguese businessmen, right?"

If Raphael hears this, he will be paralyzed because the amount of information is too large and the brain nerves cannot be transferred in time. Let the Castro Business Association attack the Nagople Business Association, which is only the smallest part of Wooding's huge plan. It can even be said that other strategies have been successfully completed. In the end, this part is irrelevant. Even if Castro's defeat will have no impact on Woodwood.

The strategic issue has been determined, and the details are left to Raphael ※#8226; Castro to decide. Ivan ※#8226; Dieni will be responsible for the contact between Woodin and Raphael, and the preparations will also be handled by him.

Wooding said, "You must have expected this kind of thing a long time ago. But it still decided to come, didn't it?

The person who launched the coup was Woodin's father. He is the king's younger brother, crowned prince, and an important minister in the court. He can be said to be above ten thousand people under one person. However, he was not satisfied with the second position. After three years of secret activities, he finally gathered all his military strength, launched a coup, and stabbed his brother to death on the throne. All the concubines of his brother, the servants of the harem and his loyal subordinates were killed. But let the only princess slip away. The princess is the orthodox heir of the dynasty and is likely to become a symbol of the rebels, so a large number of people were sent to trace the whereabouts of the princess, but there was no news. Apart from this, everything was as he planned, and he finally ascended the throne he dreamed of. But he died suddenly after only three days as the master of the throne. The doctor's diagnosis is due to the continuous high-excited state of the brain, even heart failure. Woody accepted this reason, because his father had not slept well for a day since he had the idea of usurping the throne. When he finally got what he wanted, his life came to an end. However, it is also said that the ghost of the previous king took him away, because he also died on the throne. Due to the death of the royal family and the escape, the only thing left is Abraham ※#8226; Yiwen ※#8226; Woods. So the Islamists changed two kings in ten days.

Ivan said: "Espinosha and his men Schubert were attacked at the end of July this year. The only people who have contact with them are the Argoth Business Association of the Netherlands, the Burgess Naval Fleet of Sweden, and the Castro Business Association. If the princess had stayed in Sofia at that time, she would have met one of them.

Raphael heard the tone of the other party's farewell and offered to say goodbye. Under the leadership of the maid, he left the Maritime Merchants Union.

Wooding asked again, "How is the situation in Southeast Asia?"

Woodin said, "Have you heard about the princess?"

For Raphael's position, he is more concerned about the Portuguese army's attack on Islam than the danger of being attacked by Portugal. In any case, war is always what Raphael hates. If the destruction of Nagopur can avoid this war, he will not hesitate to do it.

"In addition, continue to monitor the matter of Nagopur. Castro also needs to send someone to monitor it. You are responsible for contacting them, and try your best to meet them no matter what they need. They are important pieces, and now they need to be well protected. If you defeat Nagopur, you will kao them. Woodin continued.

This plan has been implemented since a year ago. Correctly speaking, it began on the day when Woody ascended to the throne after the royal coup.

Southeast Asia is secretly provoking the relationship between the two major business associations, Preira and Kuhn. The two sides were at discord with each other, and it exploded as soon as it was ignited. Southeast Asia was originally known as a spice resort, and the merchant ships coming and going every day almost burst all the ports. However, the two major business associations are incompatible. There will be a large-scale naval battle almost every month, and trade will naturally be greatly affected. But the most pitiful are the innocent people involved in the war. But that's why Preira has no time to care about the Indian Ocean.

Wooden thought about it sideways and said, "The princess has never been sold to the Americas. She must have stayed in Africa. Let's go to Sofara to investigate. There is also Cartruz, which is the first place where it is rumored that someone saw the princess. Let's confirm that even similar people should not be let go. This matter must not be leaked out. We need to block the information!"

But the reality does not have to follow Woody's plan. He didn't know that the princess he was looking for was now in the city of Basra, in a tavern less than 200 meters away from Woody.

Before becoming king, Woody had never been interested in the throne. Although he thought of the possibility of Islam being destroyed, he had been living in Jinyi, jade food and mellow wine for a long time. Now he has been given the highest status of Islam, and naturally he can't wait for others to oust him off the throne. It must be destroyed before it becomes a reality! After spending three days and nights with Jiuxiang, Woody came up with a wonderful solution.

Woody said, "It seems that our plan is almost successful."

The Governor of India saw that the Allies were lost one by one, and gradually gave up the original idea. However, Nagopur is still lobbying. Originally, Nagopur was the weakest in the alliance. Woody didn't pay attention to him at all, as long as he solved his crisis. He didn't know how to provoke, and finally made Woody's determination to eradicate him. It can be said to dig your own grave.

What worries Woodin most is not this, but the fear that when Islam is at war with Portugal, other countries will take advantage of it. Neighboring Egypt and Turkey are not only powerful, but also coveted Islam for a long time. The reason why there is no attention is that it is afraid of the powerful armed forces of Islam. They won't miss this opportunity. At that time, instead of resisting, I'm afraid there will be no chance to escape.